Stalking is legal? If you're in a union, sure!


Your tale of woe begins to clarify:
You apparently worked for a company (business) that, for whatever reasons, began to "go under". In order to try to salvage the business, management began cutting the fat, trimming the overhead, or which labor is often the largest portion.
The concept continues to elude you that people do not run businesses in order to ensure that the employees are always supported in the manner to which they would like to be accustomed. Businesses are established to earn the owners money. If the cost of running the business exceeds the income of the business, something has to be sacrificed.
I agree with Spiderman, why don't you and your union buddies establish your own, competing businesses and show the rest of us how things should be done?

Yeah, but that's the whole problem with the system.

The people who run these businesses have made enough money already. The problem with Capitalism is that it relies on people with insatiable greed to set the pace. These people are never, ever going to have enough money.

Any more than the alcoholic is going to think "he's had enough to drink" or the overeater thinks 'He's had enough to eat" while he's puking out his third dinner.

If something needs to get sacrificed, it's oddly never, ever the seven figure salaries of the executives making the bad decisions that got us there to start with.

Nope. Let's fire our long-term employees because we'll find college kids who will work for less!

Oh I should go to the rape crisis center??? You are the one who is saying it is ok for a woman to be threatened, harassed, and to have her children threatened. And why? Because her company doesn't hire ONLY union people. They have union and nonunion employees on that job. But since its not 100% union, "she deserves it" when someone threatens her, harasses her, or follows her children?

Your hypocrisy is astounding.

Hey, she made a choice.

Screwing working people or doing the right thing.

She chose to screw working people.

Can't work up a whole lot of sympathy because she was traumitized when someone called her a bad name in public.

Oh I should go to the rape crisis center??? You are the one who is saying it is ok for a woman to be threatened, harassed, and to have her children threatened. And why? Because her company doesn't hire ONLY union people. They have union and nonunion employees on that job. But since its not 100% union, "she deserves it" when someone threatens her, harasses her, or follows her children?

Your hypocrisy is astounding.

Hey, she made a choice.

Screwing working people or doing the right thing.

She chose to screw working people.

Can't work up a whole lot of sympathy because she was traumitized when someone called her a bad name in public.

She didn't screw working people. In fact, she is the VP of a company that is putting people to work. I said it before, but maybe you missed it. Unless you know what the nonunion employees are getting paid, you have no idea whether or not they are mking substantially less money. They could be not hiring union workers for other reasons, like scheduling, overtime requirements, or even to work with a job training organization.

Oh, and there was way more than someone calling her a name. I promise you, if someone had followed my kids and taken their pictures when they were little, because they were mad at me? I would have put them in the hospital. The difference is, I would have been fine with being charged. The union goons are hiding behind laws bought by dues paying members.

Oh, and why do YOU get to decide how much is enough? The business owners are the ones risking their money to start it up. The employees get paid because they work. The owners ONLY get paid if they make a profit.

Oh, and on the 30% thing, maybe you should find out how much the business paid for rent, for utilities, for all the salaries & benefits, for all the insurance (from property to liability to Workman's Comp), for the maintenance on the facilities, for advertising, and for other expenses. You might find that the 30% profit quickly turned into 3% profit.

She didn't screw working people. In fact, she is the VP of a company that is putting people to work. I said it before, but maybe you missed it. Unless you know what the nonunion employees are getting paid, you have no idea whether or not they are mking substantially less money. They could be not hiring union workers for other reasons, like scheduling, overtime requirements, or even to work with a job training organization.

Guy, if they are getting picketed, they are doing something pretty wrong. Sorry, man, most work sites don't get picketted. This has to be a pretty extreme situation.

Oh, and there was way more than someone calling her a name. I promise you, if someone had followed my kids and taken their pictures when they were little, because they were mad at me? I would have put them in the hospital. The difference is, I would have been fine with being charged. The union goons are hiding behind laws bought by dues paying members.

Actually, these were very sensible laws enacted so they couldn't pull the scam they are now pulling. Want to end a picket line? Declare every day, "Take your daughter to work day!"

