Stalking is legal? If you're in a union, sure!


Perhaps kneepads got promotions for you, but don't assume everyone else does it that way.

I have no problem with people protesting businesses. What I have a problem with is threatening people's children. You don't have a problem with that, as long as it is the children of the people you dislike.

I think that makes you a sick fuck and a coward, but that is just my opinion.

You are right. If I don't like you, I don't care if bad things happen to you because you probably deserve them.

"Oh, wah, I had to explain to my kids I'm a Rat!"

If you think its OK to threaten someone's kids, you deserve to have your job outsourced and lose everything you have.

Perhaps kneepads got promotions for you, but don't assume everyone else does it that way.

I have no problem with people protesting businesses. What I have a problem with is threatening people's children. You don't have a problem with that, as long as it is the children of the people you dislike.

I think that makes you a sick fuck and a coward, but that is just my opinion.

You are right. If I don't like you, I don't care if bad things happen to you because you probably deserve them.

"Oh, wah, I had to explain to my kids I'm a Rat!"

If you think its OK to threaten someone's kids, you deserve to have your job outsourced and lose everything you have.

Except nobody threatened anyone's kids and the judge threw the case out for lack of merit.

But don't let that stop you.

No, no, the 1%ers just can't stand ANYONE judging their bad behavior.
You are right. If I don't like you, I don't care if bad things happen to you because you probably deserve them.

"Oh, wah, I had to explain to my kids I'm a Rat!"

If you think its OK to threaten someone's kids, you deserve to have your job outsourced and lose everything you have.

Except nobody threatened anyone's kids and the judge threw the case out for lack of merit.

But don't let that stop you.

No, no, the 1%ers just can't stand ANYONE judging their bad behavior.

Did you read the article??

Let me help you out with your reading comprehension.

You saw this and that was the extent of what you read: "When you walk in, as a vice president of a company, to a restaurant full of union workers," Municipal Judge Charles Hayden told Rose in court last November, "you're going to hear some things that you should have expected to hear."

I know this is tough for you to follow, but there was actually more in the article.

Still, his argument hardly mattered. Citing the labor harassment exemption, Hayden found the union leader not guilty and chastised both parties for "wasting my time."

So the judge cited the union exemption when he dismissed the case. In other words, the exemption is why he dismissed the case.

The judge didn't throw it out because it was bogus. The judge threw it out because unions are exempt from stalking laws.

I thank you for your service.

And no, there is no brown stuff on my nose. The only thing on my nose is sweat from busting my ass to make a good living. I have not kissed ass to get where I am. I am here because I worked hard.

I have spent 20+ years in the utility construction industry. I have seen union and non-union shops. The ones that went from being linemen to owning companies did it without unions. I could introduce you to 3 guys who went from blue collar to millionaire by busting their butts.

And my guess is that those three guys hired scabs and underpaid them.

Just spitballing there.

Anyone who is wealthy stole it from the people who did the actual work. Period.

I find it telling that your entire argument depends on what you claim about the 3 or 4 million people you have never met and do not know. And yet, you claim to know how they made their money. I call bullshit on that. You are just bitching and making shit up that you do not know.
You are right. If I don't like you, I don't care if bad things happen to you because you probably deserve them.

"Oh, wah, I had to explain to my kids I'm a Rat!"

If you think its OK to threaten someone's kids, you deserve to have your job outsourced and lose everything you have.

Except nobody threatened anyone's kids and the judge threw the case out for lack of merit.

But don't let that stop you.

No, no, the 1%ers just can't stand ANYONE judging their bad behavior.

Would you like to cite where the judge said the lack of merit was why he threw the case out???

Because it looks like you lied or cannot read.

The judge didn't throw it out because it was bogus. The judge threw it out because unions are exempt from stalking laws.

I thank you for your service.

And no, there is no brown stuff on my nose. The only thing on my nose is sweat from busting my ass to make a good living. I have not kissed ass to get where I am. I am here because I worked hard.

I have spent 20+ years in the utility construction industry. I have seen union and non-union shops. The ones that went from being linemen to owning companies did it without unions. I could introduce you to 3 guys who went from blue collar to millionaire by busting their butts.

And my guess is that those three guys hired scabs and underpaid them.

