Spygate Indictments Coming!!! Look out, Corrupt Behaviors!!!

Did Democrat agents divert the the FBI to commit a political coup on Trump Administration?

  • Yes, likely they tried to unseat a sitting president, and it was illegal

    Votes: 27 87.1%
  • No, the FBI is not responsible for perpetrating lies from the Steel dossier.

    Votes: 2 6.5%
  • I am worried.

    Votes: 2 6.5%
  • No opinion.

    Votes: 1 3.2%
  • Don't know.

    Votes: 1 3.2%

  • Total voters
There has so far been ZERO evidence presented for any of the illegalities routinely claimed by Trump and his rightwinger dupes.

Legitamate surveilance, with reasonable suspicion and warrants in hand IS NOT some sort of not-as-diabolical version of what Trumpsters are peddling. It is our Justice system doing it's damn job, protecting this country.
But, surely you agree that it seems highly suspicious, when a Democrat administration puts a mole in the campaign of the presidential candidate in the Republican party, right? You can certainly understand the concern, can you not?

Russia hacks DNC.
Trump members know about Russia having Clinton emails, when no one else does.
Trump campaign solicits compromat on Hillary from Russian government.
Trump campaign is being run by an undeclared foreign agents named Manafort and Gates. Manafort specifically owns millions to Deripaska and offers to continiously provide campaign info in return.
Trump, who has had Russian bussiness entaglements for a while now, is trying to secure a Tower project in Moscow, right in the middle of campaign.
Trump publicly opposes sanctions on Russia, goes on TV to flatter and defend Putin, also asks Russia to go hack Hillary emails.

And you seriously propose that there is not enough here for reasonable suspicions? Not enough to surveil Manafort and known Russian spy-ring co-operator named Carter AFTER they left the campaign?
Do you not see the one-sided nature of all this stuff you just posted?


Facts don't have a side.

If you think I posted something less than factual go ahead and refute it, but I see them adding up to PLENTY of reasonable suspicion warranting investigating.
Likewise, there is plenty of reason to at least look into the evidence presented to the FISA court, right? I mean, they put a damn mole in the opposition parties presidential nominee's campaign. That gave the Obama administration ears into the campaign itself.

You would have no problem with Trump doing the same to, say, a Biden campaign?


You are confused, FISA warrants have nothing to do with the mole who was probing campaign members for Russian contacts.

FISA warrant has to do with electronic surveilance of Manafort and Carter AFTER they left the campaign. Given the entanglements with Russians for both, the standard for warrant would be very low.

Still, Trumpsters want to go review "the predicates" and investigate the investigators? No problem, knock yourself out, but the way Trump and his admin spread conspiracy theories based on nothing is completely rediculous. I feel bad for all the rightwinger dupes who still take them seriously.
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because people on both sides are going to vent and want "justice" for how they feel.

WTF? How does that excuse all these conspiracy theorists mouthing off without being able to commit to a testable prediction?

If you are going to assert how all these indictments are coming over Trump campaign surveillance, then you should have the balls to commit to a timeline when these claims expire and if nothing happens learn your lesson and admit being wrong.

It's been YEARS since Trump first claimed that Obama wiretapped him Nixon style and there is still exactly nothing to back that claim up. If I was a Trump supporter who has respect for his word I'd be fucking pissed he was making a dupe out of me.

We don't need to predict a "timeline", we just need to predict that it will happen before the 2020 election. Please recall all of the Trump-Putin "collusion" that Mueller was going to find so that Trump (that Russian asset) could be impeached. That investigation was total bullshit, the dem's "insurance policy" against a Trump win in 2016. There was no collusion.

Barr knows that there was "illegal spying" on the Trump campaign in 2016.
Using the "2-hop rule" they could spy on anyone in the Trump campaign, including Trump.

William Barr says 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign during Obama era
We know that Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz will all have findings that will prove the biggest political scandal in US history, stay tuned....
Get ready for quite the rowdy NUH UNH! denial and then calling you stupid.

Seen this act far too many times.

The sad fact is that you may be exactly right. Hillary was nailed, and got off. Some people are obviously more equal than others.
If the deep state "establishment" covers their tracks and no one illegally spied on the Trump campaign, that could be Barr's finding.