Oh, and why do YOU get to decide how much is enough? The business owners are the ones risking their money to start it up. The employees get paid because they work. The owners ONLY get paid if they make a profit.

Why do they decide what is enough? Frankly, this is why they hate unions and get dumb little toadies like you to go along with it. An actual fair discussion about a fair division of the profits? We can't have that.

Incidently, there are a shit load of companies that still pay out bonuses and salaries when they lose money. Hey, remember when those whacky kids at AIG insisted they should still get their bonuses AFTER the government had to bail them out.

I'm never, ever going to forget it.

Oh, and on the 30% thing, maybe you should find out how much the business paid for rent, for utilities, for all the salaries & benefits, for all the insurance (from property to liability to Workman's Comp), for the maintenance on the facilities, for advertising, and for other expenses. You might find that the 30% profit quickly turned into 3% profit.

No, it really didn't. Frankly, the problem with being in purchasing is that you know exactly what all those things cost. You're usually the one writing the purchase requisitions to pay for them.

They were soaking the customer, and the Customer knew it. Which is why they lost the business.
Post Bros. executive Sarina Rose had grown used to troubles at work literally following her home.

During the day, she dodged taunts from union protesters outside the 12th and Wood Streets work site in Philadelphia, where her company was building apartments last year.

After hours, tradesmen snapped photos of her children, 8 and 11, at their bus stop in Abington. They trailed her at weekend sporting events. One union leader loudly cursed at her in front of a packed restaurant and mimicked shooting her.

And under Pennsylvania law, none of it was a crime.

"When you walk in, as a vice president of a company, to a restaurant full of union workers," Municipal Judge Charles Hayden told Rose in court last November, "you're going to hear some things that you should have expected to hear."

Thanks to a little-known provision protecting parties in labor disputes from prosecution for stalking, harassment, and terroristic threats, Rose said, she was left powerless to stop the nearly constant baiting. The men who dogged her at all hours walked free.

Union exemption from harassment claims raises questions -

Idiot liberals thinks she deserves it, takes special kind of tough guy to scare women and children...... :thup:

Conservatives think its okay to take photos of abortion doctors, protest outside the schools of their children, and publish their names and addresses online. Yet they don't have a problem with that.

I ask what is the difference between the two?
Post Bros. executive Sarina Rose had grown used to troubles at work literally following her home.

During the day, she dodged taunts from union protesters outside the 12th and Wood Streets work site in Philadelphia, where her company was building apartments last year.

After hours, tradesmen snapped photos of her children, 8 and 11, at their bus stop in Abington. They trailed her at weekend sporting events. One union leader loudly cursed at her in front of a packed restaurant and mimicked shooting her.

And under Pennsylvania law, none of it was a crime.

"When you walk in, as a vice president of a company, to a restaurant full of union workers," Municipal Judge Charles Hayden told Rose in court last November, "you're going to hear some things that you should have expected to hear."

Thanks to a little-known provision protecting parties in labor disputes from prosecution for stalking, harassment, and terroristic threats, Rose said, she was left powerless to stop the nearly constant baiting. The men who dogged her at all hours walked free.

Union exemption from harassment claims raises questions -

Idiot liberals thinks she deserves it, takes special kind of tough guy to scare women and children...... :thup:

Conservatives think its okay to take photos of abortion doctors, protest outside the schools of their children, and publish their names and addresses online. Yet they don't have a problem with that.

I ask what is the difference between the two?

Life and death?

Conservatives think its okay to take photos of abortion doctors, protest outside the schools of their children, and publish their names and addresses online. Yet they don't have a problem with that.

I ask what is the difference between the two?

Life and death?

Not really.

Because Fetuses aren't viable outside the womb.

But it is nice to see that all you guys who are horrible offended that children of 1%ers screwing working people are being harrassed have no problem harrassing the children of health care workers who perform medical procedures that offend your Magic Sky Man.

Oh I should go to the rape crisis center??? You are the one who is saying it is ok for a woman to be threatened, harassed, and to have her children threatened. And why? Because her company doesn't hire ONLY union people. They have union and nonunion employees on that job. But since its not 100% union, "she deserves it" when someone threatens her, harasses her, or follows her children?

