St louis DA's Office Caught Altering Evidence Against McCloskeys

But they didn’t tamper with evidence. Everything that was done with the firearm was documented and submitted to the court. Therefore it could not be considered false or
Or, in another words, the prosecutor admitted to the cpurt that they have no case against the woman
Maybe, maybe not. The firearm needs to be readily capable of lethal use. I don't know how the court defines "readily". Do you?
IF it was in the charging documents why did the court have to ask? IF it was in the charging documents how does their case survive the initial hearing when they clearly did not meet the statute to charge her?

Nothing adds up to meet your "how it happened" opinion...

Universal Citation: MO Rev Stat § 575.100 (2013)

Tampering with physical evidence.

575.100. 1. A person commits the crime of tampering with physical evidence if he:

(1) Alters, destroys, suppresses or conceals any record, document or thing with purpose to impair its verity, legibility or availability in any official proceeding or investigation; or

(2) Makes, presents or uses any record, document or thing knowing it to be false with purpose to mislead a public servant who is or may be engaged in any official proceeding or investigation.

2. Tampering with physical evidence is a class D felony if the actor impairs or obstructs the prosecution or defense of a felony; otherwise, tampering with physical evidence is a class A misdemeanor.

(L. 1977 S.B. 60)

Effective 1-1-79
They need to go to jail and lose their license to practice law.
But they didn’t tamper with evidence. Everything that was done with the firearm was documented and submitted to the court. Therefore it could not be considered false or misleading.
They had someone come in and change a nonfunctional firearm to a functional one, in order to file the charge, dumbass...

Which means they can also be sued for knowingly filing a bogus criminal charge...

It also brings in the possibility of a perjury charge if they said the firearm they picked up was functional in the criminal complaint!!!

The question is whether moving the spring is sufficient to count as readily functional. It’s a question for the court to decide.

The point is that all relevant facts are presented to the court so the idea that there’s some perjury here is stupid.
The point is that in the State of MO homeowners do have the right to defend their "castle".
The felony charges brought by the crooked DA (Kim Gardner) against the McClosky's are illegal.
Kim Gardner now adds falsifying evidence to add to the other charges against her.
I hope the State AG files charges against Kim Gardner soon, and disbars her.

Whether they were defending their property or not remains to be seen. The judge and jury will decide. There’s nothing illegal about the charges, that’s absurd.

As I’ve already pointed out, the evidence was not falsified.

You guys aren’t actually thinking here, just following a narrative.
There won't be a jury trial for the McCloskys' but there will be one for Kim Gardner.
The governor and State AG already said that the McClosky's did not commit any crime, period.
Whether they committed a crime is for the judge and jury to decide. Not the governor. He may pardon them but that doesn’t mean they’re law abiding.

This is getting to be a pattern with right wing crime. Just claim the prosecution was politically motivated. Doesn’t matter what you did.

But back to the topic of the thread, no evidence was falsified. Y’all got that one wrong.
1. What part of "there is no crime" don't you get? The DA wrongly filed charges against law-abiding homeowners. There will not be a trial, unless its for Kim Gardner.
2. The gun doesn't matter if there was no crime. Generally speaking tampering with evidence is a crime.
3. We'll see who broke MO law.

1. Who the hell appointed you arbiter of what is and isn't a crime. Thanks for your opinion but don't go pretending it's any more than that.
2. There was no tampering with evidence, there was no crime.
3. Sure we will. If someone starts waving a gun around at people walking on the sidewalk in front of their house, that'd be a crime, wouldn't it?
1. Who the hell appointed you arbiter of what is and isn't a crime. Thanks for your opinion but don't go pretending it's any more than that. LEARN HOW TO READ PLEASE
2. There was no tampering with evidence, there was no crime.

3. Sure we will. If someone starts waving a gun around at people walking on the sidewalk in front of their house, that'd be a crime, wouldn't it?

1. The governor may pardon the McCloskeys but that doesn't make them law abiding. Pardon's excuse crimes, they don't erase them.

2. No, the definition of tampering with evidence requires it be done in order to deceive the court. Since the court was told about everything they did with the gun, that cannot be tampering with evidence since there was no deception. I've pointed this out numerous times but no one really wants to acknowledge this.