Popadopulous, the Trump Tower meeting, Barr's spying claim, the Moscow Trump Tower, FISA abuses, illegal unmasking, the 25th Amendment try, all the ongoing Trump investigations, emoluments, tax returns, obstruction of justice, Stormy Daniels, guilt by association, etc. all go away if/when Trump wins in 2020.

So all we can say is we'll see what happens. Lindsay Graham, Devin Nunes, Jim Jordan, and the rest are going to have their shot at the conspiracy theory, we'll see if Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz can come up with any evidence worthy of indictment. I put the odds at 2:1 that some of the Obama deep state conspirators will be indicted.

If Hillary "was nailed" how come Trump's AG Horrowitz in 2018 found the decision to not bring charges a reasonable conclusion completely consistent with DOJ's prior handling of such cases? Your cool stories just don't add up, do they?

Please provide a link for your claim about Horowitz:
1. Horowitz is not the AG (He's the IG and has no say in making charges like the AG, he has very limited investigative authority, no grand jury, etc.)
2. Hillary should have been prosecuted for destroying subpoenaed evidence, and for mishandling classified info. Anyone else would be in prison.
3. The deep state conspiracy will unfold as it does, either with indictments or as a whitewash, like for Hillary, stay tuned...
I don’t understand all this talk about spies. Since Trump has been in the White House, we don’t have any more spies.

Spying is when you gain information without anyone knowing about it.

With the Russians, trump just gave them information before they even ask for it.

Besides if you ask for information and someone gives it to you, could that even be called spying?

WTF? How does that excuse all these conspiracy theorists mouthing off without being able to commit to a testable prediction?

If you are going to assert how all these indictments are coming over Trump campaign surveillance, then you should have the balls to commit to a timeline when these claims expire and if nothing happens learn your lesson and admit being wrong.

It's been YEARS since Trump first claimed that Obama wiretapped him Nixon style and there is still exactly nothing to back that claim up. If I was a Trump supporter who has respect for his word I'd be fucking pissed he was making a dupe out of me.

We don't need to predict a "timeline", we just need to predict that it will happen before the 2020 election. Please recall all of the Trump-Putin "collusion" that Mueller was going to find so that Trump (that Russian asset) could be impeached. That investigation was total bullshit, the dem's "insurance policy" against a Trump win in 2016. There was no collusion.

Barr knows that there was "illegal spying" on the Trump campaign in 2016.
Using the "2-hop rule" they could spy on anyone in the Trump campaign, including Trump.

William Barr says 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign during Obama era
We know that Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz will all have findings that will prove the biggest political scandal in US history, stay tuned....
Get ready for quite the rowdy NUH UNH! denial and then calling you stupid.

Seen this act far too many times.

The sad fact is that you may be exactly right. Hillary was nailed, and got off. Some people are obviously more equal than others.
If the deep state "establishment" covers their tracks and no one illegally spied on the Trump campaign, that could be Barr's finding.

Popadopulous, the Trump Tower meeting, Barr's spying claim, the Moscow Trump Tower, FISA abuses, illegal unmasking, the 25th Amendment try, all the ongoing Trump investigations, emoluments, tax returns, obstruction of justice, Stormy Daniels, guilt by association, etc. all go away if/when Trump wins in 2020.

So all we can say is we'll see what happens. Lindsay Graham, Devin Nunes, Jim Jordan, and the rest are going to have their shot at the conspiracy theory, we'll see if Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz can come up with any evidence worthy of indictment. I put the odds at 2:1 that some of the Obama deep state conspirators will be indicted.

If Hillary "was nailed" how come Trump's AG Horrowitz in 2018 found the decision to not bring charges a reasonable conclusion completely consistent with DOJ's prior handling of such cases? Your cool stories just don't add up, do they?

Please provide a link for your claim about Horowitz:
1. Horowitz is not the AG (He's the IG and has no say in making charges like the AG, he has very limited investigative authority, no grand jury, etc.)
2. Hillary should have been prosecuted for destroying subpoenaed evidence, and for mishandling classified info. Anyone else would be in prison.
3. The deep state conspiracy will unfold as it does, either with indictments or as a whitewash, like for Hillary, stay tuned...

I meant IG - Inspector General

Here is his 2018 report reviewing the email case and finding no faults with the conclusion.

The Midyear team concluded that such proof was lacking. We found that this interpretation of Section 793(f)(1) was consistent with the Department’s historical approach in prior cases under different leadership, including in the 2008 decision not to prosecute former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales for mishandling classified documents.

