Stalking is legal? If you're in a union, sure!

Why is it that some of you think its ok to do this?

"After hours, tradesmen snapped photos of her children, 8 and 11, at their bus stop in Abington. They trailed her at weekend sporting events. One union leader loudly cursed at her in front of a packed restaurant and mimicked shooting her."

This is stalking and harassment. I don't care if you are pro-union, this is despicable and the actions of cowards.

Or it's an act of protest.

So what do you have against the First Amendment?

And like Noomi said, are you just as outraged when Pro-Life protestors do the same kinds of things and worse to Abortion Providers?

Please explain to me how taking pictures of children at their bus stop is an act of protest???
Why is it that some of you think its ok to do this?

"After hours, tradesmen snapped photos of her children, 8 and 11, at their bus stop in Abington. They trailed her at weekend sporting events. One union leader loudly cursed at her in front of a packed restaurant and mimicked shooting her."

This is stalking and harassment. I don't care if you are pro-union, this is despicable and the actions of cowards.

Or it's an act of protest.

So what do you have against the First Amendment?

And like Noomi said, are you just as outraged when Pro-Life protestors do the same kinds of things and worse to Abortion Providers?

I have nothing against the First Amendment. But this is not about the first amendment. This is about unions being allowed to stalk & harass.

But, since you claimed it is all about protesting, I think you should answer the question I asked in my previous post.

I predict you will not.
Why is it that some of you think its ok to do this?

"After hours, tradesmen snapped photos of her children, 8 and 11, at their bus stop in Abington. They trailed her at weekend sporting events. One union leader loudly cursed at her in front of a packed restaurant and mimicked shooting her."

This is stalking and harassment. I don't care if you are pro-union, this is despicable and the actions of cowards.

Or it's an act of protest.

So what do you have against the First Amendment?

And like Noomi said, are you just as outraged when Pro-Life protestors do the same kinds of things and worse to Abortion Providers?

I have nothing against the First Amendment. But this is not about the first amendment. This is about unions being allowed to stalk & harass.

But, since you claimed it is all about protesting, I think you should answer the question I asked in my previous post.

I predict you will not.

I think it's perfectly acceptable to do whatever nasty things we can think of to the 1%ers until their behavior improves.

I thought I made that pretty clear.

Because, hopefully then they will get the point people are made.

Of course, our 1%ers are proabably as oblivious as the Bourbons and the Romanovs were... and will probably end up the same way.
Or it's an act of protest.

So what do you have against the First Amendment?

And like Noomi said, are you just as outraged when Pro-Life protestors do the same kinds of things and worse to Abortion Providers?

I have nothing against the First Amendment. But this is not about the first amendment. This is about unions being allowed to stalk & harass.

But, since you claimed it is all about protesting, I think you should answer the question I asked in my previous post.

I predict you will not.

I think it's perfectly acceptable to do whatever nasty things we can think of to the 1%ers until their behavior improves.

I thought I made that pretty clear.

Because, hopefully then they will get the point people are made.

Of course, our 1%ers are proabably as oblivious as the Bourbons and the Romanovs were... and will probably end up the same way.

The woman in the article is hardly a 1%er. And your hypocrisy is amazing. First you tell me to go down to the rape clinics and tell the victims they deserve it, and now you say it is perfectly acceptable to threaten someone's children unless they pay the workers more money.

And this is not even about jobs. This is about threatening childen's lives unless the union's demands are met. The nonunion workers are getting paid. They are probably drawing benefits as well. They are covered by Workman's Comp. They may even have profit sharing and a 401k. I have never joined a union and I have had all over those things at my jobs.

So this is about the cheapest of motives. This is about "Give me more money because you HAVE more money!" kind of crap.

This is about the cowardice involved in threatening someone's family. The lowest of the low.

This is about you not being ABLE to become rich on your own, so you want to steal it and calling it social justice.

The woman in the article is hardly a 1%er. And your hypocrisy is amazing. First you tell me to go down to the rape clinics and tell the victims they deserve it, and now you say it is perfectly acceptable to threaten someone's children unless they pay the workers more money.

And this is not even about jobs. This is about threatening childen's lives unless the union's demands are met. The nonunion workers are getting paid. They are probably drawing benefits as well. They are covered by Workman's Comp. They may even have profit sharing and a 401k. I have never joined a union and I have had all over those things at my jobs.

So this is about the cheapest of motives. This is about "Give me more money because you HAVE more money!" kind of crap.

This is about the cowardice involved in threatening someone's family. The lowest of the low.

This is about you not being ABLE to become rich on your own, so you want to steal it and calling it social justice.

The 1%ers threaten our families all the time....

"I have my kid's softball game this Saturday!"

"You'd better be in here, or you're fired!"

Thing said by Mr. "I'm so glad I don't have to deal with a union", and if you are the 1% or their toadies, your hair has to be on fire before I start getting concerned about you.
Why is it that some of you think its ok to do this?

