Stalin, the Teflon Dictator

What's new? Humans have been playing genocide since, well, since humans started recording history through writing.
Would you be offended if I called you a Bushido Jap?

Ahhhhhhh....The "Humans have been playing genocide" for all of history augment. It is the notion that if it has been done in the past it's ok to do it in the present. Oh the implications.

So you take offense if I call you a mongolian murderer. I think not.
Why does Stalin get a pass, who the hell knows. I am still proud to be from German relatives.
Hitler was bad, but a lot of others have been also. Yet we do not take offense when called half breeds by whites or Natives alike.

"The 2010 Census showed that people who reported multiple races grew by a larger percentage than those reporting a single race. According to the 2010 Census brief The Two or More Races Population: 2010, the population reporting multiple races (9.0 million) grew by 32.0 percent from 2000 to 2010, compared with those who reported a single race, which grew by 9.2 percent."
2010 Census Shows Multiple-Race Population Grew Faster Than Single-Race Population - Race - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau

If you believed that your post made any sense, you must be sitting in an Ojibwe sweat lodge, on peyote.
It was more like the capitalists of the US wanted to do business with Stalin over Hitler, no, they were both generous in their efforts to build their nations no matter the back ground of the financiers and businessmen.

Blasting this post out of the ether is like skeet shooting the Goodyear blimp.......

1. FDR hated the business community, treating the nation’s capitalists as an enemy, as “the unscrupulous money changers,” as FDR called them in his first Inaugural.

2. FDR came into office March 4th of 1933. One of his first official acts was to recognize the USSR, November 16th, 1933.

[ame=]Super Slow-Mo Skeet-Trap Shotgun - See the Pellets - YouTube[/ame]

So....what's your next theory?
How to explain the ignorance about communism....and how influential it has become in American politics?

One would be well advised to pay attention to the words of former communist, Whitaker Chambers, and what he discovered about Marxism-Leninism as related in his classic "Witness."

A famous passage in "Witness" continually bears remembering:
"In the United States, the working class are Democrats. The middle class are Republicans. The upper class are Communists."

That 'upper class' is the same one found in England.....

6. In Britain, elites, including George Bernard Shaw supported Hitler in the mass media, showing an article entitled "Shaw Heaps Praise on the Dictators....Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin." The Left supported Hitler because they knew he would kill.

Fabian Socialist George Bernard Shaw In His Own Words - YouTube

Shaw called for a poison gas to 'humanely' kill lesser groups......

a. In fact, Eichmann testified that Zyklon B was a humane gas....the same words as Shaw.

7. When Hitler began his advances on other countries, Stalin refused to join the nations talking of stopping him. Stalin was, in fact, pleased that Hitler was destroying the old order throughout Europe.

"There will be no parliaments, no trade unions, no armies, no governments....then Stalin will come as the liberator...millions of people will be sitting in concentration camps, hoping someone will liberate them, then Stalin and the Red Army will come and liberate them. That was his plan."
Vladimir Bukovsky.

8. But Hitler didn't have the supplies nor resources he needed, so August 23, 1939, Soviet Russia' Foreign Minister Molotov signs the Nazi-Soviet Non-aggression Pact while German Foreign Minister Von Ribbentrop and Soviet leader Josef Stalin look on, while standing under a portrait of Lenin –materials to be provided in later economic agreements.

a. Archival footage shows Nazi and Russian officers partying together. The USSR became the supplier of oil, iron ore, construction materials for Hitler's Blitzkrieg. And trainloads of grain, even while Russians were starving.

b. Communist party members throughout Europe were ordered to sabotage their nation's forces, and aid the Nazi attackers. The French Communist Party, July 1940: "It is comforting to see workers talking to German soldiers as friends,...'well done, comrades, and keep it up,' ...the brotherhood of man will not be forever a hope, it will become a living reality."

c. The same occurred in the United States.
At the behest of the Commintern, as the archives reveals, the American Peace Mobilization committee was formed in April of ’41. It’s function was to support the Soviet line, bring progressives aboard, protest against the lend-lease program to aid Britain…they paraded in front of the White House, chanting “FDR is a fascist, …he’s starting a war!’
In mid-protest, on June 22, 1941, they became pro-war when the Germans had broken their agreement with the Soviets, and invaded Russia! Suddenly the group was for lend-lease, and FDR wasn’t a fascist…and they changed their name to American People’s Mobilization.

The left loves population control.

