"Spy-gate" Mr. Trump???.......Really that desperate???

"Spy-gate" Mr. Trump???.......Really that desperate???

Yes, Hillary and Obama were that desperate.

Trump still hasn’t presented ANY evidence whatsoever of his claims. There is no evidence he was wiretapped and none that anyone was spying on his campaign.

There’s still a lot of evidence of members of his campaign contacting Russian spies and government officials though.
"Spy-gate" Mr. Trump???.......Really that desperate???

Yes, Hillary and Obama were that desperate.

Trump still hasn’t presented ANY evidence whatsoever of his claims. There is no evidence he was wiretapped and none that anyone was spying on his campaign.

There’s still a lot of evidence of members of his campaign contacting Russian spies and government officials though.

Trump still hasn’t presented ANY evidence whatsoever of his claims.

No fair!! The Dems are the only ones who should get away with presenting no evidence.

There’s still a lot of evidence of members of his campaign contacting Russian spies and government officials though.

Pretty sure that's not illegal......otherwise Hillary and Obama would both be in prison, eh?
oint our where Nixon was bad on policy

Vietnam - Peace with honor.
/——-/ 1. Vietnam was a Democrat war expanded by LBJ. 2. DemocRATs in the Senate led by Ted BELCH Kennedy cut off funding for the war leaving Nixon no choice but to withdraw. But you already knew that but hoped we didn’t.
Way to rewrite history..but hey..I guess you don't see the contradiction in blaming the Dems for both starting and stopping the war..LOL!

Actually, a lot of games were going on during the Paris Peace Accords...Nixon bombed the shit out of Hanoi and sent Kissinger in with a deal...agree to a peace deal that allowed America to save face..and we'd not reinforce the South when the inevitable North Vietnamese attack occurred.

And so it was...BTW..I, for one, agreed with the Nixon tactic. The war was massively unpopular with most segments of the American public...getting out was a good thing..we should not have been in there to begin with.
oint our where Nixon was bad on policy

Vietnam - Peace with honor.
/——-/ 1. Vietnam was a Democrat war expanded by LBJ. 2. DemocRATs in the Senate led by Ted BELCH Kennedy cut off funding for the war leaving Nixon no choice but to withdraw. But you already knew that but hoped we didn’t.
Way to rewrite history..but hey..I guess you don't see the contradiction in blaming the Dems for both starting and stopping the war..LOL!

Actually, a lot of games were going on during the Paris Peace Accords...Nixon bombed the shit out of Hanoi and sent Kissinger in with a deal...agree to a peace deal that allowed America to save face..and we'd not reinforce the South when the inevitable North Vietnamese attack occurred.

And so it was...BTW..I, for one, agreed with the Nixon tactic. The war was massively unpopular with most segments of the American public...getting out was a good thing..we should not have been in there to begin with.
/--- I'm not rewriting history: What Happened When Democrats in Congress Cut Off Funding for the Vietnam War?
What happened when Democrats in Congress cut off funding for the Vietnam War?

Historians have directly attributed the fall of Saigon in 1975 to the cessation of American aid. Without the necessary funds, South Vietnam found it logistically and financially impossible to defeat the North Vietnamese army. Moreover, the withdrawal of aid encouraged North Vietnam to begin an effective military offensive against South Vietnam. Given the monetary and military investment in Vietnam, former Assistant Secretary of State Richard Armitage compared the American withdrawal to “a pregnant lady, abandoned by her lover to face her fate." (2) Historian Lewis Fanning went so far as to say that “it was not the Hanoi communists who won the war, but rather the American Congress that lost it." (3)
"Spy-gate" Mr. Trump???.......Really that desperate???

Yes, Hillary and Obama were that desperate.

Trump still hasn’t presented ANY evidence whatsoever of his claims. There is no evidence he was wiretapped and none that anyone was spying on his campaign.

There’s still a lot of evidence of members of his campaign contacting Russian spies and government officials though.

Of course, you're right on target......BUT, when idiots on this forum and 1/3 of this country's nitwits decided to join the Trump cult, anything the moron-in-chief spews is taken as gospel (pardon the expression) truth.
There’s still a lot of evidence of members of his campaign contacting Russian spies and government officials though.

Pretty sure that's not illegal......otherwise Hillary and Obama would both be in prison, eh?

Ahem, your eternal waste of cyberspace.......take your "eh?" and shove it up your rectum.

As Russia probe gains steam, remember why Putin hated Clinton and ...

'Putin hates Clinton' and other things FBI knows about Russia - BBC ...

Why Putin hated Hillary and loved Trump | Trudy Rubin - Philly


DNC Email Hack: Why Vladimir Putin Hates Hillary Clinton - NBC News

Why Putin Hates Clinton and Helped Trump Win - VICE

Why Putin hates Hillary - POLITICO

Comey: Russia Favored Trump Because Putin 'Hated' Hillary Clinton ...


In Putin's Circle, Obama Was the 'N-Word' - Journal-isms - The Root
16, 2018 - “Putin and his inner circle had nothing but utter contempt for Obama and ... where he knew President and OBAMA (whom he hated) had ...

Obama slaps Russia with sanctions for meddling in the U.S. election
Obama retaliates against Russia over election meddling ... Most popular White House petitions included requests to label a hate group and deport Justin Bieber.
Obviously most of us well know the answer to the thread's title, that C.I. stands for a "confidential INFORMANT" by law enforcement agencies, and its also used by the FBI along with "counter intelligence.

Whereas an organization like the CIA utilizes "spies", domestic law enforcement uses the term "informant."

Apparently, our beloved orange buffoon in the oval office (along with Giuliani and Hannity) are those few nitwits who do not understand the difference between "informant" and "spy."

The explanation for such may be ignorance....or maybe something else?

