Stalin, the Teflon Dictator

"Hannah Arendt's definitive work on totalitarianism and an essential component of any study of twentieth-century political history"

[ame=]The Origins of Totalitarianism: Hannah Arendt: 9780156701532: Books[/ame]
How to explain the ignorance about communism....and how influential it has become in American politics?

One would be well advised to pay attention to the words of former communist, Whitaker Chambers, and what he discovered about Marxism-Leninism as related in his classic "Witness."

A famous passage in "Witness" continually bears remembering:
"In the United States, the working class are Democrats. The middle class are Republicans. The upper class are Communists."

That 'upper class' is the same one found in England.....

6. In Britain, elites, including George Bernard Shaw supported Hitler in the mass media, showing an article entitled "Shaw Heaps Praise on the Dictators....Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin." The Left supported Hitler because they knew he would kill.

Fabian Socialist George Bernard Shaw In His Own Words - YouTube

Shaw called for a poison gas to 'humanely' kill lesser groups......

a. In fact, Eichmann testified that Zyklon B was a humane gas....the same words as Shaw.

7. When Hitler began his advances on other countries, Stalin refused to join the nations talking of stopping him. Stalin was, in fact, pleased that Hitler was destroying the old order throughout Europe.

"There will be no parliaments, no trade unions, no armies, no governments....then Stalin will come as the liberator...millions of people will be sitting in concentration camps, hoping someone will liberate them, then Stalin and the Red Army will come and liberate them. That was his plan."
Vladimir Bukovsky.

8. But Hitler didn't have the supplies nor resources he needed, so August 23, 1939, Soviet Russia' Foreign Minister Molotov signs the Nazi-Soviet Non-aggression Pact while German Foreign Minister Von Ribbentrop and Soviet leader Josef Stalin look on, while standing under a portrait of Lenin –materials to be provided in later economic agreements.

a. Archival footage shows Nazi and Russian officers partying together. The USSR became the supplier of oil, iron ore, construction materials for Hitler's Blitzkrieg. And trainloads of grain, even while Russians were starving.

b. Communist party members throughout Europe were ordered to sabotage their nation's forces, and aid the Nazi attackers. The French Communist Party, July 1940: "It is comforting to see workers talking to German soldiers as friends,...'well done, comrades, and keep it up,' ...the brotherhood of man will not be forever a hope, it will become a living reality."

c. The same occurred in the United States.
At the behest of the Commintern, as the archives reveals, the American Peace Mobilization committee was formed in April of ’41. It’s function was to support the Soviet line, bring progressives aboard, protest against the lend-lease program to aid Britain…they paraded in front of the White House, chanting “FDR is a fascist, …he’s starting a war!’
In mid-protest, on June 22, 1941, they became pro-war when the Germans had broken their agreement with the Soviets, and invaded Russia! Suddenly the group was for lend-lease, and FDR wasn’t a fascist…and they changed their name to American People’s Mobilization.

The left loves population control.

Socialism, Eugenics, and Population Control

The term final solution usually will find its way into the passages of commentary on the German National Socialists (Nazis). However very few people know what the initial question was that was first asked, nor by whom. In addition, even fewer recognize that Adolf Hitler was not the originator of the question or the answer.

The theories of Malthus found much affection in the revolutionary minds of individuals such as Charles Darwin (the originator of the modern evolutionary model), Karl Marx and Fredrick Engels (authors of the Communist Manifesto and Das Capital), Lord John Maynard Keynes (founder of the World Bank, Fabian Socialist, and director of the British Eugenics Society), Mao Zedong (follower of Karl Marx, Chinese Communist Party founder, and murderer of some 60–80 million of his own people), and many more.

. Birth control through the methods of sterilization of the undesirables, use of contraception, and abortion.
2. Euthanasia for the sick and old.
3. Establishing a one- or two-child policy for appropriate countries.
4. Promotion of abstinence for the poorer classes.
5. State-educated “Family Planning” organizations.
6. Restrictions on international migrations.
7. Environmental protection laws and the promotion of conservationism which led to the “green movement.”

