Stacey Abrams?Seriously?Democrat Response.Is This The Best The Democrats Can Come Up With?

:CryingCow: :huh1: :eusa_think: :eusa_think: Aren't us normal people all saying, "Why Her"? If they wanted Stacey to deliver the democrat response, they may as well had Hank Johnson, Maxine Waters, or The Genius Cortez deliver the response.
Lets face it, she doesn't look good, is not even close to being well spoken, actually thought she could win a Senate seat in Georgia. Overall, not a very likeable person.
And she is the chosen one?
The Democrats may as well should of had Bert and Ernie deliver the response, or maybe even Rachael Doolazol.
:aargh: :aargh: :aargh:
Look who they gave their 2016 nomination to. 'Beggars can't be choosers'?! :p
she will propose that all fast food restaurants have a minumum wage of 20.00 hr because dem 16 yeer old berger flippers need dat wage to support dare families
LOL. We have a whole new crop of RUssian trollbots

Stacey Abrams is going to surprise you.

She's pretty amazing
She will spew today’s biggest racist actions.. victim hood mentality. She willl make millions of people of color believe trump is a racist keeping them from being successful. She will be paid greatly to help white democrats control more blacks

But Trump is a racist.
Lowest black unemployment is racist lol ok ok you got me haha
She will spew today’s biggest racist actions.. victim hood mentality. She willl make millions of people of color believe trump is a racist keeping them from being successful. She will be paid greatly to help white democrats control more blacks

But Trump is a racist.
Yeah she's a real jewel in the crown of the Dem party a real racist who won't be maligned for calling others racists because she A Black woman. I wonder if she's had an abortion her Political views are.
Stacy will propose that anyone of any age should be able to vote, even on erection day, so long as dayz all vote democrat
She will spew today’s biggest racist actions.. victim hood mentality. She willl make millions of people of color believe trump is a racist keeping them from being successful. She will be paid greatly to help white democrats control more blacks

But Trump is a racist.
Lowest black unemployment is racist lol ok ok you got me haha
:dance:she will spew the same old song and dance the left has been spewing for 50 yrs.
:CryingCow: :huh1: :eusa_think: :eusa_think: Aren't us normal people all saying, "Why Her"? If they wanted Stacey to deliver the democrat response, they may as well had Hank Johnson, Maxine Waters, or The Genius Cortez deliver the response.
Lets face it, she doesn't look good, is not even close to being well spoken, actually thought she could win a Senate seat in Georgia. Overall, not a very likeable person.
And she is the chosen one?
The Democrats may as well should of had Bert and Ernie deliver the response, or maybe even Rachael Doolazol.
:aargh: :aargh: :aargh:

They need to look like they care about the plight of Blacks and everyone knows she got cheated out of the Senate seat. Cheated meaning the Dems were so sure she would win they forgot to create more votes for her. Even the Ones they found Hidden somewhere weren't enough. She's a Socialist and unqualified to address the American people about anything.

That's why elections have deadlines and this Early Voting Shit is just a vehicle DemNazis wanted to manufacture votes.
:fu:hey Stacey from all the Aborted babies and Impoverished Blacks in your State:saythat:
well, if she loses her next race, wal mart always needs help at the return counter
She will spew today’s biggest racist actions.. victim hood mentality. She willl make millions of people of color believe trump is a racist keeping them from being successful. She will be paid greatly to help white democrats control more blacks

But Trump is a racist.
Lowest black unemployment is racist lol ok ok you got me haha

What policies did Trump put in to place that specifically targeted lowering black unemployment? Be Specific.
I think they probably didn’t have a lot of really great options to choose from since most of the stars or upcoming stars of the party are planning to run for president in 2020. If one of them does the rebuttal and doesn’t do a good job or creates a meme to be mocked it could hurt their presidential chances.
She will spew today’s biggest racist actions.. victim hood mentality. She willl make millions of people of color believe trump is a racist keeping them from being successful. She will be paid greatly to help white democrats control more blacks

But Trump is a racist.
Lowest black unemployment is racist lol ok ok you got me haha

What policies did Trump put in to place that specifically targeted lowering black unemployment? Be Specific.
Tax cuts, deregulation, businesses started investing nov 2016 when he won! They were holding press conferences lol more people invest more jobs created... poor Obama he was a pawn haha
:CryingCow: :huh1: :eusa_think: :eusa_think: Aren't us normal people all saying, "Why Her"? If they wanted Stacey to deliver the democrat response, they may as well had Hank Johnson, Maxine Waters, or The Genius Cortez deliver the response.
Lets face it, she doesn't look good, is not even close to being well spoken, actually thought she could win a Senate seat in Georgia. Overall, not a very likeable person.
And she is the chosen one?
The Democrats may as well should of had Bert and Ernie deliver the response, or maybe even Rachael Doolazol.
:aargh: :aargh: :aargh:

Let them keep making huge mistakes.

She will spew today’s biggest racist actions.. victim hood mentality. She willl make millions of people of color believe trump is a racist keeping them from being successful. She will be paid greatly to help white democrats control more blacks

But Trump is a racist.
Lowest black unemployment is racist lol ok ok you got me haha

What policies did Trump put in to place that specifically targeted lowering black unemployment? Be Specific.
Tax cuts, deregulation, businesses started investing nov 2016 when he won! They were holding press conferences lol more people invest more jobs created... poor Obama he was a pawn haha

So you don't know of any specific policies. Is anyone surprised?

Like I said, Trump is a racist and there is literally no proof to the contrary. Thanks for solidifying my statement.
i wonder what she will be eating and drinking during this response
This dumb asshole is the new face of the Democrat Party. Dumber than a door knob, snaggle tooth, ghetto, fat, ugly and a hateful piece of shit.
She will spew today’s biggest racist actions.. victim hood mentality. She willl make millions of people of color believe trump is a racist keeping them from being successful. She will be paid greatly to help white democrats control more blacks

But Trump is a racist.
Lowest black unemployment is racist lol ok ok you got me haha

What policies did Trump put in to place that specifically targeted lowering black unemployment? Be Specific.
Tax cuts, deregulation, businesses started investing nov 2016 when he won! They were holding press conferences lol more people invest more jobs created... poor Obama he was a pawn haha

So you don't know of any specific policies. Is anyone surprised?

Like I said, Trump is a racist and there is literally no proof to the contrary. Thanks for solidifying my statement.
Do you even know what racism means lol

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