Stalking is legal? If you're in a union, sure!


Yeah, because you WANT all the goodies but don't want to have to actually earn them. So you try and make it sound trendy that the rich should have their money taken away from them because you had a boss who was an ass.

You are simply a bitter loser. But at least your life will be consistent.

Guy, the rich should have their money taken away from them because we made promises to our children, our veterans, our elderly and working folks.

Because 1% controlling 43% of the wealth is NEVER a good idea.

the 1% did not do 43% of the physical labor, so why do they have 43% of the wealth?

What promises did we make?? I have kept the promises I made.

What promises?
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Yeah, because you WANT all the goodies but don't want to have to actually earn them. So you try and make it sound trendy that the rich should have their money taken away from them because you had a boss who was an ass.

You are simply a bitter loser. But at least your life will be consistent.

Guy, the rich should have their money taken away from them because we made promises to our children, our veterans, our elderly and working folks.

Because 1% controlling 43% of the wealth is NEVER a good idea.

the 1% did not do 43% of the physical labor, so why do they have 43% of the wealth?

Who told you that physical labor is the way money is distributed?

If you work in manual labor, you will be broke.

You start a business providing a service or product people want, and you can get rich.
Why is it that some of you think its ok to do this?

"After hours, tradesmen snapped photos of her children, 8 and 11, at their bus stop in Abington. They trailed her at weekend sporting events. One union leader loudly cursed at her in front of a packed restaurant and mimicked shooting her."

This is stalking and harassment. I don't care if you are pro-union, this is despicable and the actions of cowards.

Because some people (actually, the only one specifically approving of it, as opposed to union thuggery in general, is Joey) are simply EVIL. It really is that simple.

I think Capitalism is evil.

Sometimes you got to fight evil with evil.

You endorse threatening innocent children. You need to be locked up. (Or put down like a rabid dog.)

Your ideas of how rich people got that way are laughable.

That is not a working stiff fighting back. That is an organized extortion racket threatening innocent children to maintain their power.

I get that you like unions and hate capitalism. Which is why I find it so amusing that capitalism is growing and unions are losing power. But you keep blaming the rich. You keep searching out those odd occurances and rare events and make them sound commonplace. Your own insecurities and inabilities are even more obvious.

GUy, Captialism isn't growing.

What's growing- unfortunately- is government depedency. This is where you wingnuts almost get to a point. You just don't understand why.

And, no, frankly, those aren't "odd occurances". Odd Occurances would be some Yuppie Cow saying a union guy gave her a dirty look when she was out with her kids, and that was "Stalking", a charge so bullshit a judge threw it out and admonished her for wasting his time.

For the record, I have been doing what I've been doing for the last 22 years. I am APICS and Six Sigma Certified. Before that, I was in the US Army and got out at the rank of Staff Sergeant, with a whole nice box of medals to show for it.

So I always get bored with the, "Wow, you aren't bending over and kissing Plutocrat Ass like I am, you must be a bitter failure."

You got some brown stuff on your nose.
Because some people (actually, the only one specifically approving of it, as opposed to union thuggery in general, is Joey) are simply EVIL. It really is that simple.

I think Capitalism is evil.

Sometimes you got to fight evil with evil.

You endorse threatening innocent children. You need to be locked up. (Or put down like a rabid dog.)

What do you t hink my ex-boss did when he threatened to fire single mothers if they didn't work over time or fired girls when they got pregnant?

Now that's evil. Not a bunch of bumping uglies on a picket line, because, honestly, if it gets to a picket line these days, we are already bumping uglies.

Yeah, because you WANT all the goodies but don't want to have to actually earn them. So you try and make it sound trendy that the rich should have their money taken away from them because you had a boss who was an ass.

You are simply a bitter loser. But at least your life will be consistent.

Guy, the rich should have their money taken away from them because we made promises to our children, our veterans, our elderly and working folks.

Because 1% controlling 43% of the wealth is NEVER a good idea.

the 1% did not do 43% of the physical labor, so why do they have 43% of the wealth?

Who told you that physical labor is the way money is distributed?

If you work in manual labor, you will be broke.

You start a business providing a service or product people want, and you can get rich.

Or you take your trust fund and us it to loot the pension fund of GS Steel.

That's what Mitt Romney did and you jokers wanted to make him President.

Your tale of woe begins to clarify:
You apparently worked for a company (business) that, for whatever reasons, began to "go under". In order to try to salvage the business, management began cutting the fat, trimming the overhead, or which labor is often the largest portion.
The concept continues to elude you that people do not run businesses in order to ensure that the employees are always supported in the manner to which they would like to be accustomed. Businesses are established to earn the owners money. If the cost of running the business exceeds the income of the business, something has to be sacrificed.
I agree with Spiderman, why don't you and your union buddies establish your own, competing businesses and show the rest of us how things should be done?