Apparently the “Final Solution” had been found.

That same year, Margaret Sanger, Communist Party USA member, American Eugenics member, and founder of “Planned Parenthood,” lobbied the U.S. Congress on behalf of her cohorts. She represented her benefactors, urging the passing of a “two-child policy,” as well as a law that called for the forced sterilization of over 25 million Americans. Shockingly enough, the two bills were nearly passed by Congress.

Regardless, 34 states had already adopted sterilization laws and forced the procedure on over 50,000 Americans.

Although temporarily met with defeat, the fight for implementing socialist eugenics laws had just begun

In 1924 Adolf Hitler wrote his infamous population control and social planning book Mein Kampf, and credited the American eugenicists as his inspiration and even wrote a fan letter to author Madison Conrad upon the publishing of his monumental eugenics-based book, The Passing of the Great Race. In the letter, Hitler called the book his bible.

One year after the International Eugenics conference in 1932, the National Socialists won majority control of the Reichstag, Germany’s political parliament, and Hitler became chancellor of Germany.

Almost immediately laws were passed to legalize abortions with a specific directive on who to forcibly apply it to. German socialists were only the second in history to accomplish this goal of the Eugenics plan after the Russian socialists in 1919.

In the following months, the remainder of the methods of population control and reduction were implemented one by one, with forced abortion, sterilization, and euthanasia at the top of the list.

Ultimately, it is reported that the Socialist Party of Germany performed over 500,000 abortions a year while in power. A staggering amount considering that the Nazis reigned from 1933 to 1945. That totals to approximately 6 million abortions, both forced and voluntary, in a 12-year period.

Socialism, Eugenics, and Population Control | Viewpoints | Opinion | Epoch Times
Communism in the 20th Century and Fascism in the 20th Century were totalitarian governments, that is the commonality of Hitler and Stalin. I suggest those who read anything posted by PC to search other sources, and in this case to review the work product of Hannah Arendt and The Origin of Totalitarianism.

Below is a review from:

Hannah Arendt: an Intellectual Biography
by Michelle-Irène Brudny

"With her argument that Hannah Arendt began to formulate key ideas of her masterpiece, The Origins of Totalitarianism, years earlier than previously thought-well before World War II and anticipating the horrors of Nazism-Michelle-Irene Brudny overturns traditional Arendt scholarship. Based on that groundbreaking and persuasive claim, in Hannah Arendt Brudny rejects the proposition that Arendt is primarily a polemical writer and shows instead that she was truly an original thinker. In this first intellectual biography of Arendt, Brudny traces the development of Arendt's philosophy, showing her wide-ranging interests and her intellectual growth. She clearly delineates the influence of Arendt's philosophy teacher and lover, Martin Heidegger, and illuminates Arendt's complex relationship with Judaism-which Arendt never saw as her "repellant doppelganger," as has been sometimes said. Brudny also examines the importance of Arendt's American years through French eyes - a new and original approach. The writings and philosophies of Hannah Arendt have never been more relevant, especially in the context of today's violence and barbarism. With fascinating details about her life and her influence on contemporary philosophy, this brief biography-one of only two Arendt biographies available in English-is an excellent guide to the life and work of one of the twentieth century's most important thinkers."

"...those who read anything posted by PC to search other sources,..."

OMG…you are correct!
That’s an event that usually accompanies a parting sea or a stone tablet!!!

Education and research are my raison d'etre! Following your suggestion will advance my reputation immesurably!!!
In fact....that is why I provide links and sources!

The full thread, when complete, will show how Hitler studied and learned form Karl Marx, and how the Soviet government aided, allied, trained, provided materials to Hitler.

Nazism is the baby brother of communism.
It is 'junior' in every way.

In addition to proving the above, the additional bonus is in substantiating that you are an idiot.

Bet you didn't know this:

1. September 1, 1939, Hitler attacked Poland....on September 17, Stalin attacks from the East. The Soviet radio transmitter in Minsk guided the Nazi bombers attacking Polish cities. Newsreel footage showed the Red Army in Nazi helmets, marching side by side with the SS. One photo shows the hammer and sickle along side the swastika.

