Stalking is legal? If you're in a union, sure!

So the only way this woman can "make a living" for her family is by cheating working folks out of a fair wage.

Thats what happpens when you walk off the job. Somebody who wants to work will take your place.

Yeah, that's what happens when workers give up their rights.

The problem is, being old enough to remember what a Middle Class looks like, you can see why it's really not a good thing to hand jobs over to whatever sorry Scab walks up...

When you walk off the job you've given up the rights to that job.
And I haven't had a problem with maintaining a very comfortable life just like my father before me.
Sounds like you failed and you're bitter about it.
So the only way this woman can "make a living" for her family is by cheating working folks out of a fair wage.

Thats what happpens when you walk off the job. Somebody who wants to work will take your place.

Yeah, that's what happens when workers give up their rights.

The problem is, being old enough to remember what a Middle Class looks like, you can see why it's really not a good thing to hand jobs over to whatever sorry Scab walks up...

There's a reason why you bitch more about how someone fucked you over than you tout your successes in business.

You are the why unions are losing. Too many thugs on your side.
Again, guy, you need to go down to the Rape Crisis center and hand out strap-ons.

That's about your level of mentality. "I've Got Mine (no, really!), Fuck YOu!"

Why the GOP is thankfully dying, just not fast enough.

Again Guy come up with a new stupid line once in a while.

If you think you can compare working a job to getting raped you're an even bigger idiot than I thought you were.

You are a gargantuan idiot.

If you and your union slugs do not like the place you work then why don't you get off your asses, pool all your union dues and create your perfect workplace?

Just answer the question with the truth.

You don't want to because then you would be responsible for your own success or failure and you can't handle that.

Working a job? No.

Being screwed over and lied to by an employer? Yes.

And being the boss and screwing people over makes about as much sense as handing a rape victim a strap-on.

As for my own success of failure, I usually do fine DESPITE the morons in the corner offices. I've watched a few of their businesses get buried (and in one case, I pushed in the dirt over them.)

You cannot equate rape, actual rape, with being fibbed to

If you and your union buddies opened a business you would screw your workers?

I guess you're not as holier than thou as you think.
The judge threw the case out because of the exemption unions have from stalking laws.

That is insane. Can you offer one valid reason why exemptions from stalking laws should exist for unions?


The fuckers probably deserve it.


Your unwarranted hostility is not a valid reason. The company hired union AND nonunion workers. You claim to be all about the workers, but you dismiss the nonunion workers. They have families too. They want a job and are willing to work at the wages offered. If there were other, better paying union jobs they would probably be working there.

Try again.

I don't belong to a union.

But if there's a picket line in front of a place - YOU DON'T CROSS IT!!!


It's pretty fucking simple.

You cannot equate rape, actual rape, with being fibbed to

If you and your union buddies opened a business you would screw your workers?

I guess you're not as holier than thou as you think.

Sorry, guy, being slammed with thousands of dollars in medical bills because they didn't keep their promises is a little more serious than being 'fibbed' to.

The complete demolishing of the middle class is a bit more serious than being 'fibbed" to.

Incidently, I've been a supervisor, and yes, I've even had to fire people. But not before I took every effort to straighten that employee out.

But the whining of the 1% that they are being oppressed because after decades of bad behavior, working folks are fighting back, just doesn't really impress me all that much.
Thats what happpens when you walk off the job. Somebody who wants to work will take your place.

Yeah, that's what happens when workers give up their rights.

The problem is, being old enough to remember what a Middle Class looks like, you can see why it's really not a good thing to hand jobs over to whatever sorry Scab walks up...

When you walk off the job you've given up the rights to that job.
And I haven't had a problem with maintaining a very comfortable life just like my father before me.
Sounds like you failed and you're bitter about it.

No, guy, you see, the difference is that rights were given up.

When my Dad was my age, he got cancer. But because he belonged to a union, he had good medical benefits, he got top notch treatment, and even though he died, anyway, after he died, they still gave my mom good benefits for the remainder of the time she lived.

On the other hand, seven years ago, I had some medical issues, and despite having six years of glowing reviews and sometimes working 60 hours a week, after my bills hit a certain level, they were pretty keen to get me off the payroll. My bosses response when I protested was "Well, good thing I don't have to deal with a union."

Incidently, by the time this "genius" was done, we lost 60% of our business and 50% of our employees. Not a union in sight.

