Spygate Indictments Coming!!! Look out, Corrupt Behaviors!!!

Did Democrat agents divert the the FBI to commit a political coup on Trump Administration?

  • Yes, likely they tried to unseat a sitting president, and it was illegal

    Votes: 27 87.1%
  • No, the FBI is not responsible for perpetrating lies from the Steel dossier.

    Votes: 2 6.5%
  • I am worried.

    Votes: 2 6.5%
  • No opinion.

    Votes: 1 3.2%
  • Don't know.

    Votes: 1 3.2%

  • Total voters
People are trying to flee Hong Kong, I fear for the worst.

Hong Kong Airport Cancels Flights as Protesters Flood In
In Hong Kong they protest for Democracy.
In Seattle they protest against Democracy.

Think about that for a minute.
The only protests in Seattle were at the ICE offices.
Those are protests against fascism.
Any other protests?

Wrong, faggot. Those are protests against law and order. Get it right. :1peleas:
When is any of this connecting with reality??

We've had 2 and a half years already of all these promises and NOTHING to show for it.


Whats the cut off date when you say...oh well, I guess I was fed full of bullshit?

It's good you're upset about this little thread, Anton, because your lying Party's number is up. I'm doing you a little favor to help you prepare for your leaders--or should I say, MISLEADERS who have been deceiving you all along in concert with corrupt journalists who are also in deep doody for pulling one too many hoaxes on the American public in order to dump on a United States President their field of lies. They're basically done.

Yep another Trumpster asshole with diahriah of the mouth that can't answer a simple question.

WHEN? When is the cutoff to these predictions?
right after trump pushes the nuclear button.
or after he's impeached for xyz reason
or after he's found guilty of whatever with russia

take your pick.
Trump avoids war and would never push the nuclear button.
Impeachment requires both parties agreeing to it--Congress and the Senate. You do now own the Senate, and they have already made the appropriate noises to Congress and pelosi that it's not going to happen. Just not.
well aware. i'm bitchslapping antoowhatshisface for saying people WHEN IS THE CUTOFF TO THESE PREDICTIONS. i don't believe he ever gave a rats ass about the stupid predictions from the left as those were "warranted" likely in his mind.

Hey idiot, why not simply answer the question?

You are correct that for the most part I'm going to let righties handle stupid lefty predictions, but that doesn't mean your predictions are not stupid, and it doesn't excuse righties from being unable to commit to ANY actual testable position.

You shoot all this conspiracy shit, but god forbid you stand behind it and open yourself up to self-correction.
Last edited:
It's good you're upset about this little thread, Anton, because your lying Party's number is up. I'm doing you a little favor to help you prepare for your leaders--or should I say, MISLEADERS who have been deceiving you all along in concert with corrupt journalists who are also in deep doody for pulling one too many hoaxes on the American public in order to dump on a United States President their field of lies. They're basically done.

Yep another Trumpster asshole with diahriah of the mouth that can't answer a simple question.

WHEN? When is the cutoff to these predictions?
right after trump pushes the nuclear button.
or after he's impeached for xyz reason
or after he's found guilty of whatever with russia

take your pick.
Trump avoids war and would never push the nuclear button.
Impeachment requires both parties agreeing to it--Congress and the Senate. You do now own the Senate, and they have already made the appropriate noises to Congress and pelosi that it's not going to happen. Just not.
well aware. i'm bitchslapping antoowhatshisface for saying people WHEN IS THE CUTOFF TO THESE PREDICTIONS. i don't believe he ever gave a rats ass about the stupid predictions from the left as those were "warranted" likely in his mind.

Hey idiot, why not simply answer the question?

You are correct that I'm going to let righties handle stupid lefty predictions, but that doesn't mean your predictions are not stupid, and it doesn't excuse righties from being unable to commit to ANY actual testable position.

You shoot the shit, but seems god forbid you from standing behind it.
because people on both sides are going to vent and want "justice" for how they feel. it's a sign of the times we're in. to yell at one side doing this while you allow the other is just bullshit.

but hey - you are most certainly bullshit. you can't think outside of a stereotype and to me those are the most stupid people around.
Yep another Trumpster asshole with diahriah of the mouth that can't answer a simple question.