2. . Norway was invaded by the Nazis with the direct help of the Soviet Union, providing the Soviet naval base near Murmansk. "German Admiral Raeder sent a letter of thanks to the Commander of the Soviet Navy, Kuznetsov."

But, then.....the list of things you don't know is innumerable.....isn't it.
Stalin wasn't the only Russian communist mass murder

[ame=]True Communism Train Them Like Dogs - YouTube[/ame]
How to explain the ignorance about communism....and how influential it has become in American politics?

One would be well advised to pay attention to the words of former communist, Whitaker Chambers, and what he discovered about Marxism-Leninism as related in his classic "Witness."

A famous passage in "Witness" continually bears remembering:
"In the United States, the working class are Democrats. The middle class are Republicans. The upper class are Communists."

That 'upper class' is the same one found in England.....

6. In Britain, elites, including George Bernard Shaw supported Hitler in the mass media, showing an article entitled "Shaw Heaps Praise on the Dictators....Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin." The Left supported Hitler because they knew he would kill.

Fabian Socialist George Bernard Shaw In His Own Words - YouTube

Shaw called for a poison gas to 'humanely' kill lesser groups......

a. In fact, Eichmann testified that Zyklon B was a humane gas....the same words as Shaw.

7. When Hitler began his advances on other countries, Stalin refused to join the nations talking of stopping him. Stalin was, in fact, pleased that Hitler was destroying the old order throughout Europe.

"There will be no parliaments, no trade unions, no armies, no governments....then Stalin will come as the liberator...millions of people will be sitting in concentration camps, hoping someone will liberate them, then Stalin and the Red Army will come and liberate them. That was his plan."
Vladimir Bukovsky.

8. But Hitler didn't have the supplies nor resources he needed, so August 23, 1939, Soviet Russia' Foreign Minister Molotov signs the Nazi-Soviet Non-aggression Pact while German Foreign Minister Von Ribbentrop and Soviet leader Josef Stalin look on, while standing under a portrait of Lenin –materials to be provided in later economic agreements.

a. Archival footage shows Nazi and Russian officers partying together. The USSR became the supplier of oil, iron ore, construction materials for Hitler's Blitzkrieg. And trainloads of grain, even while Russians were starving.

b. Communist party members throughout Europe were ordered to sabotage their nation's forces, and aid the Nazi attackers. The French Communist Party, July 1940: "It is comforting to see workers talking to German soldiers as friends,...'well done, comrades, and keep it up,' ...the brotherhood of man will not be forever a hope, it will become a living reality."

c. The same occurred in the United States.
At the behest of the Commintern, as the archives reveals, the American Peace Mobilization committee was formed in April of ’41. It’s function was to support the Soviet line, bring progressives aboard, protest against the lend-lease program to aid Britain…they paraded in front of the White House, chanting “FDR is a fascist, …he’s starting a war!’
In mid-protest, on June 22, 1941, they became pro-war when the Germans had broken their agreement with the Soviets, and invaded Russia! Suddenly the group was for lend-lease, and FDR wasn’t a fascist…and they changed their name to American People’s Mobilization.

FDR also screwed the pooch by sending Joe Kennedy as ambassador to England. ole Joe was spouting off the English should appease Hitler to prevent a war. Churchill was having none of this and complained to FDR who recalled Kennedy. so much for running for prez.
Communism in the 20th Century and Fascism in the 20th Century were totalitarian governments, that is the commonality of Hitler and Stalin. I suggest those who read anything posted by PC to search other sources, and in this case to review the work product of Hannah Arendt and The Origin of Totalitarianism.

