Split opens between Washington and London over Syria

I have not heard that we are hitting Syria again. The limited strike was in response to the use of the gas. The UN has already stated in the past that Assad was guilty of Crimes against humanity in regards to previous use of Sarin Gas in 2013 killing about 1400 people. In response, Russia agreed to have Assad get rid of all the Chemical Weapons.

Seems they didn't honor their side of the deal. So a message was sent to not use them again.

It doesn't mean WW3. It means put Assad on a leash. And statements from the WH indicate they are planning on hitting them again unless they go stupid again and use Sarin again.

The world bitches and complains about how we should do something about it. Charges Assad with Crimes against Humanity and labels him a War Criminal...........then does nothing about it..............

And then complains again when we hit his ass for their use again. Boogles the mind.
Let's hope so eagle1462010.

Let's hope there will be no war.

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