Socialism, Eugenics, and Population Control

The term final solution usually will find its way into the passages of commentary on the German National Socialists (Nazis). However very few people know what the initial question was that was first asked, nor by whom. In addition, even fewer recognize that Adolf Hitler was not the originator of the question or the answer.

. Birth control through the methods of sterilization of the undesirables, use of contraception, and abortion.
2. Euthanasia for the sick and old.
3. Establishing a one- or two-child policy for appropriate countries.
4. Promotion of abstinence for the poorer classes.
5. State-educated “Family Planning” organizations.
6. Restrictions on international migrations.
7. Environmental protection laws and the promotion of conservationism which led to the “green movement.”

Apparently the “Final Solution” had been found.

That same year, Margaret Sanger, Communist Party USA member, American Eugenics member, and founder of “Planned Parenthood,” lobbied the U.S. Congress on behalf of her cohorts. She represented her benefactors, urging the passing of a “two-child policy,” as well as a law that called for the forced sterilization of over 25 million Americans. Shockingly enough, the two bills were nearly passed by Congress.

Regardless, 34 states had already adopted sterilization laws and forced the procedure on over 50,000 Americans.

Although temporarily met with defeat, the fight for implementing socialist eugenics laws had just begun

In 1924 Adolf Hitler wrote his infamous population control and social planning book Mein Kampf, and credited the American eugenicists as his inspiration and even wrote a fan letter to author Madison Conrad upon the publishing of his monumental eugenics-based book, The Passing of the Great Race. In the letter, Hitler called the book his bible.

One year after the International Eugenics conference in 1932, the National Socialists won majority control of the Reichstag, Germany’s political parliament, and Hitler became chancellor of Germany.

Almost immediately laws were passed to legalize abortions with a specific directive on who to forcibly apply it to. German socialists were only the second in history to accomplish this goal of the Eugenics plan after the Russian socialists in 1919.

In the following months, the remainder of the methods of population control and reduction were implemented one by one, with forced abortion, sterilization, and euthanasia at the top of the list.

Ultimately, it is reported that the Socialist Party of Germany performed over 500,000 abortions a year while in power. A staggering amount considering that the Nazis reigned from 1933 to 1945. That totals to approximately 6 million abortions, both forced and voluntary, in a 12-year period.

Socialism, Eugenics, and Population Control | Viewpoints | Opinion | Epoch Times

And in that connection, I hope you won't leave out the attempts at "population control" by the current Leftist in the White House.

1. A key administration figure committed to cost cutting is Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, a health policy advisor in the Office of Management and Budget and brother of Rahm Emanuel, the president's chief of staff wants doctors to look beyond the needs of their own patient and consider social justice. They should think about whether the money being spent on their patient could be better spent elsewhere.
Betsy McCaughey
Downgrading American Medical Care | The American Spectator

2. Dr. David Blumenthal, a Harvard professor and key health advisor to President Obama, conceded that "government controls on health care spending are associated with longer waits for elective procedures and reduced availability of new and expensive treatments and devices." Could this mean angioplasty, bypass surgery, hip replacement, and knee replacement? Who could this be aimed at? How about ‘longer waits’ for cancer patients? Mammograms and MRI’s?

3. The CER would identify (this is language from the draft report on the legislation) medical "items, procedures, and interventions" that it deems insufficiently effective or excessively expensive. They "will no longer be prescribed" by federal health programs.” Are you thinking ‘seniors’?

Seems one can identify the different totalitarian regimes by which group they intend on eliminating.......
Anybody, what is PC's Agenda?

Everyone of her posts is an attack on Democratic Presidents, Democratic Ideals and anyone who fails to bow to her esoteric excrement. Does anyone recall an essay from PC which proffers solutions to the myriad problems facing our nation? Anyone?

Her threads are rants, poorly written in a week outline form and her - strike that - the opinions she posts are all second hand (except for the ad hominem attacks and phony cuteness) from obscure sources. All such sources argue that a vast left wing cabal of many generations exists to create a worker's paradise (read communist state) in our nation.

Everyone of her threads belongs in the thread of all Conspiracy Theories.
PoliticalChic is like a lone voice in the Liberal/Democratic wilderness of failed policies and misguided agenda.

Her posts are well thought out and razor sharp in their exposing the left's vapid polemics. ... :cool:

The only evidence in your post, and I admit it needed to be inferred, is that you own a thesaurus (or bookmark You may blind some of the people with your bullshit all of the time, but never all of the people any of the time.
How to explain the ignorance about communism....and how influential it has become in American politics?