Yeah, but that's the whole problem with the system.

The people who run these businesses have made enough money already. The problem with Capitalism is that it relies on people with insatiable greed to set the pace. These people are never, ever going to have enough money.

Any more than the alcoholic is going to think "he's had enough to drink" or the overeater thinks 'He's had enough to eat" while he's puking out his third dinner.

If something needs to get sacrificed, it's oddly never, ever the seven figure salaries of the executives making the bad decisions that got us there to start with.

Nope. Let's fire our long-term employees because we'll find college kids who will work for less!

So now you are in the business of telling business owners when they have enough? What do you suggest be done with any excess earnings?
You are obsessively greedy but are too lazy or too stupid to figure out how to satisfy your greed other than using the force of government to confiscate someone else's wealth to give it to you.
Post Bros. executive Sarina Rose had grown used to troubles at work literally following her home.

During the day, she dodged taunts from union protesters outside the 12th and Wood Streets work site in Philadelphia, where her company was building apartments last year.

After hours, tradesmen snapped photos of her children, 8 and 11, at their bus stop in Abington. They trailed her at weekend sporting events. One union leader loudly cursed at her in front of a packed restaurant and mimicked shooting her.

And under Pennsylvania law, none of it was a crime.

"When you walk in, as a vice president of a company, to a restaurant full of union workers," Municipal Judge Charles Hayden told Rose in court last November, "you're going to hear some things that you should have expected to hear."

Thanks to a little-known provision protecting parties in labor disputes from prosecution for stalking, harassment, and terroristic threats, Rose said, she was left powerless to stop the nearly constant baiting. The men who dogged her at all hours walked free.

Union exemption from harassment claims raises questions -

Idiot liberals thinks she deserves it, takes special kind of tough guy to scare women and children...... :thup:

Conservatives think its okay to take photos of abortion doctors, protest outside the schools of their children, and publish their names and addresses online. Yet they don't have a problem with that.

I ask what is the difference between the two?

Do you have links with details about those cases?

Obviously he does not have one shred of human decency. But he is sure quick to demand that rich folks give him their stuff, because someone treated him badly! lol

The guy is a joke.

Where did I say the rich should give me anything, or did I ask for anything?


Of course, they didn't even give what they promised, so there's that.

I guess this woman is upset because she'll have to explain to her kids what a "Scab" and a "rat" is.

No you say the government should take from the rich to give it to you.

And she can also explain what a union thug is.

So now you are in the business of telling business owners when they have enough? What do you suggest be done with any excess earnings?You are obsessively greedy but are too lazy or too stupid to figure out how to satisfy your greed other than using the force of government to confiscate someone else's wealth to give it to you.

What could be done with those earnings?

Hmmmm. We could fix our crumbling infrastructure.

We could improve our schools. Maybe have less Wingnut idiots who think the Dinosaurs are gone because Noah didn't have room for them on the Ark.

We could provide health care to people who don't have it.

All sorts of stuff we could do with the money the 1%ers are spending on Dressage Horses and Mansions.

Just saying.
Post Bros. executive Sarina Rose had grown used to troubles at work literally following her home.

During the day, she dodged taunts from union protesters outside the 12th and Wood Streets work site in Philadelphia, where her company was building apartments last year.

After hours, tradesmen snapped photos of her children, 8 and 11, at their bus stop in Abington. They trailed her at weekend sporting events. One union leader loudly cursed at her in front of a packed restaurant and mimicked shooting her.

And under Pennsylvania law, none of it was a crime.

"When you walk in, as a vice president of a company, to a restaurant full of union workers," Municipal Judge Charles Hayden told Rose in court last November, "you're going to hear some things that you should have expected to hear."

Thanks to a little-known provision protecting parties in labor disputes from prosecution for stalking, harassment, and terroristic threats, Rose said, she was left powerless to stop the nearly constant baiting. The men who dogged her at all hours walked free.

Union exemption from harassment claims raises questions -

Idiot liberals thinks she deserves it, takes special kind of tough guy to scare women and children...... :thup:

And these douchebags wonder why their jobs have been moved away.

And these douchebags wonder why their jobs have been moved away.

Yup, and then we can go down to the rape crisis center and blame those girls for wearing short dresses.

A judge heard this woman's "complaint" and threw it out.

The judge threw it out because unions are exempt from the stalking & harassment laws.

Yes. Yes, they are.

So what are you bitching about, again?

Oh, that's right. You don't like that law! Booo- fucking- hoo.

I'd be happy to get rid of that law right after we get rid of all the "At-Will" and "Right to Work" laws.

Your ideas of how rich people got that way are laughable.