We analyzed the Department’s declination decision according to the same analytical standard that we applied to other decisions made during the investigation. We did not substitute the OIG’s judgment for the judgments made by the Department, but rather sought to determine whether the decision was based on improper considerations, including political bias. We found no evidence that the conclusions by the prosecutors were affected by bias or other improper considerations; rather, we determined that they were based on the prosecutors’ assessment of the facts, the law, and past Department practice. We therefore concluded that these were legal and policy judgments involving core prosecutorial discretion that were for the Department to make.


2. Hillary should have been prosecuted for destroying subpoenaed evidence, and for mishandling classified info. Anyone else would be in prison.

Would it kill you to take 5 min to fact check that assertion?

FBI looked into this and found no evidence that Clinton erased emails to conceal subpoenaed evidence.

Go read up and the details of that finding and get back me if you still have questions.
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The Department of Justice and The Attorney General of the United States of America stated that The Trump Campaign was spied upon.

No, all they stated was that the campaign, not Trump, were SURVEILED and perhaps LEGALLY SO.

Of course thats a banal statement since it was well known for a while now that there was a counter-intelligence case going on since June of 2016, so Barr is just blowing smoke up your ass.
What was the name of The Campaign?

The Trump Campaign.

End of story.

Cheaters Never Prosper.

And Hillary Clinton Will Never Be President.

...and you completely dodged the primary point that Barr never actually said anything illegal, or even improper was done.
Spying is improper and unethical.

But thats not how Barr used that word, he clarified that his use of it was simply to mean surveilance, without any deregatory meaning. According to him he just wanted to see if it was properly predicated.

In other words he played stupid, while everyone not-stupid knew exactly what he was doing there - playing you for a dupe.
But, surely you agree that it seems highly suspicious, when a Democrat administration puts a mole in the campaign of the presidential candidate in the Republican party, right? You can certainly understand the concern, can you not?

Russia hacks DNC.
Trump members know about Russia having Clinton emails, when no one else does.
Trump campaign solicits compromat on Hillary from Russian government.
Trump campaign is being run by an undeclared foreign agents named Manafort and Gates. Manafort specifically owns millions to Deripaska and offers to continiously provide campaign info in return.
Trump, who has had Russian bussiness entaglements for a while now, is trying to secure a Tower project in Moscow, right in the middle of campaign.
Trump publicly opposes sanctions on Russia, goes on TV to flatter and defend Putin, also asks Russia to go hack Hillary emails.

And you seriously propose that there is not enough here for reasonable suspicions? Not enough to surveil Manafort and known Russian spy-ring co-operator named Carter AFTER they left the campaign?
Do you not see the one-sided nature of all this stuff you just posted?


Facts don't have a side.

If you think I posted something less than factual go ahead and refute it, but I see them adding up to PLENTY of reasonable suspicion warranting investigating.
Likewise, there is plenty of reason to at least look into the evidence presented to the FISA court, right? I mean, they put a damn mole in the opposition parties presidential nominee's campaign. That gave the Obama administration ears into the campaign itself.

You would have no problem with Trump doing the same to, say, a Biden campaign?


You are confused, FISA warrants have nothing to do with the mole who was probing campaign members for Russian contacts.

FISA warrant has to do with electronic surveilance of Manafort and Carter AFTER they left the campaign. Given the entanglements with Russians for both, the standard for warrant would be very low.

Still, Trumpsters want to go review "the predicates" and investigate the investigators? No problem, knock yourself out, but the way Trump and his admin spread conspiracy theories based on nothing is completely rediculous. I feel bad for all the rightwinger dupes who still take them seriously.

With love to Antontoo:

Oh Antontoo, you're such a good doggie!!!!!
Did you get your daily doggie biscuit for calling a conservative who is getting too close to the truth a "conspiracy theory" by saying, "Trumpsters"..."knock yourself out"..."ridiculous"...."dupes"? Sounds like another Pelosi "gotcha" lesson sunk into several Demmies here who know I'm right on the money, and are trying to obfuscate and omit the truth to push the Democrat cause celebre of wiping out notices of real problems the Democrats have gotten their naughty little butts ensnared in!

Nancy Pelosi Orders Her Minions to Call Trump Supporters "Conspiracy Theories"
When They Get Too Close To The Truth about Democrat Evildoing.!!!

