Stabbings in Penn HS- Knives have no place in society

Knives and baseball bats were designed as implements and not deadly weapons. Until someone comes up with a use for a gun that does not include killing humans, I will continue to respect the difference between ball bats, knives and guns. about putting food on the table? Jesus - get a clue. Oh and BTW - the "baseball bat" was the original "club".
And for that purpose, you need a Glock 9? Anything other than bolt action rifles and pump action shot guns are designed to kill humans. If some weapons are restricted due to their lethality, why can't those DESIGNED as lethal be restricted as well?


"From the late 19th century, all the way through both World Wars, the bolt-action rifle was the standard infantry firearm for most of the world's militaries."

"Thus, until recently, military combat shotguns were almost exclusively pump-action designs.

Older pump-action shotguns are often faster than modern semi-automatic shotguns, as they often did not have a trigger disconnector, and were capable of firing a new round as fast as the pump action was cycled, with the trigger held down continuously. This technique is called a slamfire, and was often used in conjunction with the M1897 in the First World War's trench warfare."
You just showed your stupidity. EVERY gun EVER made was designed to KILL. You are one of those that sees this:


and thinks that it is some sort of evil "monster gun" or worse yet an "assault rifle" because it has AR in it's nomenclature. "AR" does NOT stand for assault rifle. It stands for it's early version, made by the Armalite Corporation - ARMALITE RIFLE.

Little education for you...the round it fires is slightly more powerful that a .22 long rifle. You are a paranoid. I have a bolt action rifle (a 30-06) PRIMARILY used for hunting that can take your head off at nearly a mile. But it "looks" safe in your world.

I don't care for Glock. My Preference is Sig Sauer and H&K pistols. Just as deadly and built 10 times better. Once shot a prairie dog at 50 yards with my Sig 226. Luckiest shot of the day award.

Also, once shot a Christmas tree with my 12 Guage. Several of us went out hunting and decided to take this beautiful Frazier Fur home for my living room. No axe. So, we blew it down with shotguns.

Get a clue, will you? A firearm is nothing more than a tool, just like a knife is. IT IS ALWAYS UP TO THE INDIVIDUAL AS TO HOW IT IS USED. I damn well don't need YOU telling ME how to utilize MY weapons.

Oh, and just for the record - my last elk was taken with a .308 that looked nearly identical to the examples in the above picture a AR-10 Ummmm....Elk.....good eating!! :D
Rate of fire. That's what puts the "mass" in "mass shooting". Shoot all the bolt action rifles you like, but if you need rapid rate of fire and a large capacity magazine to hunt, I suggest you are no sportsman. Perhaps Lionel trains would be a better hobby. Because if rapid fire and lots of it is how you want to drop game, you're not hunting at all.

How long does it take to reload a knife?
LOL! Statist will be STUMPED with this one!:badgrin:
Let me get this straight. You are willing to accept the cost of gun. Violence, the tragic and continuous lose of life, innocent children killed in cross fire, people gunned down in theaters, churches, shopping centers and schools just so you can repel a cadre of storm troopers who exist ing your imagination only? You think that you and a gang of your buddies in a Dodge Durango hav a shot against the largest military in history?

That sums up your priorities? A serious public health hazard (because that what gun violence is beyond a criminal undertaking) is less important than your wish to play Rambo against imaginary Strom troopers?

The constitution says "well regulated militia". Some weapons were designed exclusively for combat. Those weapons have one value other than the amusement some feel when discharging them. That is to kill as many human beings as possible as quickly as possible. Those weapons belong in the hands of that well regulated militia, not on our streets. Or in our churches, schools, theaters and campuses.
And Government has ALL of them designed to KILL...Maybe WE should disband the military?

YOU would love that wouldn't you fuckstick? YOU have NO idea the price of Liberty.:eusa_hand:
The price of liberty is 4,000 dead in Iraq, 2,700 in Afghanistan, 57,000 in Vietnam, another 45,000 in Korea, 680,000 in the Pacific and Europe and North Africa in World War II. And I believe we should have the best armed military on earth.

Are you suggesting that your paranoia of the military is stronger than your support of it? That's a prickly fence to straddle.
As I supposed...NO CLUE, ONLY deflection.:eusa_hand:
The point is nobody on campus had one to stop the attacks. That's a problem. You can't stop psycho's when you have nothing to fight them with.

