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'Stand with the prophet' rally comes to Texas

From the link;
“Frustrated with Islamophobes defaming the Prophet?” the event materials ask. “Fuming over extremists like ISIS who give a bad name to Islam? Remember the Danish cartoons defaming the Prophet? Or the anti-Islam film, ‘Innocence of Muslims’?”

“When real events warrant, like the Danish Cartoon controversy, Sharia ban, Quran burning, Boko Haram kidnappings. [Islamic State] brutality, etc., we articulate fresh talking points and content quickly, and in a timely manner, working with professionals to disseminate it through community spokespersons and our allies,” organizers state on their website.

Also, from their website;
Isn’t it time we invested in defending our faith? Otherwise, groups like ISIS and Boko Haram will only continue to increase the media’s ammunition to incriminate Muslims.

Immediately after 9/11, only 27% of Americans held a negative opinion of Islam. Today, that number is approaching 60%. Islamophobia is turning our neighbors against us, while confusing Muslim youth about their faith; 47% of college-going Muslims end up drinking alcohol.

1,250 anti-Muslim films are repeatedly aired on American television throughout the year, in addition to the likes of Fox TV, which routinely broadcasts anti-Muslim programs and commentary. The internet is littered with anti-Muslim information, images, and videos

The Impact of Negative Media is Enormous on the Lives of Muslims:

  1. Muslims are the least employed, according to a Gallup Poll.
  2. Young Muslims are developing self-hate and are moving away from Islam.
  3. 50% of Arab-Americans have clinical signs of depression, according to Yale University research.
  4. More of our neighbors now hold negative opinions of Islam and Muslims, as compared to immediately after 9/11.

What will Our "Strategic Communication Centre" do for the Muslim Community and Our Neighbors?
  1. Rapid Response & Crisis Communication: When real events warrant, like the Danish Cartoon controversy, Sharia ban, Quran burning, Boko Haram kidnappings. ISIS brutality, etc., we articulate fresh talking points and content quickly, and in a timely manner, working with professionals to disseminate it through community spokespersons and our allies.
  2. Do for Islam what Khan Academy has done for math and science: By producing short, seven to 10-minute lessons taught by master teachers about the basics of Islam for our children and for our neighbors.
  3. Coordinate & Serve as a Content Clearinghouse: Collect, reframe, and disseminate the existing wealth of content, and coordinate Muslim responses through Masjids, as well as regional and national organizations.
  4. Train & Build Capacity: Train 30 young Muslims a year to communicate Islamic points of view effectively.
Stand With the Prophet

It seems to me that they're wanting to present the Muslim perspective to current events.
They seem to recognise and reject the harm that extremists are doing to the perception of their faith.
blah blah blah, their own koran says to kill all unbelievers who refuse to become Muslim.
Can you quote the passage from the Koran?

Before you start quoting OT passages, remember the passages in the OT must be read with the historical perspective in mind. The Quran on the other hand is open ended.

Quran (3:151) - "Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers, for that they joined companions with Allah, for which He had sent no authority".

Quran (5:33) - "The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement"

Quran (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"

Quran (9:29) - "Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued."

Quran (9:123) - "O you who believe! fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness."

Quran (17:16) - "And when We wish to destroy a town, We send Our commandment to the people of it who lead easy lives, but they transgress therein; thus the word proves true against it, so We destroy it with utter destruction."

Sura 8:55"To Allah, there are no animals viler than those who do not believe and remain unbelievers" ()

Oh there is a whole lot more but I don't think it would matter if more were posted.
so your holy text is a product of its time, but the quaran is not?

Sorry, I don't know what that question means and that isn't really what I said.
Sorry, I don't know what that question means and that isn't really what I said.
you said that the old testament must be read with a historical perspective. why isn't that true for the quran?

Here is an often used passage that some use to say that the Bible teaches violence just like the Quran, which in my opinion is an interesting defense.