Just spitballing there.

Anyone who is wealthy stole it from the people who did the actual work. Period.

"Anyone" huh? What do you consider to be wealthy for that statement? $1 Million net worth? $5 Million? $250,000? $20 Million?

One dollar more than Joey has.

Perhaps kneepads got promotions for you, but don't assume everyone else does it that way.

I have no problem with people protesting businesses. What I have a problem with is threatening people's children. You don't have a problem with that, as long as it is the children of the people you dislike.

I think that makes you a sick fuck and a coward, but that is just my opinion.

You are right. If I don't like you, I don't care if bad things happen to you because you probably deserve them.

"Oh, wah, I had to explain to my kids I'm a Rat!"

You keep pretending that her being called a rat was the worst thing that happened, and conveniently ignoring that her children were stalked. That is another sign of cowardice.

Your preference for class warfare instead of earning your own is ample evidence of the kid of person you are. Your approval of union goons stalking children is too.

No, it's a sign of PSYCHOPATHY. It is quite simple: Joey is absolutely pure evil on the level of Elizabeth Bathory.
You are right. If I don't like you, I don't care if bad things happen to you because you probably deserve them.

"Oh, wah, I had to explain to my kids I'm a Rat!"

If you think its OK to threaten someone's kids, you deserve to have your job outsourced and lose everything you have.

Except nobody threatened anyone's kids and the judge threw the case out for lack of merit.

But don't let that stop you.

No, no, the 1%ers just can't stand ANYONE judging their bad behavior.

You're LYING again, pisshead!

I find it telling that your entire argument depends on what you claim about the 3 or 4 million people you have never met and do not know. And yet, you claim to know how they made their money. I call bullshit on that. You are just bitching and making shit up that you do not know.

you know what, Guy, I only have to find a cockroach in my salad a couple of times to stop eating at a resturant.

I only have to meet a couple of douchebags with money to realize they are douchebags.

It's a very simple thing.

No one by himself produces a million dollars worth of value. NO ONE. Ever. Hasn't happened, not once in human history.

Which means someone else did that work, and wasn't given his fair share of the proceeds.
If you think its OK to threaten someone's kids, you deserve to have your job outsourced and lose everything you have.

Except nobody threatened anyone's kids and the judge threw the case out for lack of merit.

But don't let that stop you.

No, no, the 1%ers just can't stand ANYONE judging their bad behavior.

Did you read the article??

Let me help you out with your reading comprehension.

You saw this and that was the extent of what you read: "When you walk in, as a vice president of a company, to a restaurant full of union workers," Municipal Judge Charles Hayden told Rose in court last November, "you're going to hear some things that you should have expected to hear."

I know this is tough for you to follow, but there was actually more in the article.

Still, his argument hardly mattered. Citing the labor harassment exemption, Hayden found the union leader not guilty and chastised both parties for "wasting my time."

So the judge cited the union exemption when he dismissed the case. In other words, the exemption is why he dismissed the case.

My comprehension is just fine.

The judge said, You are wasting my fucking time.

No stalking.

Deal with it.
Here, let me help you mutants out... Here's what the judge said.

"When you walk in, as a vice president of a company, to a restaurant full of union workers," Municipal Judge Charles Hayden told Rose in court last November, "you're going to hear some things that you should have expected to hear."
If you think its OK to threaten someone's kids, you deserve to have your job outsourced and lose everything you have.

Except nobody threatened anyone's kids and the judge threw the case out for lack of merit.

But don't let that stop you.

No, no, the 1%ers just can't stand ANYONE judging their bad behavior.

Would you like to cite where the judge said the lack of merit was why he threw the case out???

Because it looks like you lied or cannot read.

Well, first and foremost, as much as you guys go on and on about how her "children" were stalked, this was never reported to the police and never prosecuted. So we only have her word for it, and we all know how incredibly honest managers and executives are.

You know how I tell when an executive is lying? His lips are moving.

Anyway, this was about when she walked into a resturant full of union guys. Now, did she know htis resturant is where the union guys hang out? Or did she hear this resturant served a really great Foie gras, and she just had to check it out?

Well, anyway, they called her some bad names, and she complained to the cops, and guess what-

No Merit.

