St. Louis Couple Who Waved Guns At BLM Protesters Face Suspension Of Their Law Licenses

Does their property end at the front door?

When 'I' refer to my home, it includes my front and back yards.

They have a good case that they could expect violence based on what already had been transpiring. They also had grounds to expect that police would not be there for them.
During the summer of rioting we heard from some Democrat leaders that protestors needed to make people "uncomfortable" .. they want their cake and eat it too. People react to being made feel "uncomfortable"
Common sense should tell any court to reinstate these people's law licenses.Number one, they didnt go out looking for trouble. Trouble came looking for them.
Missouri has trash now. and more coming in all the time. So go ahead, punish these folk for protecting their homes. BLM (and their supporters in positions of Authoritah) acting like they did nothing and we all know better.
No problem for law-abiding, patriotic Americans such as you and I. But for commies like the OP such expressions of American freedom burn hotter than the sun's surface.

There's nothing communist about report the facts. Because you don't like it is irrelevant.
Cool! Maybe you shpuld tell the convicted criminals, since nobody was in their yard.


maybe you would like to retract your statement.

they obviously came over the wall, which I guess is why 9 BLM protestors were cited for tresspassing
You can't use your Second Amendment rights to block someone's First Amendment rights.

All rights are equal. Most would say the First Amendment is the most important right of all. It's what we practice on usmessageboard
Whose 1A rights were blocked?
Doesn't the 1A only apply to the government censoring speech, or does it apply to private entities as well, like Facebook/twitter/this couple?
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You seen their home, it's a fucking castle!

Just lock the door, nobody is getting through 6 foot stone walls.

So as you can see from your picture, to this one. The protestors had either gone over the gate or the wall. If your having a peaceful protest, tell me? why would you Otis, crawl over someones wall to "protest" on the front lawn of someone you dont know?

is that using your first amendment right? Secondly, if you live there and you find that your now enclosed inside a wall with at least 9 people you dont know... but you do Know there has already been violence in your city including looting and burning commited by people calling themselves protestors... what would you do Otis.. to protect your wife?

probably nothing right? you would ask them to leave nicely right? because obviously they would right? I think you are all missing something here.

The governor may have pardoned them but the legal community of Missouri have not.

Missouri's chief disciplinary counsel has asked the state Supreme Court to suspend the law licenses of the couple.

It will be interesting to see what the court does.

True leftists would oppose this violation of their constitutional rights. Commies love it though
The governor may have pardoned them but the legal community of Missouri have not.

Missouri's chief disciplinary counsel has asked the state Supreme Court to suspend the law licenses of the couple.

It will be interesting to see what the court does.

Thats harrassment

But typical of libs
There are many pictures where they pointed their firearms at the protesters.

They had to point them to get them out of their yard. Why do you think 9 of them were cited for trespassing? Since when do you have a "protest" on someones front lawn, inside their boundary walls.

Bullshit. They saw what looked like a nice house.. probably owned by some' Rich white people' and wanted to go in and see what up. If you were a homeowner there, you would have every right to expect once someone breaches you first level of security you could expect them to go further unless you make a strong statement.

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