There was an armed security guard. You want all the students armed now? Luckily the stabber didn't have a gun so the principal could tackle him. That man is a hero.

You have a link for that? I'm not seeing this anywhere but you proclaiming it.

Student charged as adult in Pennsylvania stabbing: police -

Note the armed security guard. The unarmed assistant principal was the one who stopped him. A real hero.
Are you really so ignorant that you can recognize a satire thread? Give it a rest already.
This happened east 40 miles east of Pittsburgh. I live 40 miles west of Pittsburgh. You watch all the local coverage of this incident and let it roll off your back and write satirically about it. Or maybe kids in danger at school is something you accept without shock so when the next Sandy Hook or Virginia Tech happens, you can still love all them there guns.
WHO but YOU gives a FUCK where YOU live? What has that got to do with the topic? Wanna cookie for living close to the scene?

As I said, you watch all the local coverage, the kids telling the story, the parents crying into each other's shoulders, and recall all the other school tragedies and tell me how it rolls off your back because it's all so usual. Then tell jokes about it, write satirical comments.

Did you get so calloused over night, or did it happen incrementally? Did you become callused to rationalize the way these weapons are used on our streets today?
Sure you are.

Sure you are.

Progs are pathological liars

Yes I am. Meanwhile you and these other clowns are making jokes. Very sad.

Bad shit happens to good people, been that way since the beginning, being all sad and morose won't change that. Red Skelton said it best, he said: "Don't take life too seriously because you won't get out of it alive anyway. You know in England since they banned guns the bad guys have started using knives and now they restrict their sale. Everyone feels bad for the kids, the point of this thread was to make fun of the folks that want to further restrict guns. Lighten up a bit, you'll enjoy life a bit more.

Something about a bunch of kids at a school being stabbed puts me in a bad mood.
And Government has ALL of them designed to KILL...Maybe WE should disband the military?

YOU would love that wouldn't you fuckstick? YOU have NO idea the price of Liberty.:eusa_hand:
The price of liberty is 4,000 dead in Iraq, 2,700 in Afghanistan, 57,000 in Vietnam, another 45,000 in Korea, 680,000 in the Pacific and Europe and North Africa in World War II. And I believe we should have the best armed military on earth.

Are you suggesting that your paranoia of the military is stronger than your support of it? That's a prickly fence to straddle.
As I supposed...NO CLUE, ONLY deflection.:eusa_hand:
Do you think about your responses, or do you type first and think later?
This happened east 40 miles east of Pittsburgh. I live 40 miles west of Pittsburgh. You watch all the local coverage of this incident and let it roll off your back and write satirically about it. Or maybe kids in danger at school is something you accept without shock so when the next Sandy Hook or Virginia Tech happens, you can still love all them there guns.
WHO but YOU gives a FUCK where YOU live? What has that got to do with the topic? Wanna cookie for living close to the scene?

As I said, you watch all the local coverage, the kids telling the story, the parents crying into each other's shoulders, and recall all the other school tragedies and tell me how it rolls off your back because it's all so usual. Then tell jokes about it, write satirical comments.

Did you get so calloused over night, or did it happen incrementally? Did you become callused to rationalize the way these weapons are used on our streets today?

You know, in your perfect world, things like this wouldn't happen. However, they do. Ever seen a young PFC in Viet Nam sobbing because the buddy he had 2 minutes before just had his guts splattered all over this kids face?

Ever run into a Special Forces Major in a Jiffy Lube walking around on a prosthetic leg because his was blown off in Afghanistan after 3 tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan?

Ever wake up in the middle of the night screaming, with your Wife comforting you because, for the 5,000th time, you are reliving a firefight in Lu Trau that cost the lives of 11 of your comrades and you ( either luckily or unluckily) survived to tell the story?

Ever have your Brother come home on leave and watch him drink himself into a stupor over things he did in order to come home from SouthEast Asia? Ever join him and forget where the last three days went?

You don't know shit.
WHO but YOU gives a FUCK where YOU live? What has that got to do with the topic? Wanna cookie for living close to the scene?

