Stalking is legal? If you're in a union, sure!

So are your kids fair game too? How about your wife? Can a business owner follow you around all day and shout obscenities at you?


Hey, you know what, no sympathy for anything bad happening to the 1%ers.

The judge threw this witch's case out. If she can't take the heat, she should get out of the kitchen.

There is never a good reason to stalk a person's children.

turnabout should be fair play here and all those union assholes should be open to the same treatment.
My thoughts exactly. Pictures of their kids talking to 'strangers' who happen to have an open jacket with a gun visible, should start showing up in their lockers. Pictures of the inside of their bedrooms, classrooms, cars....Nothing overt....just images of the same kind of person, shadowing the wife, the kids. Pamphlets of planned parenthood in the mail box with a sample of the morning after pill......Ten or fifteen guys suddenly showing up in every restaurant they eat at....Loud discussions of how expensive flat tires are, and how easy brake lines seem to fail.....

Pull out the stops.
Um, yeah, shooting an unarmed guy because he looked at you f unny.

Maybe she should just settle with the union.

Or tell her bosses to.

Settle with the union or face this kind crap?

Eat a dick faggot, they deserve a bullet for threatening women and children just because they don't get their way.......

She's the vice president making the decisions to try to screw these folks out of their pensions and benefits and pay.

Not seeing a whole lot of sympathy for her.

And Joey the psycho openly SUPPORTS stalking and terrorizing a woman AND HER TWO PRE-TEEN CHILDREN! Just when i think he cannot sink any lower, he posts something as pure evil as this.
Just as soon as we apply the law equally to Plutocrats and business owners.

If the 1% want a pissing contest with the rest of us, we'll see who gets wet.

So are your kids fair game too? How about your wife? Can a business owner follow you around all day and shout obscenities at you?


Hey, you know what, no sympathy for anything bad happening to the 1%ers.

The judge threw this witch's case out. If she can't take the heat, she should get out of the kitchen.

Psychotic. Absolutely pure evil on the level of Pol Pot.
Hey, you know what, no sympathy for anything bad happening to the 1%ers.

The judge threw this witch's case out. If she can't take the heat, she should get out of the kitchen.

There is never a good reason to stalk a person's children.

turnabout should be fair play here and all those union assholes should be open to the same treatment.
My thoughts exactly. Pictures of their kids talking to 'strangers' who happen to have an open jacket with a gun visible, should start showing up in their lockers. Pictures of the inside of their bedrooms, classrooms, cars....Nothing overt....just images of the same kind of person, shadowing the wife, the kids. Pamphlets of planned parenthood in the mail box with a sample of the morning after pill......Ten or fifteen guys suddenly showing up in every restaurant they eat at....Loud discussions of how expensive flat tires are, and how easy brake lines seem to fail.....

Pull out the stops.

...a silhouette target with about a dozen holes in about a 2" grouping in the centre, with "250YARD" stamped across the top.

They're in business to make money, not to play nanny for a bunch of babies. Want to make higher wages? Do something productive instead of whining that you haven't went on break in 90 minutes........

People are more productive if you give them breaks. Even non-union shops have figured that one out. You make these kind of statements, I really have to wonder if you have any real world working experience or if you are another Couch Video Hero like Templar. (What happened to that guy, anyway?)
Again, guy, you need to go down to the Rape Crisis center and hand out strap-ons.

That's about your level of mentality. "I've Got Mine (no, really!), Fuck YOu!"

Why the GOP is thankfully dying, just not fast enough.

Again Guy come up with a new stupid line once in a while.

If you think you can compare working a job to getting raped you're an even bigger idiot than I thought you were.

You are a gargantuan idiot.

If you and your union slugs do not like the place you work then why don't you get off your asses, pool all your union dues and create your perfect workplace?

Just answer the question with the truth.

You don't want to because then you would be responsible for your own success or failure and you can't handle that.

Working a job? No.

Being screwed over and lied to by an employer? Yes.

And being the boss and screwing people over makes about as much sense as handing a rape victim a strap-on.

As for my own success of failure, I usually do fine DESPITE the morons in the corner offices. I've watched a few of their businesses get buried (and in one case, I pushed in the dirt over them.)

Well, there are those unions for you.

All about making things fair......but if they don't like you.....^%$& you.

If they don't like you, you've probably done something to deserve it.

Strikes are like wars, they usually end up at the end of a very ugly process.

So working and providing for your family makes you deserving of this kind of treatment?
If you tried that shit with me there would be some dead union pussies, because you are putting my family at risk.

So the only way this woman can "make a living" for her family is by cheating working folks out of a fair wage.
So are your kids fair game too? How about your wife? Can a business owner follow you around all day and shout obscenities at you?


Hey, you know what, no sympathy for anything bad happening to the 1%ers.

The judge threw this witch's case out. If she can't take the heat, she should get out of the kitchen.

The judge threw the case out because of the exemption unions have from stalking laws.

That is insane. Can you offer one valid reason why exemptions from stalking laws should exist for unions?


The fuckers probably deserve it.

Why should you have to? Why should every worker HAVE to join a union? Why should every employer hire only union workers?

