Stacey Abrams and the kidlets

....but you love skinny ass hags like Laura Ingraham, Ann Coulter and Scary ass Kelly Ann Conway.
I'm more into the Hedy Lamarr types.

I'm sorry you appear to have a difficult time understanding the science
He is anti Fauci now, disagree with Fauci. You disagree with science and now rightwinger is stating mask don't work. How many of those children been vaccinated and being forced to wear a mask.
Yea because Mitch McConnell and Mo Brooks loved Dr. King. Get off your knees and open your eyes for a change.
Brooks was what..12 when a DNC campaign official murdered King? who knows how he felt…

Mitch was a young man working for a the first Catholic to win statewide election in KY and King supporter
Brooks was what..12 when a DNC campaign official murdered King? who knows how he felt…

Mitch was a young man working for a the first Catholic to win statewide election in KY and King supporter
Oh my bad I should have said good ole Strom Thurmond, a Republican hero and the Republican racist Jesse Helms.
No all liberals are a danger to children. That picture is an example. She can get covid and spread it. Just as anyone not vaccinated, and there is no vaccine for Omicron.
yep more americans have died since the dems took power…they are a clear and present danger to humans
This needs to be over, now. All of it. The masks, the vaccine passports, the restrictions. Everything. Done.

This picture might actually be so damaging to Democrats they might agree.

(Posted to her social media this weekend and quickly deleted. Gosh, wonder why?)

View attachment 597778
They know masks work on the ChiCom flu like a Chainlink fence works on mosquitoes.

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