As I said, you watch all the local coverage, the kids telling the story, the parents crying into each other's shoulders, and recall all the other school tragedies and tell me how it rolls off your back because it's all so usual. Then tell jokes about it, write satirical comments.

Did you get so calloused over night, or did it happen incrementally? Did you become callused to rationalize the way these weapons are used on our streets today?

You know, in your perfect world, things like this wouldn't happen. However, they do. Ever seen a young PFC in Viet Nam sobbing because the buddy he had 2 minutes before just had his guts splattered all over this kids face?

Ever run into a Special Forces Major in a Jiffy Lube walking around on a prosthetic leg because his was blown off in Afghanistan after 3 tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan?

Ever wake up in the middle of the night screaming, with your Wife comforting you because, for the 5,000th time, you are reliving a firefight in Lu Trau that cost the lives of 11 of your comrades and you ( either luckily or unluckily) survived to tell the story?

Ever have your Brother come home on leave and watch him drink himself into a stupor over things he did in order to come home from SouthEast Asia? Ever join him and forget where the last three days went?

You don't know shit.
I'm not disrespecting, ignoring or failing to honor the sacrifice made by brave members of our military. Thank God for themandthank the for their heroism and service.

But kids in school, folks in theaters, on our streets and in temples and churches were not killed as combatants. They are innocent Americans suffering from unnecessary gun violence.

Your analogy is heartfelt, but wholly inappropriate in comparison with a kid at school.

I know what I'm talking about. Bag the insults.
And for that purpose, you need a Glock 9? Anything other than bolt action rifles and pump action shot guns are designed to kill humans. If some weapons are restricted due to their lethality, why can't those DESIGNED as lethal be restricted as well?

You just showed your stupidity. EVERY gun EVER made was designed to KILL. You are one of those that sees this:


and thinks that it is some sort of evil "monster gun" or worse yet an "assault rifle" because it has AR in it's nomenclature. "AR" does NOT stand for assault rifle. It stands for it's early version, made by the Armalite Corporation - ARMALITE RIFLE.

Little education for you...the round it fires is slightly more powerful that a .22 long rifle. You are a paranoid. I have a bolt action rifle (a 30-06) PRIMARILY used for hunting that can take your head off at nearly a mile. But it "looks" safe in your world.

I don't care for Glock. My Preference is Sig Sauer and H&K pistols. Just as deadly and built 10 times better. Once shot a prairie dog at 50 yards with my Sig 226. Luckiest shot of the day award.

Also, once shot a Christmas tree with my 12 Guage. Several of us went out hunting and decided to take this beautiful Frazier Fur home for my living room. No axe. So, we blew it down with shotguns.

Get a clue, will you? A firearm is nothing more than a tool, just like a knife is. IT IS ALWAYS UP TO THE INDIVIDUAL AS TO HOW IT IS USED. I damn well don't need YOU telling ME how to utilize MY weapons.

Oh, and just for the record - my last elk was taken with a .308 that looked nearly identical to the examples in the above picture a AR-10 Ummmm....Elk.....good eating!! :D
Rate of fire. That's what puts the "mass" in "mass shooting". Shoot all the bolt action rifles you like, but if you need rapid rate of fire and a large capacity magazine to hunt, I suggest you are no sportsman. Perhaps Lionel trains would be a better hobby. Because if rapid fire and lots of it is how you want to drop game, you're not hunting at all.

So you can easily explain the second amendment was based upon hunting? And you can explain to me how that is even relevant to the bill of rights.
There was an armed security guard. You want all the students armed now? Luckily the stabber didn't have a gun so the principal could tackle him. That man is a hero.

You have a link for that? I'm not seeing this anywhere but you proclaiming it.

Student charged as adult in Pennsylvania stabbing: police -

Note the armed security guard. The unarmed assistant principal was the one who stopped him. A real hero.

not according to your link

the assistant principal and an unarmed security officer (who was injured btw)

and an armed security officer all acted to stopped him
You just showed your stupidity. EVERY gun EVER made was designed to KILL. You are one of those that sees this:


and thinks that it is some sort of evil "monster gun" or worse yet an "assault rifle" because it has AR in it's nomenclature. "AR" does NOT stand for assault rifle. It stands for it's early version, made by the Armalite Corporation - ARMALITE RIFLE.