We need unions because people like that become managers.
So the only way this woman can "make a living" for her family is by cheating working folks out of a fair wage.

Well, I suppose you would consider her turning tricks to be more acceptable. Much more "working class", I'm sure.

What is the difference in the wages her company was paying the nonunion workers as opposed to the union workers? Unless you can answer that you statement is pure bullshit.

The union wouldn't be making a stink unless they were doing something like hiring a bunch of illegals for a pittance.

The fuckers probably deserve it.


Your unwarranted hostility is not a valid reason. The company hired union AND nonunion workers. You claim to be all about the workers, but you dismiss the nonunion workers. They have families too. They want a job and are willing to work at the wages offered. If there were other, better paying union jobs they would probably be working there.

Try again.

I don't belong to a union.

But if there's a picket line in front of a place - YOU DON'T CROSS IT!!!


It's pretty fucking simple.

That's fine. I have no problem with a union picket line. I have no problem with a union, per se.

But to try and justify the stalking and harassment of a someone's family simply because they are not totally supportive of unions is just wrong.
Well, I suppose you would consider her turning tricks to be more acceptable. Much more "working class", I'm sure.

What is the difference in the wages her company was paying the nonunion workers as opposed to the union workers? Unless you can answer that you statement is pure bullshit.

The union wouldn't be making a stink unless they were doing something like hiring a bunch of illegals for a pittance.

Bullshit! All it takes for a union to raise a stink is for the union to be excluded. They will make a stink to try and extort a place for the unions.
That's fine. I have no problem with a union picket line. I have no problem with a union, per se.

But to try and justify the stalking and harassment of a someone's family simply because they are not totally supportive of unions is just wrong.

That's your opinion.

I don't think the 1% is going to start acting right until they start feeling a little "threatened", actually.

They certainly aren't going to do it because it's the right thing to do or it's good for the country. They way they've fucked up everything is proof enough of that.
That's fine. I have no problem with a union picket line. I have no problem with a union, per se.

But to try and justify the stalking and harassment of a someone's family simply because they are not totally supportive of unions is just wrong.

That's your opinion.

I don't think the 1% is going to start acting right until they start feeling a little "threatened", actually.

They certainly aren't going to do it because it's the right thing to do or it's good for the country. They way they've fucked up everything is proof enough of that.

well it's always nice to see a jackboot brown-shirt wannabe fascist admit his thuggery ambitions
the 1% never had is so good under Republicans

maybe you left-wing jackbooted morons need to bring your torches and pitchforks to obama's residence

idiots and hypocrites
That's fine. I have no problem with a union picket line. I have no problem with a union, per se.

But to try and justify the stalking and harassment of a someone's family simply because they are not totally supportive of unions is just wrong.

That's your opinion.

I don't think the 1% is going to start acting right until they start feeling a little "threatened", actually.

They certainly aren't going to do it because it's the right thing to do or it's good for the country. They way they've fucked up everything is proof enough of that.

The unions aren't in it for the workers. They are in it for themselves.

Besides, you have no idea whether or not this woman is part of the 1% or not. She is the VP of a construction company doing work on apartments.

And you seem to be basing your entire opinion on your treatment by a single employer.

I can give you a clear example of a union fucking over hundreds of workers and then leaving them to their own devices.

Regardless of any of that, stalking and harassment should be illegal for every person. Unions deserve no exemption so they can extort their power from whoever they want.
the 1% never had is so good under Republicans

maybe you left-wing jackbooted morons need to bring your torches and pitchforks to obama's residence

idiots and hypocrites

If the 1%ers have it so good, why did they spend a billion dollars trying to get Obama out of office?

How about basing your hatred on actual facts instead of this vague notion that the 1% are evil and need to be punished?

You cannot equate rape, actual rape, with being fibbed to

If you and your union buddies opened a business you would screw your workers?

I guess you're not as holier than thou as you think.

Sorry, guy, being slammed with thousands of dollars in medical bills because they didn't keep their promises is a little more serious than being 'fibbed' to.

So you say
The complete demolishing of the middle class is a bit more serious than being 'fibbed" to.

It has not been demolished. Instead it has been replaced with people like you who whine too much

Incidently, I've been a supervisor, and yes, I've even had to fire people. But not before I took every effort to straighten that employee out.

So you admit to being a boss. That must make you a douche bag. But I already knew that.