Here, it was discovered Nancy ordering her minions like you to diss the Hillary Benghazi fiasco:

And to all the loyal doggie minions for the DNC Obfuscation Committee and fulfilling the "call it a conspiracy theory" maxim when you are seeing we are losing the argument, there's plenty for you, too. I wouldn't want to leave a single one of you out, now, right? No salivating, please. :D

"Good job!!!" .... (nancy pelosi incognito)

2. Hillary should have been prosecuted for destroying subpoenaed evidence, and for mishandling classified info. Anyone else would be in prison.

Would it kill you to take 5 min to fact check that assertion?

FBI looked into this and found no evidence that Clinton erased emails to conceal subpoenaed evidence.

Go read up and the details of that finding and get back me if you still have questions.

The FBI did not take control of Hillary's illegal server. She did get a pass. Not even discussing the crooked pay-to-play Clinton Foundation...
Inspector general's report on FBI and Clinton's emails shows secrecy threatens democracy

If it looks like a coverup, walks like a coverup, and smells really bad like a coverup...
Hillary Clinton email controversy - Wikipedia
"On August 20, 2015, U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan stated that Hillary Clinton's actions of maintaining a private email server were in direct conflict with U.S. government policy. "We wouldn't be here today if this employee had followed government policy," he said, and ordered the State Department to work with the FBI to determine if any emails on the server during her tenure as Secretary of State could be recovered"
But, surely you agree that it seems highly suspicious, when a Democrat administration puts a mole in the campaign of the presidential candidate in the Republican party, right? You can certainly understand the concern, can you not?

Russia hacks DNC.
Trump members know about Russia having Clinton emails, when no one else does.
Trump campaign solicits compromat on Hillary from Russian government.
Trump campaign is being run by an undeclared foreign agents named Manafort and Gates. Manafort specifically owns millions to Deripaska and offers to continiously provide campaign info in return.
Trump, who has had Russian bussiness entaglements for a while now, is trying to secure a Tower project in Moscow, right in the middle of campaign.
Trump publicly opposes sanctions on Russia, goes on TV to flatter and defend Putin, also asks Russia to go hack Hillary emails.

And you seriously propose that there is not enough here for reasonable suspicions? Not enough to surveil Manafort and known Russian spy-ring co-operator named Carter AFTER they left the campaign?
Do you not see the one-sided nature of all this stuff you just posted?


Facts don't have a side.

If you think I posted something less than factual go ahead and refute it, but I see them adding up to PLENTY of reasonable suspicion warranting investigating.
Likewise, there is plenty of reason to at least look into the evidence presented to the FISA court, right? I mean, they put a damn mole in the opposition parties presidential nominee's campaign. That gave the Obama administration ears into the campaign itself.

You would have no problem with Trump doing the same to, say, a Biden campaign?


You are confused, FISA warrants have nothing to do with the mole who was probing campaign members for Russian contacts.

FISA warrant has to do with electronic surveilance of Manafort and Carter AFTER they left the campaign. Given the entanglements with Russians for both, the standard for warrant would be very low.

Still, Trumpsters want to go review "the predicates" and investigate the investigators? No problem, knock yourself out, but the way Trump and his admin spread conspiracy theories based on nothing is completely rediculous. I feel bad for all the rightwinger dupes who still take them seriously.
How does that make it better to have a mole in the Trump campaign? It makes it even worse/more suspicious.

Time will tell if this means Russian Bots or FBI Agents who broke the laws of the United States of America.

You keep fantasizing, Buttress...

The DOJ knows better than to keep FBI agents from doing their jobs.

I was just miming the video, and they for some reason connected that to the FBI issues of corruption, and not certain what the connection was. This business of a concerted attempt between the Democrats and the FBI to remove America's elected President is not only a perversion of Constitutional rights,

Again, didn't you guys try to remove a president who was legitimately elected, TWICE because he lied about getting a blow job?
Facts are stubborn little critters, aren't they. What I don't understand is why you are clinging to the good old days when nobody called the criminals in your party out on it and kicked their butts off their stolen offices. Their number is now up, and there's not anything the Democrats can do about it except to call the newspapers in the world and tell them you do not want your leaders to go to jail for their crimes and treason.