Little education for you...the round it fires is slightly more powerful that a .22 long rifle. You are a paranoid. I have a bolt action rifle (a 30-06) PRIMARILY used for hunting that can take your head off at nearly a mile. But it "looks" safe in your world.

I don't care for Glock. My Preference is Sig Sauer and H&K pistols. Just as deadly and built 10 times better. Once shot a prairie dog at 50 yards with my Sig 226. Luckiest shot of the day award.

Also, once shot a Christmas tree with my 12 Guage. Several of us went out hunting and decided to take this beautiful Frazier Fur home for my living room. No axe. So, we blew it down with shotguns.

Get a clue, will you? A firearm is nothing more than a tool, just like a knife is. IT IS ALWAYS UP TO THE INDIVIDUAL AS TO HOW IT IS USED. I damn well don't need YOU telling ME how to utilize MY weapons.

Oh, and just for the record - my last elk was taken with a .308 that looked nearly identical to the examples in the above picture a AR-10 Ummmm....Elk.....good eating!! :D
Rate of fire. That's what puts the "mass" in "mass shooting". Shoot all the bolt action rifles you like, but if you need rapid rate of fire and a large capacity magazine to hunt, I suggest you are no sportsman. Perhaps Lionel trains would be a better hobby. Because if rapid fire and lots of it is how you want to drop game, you're not hunting at all.

So you can easily explain the second amendment was based upon hunting? And you can explain to me how that is even relevant to the bill of rights.

The second amendment provides for a militia, and a well regulated one at that. Some weapons were designed for combat. Those are the kinds of weapons that belong in the hands of a well regulated militia. No one has ever called for restricting weons used for sport. Our sporting weapons firemorerapidly and with greater accuracy than anything owned by the founders, and well beyond their wildest imaginations.
You have a link for that? I'm not seeing this anywhere but you proclaiming it.

Student charged as adult in Pennsylvania stabbing: police -

Note the armed security guard. The unarmed assistant principal was the one who stopped him. A real hero.

not according to your link

the assistant principal and an unarmed security officer (who was injured btw)

and an armed security officer all acted to stopped him

You don't read very well?

Assistant Principal Sam King tackled the boy, who was armed with two "straight knives" of about 8 to 10 inches, and an armed security officer handcuffed him with help from the principal, Seefeld said.
If we take the gun nut posters on this board seriously, they would have us believe that they would have no problem going to a gun fight with a knife.

Somehow, That seems kind of strange, but, if they insist........

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Suspect in custody after several stabbings reported at high school in western Pennsylvania | Fox News

Obviously knives have no place in civil society.

Knives can kill.

Anyone buying a knife should be registered.

Only a knife up to a 3" blade should be legal.

Background checks for all those people who buy knives should be instituted immediately.

We need to create Knife Free Zones- That will eliminate knife crimes.

Remember, people don't kill, knives do.

Dumb fuck. There are not 32,000 people a year killed by knives in this nation, but that is the case with guns. And neither I nor most people I know have said that guns have no place in society. I have been a gun owner for nearly 60 years, and own both rifles and handguns. But there are all too many people that have free access to even military grade guns that should never be allowed within ten feet of a gun. Yes, it is people that kill people. And their prefered weopons for doing it in large numbers are military type guns. And you and the NRA are doing every thing in your power to give them access to the type of weopons that are most efficient at killing people in large numbers.
As I said, you watch all the local coverage, the kids telling the story, the parents crying into each other's shoulders, and recall all the other school tragedies and tell me how it rolls off your back because it's all so usual. Then tell jokes about it, write satirical comments.

Did you get so calloused over night, or did it happen incrementally? Did you become callused to rationalize the way these weapons are used on our streets today?

You know, in your perfect world, things like this wouldn't happen. However, they do. Ever seen a young PFC in Viet Nam sobbing because the buddy he had 2 minutes before just had his guts splattered all over this kids face?

Ever run into a Special Forces Major in a Jiffy Lube walking around on a prosthetic leg because his was blown off in Afghanistan after 3 tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan?