That is not a working stiff fighting back. That is an organized extortion racket threatening innocent children to maintain their power.

I get that you like unions and hate capitalism. Which is why I find it so amusing that capitalism is growing and unions are losing power. But you keep blaming the rich. You keep searching out those odd occurances and rare events and make them sound commonplace. Your own insecurities and inabilities are even more obvious.

GUy, Captialism isn't growing.

What's growing- unfortunately- is government depedency. This is where you wingnuts almost get to a point. You just don't understand why.

And, no, frankly, those aren't "odd occurances". Odd Occurances would be some Yuppie Cow saying a union guy gave her a dirty look when she was out with her kids, and that was "Stalking", a charge so bullshit a judge threw it out and admonished her for wasting his time.

For the record, I have been doing what I've been doing for the last 22 years. I am APICS and Six Sigma Certified. Before that, I was in the US Army and got out at the rank of Staff Sergeant, with a whole nice box of medals to show for it.

So I always get bored with the, "Wow, you aren't bending over and kissing Plutocrat Ass like I am, you must be a bitter failure."

You got some brown stuff on your nose.

The judge didn't throw it out because it was bogus. The judge threw it out because unions are exempt from stalking laws.

I thank you for your service.

And no, there is no brown stuff on my nose. The only thing on my nose is sweat from busting my ass to make a good living. I have not kissed ass to get where I am. I am here because I worked hard.

I have spent 20+ years in the utility construction industry. I have seen union and non-union shops. The ones that went from being linemen to owning companies did it without unions. I could introduce you to 3 guys who went from blue collar to millionaire by busting their butts.

The judge didn't throw it out because it was bogus. The judge threw it out because unions are exempt from stalking laws.

I thank you for your service.

And no, there is no brown stuff on my nose. The only thing on my nose is sweat from busting my ass to make a good living. I have not kissed ass to get where I am. I am here because I worked hard.

I have spent 20+ years in the utility construction industry. I have seen union and non-union shops. The ones that went from being linemen to owning companies did it without unions. I could introduce you to 3 guys who went from blue collar to millionaire by busting their butts.

And my guess is that those three guys hired scabs and underpaid them.

Just spitballing there.

Anyone who is wealthy stole it from the people who did the actual work. Period.
Yup, and then we can go down to the rape crisis center and blame those girls for wearing short dresses.

A judge heard this woman's "complaint" and threw it out.

The judge threw it out because unions are exempt from the stalking & harassment laws.

Yes. Yes, they are.

So what are you bitching about, again?

Oh, that's right. You don't like that law! Booo- fucking- hoo.

I'd be happy to get rid of that law right after we get rid of all the "At-Will" and "Right to Work" laws.

Oh you want the employee to be able to fuck-off and still draw a check? Not surprising.

No deal. That little law exempting unions from stalking laws in PA will go soon enough. If not, well it is PA. They have enough problems. The rest of us are putting unions down.
Oh you want the employee to be able to fuck-off and still draw a check? Not surprising.

No deal. That little law exempting unions from stalking laws in PA will go soon enough. If not, well it is PA. They have enough problems. The rest of us are putting unions down.

I have found that when employees "fuck off" (which I've seen a lot more in non-union shops), it's usually because of poor management and leadership.

Not sure who "the rest of us are". The rest of you are largely living in trailer parks listening to hate radio and worshipping the 1%.

And you all wonder why you are sooooo fucking angry.

The judge didn't throw it out because it was bogus. The judge threw it out because unions are exempt from stalking laws.

I thank you for your service.

And no, there is no brown stuff on my nose. The only thing on my nose is sweat from busting my ass to make a good living. I have not kissed ass to get where I am. I am here because I worked hard.

I have spent 20+ years in the utility construction industry. I have seen union and non-union shops. The ones that went from being linemen to owning companies did it without unions. I could introduce you to 3 guys who went from blue collar to millionaire by busting their butts.

And my guess is that those three guys hired scabs and underpaid them.

Just spitballing there.

Anyone who is wealthy stole it from the people who did the actual work. Period.

All three hired good people, paid them well and worked hard.

This whole idea that anyone wealthy stole it or inherited it s nonsense.

Look at the number of millionaires in the US. In 1990 there were roughly 3 million people with net worths over 1 million. Now there are 10 million.

All three hired good people, paid them well and worked hard.

This whole idea that anyone wealthy stole it or inherited it s nonsense.

Look at the number of millionaires in the US. In 1990 there were roughly 3 million people with net worths over 1 million. Now there are 10 million.

Ah, lies, damned lies and statistics.

Again, the 1% saw their wages go up, and the rest of us saw them go down.

But, no, there wasn't any stealing or transfer of wealth involved here.

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