"After hours, tradesmen snapped photos of her children, 8 and 11, at their bus stop in Abington. They trailed her at weekend sporting events. One union leader loudly cursed at her in front of a packed restaurant and mimicked shooting her."

This is stalking and harassment. I don't care if you are pro-union, this is despicable and the actions of cowards.

Because some people (actually, the only one specifically approving of it, as opposed to union thuggery in general, is Joey) are simply EVIL. It really is that simple.
Or it's an act of protest.

So what do you have against the First Amendment?

And like Noomi said, are you just as outraged when Pro-Life protestors do the same kinds of things and worse to Abortion Providers?

I have nothing against the First Amendment. But this is not about the first amendment. This is about unions being allowed to stalk & harass.

But, since you claimed it is all about protesting, I think you should answer the question I asked in my previous post.

I predict you will not.

I think it's perfectly acceptable to do whatever nasty things we can think of to the 1%ers until their behavior improves.

I thought I made that pretty clear.

Because, hopefully then they will get the point people are made.

Of course, our 1%ers are proabably as oblivious as the Bourbons and the Romanovs were... and will probably end up the same way.

You approve of stalking YOUNG CHILDREN to further a political agenda?

Why is it that some of you think its ok to do this?

"After hours, tradesmen snapped photos of her children, 8 and 11, at their bus stop in Abington. They trailed her at weekend sporting events. One union leader loudly cursed at her in front of a packed restaurant and mimicked shooting her."

This is stalking and harassment. I don't care if you are pro-union, this is despicable and the actions of cowards.

Or it's an act of protest.

So what do you have against the First Amendment?

And like Noomi said, are you just as outraged when Pro-Life protestors do the same kinds of things and worse to Abortion Providers?

Please explain to me how taking pictures of children at their bus stop is an act of protest???

Please explain how protesting against abortion outside the schools of an abortion doctors CHILDREN is an act of protest?

Oh I should go to the rape crisis center??? You are the one who is saying it is ok for a woman to be threatened, harassed, and to have her children threatened. And why? Because her company doesn't hire ONLY union people. They have union and nonunion employees on that job. But since its not 100% union, "she deserves it" when someone threatens her, harasses her, or follows her children?

Your hypocrisy is astounding.

Hey, she made a choice.

Screwing working people or doing the right thing.

She chose to screw working people.

Can't work up a whole lot of sympathy because she was traumitized when someone called her a bad name in public.

Screwing people by creating more jobs than Obama has been promising for five years? What a good little trained monkey you are...... :thup:
Why is it that some of you think its ok to do this?

"After hours, tradesmen snapped photos of her children, 8 and 11, at their bus stop in Abington. They trailed her at weekend sporting events. One union leader loudly cursed at her in front of a packed restaurant and mimicked shooting her."

This is stalking and harassment. I don't care if you are pro-union, this is despicable and the actions of cowards.

Because some people (actually, the only one specifically approving of it, as opposed to union thuggery in general, is Joey) are simply EVIL. It really is that simple.

I think Capitalism is evil.

Sometimes you got to fight evil with evil.

The woman in the article is hardly a 1%er. And your hypocrisy is amazing. First you tell me to go down to the rape clinics and tell the victims they deserve it, and now you say it is perfectly acceptable to threaten someone's children unless they pay the workers more money.

And this is not even about jobs. This is about threatening childen's lives unless the union's demands are met. The nonunion workers are getting paid. They are probably drawing benefits as well. They are covered by Workman's Comp. They may even have profit sharing and a 401k. I have never joined a union and I have had all over those things at my jobs.

So this is about the cheapest of motives. This is about "Give me more money because you HAVE more money!" kind of crap.

This is about the cowardice involved in threatening someone's family. The lowest of the low.

This is about you not being ABLE to become rich on your own, so you want to steal it and calling it social justice.

The 1%ers threaten our families all the time....

"I have my kid's softball game this Saturday!"

"You'd better be in here, or you're fired!"

Thing said by Mr. "I'm so glad I don't have to deal with a union", and if you are the 1% or their toadies, your hair has to be on fire before I start getting concerned about you.

You are actually comparing having to work on saturday to some stranger stalking your kids at their bus stop?? Really?

I can see why the other people stopped posting here. You are an idiot. You are envious of the people who have busted their ass and sacrificed having a life in order to make a shitload of money. Wah. You have no claim to their money. Get a grip.

If your wife or daughter find themselves with a stalker one day. Just give them a big hug and tell them "As long as it's on public property...".
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Post Bros. executive Sarina Rose had grown used to troubles at work literally following her home.

During the day, she dodged taunts from union protesters outside the 12th and Wood Streets work site in Philadelphia, where her company was building apartments last year.

After hours, tradesmen snapped photos of her children, 8 and 11, at their bus stop in Abington. They trailed her at weekend sporting events. One union leader loudly cursed at her in front of a packed restaurant and mimicked shooting her.

And under Pennsylvania law, none of it was a crime.