Ever wake up in the middle of the night screaming, with your Wife comforting you because, for the 5,000th time, you are reliving a firefight in Lu Trau that cost the lives of 11 of your comrades and you ( either luckily or unluckily) survived to tell the story?

Ever have your Brother come home on leave and watch him drink himself into a stupor over things he did in order to come home from SouthEast Asia? Ever join him and forget where the last three days went?

You don't know shit.
I'm not disrespecting, ignoring or failing to honor the sacrifice made by brave members of our military. Thank God for themandthank the for their heroism and service.

But kids in school, folks in theaters, on our streets and in temples and churches were not killed as combatants. They are innocent Americans suffering from unnecessary gun violence.

Your analogy is heartfelt, but wholly inappropriate in comparison with a kid at school.

I know what I'm talking about. Bag the insults.

So, again, you're full of shit. Let's ban ALL GUNS, KNIVES and BALL BATS. Satisified??

So, then when a kid brings a hammer to school and bludgeons 8 kids to death, then what? We ban HAMMERS? Then what about rocks? Slingshots? How about straws that shoot spit wads?

I will ALWAYS be the first to tell you that this is not the America I grew up in. IT IS GONE. Your idea of banning our way to some supposed "peaceful world" is as crazy as you are. It is as impotent as continually throwing MONEY at the school system - it DOES NOT get the desired result any more than banning any and everything would achieve the desired "results".

It has nothing to do with schools or weapons or ball bats or hell, even dodgeball. It is PEOPLE. This country has changed, is changing, and no matter how much you don't like it, it is what it is. Hell, take it up with the mental health "professionals" that refuse to do their jobs or the video gaming industry that glorifies killing. But dammit, stop blaming inanimate objects for this country's shortcomings.
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This post is the funniest one in the thread because it makes absolutely no sense what so ever.

That asshole Holy Rolling Bible thumping turd quotes Scripture to repress people then makes glib, idiotic comments when high school kids are bleeding in their school. Conservatives can keep him. No one with a conscience will.

Are you really so ignorant that you can recognize a satire thread? Give it a rest already.

Did you mean to say "can't?" That would change the entire meaning of your attempted insult.
You know, in your perfect world, things like this wouldn't happen. However, they do. Ever seen a young PFC in Viet Nam sobbing because the buddy he had 2 minutes before just had his guts splattered all over this kids face?

Ever run into a Special Forces Major in a Jiffy Lube walking around on a prosthetic leg because his was blown off in Afghanistan after 3 tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan?

Ever wake up in the middle of the night screaming, with your Wife comforting you because, for the 5,000th time, you are reliving a firefight in Lu Trau that cost the lives of 11 of your comrades and you ( either luckily or unluckily) survived to tell the story?

Ever have your Brother come home on leave and watch him drink himself into a stupor over things he did in order to come home from SouthEast Asia? Ever join him and forget where the last three days went?

You don't know shit.
I'm not disrespecting, ignoring or failing to honor the sacrifice made by brave members of our military. Thank God for themandthank the for their heroism and service.

But kids in school, folks in theaters, on our streets and in temples and churches were not killed as combatants. They are innocent Americans suffering from unnecessary gun violence.

Your analogy is heartfelt, but wholly inappropriate in comparison with a kid at school.

I know what I'm talking about. Bag the insults.

So, again, you're full of shit. Let's ban ALL GUNS, KNIVES and BALL BATS. Satisified??

So, then when a kid brings a hammer to school and bludgeons 8 kids to death, then what? We ban HAMMERS? Then what about rocks? Slingshots? How about straws that shoot spit wads?

I will ALWAYS be the first to tell you that this is not the America I grew up in. IT IS GONE. Your idea of banning our way to some supposed "peaceful world" is as crazy as you are. It is as impotent as continually throwing MONEY at the school system - it DOES NOT get the desired result any more than banning any and everything would achieve the desired "results".

It has nothing to do with schools or weapons or ball bats or hell, even dodgeball. It is PEOPLE. This country has changed, is changing, and no matter how much you don't like it, it is what it is. Hell, take it up with the mental health "professionals" that refuse to do their jobs or the video gaming industry that glorifies killing. But dammit, stop blaming inanimate objects for this country's shortcomings.
Are you selling the notion that guns don't have any connection to gun violence?

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