Below is a review from:

Hannah Arendt: an Intellectual Biography
by Michelle-Irène Brudny

"With her argument that Hannah Arendt began to formulate key ideas of her masterpiece, The Origins of Totalitarianism, years earlier than previously thought-well before World War II and anticipating the horrors of Nazism-Michelle-Irene Brudny overturns traditional Arendt scholarship. Based on that groundbreaking and persuasive claim, in Hannah Arendt Brudny rejects the proposition that Arendt is primarily a polemical writer and shows instead that she was truly an original thinker. In this first intellectual biography of Arendt, Brudny traces the development of Arendt's philosophy, showing her wide-ranging interests and her intellectual growth. She clearly delineates the influence of Arendt's philosophy teacher and lover, Martin Heidegger, and illuminates Arendt's complex relationship with Judaism-which Arendt never saw as her "repellant doppelganger," as has been sometimes said. Brudny also examines the importance of Arendt's American years through French eyes - a new and original approach. The writings and philosophies of Hannah Arendt have never been more relevant, especially in the context of today's violence and barbarism. With fascinating details about her life and her influence on contemporary philosophy, this brief biography-one of only two Arendt biographies available in English-is an excellent guide to the life and work of one of the twentieth century's most important thinkers."

"...those who read anything posted by PC to search other sources,..."

OMG…you are correct!
That’s an event that usually accompanies a parting sea or a stone tablet!!!

Education and research are my raison d'etre! Following your suggestion will advance my reputation immesurably!!!
In fact....that is why I provide links and sources!

The full thread, when complete, will show how Hitler studied and learned form Karl Marx, and how the Soviet government aided, allied, trained, provided materials to Hitler.

Nazism is the baby brother of communism.
It is 'junior' in every way.

In addition to proving the above, the additional bonus is in substantiating that you are an idiot.

Bet you didn't know this:

1. September 1, 1939, Hitler attacked Poland....on September 17, Stalin attacks from the East. The Soviet radio transmitter in Minsk guided the Nazi bombers attacking Polish cities. Newsreel footage showed the Red Army in Nazi helmets, marching side by side with the SS. One photo shows the hammer and sickle along side the swastika.

2. . Norway was invaded by the Nazis with the direct help of the Soviet Union, providing the Soviet naval base near Murmansk. "German Admiral Raeder sent a letter of thanks to the Commander of the Soviet Navy, Kuznetsov."

But, then.....the list of things you don't know is innumerable.....isn't it.

the Jews fled to Russia to get away from the Nazi's - but Stalin wraped them up in bows and gave em back to Hitler.
Communism in the 20th Century and Fascism in the 20th Century were totalitarian governments, that is the commonality of Hitler and Stalin. I suggest those who read anything posted by PC to search other sources, and in this case to review the work product of Hannah Arendt and The Origin of Totalitarianism.

Below is a review from:

Hannah Arendt: an Intellectual Biography
by Michelle-Irène Brudny

"With her argument that Hannah Arendt began to formulate key ideas of her masterpiece, The Origins of Totalitarianism, years earlier than previously thought-well before World War II and anticipating the horrors of Nazism-Michelle-Irene Brudny overturns traditional Arendt scholarship. Based on that groundbreaking and persuasive claim, in Hannah Arendt Brudny rejects the proposition that Arendt is primarily a polemical writer and shows instead that she was truly an original thinker. In this first intellectual biography of Arendt, Brudny traces the development of Arendt's philosophy, showing her wide-ranging interests and her intellectual growth. She clearly delineates the influence of Arendt's philosophy teacher and lover, Martin Heidegger, and illuminates Arendt's complex relationship with Judaism-which Arendt never saw as her "repellant doppelganger," as has been sometimes said. Brudny also examines the importance of Arendt's American years through French eyes - a new and original approach. The writings and philosophies of Hannah Arendt have never been more relevant, especially in the context of today's violence and barbarism. With fascinating details about her life and her influence on contemporary philosophy, this brief biography-one of only two Arendt biographies available in English-is an excellent guide to the life and work of one of the twentieth century's most important thinkers."

"...those who read anything posted by PC to search other sources,..."

OMG…you are correct!
That’s an event that usually accompanies a parting sea or a stone tablet!!!