3. I asked a hypothetical question. If someone starts waving a gun at people walking on the sidewalk in front of their house, that'd be illegal. I think we both know it so I'll cut to the chase. Neither of us know exactly how this started. If the crowd of people did nothing to threaten the McCloskey's, then they have no right to start waving guns around at them and it would be a crime. I don't know what the evidence supports or doesn't support at this time since we haven't seen it presented to the court. I've seen what the McCloskey's have alleged happened, but it appears they're already lying about some things so I don't believe them all that much.
But they didn’t tamper with evidence. Everything that was done with the firearm was documented and submitted to the court. Therefore it could not be considered false or
Or, in another words, the prosecutor admitted to the cpurt that they have no case against the woman
Maybe, maybe not. The firearm needs to be readily capable of lethal use. I don't know how the court defines "readily". Do you?
IF it was in the charging documents why did the court have to ask? IF it was in the charging documents how does their case survive the initial hearing when they clearly did not meet the statute to charge her?

Nothing adds up to meet your "how it happened" opinion...
Like I said above, it depends on what the court defines as "readily" and since I'm not well versed in the law, I don't know if moving the spring counts or not.

Keep in mind, this is just one of the two guns used here, so even if that doesn't count as "readily" there's still charges against him.

And I'll ask again where you got the information that the court "had to ask".
Sounds like you made up your mind without seeing the evidence. Classic.
so did you

though in your case you’d have to suspend reality to find any fault in the couple for defending themselves from the mob
Actually I haven't said anything about the guilt or innocence of the McCloskey's, so in fact I did not make my mind up.
Like I said above, it depends on what the court defines as "readily" and since I'm not well versed in the law, I don't know if moving the spring counts or not.
ANY action which changes the conditions of the weapon is evidence tampering.
Like I said above, it depends on what the court defines as "readily" and since I'm not well versed in the law, I don't know if moving the spring counts or not.
ANY action which changes the conditions of the weapon is evidence tampering.
Not according to the statute.
Keep in mind, this is just one of the two guns used here, so even if that doesn't count as "readily" there's still charges against him.
I would dismiss both charges since he was on his own property and had every right to defend it
Keep in mind, this is just one of the two guns used here, so even if that doesn't count as "readily" there's still charges against him.
I would dismiss both charges since he was on his own property and had every right to defend it
The real question is whether he was justified in feeling threatened. I don’t know if he was or not.

If someone is just walking on the sidewalk in front of my house, I don’t get to start waving a gun at them, for instance.
The real question is whether he was justified in feeling threatened. I don’t know if he was or not.
A potentially violent mob of reportedly up to 500 people crashing a private gate is reason enough to fell threatened
Actually I haven't said anything about the guilt or innocence of the McCloskey's, so in fact I did not make my mind up.
Plenty of liberals have made up their mind including the political animals in the St Louis prosecutors office

and my guess is so had you

Universal Citation: MO Rev Stat § 575.100 (2013)

Tampering with physical evidence.

575.100. 1. A person commits the crime of tampering with physical evidence if he:

(1) Alters, destroys, suppresses or conceals any record, document or thing with purpose to impair its verity, legibility or availability in any official proceeding or investigation; or

(2) Makes, presents or uses any record, document or thing knowing it to be false with purpose to mislead a public servant who is or may be engaged in any official proceeding or investigation.

2. Tampering with physical evidence is a class D felony if the actor impairs or obstructs the prosecution or defense of a felony; otherwise, tampering with physical evidence is a class A misdemeanor.

(L. 1977 S.B. 60)

Effective 1-1-79
They need to go to jail and lose their license to practice law.
But they didn’t tamper with evidence. Everything that was done with the firearm was documented and submitted to the court. Therefore it could not be considered false or misleading.
They had someone come in and change a nonfunctional firearm to a functional one, in order to file the charge, dumbass...

Which means they can also be sued for knowingly filing a bogus criminal charge...

It also brings in the possibility of a perjury charge if they said the firearm they picked up was functional in the criminal complaint!!!

The question is whether moving the spring is sufficient to count as readily functional. It’s a question for the court to decide.

The point is that all relevant facts are presented to the court so the idea that there’s some perjury here is stupid.

No, it's not. It is a fundamental fact. It requires NO interpretation.
Maybe, maybe not. The firearm needs to be readily capable of lethal use. I don't know how the court defines "readily". Do you?
Ultimately the couple have a legal right to protect their home from violent anarchists

so no matter what the condition of the handgun was I would vote “not guilty”

but liberals - including you I suspect - made a big deal over her finger on the trigger

that was the constant drumbeat from the left

but if she had pulled the trigger nothing would happen
Sounds like you made up your mind without seeing the evidence. Classic.

You were looking in the mirror when you vomited this crap up, right?

Universal Citation: MO Rev Stat § 575.100 (2013)

Tampering with physical evidence.

