Stabbings in Penn HS- Knives have no place in society

What if the security guard had a gun?

He may have stopped the culprit before he cut so many students.

What if the students were allowed to carry knives? Those are banned in schools as well, a pocket knife will get you suspended in the new progressive utopia of everyone must be disarmed except the criminals.

He would have never attacked so many people if he knew they had more than a 3-ring binder for self defense.
OK boys and more time....for you flat-headed liberals:

Men with guns protect the president
Men with guns protect the vice president
Men with guns protect the members of the House
Men with guns protect the members of the Senate
Men with guns protect the Judges
Men with guns protect Local civil servants
Men with Guns protect the Wealthy
Men with guns protect the foreign dignitary

Yet we put up signs that read "Gun Free Zone" in a feeble attempt to protect our children in school and then, when something goes horribly wrong, we call men with guns.

Make sense to you?
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What if the security guard had a gun?

He may have stopped the culprit before he cut so many students.

Trained and certified to use a gun. Great. What was your point again?

The point is nobody on campus had one to stop the attacks. That's a problem. You can't stop psycho's when you have nothing to fight them with.

There was an armed security guard. You want all the students armed now? Luckily the stabber didn't have a gun so the principal could tackle him. That man is a hero.
OK boys and more time....for you flat-headed liberals:

Men with guns protect the president
Men with guns protect the vice president
Men with guns protect the members of the House
Men with guns protect the members of the Senate
Men with guns protect the Judges
Men with guns protect Local civil servants
Men with Guns protect the Wealthy
Men with guns protect the foreign dignitary

Yet we put up signs that read "Gun Free Zone" I'm a feeble attempt to protect our children in school and then, when something goes horribly wrong, we call men with guns.

Make sense to you?

Here read the part about armed security guard:

Student charged as adult in Pennsylvania stabbing: police -

Sadly the stabber didn't announce he was going to do this and wait for the guard to come shoot him. The hero was unarmed.
Suspect in custody after several stabbings reported at high school in western Pennsylvania | Fox News

Obviously knives have no place in civil society.

Knives can kill.

Anyone buying a knife should be registered.

Only a knife up to a 3" blade should be legal.

Background checks for all those people who buy knives should be instituted immediately.

We need to create Knife Free Zones- That will eliminate knife crimes.

Remember, people don't kill, knives do.

But, but, how do I cut up the critters I shoot?
Suspect in custody after several stabbings reported at high school in western Pennsylvania | Fox News

Obviously knives have no place in civil society.

Knives can kill.

Anyone buying a knife should be registered.

Only a knife up to a 3" blade should be legal.

Background checks for all those people who buy knives should be instituted immediately.

We need to create Knife Free Zones- That will eliminate knife crimes.

Remember, people don't kill, knives do.

But, but, how do I cut up the critters I shoot?
OK boys and more time....for you flat-headed liberals:

Men with guns protect the president
Men with guns protect the vice president
Men with guns protect the members of the House
Men with guns protect the members of the Senate
Men with guns protect the Judges
Men with guns protect Local civil servants
Men with Guns protect the Wealthy
Men with guns protect the foreign dignitary

Yet we put up signs that read "Gun Free Zone" I'm a feeble attempt to protect our children in school and then, when something goes horribly wrong, we call men with guns.

Make sense to you?
MEN with GUNS protect the ELITE...even in HOLLYWOOD...:eusa_whistle:
Knives and baseball bats were designed as implements and not deadly weapons. Until someone comes up with a use for a gun that does not include killing humans, I will continue to respect the difference between ball bats, knives and guns. about putting food on the table? Jesus - get a clue. Oh and BTW - the "baseball bat" was the original "club".
And for that purpose, you need a Glock 9? Anything other than bolt action rifles and pump action shot guns are designed to kill humans. If some weapons are restricted due to their lethality, why can't those DESIGNED as lethal be restricted as well?
HOW would you rather die??? shot or cut up with a knife or beat to death with a baseball bat??? your choice!
Suspect in custody after several stabbings reported at high school in western Pennsylvania | Fox News

Obviously knives have no place in civil society.

Knives can kill.

Anyone buying a knife should be registered.

Only a knife up to a 3" blade should be legal.

Background checks for all those people who buy knives should be instituted immediately.

We need to create Knife Free Zones- That will eliminate knife crimes.

Remember, people don't kill, knives do.

You've just made the argument that a convicted felon should be able to buy a 50 caliber machinegun,

no questions asked.

Are you really that fucking stupid?

Only a dick wad like yourself would take such an argument seriously, birdbrain.
What if the security guard had a gun?

He may have stopped the culprit before he cut so many students.
Back in 1981, a guy shot four people outside a hotel in Washington. The four were surrounded by the best trained, best armed cadre of body guards in history. Sometimes a guy , or guys, with guns aren't the most effective shield.

The U.S. Secret Service didn't prevent gun violence. And you are wondering about a high school security guard.
Knives and baseball bats were designed as implements and not deadly weapons. Until someone comes up with a use for a gun that does not include killing humans, I will continue to respect the difference between ball bats, knives and guns. about putting food on the table? Jesus - get a clue. Oh and BTW - the "baseball bat" was the original "club".
And for that purpose, you need a Glock 9? Anything other than bolt action rifles and pump action shot guns are designed to kill humans. If some weapons are restricted due to their lethality, why can't those DESIGNED as lethal be restricted as well?

Because the 2a is designed to offer us recourse against an oppressive government and we can only afford to be handicapped by restrictions on weaponry so much and still be able to repel the storm troopers if they ever come.

A line must be drawn somewhere and though I think we deserve any weapon we can handle and practice regularly with and afford to own, the line was drawn as it is.

You don't like it?

Fuck ya.

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Doesn't an attack on high school students make you sick? Where's all that Christian outrage? You lord it over homosexuals, but then you belittle blood on a high school floor. You're no Christian. You are a disgusting little person with a disgusting little mind. I'd tell you to go to Hell, but I never ever want to see you.

This post is the funniest one in the thread because it makes absolutely no sense what so ever.

That asshole Holy Rolling Bible thumping turd quotes Scripture to repress people then makes glib, idiotic comments when high school kids are bleeding in their school. Conservatives can keep him. No one with a conscience will.

Are you really so ignorant that you can recognize a satire thread? Give it a rest already. about putting food on the table? Jesus - get a clue. Oh and BTW - the "baseball bat" was the original "club".
And for that purpose, you need a Glock 9? Anything other than bolt action rifles and pump action shot guns are designed to kill humans. If some weapons are restricted due to their lethality, why can't those DESIGNED as lethal be restricted as well?

Because the 2a is designed to offer us recourse against an oppressive government and we can only afford to be handicapped by restrictions on weaponry so much and still be able to repel the storm troopers if they ever come.

A line must be drawn somewhere and though I think we deserve any weapon we can handle and practice regularly with and afford to own, the line was drawn as it is.

You don't like it?

Fuck ya.

FIRST and foremost. The Founders were quite clear. The Progs don't wish to confront reality.

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