Education and research are my raison d'etre! Following your suggestion will advance my reputation immesurably!!!
In fact....that is why I provide links and sources!

The full thread, when complete, will show how Hitler studied and learned form Karl Marx, and how the Soviet government aided, allied, trained, provided materials to Hitler.

Nazism is the baby brother of communism.
It is 'junior' in every way.

Wow. ^^^ Just Wow! And I suppose other mass murdering regimes were third cousins twice removed from the horror of the Holocaust?

Hitler was only a little evil, it was Stalin who was the big bad evil man

In addition to proving the above, the additional bonus is in substantiating that you are an idiot.

Of course, the usual personal attack when anyone who dares to question the Narcissistic Personality Disordered Queen.

Bet you didn't know this:

1. September 1, 1939, Hitler attacked Poland....on September 17, Stalin attacks from the East. The Soviet radio transmitter in Minsk guided the Nazi bombers attacking Polish cities. Newsreel footage showed the Red Army in Nazi helmets, marching side by side with the SS. One photo shows the hammer and sickle along side the swastika.

2. . Norway was invaded by the Nazis with the direct help of the Soviet Union, providing the Soviet naval base near Murmansk. "German Admiral Raeder sent a letter of thanks to the Commander of the Soviet Navy, Kuznetsov."

But, then.....the list of things you don't know is innumerable.....isn't it.

That's true. I'm still stuck on String Theory and Chaos Theory.

BTW, what is your agenda (I'm still stuck on that)? I'm sure enough that you're a demagogue (in training), a Charlatan by nature and a ubiquitous partisan hack. I'm also pretty sure you live alone, have no career of substance and burn relationships in short order.
Communism in the 20th Century and Fascism in the 20th Century were totalitarian governments, that is the commonality of Hitler and Stalin. I suggest those who read anything posted by PC to search other sources, and in this case to review the work product of Hannah Arendt and The Origin of Totalitarianism.

Below is a review from:

Hannah Arendt: an Intellectual Biography
by Michelle-Irène Brudny

"With her argument that Hannah Arendt began to formulate key ideas of her masterpiece, The Origins of Totalitarianism, years earlier than previously thought-well before World War II and anticipating the horrors of Nazism-Michelle-Irene Brudny overturns traditional Arendt scholarship. Based on that groundbreaking and persuasive claim, in Hannah Arendt Brudny rejects the proposition that Arendt is primarily a polemical writer and shows instead that she was truly an original thinker. In this first intellectual biography of Arendt, Brudny traces the development of Arendt's philosophy, showing her wide-ranging interests and her intellectual growth. She clearly delineates the influence of Arendt's philosophy teacher and lover, Martin Heidegger, and illuminates Arendt's complex relationship with Judaism-which Arendt never saw as her "repellant doppelganger," as has been sometimes said. Brudny also examines the importance of Arendt's American years through French eyes - a new and original approach. The writings and philosophies of Hannah Arendt have never been more relevant, especially in the context of today's violence and barbarism. With fascinating details about her life and her influence on contemporary philosophy, this brief biography-one of only two Arendt biographies available in English-is an excellent guide to the life and work of one of the twentieth century's most important thinkers."

"...those who read anything posted by PC to search other sources,..."

OMG…you are correct!
That’s an event that usually accompanies a parting sea or a stone tablet!!!

Education and research are my raison d'etre! Following your suggestion will advance my reputation immesurably!!!
In fact....that is why I provide links and sources!

The full thread, when complete, will show how Hitler studied and learned form Karl Marx, and how the Soviet government aided, allied, trained, provided materials to Hitler.

Nazism is the baby brother of communism.
It is 'junior' in every way.

Wow. ^^^ Just Wow! And I suppose other mass murdering regimes were third cousins twice removed from the horror of the Holocaust?

Hitler was only a little evil, it was Stalin who was the big bad evil man

In addition to proving the above, the additional bonus is in substantiating that you are an idiot.

Of course, the usual personal attack when anyone who dares to question the Narcissistic Personality Disordered Queen.