In this case it's "circular information", the informant tells Papadopoulos the Russians have dirt on the bitch and introduces hem to a pretty young thing (honey trap), the young thing introduces Papadopoulos to the Australian Ambassador, then Papadopoulos in a bar room discussion tells the ambassador he heard Russia had dirt on the bitch. Then to complete the circle, the ambassador reports the conversation to the informants boss, and a contrived investigation begins.

Of course no Russian information changes hands, everything is hearsay, the legal term for that is entrapment.


Trump was 100% correct when he stated that his ass kissers could even excuse his shooting someone on 5th Ave. and STILL get "cheers" from his base........
Tigger maintains his Trump Cult Membership with the above scenario that he pulled out of his behind.

He dipstick, who paid Papadopoulos to go to London in the first place, hint, it wasn't the Trump campaign.

According to a source with knowledge of the meeting, Halper asked Papadopoulos: “George, you know about hacking the emails from Russia, right?”

Papadopoulos told Halper he didn’t know anything about emails or Russian hacking, said the source, who spoke on the condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the investigations into Russian meddling in the 2016 campaign. The professor did not follow up on the line of inquiry.

Halper first contacted Papadopoulos by email. In a Sept. 2, 2016, message sent to Papadopoulos’s personal email account, he offered the Trump aide $3,000 to write a policy paper on issues related to Turkey, Cyprus, Israel and the Leviathan natural gas field. Halper also offered to pay for Papadopoulos’s flight and a three-night stay in London.

EXCLUSIVE: A London Meeting Before The Election Aroused George Papadopoulos’s Suspicions


Nitwit, I'm NOT here to defend Halper.........But since Papadapolous WAS working for the Trump campaign should he have contacted someone higher up the chain (or, God forbid) the FBI that he was being offered DIRT on Hillary???.................
YES or NO? (what did he do, instead?)

Further, here's a tidbit about Halper.....his connections (NOT to the FBI, but) to the CIA.

Halper has close personal and professional ties to the CIA reaching back decades. He is the son-in-law of a former deputy director of the agency and worked on the 1980 presidential campaign of George H.W. Bush, who had served as CIA director.

When Bush became Ronald Reagan’s running mate, Halper was implicated in a spying scandal in which CIA officials gave inside information on the Carter administration to the GOP campaign.


Do you run to the FBI every time someone tells you a story? Ever thought they may not have sounded credible to the greek at the time? Also, who fed the info to professors that tried to bait him? There's just no way this wasn't a setup.

There’s still a lot of evidence of members of his campaign contacting Russian spies and government officials though.

Pretty sure that's not illegal......otherwise Hillary and Obama would both be in prison, eh?

Ahem, your eternal waste of cyberspace.......take your "eh?" and shove it up your rectum.

As Russia probe gains steam, remember why Putin hated Clinton and ...

'Putin hates Clinton' and other things FBI knows about Russia - BBC ...

Why Putin hated Hillary and loved Trump | Trudy Rubin - Philly


DNC Email Hack: Why Vladimir Putin Hates Hillary Clinton - NBC News

Why Putin Hates Clinton and Helped Trump Win - VICE

Why Putin hates Hillary - POLITICO

Comey: Russia Favored Trump Because Putin 'Hated' Hillary Clinton ...


In Putin's Circle, Obama Was the 'N-Word' - Journal-isms - The Root
16, 2018 - “Putin and his inner circle had nothing but utter contempt for Obama and ... where he knew President and OBAMA (whom he hated) had ...

Obama slaps Russia with sanctions for meddling in the U.S. election
Obama retaliates against Russia over election meddling ... Most popular White House petitions included requests to label a hate group and deport Justin Bieber.

You keep moving the goal posts.

So now it's illegal to talk to anyone who hates Hillary Clinton?
There’s still a lot of evidence of members of his campaign contacting Russian spies and government officials though.

Pretty sure that's not illegal......otherwise Hillary and Obama would both be in prison, eh?

Ahem, your eternal waste of cyberspace.......take your "eh?" and shove it up your rectum.

As Russia probe gains steam, remember why Putin hated Clinton and ...

'Putin hates Clinton' and other things FBI knows about Russia - BBC ...

Why Putin hated Hillary and loved Trump | Trudy Rubin - Philly


DNC Email Hack: Why Vladimir Putin Hates Hillary Clinton - NBC News

Why Putin Hates Clinton and Helped Trump Win - VICE

Why Putin hates Hillary - POLITICO

Comey: Russia Favored Trump Because Putin 'Hated' Hillary Clinton ...


In Putin's Circle, Obama Was the 'N-Word' - Journal-isms - The Root
16, 2018 - “Putin and his inner circle had nothing but utter contempt for Obama and ... where he knew President and OBAMA (whom he hated) had ...

Obama slaps Russia with sanctions for meddling in the U.S. election
Obama retaliates against Russia over election meddling ... Most popular White House petitions included requests to label a hate group and deport Justin Bieber.

Why would you think Putin hated Clinton?
He was paying her off for years. How was he going to get a return on his investment
if the corrupt old drunk lost?
"Spy-gate" Mr. Trump???.......Really that desperate???

Yes, Hillary and Obama were that desperate.

Trump still hasn’t presented ANY evidence whatsoever of his claims. There is no evidence he was wiretapped and none that anyone was spying on his campaign.

There’s still a lot of evidence of members of his campaign contacting Russian spies and government officials though.

Of course, you're right on target......BUT, when idiots on this forum and 1/3 of this country's nitwits decided to join the Trump cult, anything the moron-in-chief spews is taken as gospel (pardon the expression) truth.
/——/ Hildabeast couldn’t defeat 1/3 of the country’s nitwits. So sad for her. Maybe she should have been more shrill and insulting.

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