Your hypocrisy is astounding.

Hey, she made a choice.

Screwing working people or doing the right thing.

She chose to screw working people.

Can't work up a whole lot of sympathy because she was traumitized when someone called her a bad name in public.

How did she screw working people?

Are only union members allowed to have jobs in your world?

She didn't screw working people. In fact, she is the VP of a company that is putting people to work. I said it before, but maybe you missed it. Unless you know what the nonunion employees are getting paid, you have no idea whether or not they are mking substantially less money. They could be not hiring union workers for other reasons, like scheduling, overtime requirements, or even to work with a job training organization.

Guy, if they are getting picketed, they are doing something pretty wrong. Sorry, man, most work sites don't get picketted. This has to be a pretty extreme situation.

Oh, and there was way more than someone calling her a name. I promise you, if someone had followed my kids and taken their pictures when they were little, because they were mad at me? I would have put them in the hospital. The difference is, I would have been fine with being charged. The union goons are hiding behind laws bought by dues paying members.

Actually, these were very sensible laws enacted so they couldn't pull the scam they are now pulling. Want to end a picket line? Declare every day, "Take your daughter to work day!"

Oh, and why do YOU get to decide how much is enough? The business owners are the ones risking their money to start it up. The employees get paid because they work. The owners ONLY get paid if they make a profit.

Why do they decide what is enough? Frankly, this is why they hate unions and get dumb little toadies like you to go along with it. An actual fair discussion about a fair division of the profits? We can't have that.

Incidently, there are a shit load of companies that still pay out bonuses and salaries when they lose money. Hey, remember when those whacky kids at AIG insisted they should still get their bonuses AFTER the government had to bail them out.

I'm never, ever going to forget it.

Oh, and on the 30% thing, maybe you should find out how much the business paid for rent, for utilities, for all the salaries & benefits, for all the insurance (from property to liability to Workman's Comp), for the maintenance on the facilities, for advertising, and for other expenses. You might find that the 30% profit quickly turned into 3% profit.

No, it really didn't. Frankly, the problem with being in purchasing is that you know exactly what all those things cost. You're usually the one writing the purchase requisitions to pay for them.

They were soaking the customer, and the Customer knew it. Which is why they lost the business.

Who are you kidding? Unions will picket because there are nonunion workers. That is ALL it takes.

You are delusional if you think a 30% markup is "soaking the customer".

Oh, and there was way more than someone calling her a name. I promise you, if someone had followed my kids and taken their pictures when they were little, because they were mad at me? I would have put them in the hospital. The difference is, I would have been fine with being charged. The union goons are hiding behind laws bought by dues paying members.

Actually, these were very sensible laws enacted so they couldn't pull the scam they are now pulling. Want to end a picket line? Declare every day, "Take your daughter to work day!"

First of all, how is allowing organizations (with a history of violence and of harassment to intimidate) an exemption from stalking laws "sensible"?

And please tell us how taking your daughter to work would end any picket line? It would subject our daughters to harassment and show her how low some people's behavior can be. But it would not end a single picket line.
This should not be a surprise.

Unions have always been and always will be synonymous with cruel, brutal thuggery.

No. Unions have been fighting for fair pay and benefits for hard working Americans. I'm sorry you have been sold a bag of bad apples by the Republican Party trying to destroy workers rights but it is a fact that when workers rights start to disappear, their pay and benefits decrease.

We need unions in so we have someone looking out for the well-being of the American Workforce. The rich don't care, so it is up to us as the American workforce to take on that responsibility. When we form a group, our bargaining power increases. That's what a union is. As long as she was on public property, they can be there protesting there with her.
Here's a thought, get another fucking job! ..... :thup:

Ah, the "Same Shit, Different Asshole" theory.

Nope, really, working folks will be a lot better off when they stop putting up with the shit from the 1%. The shit that says we are going to cut your benefits and wages so we can go gamble on the Stock Market, and then ask for a bailout that you pay for when it all goes bust.

Sadly, a few people like you who like shining their shoes and kissing their asses just make that day of reckoning a bit more remote.