575.100. 1. A person commits the crime of tampering with physical evidence if he:

(1) Alters, destroys, suppresses or conceals any record, document or thing with purpose to impair its verity, legibility or availability in any official proceeding or investigation; or

(2) Makes, presents or uses any record, document or thing knowing it to be false with purpose to mislead a public servant who is or may be engaged in any official proceeding or investigation.

2. Tampering with physical evidence is a class D felony if the actor impairs or obstructs the prosecution or defense of a felony; otherwise, tampering with physical evidence is a class A misdemeanor.

(L. 1977 S.B. 60)

Effective 1-1-79
They need to go to jail and lose their license to practice law.
But they didn’t tamper with evidence. Everything that was done with the firearm was documented and submitted to the court. Therefore it could not be considered false or misleading.
They had someone come in and change a nonfunctional firearm to a functional one, in order to file the charge, dumbass...

Which means they can also be sued for knowingly filing a bogus criminal charge...

It also brings in the possibility of a perjury charge if they said the firearm they picked up was functional in the criminal complaint!!!

The question is whether moving the spring is sufficient to count as readily functional. It’s a question for the court to decide.

The point is that all relevant facts are presented to the court so the idea that there’s some perjury here is stupid.
The point is that in the State of MO homeowners do have the right to defend their "castle".
The felony charges brought by the crooked DA (Kim Gardner) against the McClosky's are illegal.
Kim Gardner now adds falsifying evidence to add to the other charges against her.
I hope the State AG files charges against Kim Gardner soon, and disbars her.

Whether they were defending their property or not remains to be seen. The judge and jury will decide. There’s nothing illegal about the charges, that’s absurd.

As I’ve already pointed out, the evidence was not falsified.

You guys aren’t actually thinking here, just following a narrative.
There won't be a jury trial for the McCloskys' but there will be one for Kim Gardner.
The governor and State AG already said that the McClosky's did not commit any crime, period.
Whether they committed a crime is for the judge and jury to decide. Not the governor. He may pardon them but that doesn’t mean they’re law abiding.

This is getting to be a pattern with right wing crime. Just claim the prosecution was politically motivated. Doesn’t matter what you did.

But back to the topic of the thread, no evidence was falsified. Y’all got that one wrong.
1. What part of "there is no crime" don't you get? The DA wrongly filed charges against law-abiding homeowners. There will not be a trial, unless its for Kim Gardner.
2. The gun doesn't matter if there was no crime. Generally speaking tampering with evidence is a crime.
3. We'll see who broke MO law.

Then why would they need a pardon...

“It is illegal to wave weapons in a threatening manner,” a prosecutor in the city said.
The question is whether moving the spring is sufficient to count as readily functional. It’s a question for the court to decide.
The woman would look pretty silly trying to field strip and reassemble the handgun while the anarchists were rushing forward to do her harm

so no, it was not readily functional
Like I said above, it depends on what the court defines as "readily" and since I'm not well versed in the law, I don't know if moving the spring counts or not.
ANY action which changes the conditions of the weapon is evidence tampering.
Not according to the statute.
The relevant question is was the firearm capable of firing at the time of infraction? That answer is NO. The second relevant question is did the state make changes to the weapon presented to the court to make it operable? YES

Any first year lawyer should be able to get this thrown out during the initial hearing. The court had to ask specifically what was done to make the firearm operable as it was not originally in the charging documents. This amounts to evidence tampering and perjury. The amended charging documents are a blatant attempt to cover up prosecutorial misconduct.

Universal Citation: MO Rev Stat § 575.100 (2013)

Tampering with physical evidence.

575.100. 1. A person commits the crime of tampering with physical evidence if he:

(1) Alters, destroys, suppresses or conceals any record, document or thing with purpose to impair its verity, legibility or availability in any official proceeding or investigation; or

(2) Makes, presents or uses any record, document or thing knowing it to be false with purpose to mislead a public servant who is or may be engaged in any official proceeding or investigation.

2. Tampering with physical evidence is a class D felony if the actor impairs or obstructs the prosecution or defense of a felony; otherwise, tampering with physical evidence is a class A misdemeanor.

(L. 1977 S.B. 60)

Effective 1-1-79
They need to go to jail and lose their license to practice law.
But they didn’t tamper with evidence. Everything that was done with the firearm was documented and submitted to the court. Therefore it could not be considered false or misleading.
They had someone come in and change a nonfunctional firearm to a functional one, in order to file the charge, dumbass...

Which means they can also be sued for knowingly filing a bogus criminal charge...

It also brings in the possibility of a perjury charge if they said the firearm they picked up was functional in the criminal complaint!!!

The question is whether moving the spring is sufficient to count as readily functional. It’s a question for the court to decide.