"When you walk in, as a vice president of a company, to a restaurant full of union workers," Municipal Judge Charles Hayden told Rose in court last November, "you're going to hear some things that you should have expected to hear."

Thanks to a little-known provision protecting parties in labor disputes from prosecution for stalking, harassment, and terroristic threats, Rose said, she was left powerless to stop the nearly constant baiting. The men who dogged her at all hours walked free.

Union exemption from harassment claims raises questions -

Idiot liberals thinks she deserves it, takes special kind of tough guy to scare women and children...... :thup:

Conservatives think its okay to take photos of abortion doctors, protest outside the schools of their children, and publish their names and addresses online. Yet they don't have a problem with that.

I ask what is the difference between the two?

It's not legal to stalk, harass and threaten the children of abortion doctors. If it is, post the proof or drift back into your cloud of ignorance.... :thup:
Why is it that some of you think its ok to do this?

"After hours, tradesmen snapped photos of her children, 8 and 11, at their bus stop in Abington. They trailed her at weekend sporting events. One union leader loudly cursed at her in front of a packed restaurant and mimicked shooting her."

This is stalking and harassment. I don't care if you are pro-union, this is despicable and the actions of cowards.

Because some people (actually, the only one specifically approving of it, as opposed to union thuggery in general, is Joey) are simply EVIL. It really is that simple.

I think Capitalism is evil.

Sometimes you got to fight evil with evil.

Yeah, because you WANT all the goodies but don't want to have to actually earn them. So you try and make it sound trendy that the rich should have their money taken away from them because you had a boss who was an ass.

You are simply a bitter loser. But at least your life will be consistent.
I have nothing against the First Amendment. But this is not about the first amendment. This is about unions being allowed to stalk & harass.

But, since you claimed it is all about protesting, I think you should answer the question I asked in my previous post.

I predict you will not.

I think it's perfectly acceptable to do whatever nasty things we can think of to the 1%ers until their behavior improves.

I thought I made that pretty clear.

Because, hopefully then they will get the point people are made.

Of course, our 1%ers are proabably as oblivious as the Bourbons and the Romanovs were... and will probably end up the same way.

You approve of stalking YOUNG CHILDREN to further a political agenda?


Obviously he does not have one shred of human decency. But he is sure quick to demand that rich folks give him their stuff, because someone treated him badly! lol

The guy is a joke.

You are actually comparing having to work on saturday to some stranger stalking your kids at their bus stop?? Really?

I can see why the other people stopped posting here. You are an idiot. You are envious of the people who have busted their ass and sacrificed having a life in order to make a shitload of money. Wah. You have no claim to their money. Get a grip.


I deleted that last line because it was an attack on family. You might want to go change it yourself.

But for the record, no, I am not "envious" of what the 1%ers have earned or had handed to them. (More likely the latter in most cases.) Or have stolen from people who did the actual work.

I've also seen your 1%ers fire people because they got pregnant, had to take their kid to the hospital, or because they were gay. So, no, I'm not terribly sympathetic to them when the working stiffs start fighting back.

Obviously he does not have one shred of human decency. But he is sure quick to demand that rich folks give him their stuff, because someone treated him badly! lol

The guy is a joke.

Where did I say the rich should give me anything, or did I ask for anything?


Of course, they didn't even give what they promised, so there's that.

I guess this woman is upset because she'll have to explain to her kids what a "Scab" and a "rat" is.

Yeah, because you WANT all the goodies but don't want to have to actually earn them. So you try and make it sound trendy that the rich should have their money taken away from them because you had a boss who was an ass.

You are simply a bitter loser. But at least your life will be consistent.

Guy, the rich should have their money taken away from them because we made promises to our children, our veterans, our elderly and working folks.

Because 1% controlling 43% of the wealth is NEVER a good idea.

the 1% did not do 43% of the physical labor, so why do they have 43% of the wealth?

You are actually comparing having to work on saturday to some stranger stalking your kids at their bus stop?? Really?

I can see why the other people stopped posting here. You are an idiot. You are envious of the people who have busted their ass and sacrificed having a life in order to make a shitload of money. Wah. You have no claim to their money. Get a grip.


I deleted that last line because it was an attack on family. You might want to go change it yourself.

But for the record, no, I am not "envious" of what the 1%ers have earned or had handed to them. (More likely the latter in most cases.) Or have stolen from people who did the actual work.

I've also seen your 1%ers fire people because they got pregnant, had to take their kid to the hospital, or because they were gay. So, no, I'm not terribly sympathetic to them when the working stiffs start fighting back.

Your ideas of how rich people got that way are laughable.

That is not a working stiff fighting back. That is an organized extortion racket threatening innocent children to maintain their power.

I get that you like unions and hate capitalism. Which is why I find it so amusing that capitalism is growing and unions are losing power. But you keep blaming the rich. You keep searching out those odd occurances and rare events and make them sound commonplace. Your own insecurities and inabilities are even more obvious.

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