They're in business to make money, not to play nanny for a bunch of babies. Want to make higher wages? Do something productive instead of whining that you haven't went on break in 90 minutes........

Americans have been more productive than they have ever been yet wages are stagnant for the past 30 years. Those are the facts.
Post Bros. executive Sarina Rose had grown used to troubles at work literally following her home.

During the day, she dodged taunts from union protesters outside the 12th and Wood Streets work site in Philadelphia, where her company was building apartments last year.

After hours, tradesmen snapped photos of her children, 8 and 11, at their bus stop in Abington. They trailed her at weekend sporting events. One union leader loudly cursed at her in front of a packed restaurant and mimicked shooting her.

And under Pennsylvania law, none of it was a crime.

"When you walk in, as a vice president of a company, to a restaurant full of union workers," Municipal Judge Charles Hayden told Rose in court last November, "you're going to hear some things that you should have expected to hear."

Thanks to a little-known provision protecting parties in labor disputes from prosecution for stalking, harassment, and terroristic threats, Rose said, she was left powerless to stop the nearly constant baiting. The men who dogged her at all hours walked free.

Union exemption from harassment claims raises questions -

Idiot liberals thinks she deserves it, takes special kind of tough guy to scare women and children...... :thup:

Conservatives think its okay to take photos of abortion doctors, protest outside the schools of their children, and publish their names and addresses online. Yet they don't have a problem with that.

I ask what is the difference between the two?

Life and death?

You don't think the lives of abortion doctors are at risk by having their names and addresses plastered all over the internet?
This should not be a surprise.

Unions have always been and always will be synonymous with cruel, brutal thuggery.

No. Unions have been fighting for fair pay and benefits for hard working Americans. I'm sorry you have been sold a bag of bad apples by the Republican Party trying to destroy workers rights but it is a fact that when workers rights start to disappear, their pay and benefits decrease.

We need unions in so we have someone looking out for the well-being of the American Workforce. The rich don't care, so it is up to us as the American workforce to take on that responsibility. When we form a group, our bargaining power increases. That's what a union is. As long as she was on public property, they can be there protesting there with her.

I love the way some of you are downplaying what they did.

I hope when some creep starts following your daughter or taking pics of your kids that you will remember "As long as they are on public property..."

The point of all this is the insanity of allowing unions to be exempt from laws.
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One thing I never understood about these union dicks is that if it's so fucking horrible to work for someone else then why don't they all join together and start a competing business?

What I've never understood is why Business owners think that they are more important than the people who actually DO the work.

Ha! I work with Union Power Plant workers and Union Paper Mill workers, a bunch of lazy assholes, even worse after they renewed thier contract.
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Why is it that some of you think its ok to do this?

"After hours, tradesmen snapped photos of her children, 8 and 11, at their bus stop in Abington. They trailed her at weekend sporting events. One union leader loudly cursed at her in front of a packed restaurant and mimicked shooting her."

This is stalking and harassment. I don't care if you are pro-union, this is despicable and the actions of cowards.
Why is it that some of you think its ok to do this?

"After hours, tradesmen snapped photos of her children, 8 and 11, at their bus stop in Abington. They trailed her at weekend sporting events. One union leader loudly cursed at her in front of a packed restaurant and mimicked shooting her."

This is stalking and harassment. I don't care if you are pro-union, this is despicable and the actions of cowards.

Or it's an act of protest.

So what do you have against the First Amendment?

And like Noomi said, are you just as outraged when Pro-Life protestors do the same kinds of things and worse to Abortion Providers?
Why is it that some of you think its ok to do this?

"After hours, tradesmen snapped photos of her children, 8 and 11, at their bus stop in Abington. They trailed her at weekend sporting events. One union leader loudly cursed at her in front of a packed restaurant and mimicked shooting her."

This is stalking and harassment. I don't care if you are pro-union, this is despicable and the actions of cowards.

Or it's an act of protest.

So what do you have against the First Amendment?

And like Noomi said, are you just as outraged when Pro-Life protestors do the same kinds of things and worse to Abortion Providers?

Yes, I think pro life people that stalk outside of clinics just a disgusting as union stalkers.

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