Deuteronomy 20:10-17 When you march up to attack a city, make its people an offer of peace. If they accept and open their gates, all the people in it shall be subject to forced labor and shall work for you. If they refuse to make peace and they engage you in battle, lay siege to that city. When the Lord your God delivers it into your hand, put to the sword all the men in it. As for the women, the children, the livestock and everything else in the city, you may take these as plunder for yourselves. . . . This is how you are to treat all the cities that are at a distance from you and do not belong to the nations nearby.
However, in the cities of the nations the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes. Completely destroy them—the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites—as the Lord your God has commanded you.

Can you see that this is not an open ended command or passage? That it is a historical event written into the text of the Bible?

Counter that with this: “I will instill terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them.” (Quran 8:12)

Which I would call an open ended command.
Stand with a Pedophile? I'm sure libs will show their support in ignoring the truth about the pedophile prophet and attempt to rewrite history.
Stand with a Pedophile? I'm sure libs will show their support in ignoring the truth about the pedophile prophet and attempt to rewrite history.
Depends who you talk to. Back in high school some liberal got 'offended' and cried when I pointed out history. Mohammad had relationships with little girls and was a warmonger. If they had it their way, all history would be white washed and all wars, genocides and massacres in the name of Islam forgotten.
Muslim leaders from across America will gather in Texas this weekend to hold the annual Stand With the Prophet in Honor and Respect conference, a weekend forum that is being billed as a “movement to defend Prophet Muhammad, his person, and his message,” according to event information.
The Saturday event, which seeks to combat “Islamophobes in America” who have turned the Islamic Prophet Muhammad “into an object of hate,” according to organizers, comes just a week after radicalized Islamists in France killed 17 people.
The victims died in events that began with the shooting attack on French newspaper Charlie Hebdo for its satirical cartoons that skewered the prophet.
How do you like the new Muslim States of America???
In Europe people protest against Islamization. In America muslims are allowed to gather and discuss their future strategy of jihad. Something is going wrong...
Muslim Leaders to Hold Stand with the Prophet Rally in Texas Washington Free Beacon
Ha. Ha. Texas, you're joking right! That may be about as exciting as a rattlesnake round up. They will not be Welcomed there. I doubt there is any place in the Western world where an Islamic rally would be welcome.

Islam is awash in innocent blood, and the blood continues to flow. Europe has now had their 9/11, and Islam is no longer welcome there. There is no place on earth today, that the blood of Islam hasn't touched.

"Islam is so peaceful that a Muslim will kill you to prove it."
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They need to behave themselves, we don't put up with bullshit in Texas.

No offense, but Texans wont do jack shit about it no matter what they do. People of Texas are allowing the racist black panthers run around assembling with AK-47s in their hands. All that don't mess with Texas bs is poetic and all, but I have yet to see any evidence it means jack.

