Stand and Deliver (NFL)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Detroit is such a canonical city, and this is my love-letter to both the city...and the Lions (NFL).


Detroit is my home city. I love it. I was born in Algeria but moved to Detroit with my mother when I was young. I grew up in Detroit and went to high-school there and cheered on the Pistons (NBA) and Lions (NFL). My name's Isaac Satan. My story is not typical, but then again, neither is Detroit.


I was offered the chance to work for the US government but turned down the offer and became a criminal. That's right, folks. I became a full-time drug dealer in Detroit. I sold cocaine and opium mostly, which although not as devastating as heroin and crack, are still high-level dangerous narcotics today. I became a big dealer and a big deal in Detroit. People referred to me as the 'gentleman Jack' of narcotics.


I was sent to the Detroit Correctional Facility (DCF) for two years for my complicity in a drug-related arson and bank robbery. I wasn't convicted directly of any personal involvement but was sentenced to two years for evidential complicity to the narcotics underworld in Detroit. I spent two years in DCF and came out a changed man.


I decided to go to a rehab center and adult education school where I met the beautiful American schoolteacher and narcotics reformer Julie Dorsett. Julie taught me about redemption, hope, self-improvement, delusions, and values. We fell in love. She loved me after she saw that I intended to become a born-again Christian and work in the Detroit area as a community activist. I asked Julie to marry me...and she accepted!


One of the things I do with Julie's school group is host community BBQs in Detroit for urban youth reforming after being convicted of juvenile crimes. I talk about my involvement with the underworld and my discovery of Christian faith. Julie watches over me like an angel, and my work with the community group reflects my newfound 'spiritual' love of the great US city of Detroit.


One of the social activities we do in the youth group with Julie is take notes on the progress and development of the Detroit Lions (NFL) team. We watch games regularly together on TV on NFL Sunday at the community rec-center. I've developed a different fanfare appreciation of today's Lions. We also make poster art to reflect our patriotic appreciation of organized sports in America and in Detroit.


I purchased a very fine Topps rookie-card of one of my favorite current new gen NFL quarterbacks, the Detroit Lions' Matthew Stafford, who makes me feel very youthful and excited about this new aesthetic in professional football, one catering to laser-sharp teamwork on the field.


Julie introduced me to the NFL sports-medicine doctor Pamela Harris who works directly and personally with the Detroit Lions football team. Pamela treats players for steroids abuse and concussions and requiring media attention. I've learned a great deal about drug abuse and medicine and media from my time working alongside Dr. Harris and being exposed to Detroit's professional and clinical consciousness!


Julie had me organize a special Lions NFL Sunday party at the rec-center with materials I found on discount at a local Thriftway. All this social work reminds me that redemption is possible even in this new era of great capitalism cynicism and anti-American sentiments threatening our social activities regarding organized democracy.


We like to watch "Any Given Sunday" (Oliver Stone) as our symbolic NFL movie at the rec-center, and we're planning a trip to a Coronavirus-time presentation of the iconic and patriotic sports-film at a Detroit drive-in.


Julie and I go to the beach sometimes for a weekend vacation and she reminds me that I need to remember not only my dark past and involvement with the criminal element in Detroit but to look towards the future to forget about my deeds that affected the lives and health of young adults struggling with drug use. When I think of Julie's impact on me, I consider how she makes me courageous about avoiding the pitfalls of modern social temptation!


I made Julie this drawing of a Transformers (Hasbro) soldier-knight robot I really like, Ultra Magnus. I told her I watched this cartoon robot as a youngster and it reinforces in me values regarding patriotism towards anti-terrorism and anti-crime. She was impressed.


When we watch the Lions games on NFL Sunday at the rec-center in Detroit, I tell the kids I work with to notice how the uniformed cheerleaders are presenting their appreciation of the grit and fitness the professional athletes display on the field, a display of American diarism.


When we watched the Oliver Stone NFL film at the Detroit drive-in, I told Julie and the kids we brought with us that I was grateful for the way they reminded me of the roads to the daylight of our city and country.


My life is not without regret, but it's also not without repentance. Julie's made that possible as has the city of Detroit...and of course the dioramic Detroit Lions. God bless America!


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

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