WHEN? When is the cutoff to these predictions?
right after trump pushes the nuclear button.
or after he's impeached for xyz reason
or after he's found guilty of whatever with russia

take your pick.
Trump avoids war and would never push the nuclear button.
Impeachment requires both parties agreeing to it--Congress and the Senate. You do now own the Senate, and they have already made the appropriate noises to Congress and pelosi that it's not going to happen. Just not.
well aware. i'm bitchslapping antoowhatshisface for saying people WHEN IS THE CUTOFF TO THESE PREDICTIONS. i don't believe he ever gave a rats ass about the stupid predictions from the left as those were "warranted" likely in his mind.

Hey idiot, why not simply answer the question?

You are correct that I'm going to let righties handle stupid lefty predictions, but that doesn't mean your predictions are not stupid, and it doesn't excuse righties from being unable to commit to ANY actual testable position.

You shoot the shit, but seems god forbid you from standing behind it.
because people on both sides are going to vent and want "justice" for how they feel.

WTF? How does that excuse all these conspiracy theorists mouthing off without being able to commit to a testable prediction?

If you are going to assert how all these indictments are coming over Trump campaign surveilance, then you should have the balls to commit to a timeline when these claims expire and if nothing happens learn your lesson and admit being wrong.


It's been YEARS since Trump first claimed that Obama wiretapped him Nixon style and there is still exactly nothing to back that claim up. If I was a Trump supporter who has respect for his word I'd be fucking pissed he was making a dupe out of me.
Last edited:
right after trump pushes the nuclear button.
or after he's impeached for xyz reason
or after he's found guilty of whatever with russia

take your pick.
Trump avoids war and would never push the nuclear button.
Impeachment requires both parties agreeing to it--Congress and the Senate. You do now own the Senate, and they have already made the appropriate noises to Congress and pelosi that it's not going to happen. Just not.
well aware. i'm bitchslapping antoowhatshisface for saying people WHEN IS THE CUTOFF TO THESE PREDICTIONS. i don't believe he ever gave a rats ass about the stupid predictions from the left as those were "warranted" likely in his mind.

Hey idiot, why not simply answer the question?

You are correct that I'm going to let righties handle stupid lefty predictions, but that doesn't mean your predictions are not stupid, and it doesn't excuse righties from being unable to commit to ANY actual testable position.

You shoot the shit, but seems god forbid you from standing behind it.
because people on both sides are going to vent and want "justice" for how they feel.

WTF? How does that excuse all these conspiracy theorists mouthing off without being able to commit to a testable prediction?

If you are going to assert how all these indictments are coming over Trump campaign surveilance, then you should have the balls to commit to a timeline when these claims expire and if nothing happens learn your lesson and admit being wrong.


It's been YEARS since Trump first claimed that Obama wiretapped him Nixon style and there is still exactly nothing to back that claim up. If I was a Trump supporter who has respect for his word I'd be fucking pissed he was making a dupe out of me.
Dupe, you get made someone's bitch daily.

You see 2 types of people. Those who feel like you do. Trump dupes.

Can't get more stupid than that.
Last edited:
right after trump pushes the nuclear button.
or after he's impeached for xyz reason
or after he's found guilty of whatever with russia

take your pick.
Trump avoids war and would never push the nuclear button.
Impeachment requires both parties agreeing to it--Congress and the Senate. You do now own the Senate, and they have already made the appropriate noises to Congress and pelosi that it's not going to happen. Just not.
well aware. i'm bitchslapping antoowhatshisface for saying people WHEN IS THE CUTOFF TO THESE PREDICTIONS. i don't believe he ever gave a rats ass about the stupid predictions from the left as those were "warranted" likely in his mind.

Hey idiot, why not simply answer the question?

You are correct that I'm going to let righties handle stupid lefty predictions, but that doesn't mean your predictions are not stupid, and it doesn't excuse righties from being unable to commit to ANY actual testable position.

You shoot the shit, but seems god forbid you from standing behind it.
because people on both sides are going to vent and want "justice" for how they feel.

WTF? How does that excuse all these conspiracy theorists mouthing off without being able to commit to a testable prediction?

If you are going to assert how all these indictments are coming over Trump campaign surveillance, then you should have the balls to commit to a timeline when these claims expire and if nothing happens learn your lesson and admit being wrong.

It's been YEARS since Trump first claimed that Obama wiretapped him Nixon style and there is still exactly nothing to back that claim up. If I was a Trump supporter who has respect for his word I'd be fucking pissed he was making a dupe out of me.

We don't need to predict a "timeline", we just need to predict that it will happen before the 2020 election. Please recall all of the Trump-Putin "collusion" that Mueller was going to find so that Trump (that Russian asset) could be impeached. That investigation was total bullshit, the dem's "insurance policy" against a Trump win in 2016. There was no collusion.