As I said, facts are stubborn. And your party pushed the envelope on thinking the American people are too stupid to vote all bums out of office who don't do right. They're not. And when this little fracas is over, the Democrats are going to see the anger from the silent majority irrevocably aimed at their naughty and also very small cheating hearts. :blowup:

Thankyouverramuch. :muahaha:
Alternative facts don't count
Obama should be the first to go to prison for his illegal spying of Trump. Then Barr can work on sending McCabe, Comey, and Mueller to prison. While he's at it he can go back over the illegal email evidence and put Hillary behind bars.
Russia hacks DNC.
Trump members know about Russia having Clinton emails, when no one else does.
Trump campaign solicits compromat on Hillary from Russian government.
Trump campaign is being run by an undeclared foreign agents named Manafort and Gates. Manafort specifically owns millions to Deripaska and offers to continiously provide campaign info in return.
Trump, who has had Russian bussiness entaglements for a while now, is trying to secure a Tower project in Moscow, right in the middle of campaign.
Trump publicly opposes sanctions on Russia, goes on TV to flatter and defend Putin, also asks Russia to go hack Hillary emails.

And you seriously propose that there is not enough here for reasonable suspicions? Not enough to surveil Manafort and known Russian spy-ring co-operator named Carter AFTER they left the campaign?
Do you not see the one-sided nature of all this stuff you just posted?


Facts don't have a side.

If you think I posted something less than factual go ahead and refute it, but I see them adding up to PLENTY of reasonable suspicion warranting investigating.
Likewise, there is plenty of reason to at least look into the evidence presented to the FISA court, right? I mean, they put a damn mole in the opposition parties presidential nominee's campaign. That gave the Obama administration ears into the campaign itself.

You would have no problem with Trump doing the same to, say, a Biden campaign?


You are confused, FISA warrants have nothing to do with the mole who was probing campaign members for Russian contacts.

FISA warrant has to do with electronic surveilance of Manafort and Carter AFTER they left the campaign. Given the entanglements with Russians for both, the standard for warrant would be very low.

Still, Trumpsters want to go review "the predicates" and investigate the investigators? No problem, knock yourself out, but the way Trump and his admin spread conspiracy theories based on nothing is completely rediculous. I feel bad for all the rightwinger dupes who still take them seriously.
How does that make it better to have a mole in the Trump campaign? It makes it even worse/more suspicious.


...it’s not better or worse, you were simply conflating different things.

“Mole” was probing campaign members for Russian contacts. What’s your problem with that exactly? It had nothing to do with political going ons.
Time will tell if this means Russian Bots or FBI Agents who broke the laws of the United States of America.

(1) Who wrote the "Steel Dossier"?
(2) Who paid for what and when? Was political revenge really a source of this?
(3) Why did Comey depart from internal controls that should prevent this from happening?
(4)Why did Mueller act confused when asked about his poorly written 2nd report?
(5) Credibility issues: Rachel Maddow, CNN News dropping viewers
(6) Why did the media call questioners "Tin foil hatters"
(7) Why were investigations predicated and why weren't they legal?
(8) Does process need to be reviewed, and does system need to be cleansed?
(9) Why did Brennan, Clapper, Rice, Strzok and a handful of others others leak to the media on government equipment?
(10) Was this charge against President trump an attempted coup?
(11) Will free and democratic Hong Kong become a vassal of Communist China?

There’s nothing more ridiculous than rightwing red herring fallacies.
11 is a totally different subject in and of itself.
I was just miming the video, and they for some reason connected that to the FBI issues of corruption, and not certain what the connection was. This business of a concerted attempt between the Democrats and the FBI to remove America's elected President is not only a perversion of Constitutional rights, it is blanket failure of FBI agents to uphold the Constitution on several levels including separation of powers -- Justice through the Supreme Court, the Executive Branch, and the Legislative Branch, which has produced very little legislation and a whole lot of Democrats wanting the power of all 3 branches which will happen if this FBI conspiracy with the Deep State of the Democrat power base is ever prospered again to unseat an elected President of the United States based on such criminal lies. The guys in the videos think it really was the Russians, but some say it started in the Clinton war room, and as I recollect, they named names of two Clinton Partners who aren't part of this video, so I will let it go at that.

Chances are some communist countries are viewing this huge fisticuffs between parties in the USA as the weakest link time for them to coup Hong Kong into their communist realm. If the free world becomes weak, you can count on it that there will be evil coming out the pores of those in sundry parts of the world who'd like a bite of the American pie. Just sayin'.
This is as inane as it is baseless.
People are trying to flee Hong Kong, I fear for the worst.

