Stalin, the Teflon Dictator


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Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
I wrote 'Stalin,' but the following applies to Karl Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and communism itself.

Why is it that none are shocked when some academic proclaims himself to be a Marxist...but the same would would not hold if the individual boasted of being a Nazi.
Why is that?

Because communism and Nazism are so different....

It is because so few recognize that communism is the source of Nazism, and that Stalin was far worse than Hitler.
Nor realize that the Soviets actually taught Hitler's Nazis how to build concentration camps, and Stalin provided strategic materials for Hitler's Blitzkrieg.....

Verification to follow in "The Soviet Story."

"The Soviet Story," an award winning documentary clarifying the close and personal attachments of Hitler's Nazis and Stalin's Communists.
The bottom line is that one glaring difference between Hitler and Stalin was this: Stalin was far more heinous.

"Soviet Story" is the most powerful antidote yet to the sanitisation of the past. The film is gripping, audacious and uncompromising. [...] The main aim of the film is to show the close connections—philosophical, political and organisational—between the Nazi and Soviet systems."
Europe.view: Telling the Soviet story | The Economist

1. The film opens showing the method used to kill millions of civilians...hands tied behind their backs, an expertly aimed shot to the back of the head, the fall into a mass grave. Not the Nazis....Stalin's Soviets....and this went on for years, well before FDR embraced the USSR.

2. Lenin believed in Utopia, a harmony reached only after certain groups of people are killed: the 'War of Classes'.
'Initially, wherever communists come to power, Russia, Cuba, Poland, Nicaragua, China, it doesn't matter- they destroy about 10% of the people. They are not intellectuals, best workers, best engineers...doesn't matter. It is to restructure the fabric of society, a form of social engineering."
Vladimir Bukovsky.

a. "Hang at least 100 hostages, execute the kulaks, do it in such a way that people for hundreds of miles around will see and tremble." Lenin (document shown) He took power in 1917.

3. The birth of "The New Soviet Man" was the stated aim of Marxism, breeding a new evolutionary form of human being who will think, look, and act differently.
The next footage was the Nazi attempt to do exactly the same thing: in German, "We must create a new man! A new life form should appear!"

a. "In both systems we have the ideology of creating a new man. Both systems don't agree with human nature as it is...they are at war with human nature. Both are based on false biology, and false sociology."
Françoise Thom, professor of Soviet history, Sorbonne, Paris

4. "Early socialists publically advocated genocide, in the 19th and 20th centuries. It first appeared in Marx's journal, 'Rheinishe Zeitung', in January of 1849.
"When the socialist class war happens, there will be primitive societies in Europe, two stages behind- not even capitalist yet- the Basques, the Bretons, the Scottish Highlanders, the Serbs, and others he calls 'racial trash,' and they will have to be destroyed because, being two stages behind in the class struggle, it will be impossible to bring them up to being revolutionary."
George Watson, Historian, Cambridge University.

a. "The classes and races, too weak to master the new conditions of life, must give way...they must perish in the revolutionary holocaust."
Karl Marx, People's Paper, April 16, 1856, Journal of the History of Idea, 1981

b. "Before Marx, no other European thinker publically advocated racial extermination. He was the first."
George Watson.

5. A year after Lenin's death, 1924, the NYTimes published a small article about a newly established party in Germany, the National Socialist Labor Party, which "...persists in believing that Lenin and Hitler can be compared or contrasted...Dr. Goebell's....assertion that Lenin was the greatest man second only to Hitler....and that the difference between communism and the Hitler faith was very slight...."
November 27, 1925.(Article provided in the film)

So....Karl Marx, the father of communism, endorses the extermination of whole groups based on their political and economic outlook.
Men, women, and children.

Did you notice the use of 'holocaust' in Marx's statement?

We'll get into more of what "The Soviet Story" teaches about the first Marxist nation.......
So....Karl Marx, the father of communism, endorses the extermination of whole groups based on their political and economic outlook.
Men, women, and children.
What's new? Humans have been playing genocide since, well, since humans started recording history through writing.
Would you be offended if I called you a Bushido Jap?
So....Karl Marx, the father of communism, endorses the extermination of whole groups based on their political and economic outlook.
Men, women, and children.
What's new? Humans have been playing genocide since, well, since humans started recording history through writing.
Would you be offended if I called you a Bushido Jap?

Ahhhhhhh....The "Humans have been playing genocide" for all of history augment. It is the notion that if it has been done in the past it's ok to do it in the present. Oh the implications.
The western leaders chose to befriend and champion Soviet communism over German national socialism.

Because the the Bolshevik communist leadership were almost all Jews.

And the Nazi leadership was unfairly portrayed as anti-semitic.

The Jews in the U.S. government lobbied for aligning American foreign policy with the Soviets and against the National Socialists.

Which ultimately lead to our needless involvement in WWII .... :cool:
Communism in the 20th Century and Fascism in the 20th Century were totalitarian governments, that is the commonality of Hitler and Stalin. I suggest those who read anything posted by PC to search other sources, and in this case to review the work product of Hannah Arendt and The Origin of Totalitarianism.