Barr knows that there was "illegal spying" on the Trump campaign in 2016.
Using the "2-hop rule" they could spy on anyone in the Trump campaign, including Trump.

William Barr says 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign during Obama era
We know that Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz will all have findings that will prove the biggest political scandal in US history, stay tuned....
Time will tell if this means Russian Bots or FBI Agents who broke the laws of the United States of America.

(1) Who wrote the "Steel Dossier"?
(2) Who paid for what and when? Was political revenge really a source of this?
(3) Why did Comey depart from internal controls that should prevent this from happening?
(4)Why did Mueller act confused when asked about his poorly written 2nd report?
(5) Credibility issues: Rachel Maddow, CNN News dropping viewers
(6) Why did the media call questioners "Tin foil hatters"
(7) Why were investigations predicated and why weren't they legal?
(8) Does process need to be reviewed, and does system need to be cleansed?
(9) Why did Brennan, Clapper, Rice, Strzok and a handful of others others leak to the media on government equipment?
(10) Was this charge against President trump an attempted coup?
(11) Will free and democratic Hong Kong become a vassal of Communist China?

Trump avoids war and would never push the nuclear button.
Impeachment requires both parties agreeing to it--Congress and the Senate. You do now own the Senate, and they have already made the appropriate noises to Congress and pelosi that it's not going to happen. Just not.
well aware. i'm bitchslapping antoowhatshisface for saying people WHEN IS THE CUTOFF TO THESE PREDICTIONS. i don't believe he ever gave a rats ass about the stupid predictions from the left as those were "warranted" likely in his mind.

Hey idiot, why not simply answer the question?

You are correct that I'm going to let righties handle stupid lefty predictions, but that doesn't mean your predictions are not stupid, and it doesn't excuse righties from being unable to commit to ANY actual testable position.

You shoot the shit, but seems god forbid you from standing behind it.
because people on both sides are going to vent and want "justice" for how they feel.

WTF? How does that excuse all these conspiracy theorists mouthing off without being able to commit to a testable prediction?

If you are going to assert how all these indictments are coming over Trump campaign surveillance, then you should have the balls to commit to a timeline when these claims expire and if nothing happens learn your lesson and admit being wrong.

It's been YEARS since Trump first claimed that Obama wiretapped him Nixon style and there is still exactly nothing to back that claim up. If I was a Trump supporter who has respect for his word I'd be fucking pissed he was making a dupe out of me.

We don't need to predict a "timeline", we just need to predict that it will happen before the 2020 election. Please recall all of the Trump-Putin "collusion" that Mueller was going to find so that Trump (that Russian asset) could be impeached. That investigation was total bullshit, the dem's "insurance policy" against a Trump win in 2016. There was no collusion.

Barr knows that there was "illegal spying" on the Trump campaign in 2016.
Using the "2-hop rule" they could spy on anyone in the Trump campaign, including Trump.

William Barr says 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign during Obama era
We know that Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz will all have findings that will prove the biggest political scandal in US history, stay tuned....
Get ready for quite the rowdy NUH UNH! denial and then calling you stupid.

Seen this act far too many times.
Trump avoids war and would never push the nuclear button.
Impeachment requires both parties agreeing to it--Congress and the Senate. You do now own the Senate, and they have already made the appropriate noises to Congress and pelosi that it's not going to happen. Just not.
well aware. i'm bitchslapping antoowhatshisface for saying people WHEN IS THE CUTOFF TO THESE PREDICTIONS. i don't believe he ever gave a rats ass about the stupid predictions from the left as those were "warranted" likely in his mind.

Hey idiot, why not simply answer the question?

You are correct that I'm going to let righties handle stupid lefty predictions, but that doesn't mean your predictions are not stupid, and it doesn't excuse righties from being unable to commit to ANY actual testable position.

You shoot the shit, but seems god forbid you from standing behind it.
because people on both sides are going to vent and want "justice" for how they feel.

WTF? How does that excuse all these conspiracy theorists mouthing off without being able to commit to a testable prediction?

If you are going to assert how all these indictments are coming over Trump campaign surveillance, then you should have the balls to commit to a timeline when these claims expire and if nothing happens learn your lesson and admit being wrong.

It's been YEARS since Trump first claimed that Obama wiretapped him Nixon style and there is still exactly nothing to back that claim up. If I was a Trump supporter who has respect for his word I'd be fucking pissed he was making a dupe out of me.