Hong Kong Airport Cancels Flights as Protesters Flood In
Well, maybe because our Justice System is slow to move in and rout corruption, the weakest countries to Communism are at risk. We must pray for Hong Kong, and we must pray that President Trump is freed from the internal FBI agents acting like Communists who love to hurt the Constitution and turn this nation into a Communist one that Hillary Clinton has been fishing around for since she started cramming more than women's rights down America's throat with over-funding planned Parenthood's abortion clinics to suggest to young women they should kill their unborn. That woman doesn't do something for nothing. She wants this to be a place where the village, not parents raise the child. That is a blueprint of not only Communism, but Nazism as well, imho. You can't take human children away from their parents, put them in a reform school scenario, and force them to be all alike without turning them into asocial apparatchiks, who worship the state and not Christian values, and that's all there is to it. And Pelosi is under the orders of Communist Hillary's Deep State decisions to pervert the presidency that she didn't get into a powerless and flailing branch of government. If Democrats knew what we knew, they might not be so hasty to throw their strength into the push for big Government takeover of the nation free people built for free people, and not for lily-livered communists who prey on the people they government like nobody else on earth. :47:
No, it’s because there’s no such thing a ‘spygate.’
Russia hacks DNC.
Trump members know about Russia having Clinton emails, when no one else does.
Trump campaign solicits compromat on Hillary from Russian government.
Trump campaign is being run by an undeclared foreign agents named Manafort and Gates. Manafort specifically owns millions to Deripaska and offers to continiously provide campaign info in return.
Trump, who has had Russian bussiness entaglements for a while now, is trying to secure a Tower project in Moscow, right in the middle of campaign.
Trump publicly opposes sanctions on Russia, goes on TV to flatter and defend Putin, also asks Russia to go hack Hillary emails.

And you seriously propose that there is not enough here for reasonable suspicions? Not enough to surveil Manafort and known Russian spy-ring co-operator named Carter AFTER they left the campaign?
Do you not see the one-sided nature of all this stuff you just posted?


Facts don't have a side.

If you think I posted something less than factual go ahead and refute it, but I see them adding up to PLENTY of reasonable suspicion warranting investigating.
Likewise, there is plenty of reason to at least look into the evidence presented to the FISA court, right? I mean, they put a damn mole in the opposition parties presidential nominee's campaign. That gave the Obama administration ears into the campaign itself.

You would have no problem with Trump doing the same to, say, a Biden campaign?


You are confused, FISA warrants have nothing to do with the mole who was probing campaign members for Russian contacts.

FISA warrant has to do with electronic surveilance of Manafort and Carter AFTER they left the campaign. Given the entanglements with Russians for both, the standard for warrant would be very low.

Still, Trumpsters want to go review "the predicates" and investigate the investigators? No problem, knock yourself out, but the way Trump and his admin spread conspiracy theories based on nothing is completely rediculous. I feel bad for all the rightwinger dupes who still take them seriously.

With love to Antontoo:

Oh Antontoo, you're such a good doggie!!!!!
Did you get your daily doggie biscuit for calling a conservative who is getting too close to the truth a "conspiracy theory" by saying, "Trumpsters"..."knock yourself out"..."ridiculous"...."dupes"? Sounds like another Pelosi "gotcha" lesson sunk into several Demmies here who know I'm right on the money, and are trying to obfuscate and omit the truth to push the Democrat cause celebre of wiping out notices of real problems the Democrats have gotten their naughty little butts ensnared in!

Nancy Pelosi Orders Her Minions to Call Trump Supporters "Conspiracy Theories"
When They Get Too Close To The Truth about Democrat Evildoing.!!!

Here, it was discovered Nancy ordering her minions like you to diss the Hillary Benghazi fiasco:

And to all the loyal doggie minions for the DNC Obfuscation Committee and fulfilling the "call it a conspiracy theory" maxim when you are seeing we are losing the argument, there's plenty for you, too. I wouldn't want to leave a single one of you out, now, right? No salivating, please. :D

"Good job!!!" .... (nancy pelosi incognito)

Maybe you should just stick to doggies, stickers and beauty supplies?

You can’t even answer a basic question I keep asking you.
Time will tell if this means Russian Bots or FBI Agents who broke the laws of the United States of America.

