Stacey Abrams and the kidlets

As always, MTG nails it.

These disgusting lefties force kids to wear masks, when they have zero chance of dying from WuFlu. Yet these old, fat slobs don’t need to wear them.

They have been doing this all along. Many democrats demanding constant mask mandates and telling us all that 'DeathSantis' was killing people in Florida ran there to vacation this year.

Not wearing masks.

They they are a bunch of worthless lying conmen is not news.
You're being far too kind.
If a morbidly obese member of the Democrat Elite is comfortable walking around without a mask, then Covid is done!

The shark has been jumped by the shark.

Heaven help us if there ever IS an actual public health emergency; Democrats have squandered ALL of their credibilty.
IMO? I really believe that both Penny and RWing honestly do not understand what was wrong with the photo, there seemed to be some sort of cognitive disconnect, in the same way that it caused Stacy to do the photo shoot w/o that mask.

We all know that the masks do very, very little. Stacy knows that, the adults know that. It isn't about the disease, it is about cowing the children, and reducing their noise and exuberance. It is about making them docile to authority.

. . . it's all bullshit. But you can't forget that, and make it so naked like in this photo. . this is literally, "the empress wearing no clothes," and she totally forgot.

Penny and RWing still see clothes though. . . the rest of us see the truth.
^ Thread win.
In all fairness, you aren't required to wear a mask when eating.....

And there's no way Ol' Stacey can maintain that level of morbid obesity without constantly shoveling in such delicacies as fried chicken, etc!!!!
I am fully vaccinated and comply with mask mandates even though I question them. I am getting sick and tired of listening to Democrat elites push mask mandates, lockdowns, etc. only to be exposed time and time again for not practicing what they preach.

Democrats’ credibility was never high on my list pre-pandemic and now it has sunk further which I did not think was possible. Democrats and the people who support them on COVID policies are full of shit and cannot be trusted given their actions.

This needs to be over, now. All of it. The masks, the vaccine passports, the restrictions. Everything. Done.

This picture might actually be so damaging to Democrats they might agree.

(Posted to her social media this weekend and quickly deleted. Gosh, wonder why?)

View attachment 597778
Do you watch her twitter feed. So you make fun of her, what else is new. All democrats you make fun of. Anyone who is a democrat.
Do you watch her twitter feed. So you make fun of her, what else is new. All democrats you make fun of. Anyone who is a democrat.

I didn't make fun of her. I'm livid that MY STUDENTS and myself have to wear masks all day long at school while mostly Democrats smile for the camera, maskless.

This will do it. It's over.

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