We don't need to predict a "timeline", we just need to predict that it will happen before the 2020 election. Please recall all of the Trump-Putin "collusion" that Mueller was going to find so that Trump (that Russian asset) could be impeached. That investigation was total bullshit, the dem's "insurance policy" against a Trump win in 2016. There was no collusion.
Great! So come November 2020 if nothing ever happens you of this you will admit you were dupped by a bunch of rightwing bullshit - correct?

Barr knows that there was "illegal spying" on the Trump campaign in 2016.
Using the "2-hop rule" they could spy on anyone in the Trump campaign, including Trump.
William Barr says 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign during Obama era
We know that Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz will all have findings that will prove the biggest political scandal in US history, stay tuned....

Bullshit, Barr NEVER said there was illegal spying, his definition of spying was simply "surveilance", which could be perfectly legal and "well predicated"...he simply conflated the terms.

He did that not because he is ignorant of the deregotory cannotations but because he is an asshole, duping the American public on behalf of his boss.
Last edited:
Trump avoids war and would never push the nuclear button.
Impeachment requires both parties agreeing to it--Congress and the Senate. You do now own the Senate, and they have already made the appropriate noises to Congress and pelosi that it's not going to happen. Just not.
well aware. i'm bitchslapping antoowhatshisface for saying people WHEN IS THE CUTOFF TO THESE PREDICTIONS. i don't believe he ever gave a rats ass about the stupid predictions from the left as those were "warranted" likely in his mind.

Hey idiot, why not simply answer the question?

You are correct that I'm going to let righties handle stupid lefty predictions, but that doesn't mean your predictions are not stupid, and it doesn't excuse righties from being unable to commit to ANY actual testable position.

You shoot the shit, but seems god forbid you from standing behind it.
because people on both sides are going to vent and want "justice" for how they feel.

WTF? How does that excuse all these conspiracy theorists mouthing off without being able to commit to a testable prediction?

If you are going to assert how all these indictments are coming over Trump campaign surveilance, then you should have the balls to commit to a timeline when these claims expire and if nothing happens learn your lesson and admit being wrong.


It's been YEARS since Trump first claimed that Obama wiretapped him Nixon style and there is still exactly nothing to back that claim up. If I was a Trump supporter who has respect for his word I'd be fucking pissed he was making a dupe out of me.
Dupe, you get made someone's bitch daily.

You see 2 types of people. Those who feel like you do. Trump dupes.

Can't get more stupid than that.

Yea yea :itsok:

Come back when you have a sane reply.
The Department of Justice and The Attorney General of the United States of America stated that The Trump Campaign was spied upon.

End of story.

If anyone is held accountable for that is another discussion altogether.
The Department of Justice and The Attorney General of the United States of America stated that The Trump Campaign was spied upon.

No, all they stated was that the campaign, not Trump, were SURVEILED and perhaps LEGALLY SO.

Of course thats a banal statement since it was well known for a while now that there was a counter-intelligence case going on since June of 2016, so Barr is just blowing smoke up your ass.
Time will tell if this means Russian Bots or FBI Agents who broke the laws of the United States of America.

(1) Who wrote the "Steel Dossier"?
(2) Who paid for what and when? Was political revenge really a source of this?
(3) Why did Comey depart from internal controls that should prevent this from happening?
(4)Why did Mueller act confused when asked about his poorly written 2nd report?
(5) Credibility issues: Rachel Maddow, CNN News dropping viewers
(6) Why did the media call questioners "Tin foil hatters"
(7) Why were investigations predicated and why weren't they legal?
(8) Does process need to be reviewed, and does system need to be cleansed?
(9) Why did Brennan, Clapper, Rice, Strzok and a handful of others others leak to the media on government equipment?
(10) Was this charge against President trump an attempted coup?
(11) Will free and democratic Hong Kong become a vassal of Communist China?

All of this stuff could be 100% true, but no one will be held accountable, sadly.

Time will tell if this means Russian Bots or FBI Agents who broke the laws of the United States of America.

(1) Who wrote the "Steel Dossier"?
(2) Who paid for what and when? Was political revenge really a source of this?
(3) Why did Comey depart from internal controls that should prevent this from happening?
(4)Why did Mueller act confused when asked about his poorly written 2nd report?
(5) Credibility issues: Rachel Maddow, CNN News dropping viewers
(6) Why did the media call questioners "Tin foil hatters"
(7) Why were investigations predicated and why weren't they legal?
(8) Does process need to be reviewed, and does system need to be cleansed?
(9) Why did Brennan, Clapper, Rice, Strzok and a handful of others others leak to the media on government equipment?
(10) Was this charge against President trump an attempted coup?
(11) Will free and democratic Hong Kong become a vassal of Communist China?