(1) Who wrote the "Steel Dossier"?
(2) Who paid for what and when? Was political revenge really a source of this?
(3) Why did Comey depart from internal controls that should prevent this from happening?
(4)Why did Mueller act confused when asked about his poorly written 2nd report?
(5) Credibility issues: Rachel Maddow, CNN News dropping viewers
(6) Why did the media call questioners "Tin foil hatters"
(7) Why were investigations predicated and why weren't they legal?
(8) Does process need to be reviewed, and does system need to be cleansed?
(9) Why did Brennan, Clapper, Rice, Strzok and a handful of others others leak to the media on government equipment?
(10) Was this charge against President trump an attempted coup?
(11) Will free and democratic Hong Kong become a vassal of Communist China?

There’s nothing more ridiculous than rightwing red herring fallacies.

There's nothing red herring about the truth, Mr. Jones.
11 is a totally different subject in and of itself.
I was just miming the video, and they for some reason connected that to the FBI issues of corruption, and not certain what the connection was. This business of a concerted attempt between the Democrats and the FBI to remove America's elected President is not only a perversion of Constitutional rights, it is blanket failure of FBI agents to uphold the Constitution on several levels including separation of powers -- Justice through the Supreme Court, the Executive Branch, and the Legislative Branch, which has produced very little legislation and a whole lot of Democrats wanting the power of all 3 branches which will happen if this FBI conspiracy with the Deep State of the Democrat power base is ever prospered again to unseat an elected President of the United States based on such criminal lies. The guys in the videos think it really was the Russians, but some say it started in the Clinton war room, and as I recollect, they named names of two Clinton Partners who aren't part of this video, so I will let it go at that.

Chances are some communist countries are viewing this huge fisticuffs between parties in the USA as the weakest link time for them to coup Hong Kong into their communist realm. If the free world becomes weak, you can count on it that there will be evil coming out the pores of those in sundry parts of the world who'd like a bite of the American pie. Just sayin'.
This is as inane as it is baseless.
So you can't wrap your mind around cause and effect? lol
Time will tell if this means Russian Bots or FBI Agents who broke the laws of the United States of America.

(1) Who wrote the "Steel Dossier"?
(2) Who paid for what and when? Was political revenge really a source of this?
(3) Why did Comey depart from internal controls that should prevent this from happening?
(4)Why did Mueller act confused when asked about his poorly written 2nd report?
(5) Credibility issues: Rachel Maddow, CNN News dropping viewers
(6) Why did the media call questioners "Tin foil hatters"
(7) Why were investigations predicated and why weren't they legal?
(8) Does process need to be reviewed, and does system need to be cleansed?
(9) Why did Brennan, Clapper, Rice, Strzok and a handful of others others leak to the media on government equipment?
(10) Was this charge against President trump an attempted coup?
(11) Will free and democratic Hong Kong become a vassal of Communist China?

There’s nothing more ridiculous than rightwing red herring fallacies.

yes there is....left wing red herring fallacies. Actually the two do kind of parallel each other.
People are trying to flee Hong Kong, I fear for the worst.

Hong Kong Airport Cancels Flights as Protesters Flood In
Well, maybe because our Justice System is slow to move in and rout corruption, the weakest countries to Communism are at risk. We must pray for Hong Kong, and we must pray that President Trump is freed from the internal FBI agents acting like Communists who love to hurt the Constitution and turn this nation into a Communist one that Hillary Clinton has been fishing around for since she started cramming more than women's rights down America's throat with over-funding planned Parenthood's abortion clinics to suggest to young women they should kill their unborn. That woman doesn't do something for nothing. She wants this to be a place where the village, not parents raise the child. That is a blueprint of not only Communism, but Nazism as well, imho. You can't take human children away from their parents, put them in a reform school scenario, and force them to be all alike without turning them into asocial apparatchiks, who worship the state and not Christian values, and that's all there is to it. And Pelosi is under the orders of Communist Hillary's Deep State decisions to pervert the presidency that she didn't get into a powerless and flailing branch of government. If Democrats knew what we knew, they might not be so hasty to throw their strength into the push for big Government takeover of the nation free people built for free people, and not for lily-livered communists who prey on the people they government like nobody else on earth. :47:
No, it’s because there’s no such thing a ‘spygate.’
So like you to throw off blame your Democrat Party earned.

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