Below is a review from:

Hannah Arendt: an Intellectual Biography
by Michelle-Irène Brudny

"With her argument that Hannah Arendt began to formulate key ideas of her masterpiece, The Origins of Totalitarianism, years earlier than previously thought-well before World War II and anticipating the horrors of Nazism-Michelle-Irene Brudny overturns traditional Arendt scholarship. Based on that groundbreaking and persuasive claim, in Hannah Arendt Brudny rejects the proposition that Arendt is primarily a polemical writer and shows instead that she was truly an original thinker. In this first intellectual biography of Arendt, Brudny traces the development of Arendt's philosophy, showing her wide-ranging interests and her intellectual growth. She clearly delineates the influence of Arendt's philosophy teacher and lover, Martin Heidegger, and illuminates Arendt's complex relationship with Judaism-which Arendt never saw as her "repellant doppelganger," as has been sometimes said. Brudny also examines the importance of Arendt's American years through French eyes - a new and original approach. The writings and philosophies of Hannah Arendt have never been more relevant, especially in the context of today's violence and barbarism. With fascinating details about her life and her influence on contemporary philosophy, this brief biography-one of only two Arendt biographies available in English-is an excellent guide to the life and work of one of the twentieth century's most important thinkers."
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The western leaders chose to befriend and champion Soviet communism over German national socialism.

Because the the Bolshevik communist leadership were almost all Jews.

And the Nazi leadership was unfairly portrayed as anti-semitic.

The Jews in the U.S. government lobbied for aligning American foreign policy with the Soviets and against the National Socialists.

Which ultimately lead to our needless involvement in WWII .... :cool:

Historically inaccurate and really naïve as more cut and paste from Wiki.

........ True story

So....Karl Marx, the father of communism, endorses the extermination of whole groups based on their political and economic outlook.
Men, women, and children.
What's new? Humans have been playing genocide since, well, since humans started recording history through writing.
Would you be offended if I called you a Bushido Jap?

Ahhhhhhh....The "Humans have been playing genocide" for all of history augment. It is the notion that if it has been done in the past it's ok to do it in the present. Oh the implications.

So you take offense if I call you a mongolian murderer. I think not.
Why does Stalin get a pass, who the hell knows. I am still proud to be from German relatives.
Hitler was bad, but a lot of others have been also. Yet we do not take offense when called half breeds by whites or Natives alike.
It was more like the capitalists of the US wanted to do business with Stalin over Hitler, no, they were both generous in their efforts to build their nations no matter the back ground of the financiers and businessmen.
How to explain the ignorance about communism....and how influential it has become in American politics?

One would be well advised to pay attention to the words of former communist, Whitaker Chambers, and what he discovered about Marxism-Leninism as related in his classic "Witness."

A famous passage in "Witness" continually bears remembering:
"In the United States, the working class are Democrats. The middle class are Republicans. The upper class are Communists."

That 'upper class' is the same one found in England.....

6. In Britain, elites, including George Bernard Shaw supported Hitler in the mass media, showing an article entitled "Shaw Heaps Praise on the Dictators....Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin." The Left supported Hitler because they knew he would kill.

[ame=]Fabian Socialist George Bernard Shaw In His Own Words - YouTube[/ame]

Shaw called for a poison gas to 'humanely' kill lesser groups......

a. In fact, Eichmann testified that Zyklon B was a humane gas....the same words as Shaw.

7. When Hitler began his advances on other countries, Stalin refused to join the nations talking of stopping him. Stalin was, in fact, pleased that Hitler was destroying the old order throughout Europe.

"There will be no parliaments, no trade unions, no armies, no governments....then Stalin will come as the liberator...millions of people will be sitting in concentration camps, hoping someone will liberate them, then Stalin and the Red Army will come and liberate them. That was his plan."
Vladimir Bukovsky.

8. But Hitler didn't have the supplies nor resources he needed, so August 23, 1939, Soviet Russia' Foreign Minister Molotov signs the Nazi-Soviet Non-aggression Pact while German Foreign Minister Von Ribbentrop and Soviet leader Josef Stalin look on, while standing under a portrait of Lenin –materials to be provided in later economic agreements.

a. Archival footage shows Nazi and Russian officers partying together. The USSR became the supplier of oil, iron ore, construction materials for Hitler's Blitzkrieg. And trainloads of grain, even while Russians were starving.

b. Communist party members throughout Europe were ordered to sabotage their nation's forces, and aid the Nazi attackers. The French Communist Party, July 1940: "It is comforting to see workers talking to German soldiers as friends,...'well done, comrades, and keep it up,' ...the brotherhood of man will not be forever a hope, it will become a living reality."

c. The same occurred in the United States.
At the behest of the Commintern, as the archives reveals, the American Peace Mobilization committee was formed in April of ’41. It’s function was to support the Soviet line, bring progressives aboard, protest against the lend-lease program to aid Britain…they paraded in front of the White House, chanting “FDR is a fascist, …he’s starting a war!’
In mid-protest, on June 22, 1941, they became pro-war when the Germans had broken their agreement with the Soviets, and invaded Russia! Suddenly the group was for lend-lease, and FDR wasn’t a fascist…and they changed their name to American People’s Mobilization.
So....Karl Marx, the father of communism, endorses the extermination of whole groups based on their political and economic outlook.
Men, women, and children.
What's new? Humans have been playing genocide since, well, since humans started recording history through writing.
Would you be offended if I called you a Bushido Jap?

You're not serious.

You are excusing genocide as being 'perfectly normal'????

Not only cavalier and disgusting....but well outside of the point being made in the documentary....that is that Karl Marx was the first, and seemingly only, modern European political thinker to endorse the mass extermination of human beings.

And two nations did what you seem to suggest....carry out murder by bureaucratic administration....but only one is blamed in popular colloquy.

Extermination as government policy?

I'm sure that upon reflection you will realize what a shameful post you have penned.

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