One would be well advised to pay attention to the words of former communist, Whitaker Chambers, and what he discovered about Marxism-Leninism as related in his classic "Witness."

A famous passage in "Witness" continually bears remembering:
"In the United States, the working class are Democrats. The middle class are Republicans. The upper class are Communists."

That 'upper class' is the same one found in England.....

6. In Britain, elites, including George Bernard Shaw supported Hitler in the mass media, showing an article entitled "Shaw Heaps Praise on the Dictators....Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin." The Left supported Hitler because they knew he would kill.

Fabian Socialist George Bernard Shaw In His Own Words - YouTube

Shaw called for a poison gas to 'humanely' kill lesser groups......

a. In fact, Eichmann testified that Zyklon B was a humane gas....the same words as Shaw.

7. When Hitler began his advances on other countries, Stalin refused to join the nations talking of stopping him. Stalin was, in fact, pleased that Hitler was destroying the old order throughout Europe.

"There will be no parliaments, no trade unions, no armies, no governments....then Stalin will come as the liberator...millions of people will be sitting in concentration camps, hoping someone will liberate them, then Stalin and the Red Army will come and liberate them. That was his plan."
Vladimir Bukovsky.

8. But Hitler didn't have the supplies nor resources he needed, so August 23, 1939, Soviet Russia' Foreign Minister Molotov signs the Nazi-Soviet Non-aggression Pact while German Foreign Minister Von Ribbentrop and Soviet leader Josef Stalin look on, while standing under a portrait of Lenin –materials to be provided in later economic agreements.

a. Archival footage shows Nazi and Russian officers partying together. The USSR became the supplier of oil, iron ore, construction materials for Hitler's Blitzkrieg. And trainloads of grain, even while Russians were starving.

b. Communist party members throughout Europe were ordered to sabotage their nation's forces, and aid the Nazi attackers. The French Communist Party, July 1940: "It is comforting to see workers talking to German soldiers as friends,...'well done, comrades, and keep it up,' ...the brotherhood of man will not be forever a hope, it will become a living reality."

c. The same occurred in the United States.
At the behest of the Commintern, as the archives reveals, the American Peace Mobilization committee was formed in April of ’41. It’s function was to support the Soviet line, bring progressives aboard, protest against the lend-lease program to aid Britain…they paraded in front of the White House, chanting “FDR is a fascist, …he’s starting a war!’
In mid-protest, on June 22, 1941, they became pro-war when the Germans had broken their agreement with the Soviets, and invaded Russia! Suddenly the group was for lend-lease, and FDR wasn’t a fascist…and they changed their name to American People’s Mobilization.

The left loves population control.


In 1924 Adolf Hitler wrote his infamous population control and social planning book Mein Kampf, and credited the American eugenicists as his inspiration and even wrote a fan letter to author Madison Conrad upon the publishing of his monumental eugenics-based book, The Passing of the Great Race. In the letter, Hitler called the book his bible.

One year after the International Eugenics conference in 1932, the National Socialists won majority control of the Reichstag, Germany’s political parliament, and Hitler became chancellor of Germany.

Almost immediately laws were passed to legalize abortions with a specific directive on who to forcibly apply it to. German socialists were only the second in history to accomplish this goal of the Eugenics plan after the Russian socialists in 1919.

In the following months, the remainder of the methods of population control and reduction were implemented one by one, with forced abortion, sterilization, and euthanasia at the top of the list.

Ultimately, it is reported that the Socialist Party of Germany performed over 500,000 abortions a year while in power. A staggering amount considering that the Nazis reigned from 1933 to 1945. That totals to approximately 6 million abortions, both forced and voluntary, in a 12-year period.

Socialism, Eugenics, and Population Control | Viewpoints | Opinion | Epoch Times

And in that connection, I hope you won't leave out the attempts at "population control" by the current Leftist in the White House.

1. A key administration figure committed to cost cutting is Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, a health policy advisor in the Office of Management and Budget and brother of Rahm Emanuel, the president's chief of staff wants doctors to look beyond the needs of their own patient and consider social justice. They should think about whether the money being spent on their patient could be better spent elsewhere.
Betsy McCaughey
Downgrading American Medical Care | The American Spectator

2. Dr. David Blumenthal, a Harvard professor and key health advisor to President Obama, conceded that "government controls on health care spending are associated with longer waits for elective procedures and reduced availability of new and expensive treatments and devices." Could this mean angioplasty, bypass surgery, hip replacement, and knee replacement? Who could this be aimed at? How about ‘longer waits’ for cancer patients? Mammograms and MRI’s?