The point is that all relevant facts are presented to the court so the idea that there’s some perjury here is stupid.
The point is that in the State of MO homeowners do have the right to defend their "castle".
The felony charges brought by the crooked DA (Kim Gardner) against the McClosky's are illegal.
Kim Gardner now adds falsifying evidence to add to the other charges against her.
I hope the State AG files charges against Kim Gardner soon, and disbars her.

Whether they were defending their property or not remains to be seen. The judge and jury will decide. There’s nothing illegal about the charges, that’s absurd.

As I’ve already pointed out, the evidence was not falsified.

You guys aren’t actually thinking here, just following a narrative.
There won't be a jury trial for the McCloskys' but there will be one for Kim Gardner.
The governor and State AG already said that the McClosky's did not commit any crime, period.
Whether they committed a crime is for the judge and jury to decide. Not the governor. He may pardon them but that doesn’t mean they’re law abiding.

This is getting to be a pattern with right wing crime. Just claim the prosecution was politically motivated. Doesn’t matter what you did.

But back to the topic of the thread, no evidence was falsified. Y’all got that one wrong.
1. What part of "there is no crime" don't you get? The DA wrongly filed charges against law-abiding homeowners. There will not be a trial, unless its for Kim Gardner.
2. The gun doesn't matter if there was no crime. Generally speaking tampering with evidence is a crime.
3. We'll see who broke MO law.

Then why would they need a pardon...

“It is illegal to wave weapons in a threatening manner,” a prosecutor in the city said.
The relevant question is; Did they (the home owners) fear for their safety or life? The prosecutor violates the basic tenets of the law.
This case proves 2 things about Democrats...

They are anti gun

They are Pro crime

If those 2 didn't have guns, they would just be more victims of the Democrat terrorist attacks.

Universal Citation: MO Rev Stat § 575.100 (2013)

Tampering with physical evidence.

575.100. 1. A person commits the crime of tampering with physical evidence if he:

(1) Alters, destroys, suppresses or conceals any record, document or thing with purpose to impair its verity, legibility or availability in any official proceeding or investigation; or

(2) Makes, presents or uses any record, document or thing knowing it to be false with purpose to mislead a public servant who is or may be engaged in any official proceeding or investigation.

2. Tampering with physical evidence is a class D felony if the actor impairs or obstructs the prosecution or defense of a felony; otherwise, tampering with physical evidence is a class A misdemeanor.

(L. 1977 S.B. 60)

Effective 1-1-79
They need to go to jail and lose their license to practice law.
But they didn’t tamper with evidence. Everything that was done with the firearm was documented and submitted to the court. Therefore it could not be considered false or misleading.
They had someone come in and change a nonfunctional firearm to a functional one, in order to file the charge, dumbass...

Which means they can also be sued for knowingly filing a bogus criminal charge...

It also brings in the possibility of a perjury charge if they said the firearm they picked up was functional in the criminal complaint!!!

The question is whether moving the spring is sufficient to count as readily functional. It’s a question for the court to decide.

The point is that all relevant facts are presented to the court so the idea that there’s some perjury here is stupid.
The point is that in the State of MO homeowners do have the right to defend their "castle".
The felony charges brought by the crooked DA (Kim Gardner) against the McClosky's are illegal.
Kim Gardner now adds falsifying evidence to add to the other charges against her.
I hope the State AG files charges against Kim Gardner soon, and disbars her.

Whether they were defending their property or not remains to be seen. The judge and jury will decide. There’s nothing illegal about the charges, that’s absurd.

As I’ve already pointed out, the evidence was not falsified.

You guys aren’t actually thinking here, just following a narrative.
There won't be a jury trial for the McCloskys' but there will be one for Kim Gardner.
The governor and State AG already said that the McClosky's did not commit any crime, period.
Whether they committed a crime is for the judge and jury to decide. Not the governor. He may pardon them but that doesn’t mean they’re law abiding.

This is getting to be a pattern with right wing crime. Just claim the prosecution was politically motivated. Doesn’t matter what you did.

But back to the topic of the thread, no evidence was falsified. Y’all got that one wrong.
1. What part of "there is no crime" don't you get? The DA wrongly filed charges against law-abiding homeowners. There will not be a trial, unless its for Kim Gardner.
2. The gun doesn't matter if there was no crime. Generally speaking tampering with evidence is a crime.
3. We'll see who broke MO law.

Then why would they need a pardon...

“It is illegal to wave weapons in a threatening manner,” a prosecutor in the city said.
Even if a crazed mob breaks into your gated community in order to destroy? Missouri Supreme Court will decide this one in favor of the peaceful homeowners who's lives were threatened.

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