But the whining of the 1% that they are being oppressed because after decades of bad behavior, working folks are fighting back, just doesn't really impress me all that much.

I don't give a shit about some rich guys. No rich guy ever stopped me from making more money.
Yeah, that's what happens when workers give up their rights.

The problem is, being old enough to remember what a Middle Class looks like, you can see why it's really not a good thing to hand jobs over to whatever sorry Scab walks up...

When you walk off the job you've given up the rights to that job.
And I haven't had a problem with maintaining a very comfortable life just like my father before me.
Sounds like you failed and you're bitter about it.

No, guy, you see, the difference is that rights were given up.

When my Dad was my age, he got cancer. But because he belonged to a union, he had good medical benefits, he got top notch treatment, and even though he died, anyway, after he died, they still gave my mom good benefits for the remainder of the time she lived.

On the other hand, seven years ago, I had some medical issues, and despite having six years of glowing reviews and sometimes working 60 hours a week, after my bills hit a certain level, they were pretty keen to get me off the payroll. My bosses response when I protested was "Well, good thing I don't have to deal with a union."

Incidently, by the time this "genius" was done, we lost 60% of our business and 50% of our employees. Not a union in sight.

We need unions because people like that become managers.

The simple solution is to have the unions start their own businesses.

But they won't do that because then all those union slobs might actually have to work
Yeah, that's what happens when workers give up their rights.

The problem is, being old enough to remember what a Middle Class looks like, you can see why it's really not a good thing to hand jobs over to whatever sorry Scab walks up...

When you walk off the job you've given up the rights to that job.
And I haven't had a problem with maintaining a very comfortable life just like my father before me.
Sounds like you failed and you're bitter about it.

No, guy, you see, the difference is that rights were given up.

When my Dad was my age, he got cancer. But because he belonged to a union, he had good medical benefits, he got top notch treatment, and even though he died, anyway, after he died, they still gave my mom good benefits for the remainder of the time she lived.

On the other hand, seven years ago, I had some medical issues, and despite having six years of glowing reviews and sometimes working 60 hours a week, after my bills hit a certain level, they were pretty keen to get me off the payroll. My bosses response when I protested was "Well, good thing I don't have to deal with a union."

Incidently, by the time this "genius" was done, we lost 60% of our business and 50% of our employees. Not a union in sight.

We need unions because people like that become managers.

Meh....I beat cancer myself. It didnt cost me shit because I have good insurance and a medical savings plan.
Oh...and you cant blame others because you chose a shitty place to work. Thats all on you. And since you were still around to see this supposed loss of 60% of business and 50% of employees and you say "WE" lost,it sounds like you still had a job.
So which is it? Were you fired or not?
You story is contradictory so I'm calling bullshit.
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When you walk off the job you've given up the rights to that job.
And I haven't had a problem with maintaining a very comfortable life just like my father before me.
Sounds like you failed and you're bitter about it.

No, guy, you see, the difference is that rights were given up.

When my Dad was my age, he got cancer. But because he belonged to a union, he had good medical benefits, he got top notch treatment, and even though he died, anyway, after he died, they still gave my mom good benefits for the remainder of the time she lived.

On the other hand, seven years ago, I had some medical issues, and despite having six years of glowing reviews and sometimes working 60 hours a week, after my bills hit a certain level, they were pretty keen to get me off the payroll. My bosses response when I protested was "Well, good thing I don't have to deal with a union."

Incidently, by the time this "genius" was done, we lost 60% of our business and 50% of our employees. Not a union in sight.

We need unions because people like that become managers.

The simple solution is to have the unions start their own businesses.

But they won't do that because then all those union slobs might actually have to work

When unions actually do hire people themselves, do they use union folks?


The fuckers probably deserve it.


Your unwarranted hostility is not a valid reason. The company hired union AND nonunion workers. You claim to be all about the workers, but you dismiss the nonunion workers. They have families too. They want a job and are willing to work at the wages offered. If there were other, better paying union jobs they would probably be working there.

Try again.

I don't belong to a union.

But if there's a picket line in front of a place - YOU DON'T CROSS IT!!!


It's pretty fucking simple.

You do whatever you want, or not. If some union scum were blocking my way to my job, I could care less, I would walk over top of their cold, dead bodies if that's what it took to maintain my ability to support myself and my family. Unions never did anything other than extort money out of my pocket, thanks.

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