3. The CER would identify (this is language from the draft report on the legislation) medical "items, procedures, and interventions" that it deems insufficiently effective or excessively expensive. They "will no longer be prescribed" by federal health programs.” Are you thinking ‘seniors’?

Seems one can identify the different totalitarian regimes by which group they intend on eliminating.......

Lets not forget the killing live babies is also a leftist proposal

Both a fetus and a newborn certainly are human beings and potential persons, but neither is a ‘person’ in the sense of ‘subject of a moral right to life’. We take ‘person’ to mean an individual who is capable of attributing to her own existence some (at least) basic value such that being deprived of this existence represents a loss to her. This means that many non-human animals and mentally retarded human individuals are persons, but that all the individuals who are not in the condition of attributing any value to their own existence are not persons. Merely being human is not in itself a reason for ascribing someone a right to life. Indeed, many humans are not considered subjects of a right to life: spare embryos where research on embryo stem cells is permitted, fetuses where abortion is permitted, criminals where capital punishment is legal.

Our point here is that, although it is hard to exactly determine when a subject starts or ceases to be a ‘person’, a necessary condition for a subject to have a right to X is that she is harmed by a decision to deprive her of X. There are many ways in which an individual can be harmed, and not all of them require that she values or is even aware of what she is deprived of. A person might be ‘harmed’ when someone steals from her the winning lottery ticket even if she will never find out that her ticket was the winning one. Or a person might be ‘harmed’ if something were done to her at the stage of fetus which affects for the worse her quality of life as a person (eg, her mother took drugs during pregnancy), even if she is not aware of it. However, in such cases we are talking about a person who is at least in the condition to value the different situation she would have found herself in if she had not been harmed. And such a condition depends on the level of her mental development,6 which in turn determines whether or not she is a person ‘

After-birth abortion: why should the baby live? -- Giubilini and Minerva -- Journal of Medical Ethics
Anybody, what is PC's Agenda?

Everyone of her posts is an attack on Democratic Presidents, Democratic Ideals and anyone who fails to bow to her esoteric excrement. Does anyone recall an essay from PC which proffers solutions to the myriad problems facing our nation? Anyone?

Her threads are rants, poorly written in a week outline form and her - strike that - the opinions she posts are all second hand (except for the ad hominem attacks and phony cuteness) from obscure sources. All such sources argue that a vast left wing cabal of many generations exists to create a worker's paradise (read communist state) in our nation.

Everyone of her threads belongs in the thread of all Conspiracy Theories.

I just answered you, here:
Looking at Josef Stalin from a political viewpoint doesn't tell the real story at all.

He was an ill-educated peasant who rose to power through the party apparatus by ruthlessly getting rid of all those who opposed him. And when Germany invaded, he proved to be a miserable tactician - only the horrid Russian winter saved him.

As he had proven in the past, once the war was over, he returned to what he had done to become dictator by killing or sending into an awful exile anyone who opposed him.

From International Business Times comes this excerpt:
In February 1989, two years before the fall of the Soviet Union, a research paper by Georgian historian Roy Aleksandrovich Medvedev published in the weekly tabloid Argumenti i Fakti estimated that the death toll directly attributable to Stalin’s rule amounted to some 20 million lives (on top of the estimated 20 million Soviet troops and civilians who perished in the Second World War), for a total tally of 40 million.

Read more @ How Many People Did Joseph Stalin Kill?
Looking at Josef Stalin from a political viewpoint doesn't tell the real story at all.

He was an ill-educated peasant who rose to power through the party apparatus by ruthlessly getting rid of all those who opposed him. And when Germany invaded, he proved to be a miserable tactician - only the horrid Russian winter saved him.

As he had proven in the past, once the war was over, he returned to what he had done to become dictator by killing or sending into an awful exile anyone who opposed him.

From International Business Times comes this excerpt:
In February 1989, two years before the fall of the Soviet Union, a research paper by Georgian historian Roy Aleksandrovich Medvedev published in the weekly tabloid Argumenti i Fakti estimated that the death toll directly attributable to Stalin’s rule amounted to some 20 million lives (on top of the estimated 20 million Soviet troops and civilians who perished in the Second World War), for a total tally of 40 million.

Read more @ How Many People Did Joseph Stalin Kill?

I'll see your 20....

....and raise you 30....

....and more:

1. Mao, spawn of Stalin...responsible for between 50 and 80 million deaths.

2. Obama White House communications director, Anita Dunn ...Named Mao as Favorite Political Philosopher ...

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