Bet you didn't know this:

1. September 1, 1939, Hitler attacked Poland....on September 17, Stalin attacks from the East. The Soviet radio transmitter in Minsk guided the Nazi bombers attacking Polish cities. Newsreel footage showed the Red Army in Nazi helmets, marching side by side with the SS. One photo shows the hammer and sickle along side the swastika.

2. . Norway was invaded by the Nazis with the direct help of the Soviet Union, providing the Soviet naval base near Murmansk. "German Admiral Raeder sent a letter of thanks to the Commander of the Soviet Navy, Kuznetsov."

But, then.....the list of things you don't know is innumerable.....isn't it.

That's true. I'm still stuck on String Theory and Chaos Theory.

BTW, what is your agenda (I'm still stuck on that)? I'm sure enough that you're a demagogue (in training), a Charlatan by nature and a ubiquitous partisan hack. I'm also pretty sure you live alone, have no career of substance and burn relationships in short order.

More proof that you're an idiot...You also make an ass out of yourself with your assumptions.
The results of PC's philosophy, if carried to its logical extremes, would place it in action with those of Stalin and Hitler. You and your Jericho brigade will not rule this country, ever.
The results of PC's philosophy, if carried to its logical extremes, would place it in action with those of Stalin and Hitler. You and your Jericho brigade will not rule this country, ever.

Individual liberty is what conservations are about fake. Statists like you not so much:eusa_eh:
Jroc, are you an authoritarian hiding behind "conservative" principles.

We all know you are a chameleon neo-imperialist. You can't hide.
Communism in the 20th Century and Fascism in the 20th Century were totalitarian governments, that is the commonality of Hitler and Stalin. I suggest those who read anything posted by PC to search other sources, and in this case to review the work product of Hannah Arendt and The Origin of Totalitarianism.

Below is a review from:

Hannah Arendt: an Intellectual Biography
by Michelle-Irène Brudny

"With her argument that Hannah Arendt began to formulate key ideas of her masterpiece, The Origins of Totalitarianism, years earlier than previously thought-well before World War II and anticipating the horrors of Nazism-Michelle-Irene Brudny overturns traditional Arendt scholarship. Based on that groundbreaking and persuasive claim, in Hannah Arendt Brudny rejects the proposition that Arendt is primarily a polemical writer and shows instead that she was truly an original thinker. In this first intellectual biography of Arendt, Brudny traces the development of Arendt's philosophy, showing her wide-ranging interests and her intellectual growth. She clearly delineates the influence of Arendt's philosophy teacher and lover, Martin Heidegger, and illuminates Arendt's complex relationship with Judaism-which Arendt never saw as her "repellant doppelganger," as has been sometimes said. Brudny also examines the importance of Arendt's American years through French eyes - a new and original approach. The writings and philosophies of Hannah Arendt have never been more relevant, especially in the context of today's violence and barbarism. With fascinating details about her life and her influence on contemporary philosophy, this brief biography-one of only two Arendt biographies available in English-is an excellent guide to the life and work of one of the twentieth century's most important thinkers."

"...those who read anything posted by PC to search other sources,..."

OMG…you are correct!
That’s an event that usually accompanies a parting sea or a stone tablet!!!

Education and research are my raison d'etre! Following your suggestion will advance my reputation immesurably!!!
In fact....that is why I provide links and sources!

The full thread, when complete, will show how Hitler studied and learned form Karl Marx, and how the Soviet government aided, allied, trained, provided materials to Hitler.

Nazism is the baby brother of communism.
It is 'junior' in every way.

Wow. ^^^ Just Wow! And I suppose other mass murdering regimes were third cousins twice removed from the horror of the Holocaust?

Hitler was only a little evil, it was Stalin who was the big bad evil man

In addition to proving the above, the additional bonus is in substantiating that you are an idiot.

Of course, the usual personal attack when anyone who dares to question the Narcissistic Personality Disordered Queen.