All of this stuff could be 100% true, but no one will be held accountable, sadly.


It also could be 100% false and THAT is why no one will be held accountable, not sadly.
I was just miming the video, and they for some reason connected that to the FBI issues of corruption, and not certain what the connection was. This business of a concerted attempt between the Democrats and the FBI to remove America's elected President is not only a perversion of Constitutional rights, it is blanket failure of FBI agents to uphold the Constitution on several levels including separation of powers -- Justice through the Supreme Court, the Executive Branch, and the Legislative Branch, which has produced very little legislation and a whole lot of Democrats wanting the power of all 3 branches which will happen if this FBI conspiracy with the Deep State of the Democrat power base is ever prospered again to unseat an elected President of the United States based on such criminal lies. The guys in the videos think it really was the Russians, but some say it started in the Clinton war room, and as I recollect, they named names of two Clinton Partners who aren't part of this video, so I will let it go at that.

Chances are some communist countries are viewing this huge fisticuffs between parties in the USA as the weakest link time for them to coup Hong Kong into their communist realm. If the free world becomes weak, you can count on it that there will be evil coming out the pores of those in sundry parts of the world who'd like a bite of the American pie. Just sayin'.

What the hell. Leave it in. No conspiracy theory left behind is the right wing's motto now, isn't it?
Hell after the left did RUSSIA for 2 years and got butt kiss, you'd think you'd be a little bit gunshy of these accusations.

  • Former White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci, who served the Trump administration for less than two weeks in 2017, compared President Donald Trump to a melting nuclear reactor and said Republicans may need to throw their support behind another candidate in 2020.
  • In an interview with Axios on Sunday, Scaramucci said the current state of affairs in Washington is like "the early episodes of 'Chernobyl' on HBO, where the reactor is melting down and the apparatchiks are trying to figure out whether to cover it up or start the clean-up process."
  • He added that he and other Republican supporters would consider finding a replacement candidate ahead of the presidential elections if Trump "doesn't reform his behavior."
  • "We can't afford a full nuclear contamination site post 2020," Scaramucci said.
  • Scaramucci and Trump traded barbs over the weekend after the former White House communications director said the president "didn't do well" on his trips to El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, in the wake of two mass shootings last week.
Former White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci, who served the Trump administration for less than two weeks in 2017, compared President Donald Trump to a melting nuclear reactor and said Republicans may need to throw their support behind another candidate in 2020.
eddie - just shut the fuck up. your O NO'S hands up in the air 24x7 invalidate everything you say and do. you refuse to be objective and are on the attack 200% of the time.

got no need for 1 sided fucked up assholio idiocy.

Of course you do. If you didn't, why would you support Trump?
well aware. i'm bitchslapping antoowhatshisface for saying people WHEN IS THE CUTOFF TO THESE PREDICTIONS. i don't believe he ever gave a rats ass about the stupid predictions from the left as those were "warranted" likely in his mind.

Hey idiot, why not simply answer the question?

You are correct that I'm going to let righties handle stupid lefty predictions, but that doesn't mean your predictions are not stupid, and it doesn't excuse righties from being unable to commit to ANY actual testable position.

You shoot the shit, but seems god forbid you from standing behind it.
because people on both sides are going to vent and want "justice" for how they feel.

WTF? How does that excuse all these conspiracy theorists mouthing off without being able to commit to a testable prediction?

If you are going to assert how all these indictments are coming over Trump campaign surveilance, then you should have the balls to commit to a timeline when these claims expire and if nothing happens learn your lesson and admit being wrong.


It's been YEARS since Trump first claimed that Obama wiretapped him Nixon style and there is still exactly nothing to back that claim up. If I was a Trump supporter who has respect for his word I'd be fucking pissed he was making a dupe out of me.
Dupe, you get made someone's bitch daily.

You see 2 types of people. Those who feel like you do. Trump dupes.

Can't get more stupid than that.

Yea yea :itsok:

Come back when you have a sane reply.
Let me know when you deserve one.
The Department of Justice and The Attorney General of the United States of America stated that The Trump Campaign was spied upon.

End of story.

If anyone is held accountable for that is another discussion altogether.