Its funny that you call businesses little fiefdoms, but you seem to have no problem with unions threatening, harassing and extorting businesses and workers.

Twisted set of priorities you have there.

There's a major difference. In a union, the rank and file can vote out the leadership if they don't perform.

Or they can vote them out if they call a strike and it bakfires on them.

Now, here's the thing, in Germany they have something called "Works Councils" (Betriebsrat) where the employees have a say in how the company is managed and even who the managers are.

Japan and many European countries have something similiar. And competitively, they are beating our pants off.

But frankly, I've seen too many cases of managers with ego's larger than life to really give them the benefit of the doubt.
One thing I never understood about these union dicks is that if it's so fucking horrible to work for someone else then why don't they all join together and start a competing business?

What I've never understood is why Business owners think that they are more important than the people who actually DO the work.

Without the business owners there would be no work.

So why don't you and all your union assholes start your own businesses?

Because they are mostly brainless, lemming fucks who prefer their victim status to actually creating jobs. They are, for the most part, absolutely incapable of the energy, ingenuity, or creative spark that would make a business. They are cogs in the machine, nothing more...nor will they ever be anything more than cogs.
Without the business owners there would be no work.

So why don't you and all your union assholes start your own businesses?


The reason why there is work is because there is demand. Not because there is business.

Business owners are parasites that have convinced you they are a vital organ.

Then if there is demand why don't you and your union thugs open a business of your own. then you'll have nothing to complain about.

Are you kidding? They might have to pay union scale and they already know quite clearly what that means for business.

Because they are mostly brainless, lemming fucks who prefer their victim status to actually creating jobs. They are, for the most part, absolutely incapable of the energy, ingenuity, or creative spark that would make a business. They are cogs in the machine, nothing more...nor will they ever be anything more than cogs.

Words uttered in a working class bar, never.

"Man, my Boss is a genius! We'd be lost without his brilliant leadership!"

You know, there's a reason why Dilbert is such a popular comic strip. We've all worked in that office, and we've all worked for this guy.


22 years in the private sector (after 11 years in the military) and it's been my experience that most companies work well despite management, not because of it.
If they don't like you, you've probably done something to deserve it.

Strikes are like wars, they usually end up at the end of a very ugly process.

So working and providing for your family makes you deserving of this kind of treatment?
If you tried that shit with me there would be some dead union pussies, because you are putting my family at risk.

So the only way this woman can "make a living" for her family is by cheating working folks out of a fair wage.

Well, I suppose you would consider her turning tricks to be more acceptable. Much more "working class", I'm sure.
If they don't like you, you've probably done something to deserve it.

Strikes are like wars, they usually end up at the end of a very ugly process.

So working and providing for your family makes you deserving of this kind of treatment?
If you tried that shit with me there would be some dead union pussies, because you are putting my family at risk.

So the only way this woman can "make a living" for her family is by cheating working folks out of a fair wage.

Thats what happpens when you walk off the job. Somebody who wants to work will take your place.
So working and providing for your family makes you deserving of this kind of treatment?
If you tried that shit with me there would be some dead union pussies, because you are putting my family at risk.

So the only way this woman can "make a living" for her family is by cheating working folks out of a fair wage.

Thats what happpens when you walk off the job. Somebody who wants to work will take your place.

Yeah, that's what happens when workers give up their rights.

The problem is, being old enough to remember what a Middle Class looks like, you can see why it's really not a good thing to hand jobs over to whatever sorry Scab walks up...
Hey, you know what, no sympathy for anything bad happening to the 1%ers.

The judge threw this witch's case out. If she can't take the heat, she should get out of the kitchen.

The judge threw the case out because of the exemption unions have from stalking laws.

That is insane. Can you offer one valid reason why exemptions from stalking laws should exist for unions?


The fuckers probably deserve it.


Your unwarranted hostility is not a valid reason. The company hired union AND nonunion workers. You claim to be all about the workers, but you dismiss the nonunion workers. They have families too. They want a job and are willing to work at the wages offered. If there were other, better paying union jobs they would probably be working there.

Try again.
So the only way this woman can "make a living" for her family is by cheating working folks out of a fair wage.

Thats what happpens when you walk off the job. Somebody who wants to work will take your place.

Yeah, that's what happens when workers give up their rights.

The problem is, being old enough to remember what a Middle Class looks like, you can see why it's really not a good thing to hand jobs over to whatever sorry Scab walks up...

The nonunion workers have rights, just like the union workers. except the nonunion workers can actually workout their differences with mgmt. A union wants there to be friction between mgmt. and workers. It gives them their power.

I've been on union and nonunion electric jobs. Both workers did their jobs. The only problem I had was when the union workers wanted to complain to the union when they screwed up.
So working and providing for your family makes you deserving of this kind of treatment?
If you tried that shit with me there would be some dead union pussies, because you are putting my family at risk.

So the only way this woman can "make a living" for her family is by cheating working folks out of a fair wage.

Well, I suppose you would consider her turning tricks to be more acceptable. Much more "working class", I'm sure.

What is the difference in the wages her company was paying the nonunion workers as opposed to the union workers? Unless you can answer that you statement is pure bullshit.

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