Oh, well.
Except nobody threatened anyone's kids and the judge threw the case out for lack of merit.

But don't let that stop you.

No, no, the 1%ers just can't stand ANYONE judging their bad behavior.

Did you read the article??

Let me help you out with your reading comprehension.

You saw this and that was the extent of what you read: "When you walk in, as a vice president of a company, to a restaurant full of union workers," Municipal Judge Charles Hayden told Rose in court last November, "you're going to hear some things that you should have expected to hear."

I know this is tough for you to follow, but there was actually more in the article.

Still, his argument hardly mattered. Citing the labor harassment exemption, Hayden found the union leader not guilty and chastised both parties for "wasting my time."

So the judge cited the union exemption when he dismissed the case. In other words, the exemption is why he dismissed the case.

My comprehension is just fine.

The judge said, You are wasting my fucking time.

No stalking.

Deal with it.

Yeah, no need to let the facts get in the way of your argument. Like the fact that he cited the union exemption when he dismissed the case. Keep lying about what happened. Maybe someone down the line will believe you.
Here, let me help you mutants out... Here's what the judge said.

"When you walk in, as a vice president of a company, to a restaurant full of union workers," Municipal Judge Charles Hayden told Rose in court last November, "you're going to hear some things that you should have expected to hear."

And what did the judge cite when he dismissed the case???
So I got to ask the obvious question you haters of working folks won't ask.

She didn't call the cops when they were following her kids, but she did call them when they disturbed her lunch?

Hey nimrod, why not tell us all whether she was there when they took the pics? Or whether or not she did call the cops?

Since you don't know the answer to either of those questions, you just look like a bigger fool.

Yeah, no need to let the facts get in the way of your argument. Like the fact that he cited the union exemption when he dismissed the case. Keep lying about what happened. Maybe someone down the line will believe you.


Dismissed the case.

No Merit.

No stalking of children was even alleged in this case, this case was completely about the incident in the resturant, where he states, "If you are going to walk into a resturant of union guys, they are going to say nasty stuff to you."

Honestly, her (unreported) claims about harrassing her spawn, it kind of sounds to me like she was trying to provoke an incident.

"Hey, let's send Sarina down to the grill where the union guys are hanging out. Maybe around happy hour. Then when they call her bad names, we can claim a harrassment case."
So I got to ask the obvious question you haters of working folks won't ask.

She didn't call the cops when they were following her kids, but she did call them when they disturbed her lunch?

Hey nimrod, why not tell us all whether she was there when they took the pics? Or whether or not she did call the cops?

Since you don't know the answer to either of those questions, you just look like a bigger fool.

No, we have to take her word on a lot of things in this story.

The days of me taking managers at their word ended years ago for me.

Yeah, no need to let the facts get in the way of your argument. Like the fact that he cited the union exemption when he dismissed the case. Keep lying about what happened. Maybe someone down the line will believe you.


Dismissed the case.

No Merit.

No stalking of children was even alleged in this case, this case was completely about the incident in the resturant, where he states, "If you are going to walk into a resturant of union guys, they are going to say nasty stuff to you."

Honestly, her (unreported) claims about harrassing her spawn, it kind of sounds to me like she was trying to provoke an incident.

"Hey, let's send Sarina down to the grill where the union guys are hanging out. Maybe around happy hour. Then when they call her bad names, we can claim a harrassment case."

You are just lying. The article stated clearly that the judge cited the union exemption when he dismissed the case. Because you don't like them does not make the actual facts go away.

I find it telling that your entire argument depends on what you claim about the 3 or 4 million people you have never met and do not know. And yet, you claim to know how they made their money. I call bullshit on that. You are just bitching and making shit up that you do not know.

you know what, Guy, I only have to find a cockroach in my salad a couple of times to stop eating at a resturant.

I only have to meet a couple of douchebags with money to realize they are douchebags.

It's a very simple thing.

No one by himself produces a million dollars worth of value. NO ONE. Ever. Hasn't happened, not once in human history.

Which means someone else did that work, and wasn't given his fair share of the proceeds.

At least that is what you think. However, there are plenty who have made millions and created businesses that provide employment for many people. Like I said, your views are colored by your own projections. A supply sgt complaining about theft? Pot, meet kettle.

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