Barr, appearing before a Senate panel, did not say what “spying” may have taken place but seemed to be alluding to a surveillance warrant the FBI obtained on a former Trump associate. He later said he wasn’t sure there had been improper surveillance but wanted to make sure proper procedures were followed.

Barr is an experienced public figure who chooses his words carefully, and it’s not clear if he realized what a political storm he’d create in using the word “spying.” While it could be used to describe lawful and necessary intelligence collection activities, for Trump and his supporters the word has an inherently negative meaning, and Barr’s use of it tapped into a White House narrative of law enforcement misconduct.

Barr says 'I think spying did occur' against Trump campaign
well aware. i'm bitchslapping antoowhatshisface for saying people WHEN IS THE CUTOFF TO THESE PREDICTIONS. i don't believe he ever gave a rats ass about the stupid predictions from the left as those were "warranted" likely in his mind.

Hey idiot, why not simply answer the question?

You are correct that I'm going to let righties handle stupid lefty predictions, but that doesn't mean your predictions are not stupid, and it doesn't excuse righties from being unable to commit to ANY actual testable position.

You shoot the shit, but seems god forbid you from standing behind it.
because people on both sides are going to vent and want "justice" for how they feel.

WTF? How does that excuse all these conspiracy theorists mouthing off without being able to commit to a testable prediction?

If you are going to assert how all these indictments are coming over Trump campaign surveillance, then you should have the balls to commit to a timeline when these claims expire and if nothing happens learn your lesson and admit being wrong.

It's been YEARS since Trump first claimed that Obama wiretapped him Nixon style and there is still exactly nothing to back that claim up. If I was a Trump supporter who has respect for his word I'd be fucking pissed he was making a dupe out of me.

We don't need to predict a "timeline", we just need to predict that it will happen before the 2020 election. Please recall all of the Trump-Putin "collusion" that Mueller was going to find so that Trump (that Russian asset) could be impeached. That investigation was total bullshit, the dem's "insurance policy" against a Trump win in 2016. There was no collusion.

Barr knows that there was "illegal spying" on the Trump campaign in 2016.
Using the "2-hop rule" they could spy on anyone in the Trump campaign, including Trump.

William Barr says 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign during Obama era
We know that Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz will all have findings that will prove the biggest political scandal in US history, stay tuned....
Get ready for quite the rowdy NUH UNH! denial and then calling you stupid.

Seen this act far too many times.

The sad fact is that you may be exactly right. Hillary was nailed, and got off. Some people are obviously more equal than others.
If the deep state "establishment" covers their tracks and no one illegally spied on the Trump campaign, that could be Barr's finding.

Popadopulous, the Trump Tower meeting, Barr's spying claim, the Moscow Trump Tower, FISA abuses, illegal unmasking, the 25th Amendment try, all the ongoing Trump investigations, emoluments, tax returns, obstruction of justice, Stormy Daniels, guilt by association, etc. all go away if/when Trump wins in 2020.

So all we can say is we'll see what happens. Lindsay Graham, Devin Nunes, Jim Jordan, and the rest are going to have their shot at the conspiracy theory, we'll see if Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz can come up with any evidence worthy of indictment. I put the odds at 2:1 that some of the Obama deep state conspirators will be indicted.
Hey idiot, why not simply answer the question?

You are correct that I'm going to let righties handle stupid lefty predictions, but that doesn't mean your predictions are not stupid, and it doesn't excuse righties from being unable to commit to ANY actual testable position.

You shoot the shit, but seems god forbid you from standing behind it.
because people on both sides are going to vent and want "justice" for how they feel.

WTF? How does that excuse all these conspiracy theorists mouthing off without being able to commit to a testable prediction?

If you are going to assert how all these indictments are coming over Trump campaign surveilance, then you should have the balls to commit to a timeline when these claims expire and if nothing happens learn your lesson and admit being wrong.


It's been YEARS since Trump first claimed that Obama wiretapped him Nixon style and there is still exactly nothing to back that claim up. If I was a Trump supporter who has respect for his word I'd be fucking pissed he was making a dupe out of me.
Dupe, you get made someone's bitch daily.

You see 2 types of people. Those who feel like you do. Trump dupes.

Can't get more stupid than that.

Yea yea :itsok:

Come back when you have a sane reply.
Let me know when you deserve one.

Dummy, merrits of ideas are not hinged on personalities. You don't meaningfully respond because you got nothing, the rest is just bullshit to sugar coat that fact.

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