Bet you didn't know this:

1. September 1, 1939, Hitler attacked Poland....on September 17, Stalin attacks from the East. The Soviet radio transmitter in Minsk guided the Nazi bombers attacking Polish cities. Newsreel footage showed the Red Army in Nazi helmets, marching side by side with the SS. One photo shows the hammer and sickle along side the swastika.

2. . Norway was invaded by the Nazis with the direct help of the Soviet Union, providing the Soviet naval base near Murmansk. "German Admiral Raeder sent a letter of thanks to the Commander of the Soviet Navy, Kuznetsov."

But, then.....the list of things you don't know is innumerable.....isn't it.

That's true. I'm still stuck on String Theory and Chaos Theory.

BTW, what is your agenda (I'm still stuck on that)? I'm sure enough that you're a demagogue (in training), a Charlatan by nature and a ubiquitous partisan hack. I'm also pretty sure you live alone, have no career of substance and burn relationships in short order.

Once again you fulfill your born role!

Comic relief!

Several time, when responding to posters with obvious.....limitations......I've posted something along these lines:

'You should try to stick to subjects where you might actually have some cachet, such as favorite Crayola, or how far to sit from the tv….'

But never before has one revealed their favorite Crayolas as you have done in this post.

Sometimes this is just soooooo much fun.
Libs Love Stalin

And Whittaker Chambers explained why that is so:

He wrote in his book WITNESS that liberals are/were incapable of ever effectively fighting Communism because they did not see anything in Communism that was antithetical to their own beliefs. In short, Liberals are Communists and Communists are Liberals.

And, it is so eminently this list is what the Liberal leaders in the Democrat Party espouse.....

1. Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.

2. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces.

3. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.

4. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

5. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions.

6. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.

7. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.

8. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

9. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a "religious crutch."

a. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a "religious crutch."

10. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.

11. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man." Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man."

12. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture--education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.

13. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.

I got 'em from a website of declared communist goals...
The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals
The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals
The results of PC's philosophy, if carried to its logical extremes, would place it in action with those of Stalin and Hitler. You and your Jericho brigade will not rule this country, ever.

Well....another attempt by the less intellectually endowed to keep up....

....but this post is so stupid it defies belief.

Why is it you never able to come to grip with the essence nor the facts of an OP?
Oh...right, ..."less intellectually endowed."

This must be explanation for your posts:
"He sets himself extremely low standards.......which he continually fails to live up to!"
Still doubt that any difference between Nazism and Communism is somewhere between minimal and non-existent?

A bit more:

9. The Soviet Premier Molotov actually warned the West not to fight Nazi ideology.
And in his address to the Supreme Soviet in the Kremlin, Molotov declared that fighting Nazi ideology was actually a crime.....because the two ideologies and methods were the same. Molotov oversaw the extermination of 7 million Ukrainians; Hitler, 6 million Jews.

a. Many Jews fled to the USSR....where Stalin rounded them up, and delivered them to the Gestapo as a gesture of friendship.

10. "The Soviet NKVD trained the SS, taught them how to build concentration camps, as they had been operating for 20 years before the origin of the Nazis."
Viktor Suvorov, former Soviet Military Intelligence Officer.

"According to Suvorov, Stalin planned to use Nazi Germany as a proxy (the “Icebreaker”) against the West. For this reason Stalin provided significant material and political support to Adolf Hitler, while at the same time preparing the Red Army to “liberate” the whole of Europe from Nazi occupation." Viktor Suvorov - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The USSR lost 27 million during the period of WWII.

20 million of, women, children, were murdered by their own government.

Yet throughout the West. 'war crimes' is a phrase only attached to the Nazis.
More than a million Soviet citizens joined the Nazis. Ask yourself this: why was it that the USSR, of all the Allies, had provided the enemy with thousands of recruits? Nearly one million Russian and other anti-Soviet men joined the enemy of their Soviet Army.
"The Secret Betrayal" by Nikolai Tolstoy, p. 19-20.

The majority of the information in this thread is from the documentary "The Soviet Story."

You can watch it for yourself, NamVet found it here:

It is gripping and graphic.
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