Prove America wrong, run those SOBs out of that rally.
Good for them. It's important that they represent their faith peacefully and in the open. can't believe so many of you went directly to how you could be assholes to them - or worse.
Maybe if they didn't go around indisciminantly blowing up children and other innocents for decades people would have different attitudes towards them. Duh.
This group has blown people up? Laughed at any families grieving for their dead servicemen lately?
They're muslims.
Westboro doesn't excuse muslim terrorism.
If you're willing to judge all muslims by the actions of a few why shouldn't Westboro represent all christians?
A few? You try to justify at least tens of millions of muslim murderers and abettors crossing various sects and factions of Islam with one whacked-out alleged Christian church whom I have yet to see defended by anyone but themselves?
Good for them. It's important that they represent their faith peacefully and in the open. can't believe so many of you went directly to how you could be assholes to them - or worse.
Maybe if they didn't go around indisciminantly blowing up children and other innocents for decades people would have different attitudes towards them. Duh.
This group has blown people up? Laughed at any families grieving for their dead servicemen lately?
They're muslims.
Westboro doesn't excuse muslim terrorism.
If you're willing to judge all muslims by the actions of a few why shouldn't Westboro represent all christians?
A few? You try to justify at least tens of millions of muslim murderers and abettors crossing various sects and factions of Islam with one whacked-out alleged Christian church whom I have yet to see defended by anyone but themselves?
And i haven't justified anything. I pointed out your inconsistency
Good for them. It's important that they represent their faith peacefully and in the open. can't believe so many of you went directly to how you could be assholes to them - or worse.
Maybe if they didn't go around indisciminantly blowing up children and other innocents for decades people would have different attitudes towards them. Duh.
This group has blown people up? Laughed at any families grieving for their dead servicemen lately?
They're muslims.
Westboro doesn't excuse muslim terrorism.
If you're willing to judge all muslims by the actions of a few why shouldn't Westboro represent all christians?
A few? You try to justify at least tens of millions of muslim murderers and abettors crossing various sects and factions of Islam with one whacked-out alleged Christian church whom I have yet to see defended by anyone but themselves?
Westboro hasn't killed anyone either, it holds signs whereas radical Muslims kill cartoonists, rape women, kill children, and take girls hostage for learning to read. Comparing Westboro to Muslim radicals is silly to say the least. ;)
Maybe if they didn't go around indisciminantly blowing up children and other innocents for decades people would have different attitudes towards them. Duh.
This group has blown people up? Laughed at any families grieving for their dead servicemen lately?
They're muslims.
Westboro doesn't excuse muslim terrorism.
If you're willing to judge all muslims by the actions of a few why shouldn't Westboro represent all christians?
A few? You try to justify at least tens of millions of muslim murderers and abettors crossing various sects and factions of Islam with one whacked-out alleged Christian church whom I have yet to see defended by anyone but themselves?
And i haven't justified anything. I pointed out your inconsistency
You brought up Westboro as a moral equivalence thing. You brought it up.
The percentage of muslims involved in or supporting terrorism has been estimated/excused as being as low as 5-10%. Considering over a billion-and-a-half muslims in the world that percentage would number in the tens of millions.
This group has blown people up? Laughed at any families grieving for their dead servicemen lately?
They're muslims.
Westboro doesn't excuse muslim terrorism.
If you're willing to judge all muslims by the actions of a few why shouldn't Westboro represent all christians?
A few? You try to justify at least tens of millions of muslim murderers and abettors crossing various sects and factions of Islam with one whacked-out alleged Christian church whom I have yet to see defended by anyone but themselves?
And i haven't justified anything. I pointed out your inconsistency
You brought up Westboro as a moral equivalence thing. You brought it up.
The percentage of muslims involved in or supporting terrorism has been estimated/excused as being as low as 5-10%. Considering over a billion-and-a-half muslims in the world that percentage would number in the tens of millions.
Westboro can't even make good signs, let alone kill people. They are scapegoat Christian extremists, that are the subject of ridicule or disgust on left and right. One of these days Westboro will sue for defamation and win, if people keep comparing them to terrorists.
Where in the NEW Testament does it say that? Your point?
oh i see. because it's your faith you get to decide which verses carry weight and which do not. weird.
um, no. Since the birth of Christ the old testament is obsolete and only the new testament is followed.
According to whom?
apparently you have problems understanding the synonym Christ in Christian. Christ wasn't around during the old testament. According to Christ he makes the old testament obsolete.
So... why is it in the bible?
Historical context.
Where in the NEW Testament does it say that? Your point?
oh i see. because it's your faith you get to decide which verses carry weight and which do not. weird.
um, no. Since the birth of Christ the old testament is obsolete and only the new testament is followed.
According to whom?
apparently you have problems understanding the synonym Christ in Christian. Christ wasn't around during the old testament. According to Christ he makes the old testament obsolete.
you don't know what a synonym is, do you?
Christian has 2 synonyms. Youre the one lacking understanding.
Sorry, I don't know what that question means and that isn't really what I said.
you said that the old testament must be read with a historical perspective. why isn't that true for the quran?

Here is an often used passage that some use to say that the Bible teaches violence just like the Quran, which in my opinion is an interesting defense.

Deuteronomy 20:10-17 When you march up to attack a city, make its people an offer of peace. If they accept and open their gates, all the people in it shall be subject to forced labor and shall work for you. If they refuse to make peace and they engage you in battle, lay siege to that city. When the Lord your God delivers it into your hand, put to the sword all the men in it. As for the women, the children, the livestock and everything else in the city, you may take these as plunder for yourselves. . . . This is how you are to treat all the cities that are at a distance from you and do not belong to the nations nearby.
However, in the cities of the nations the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes. Completely destroy them—the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites—as the Lord your God has commanded you.

Can you see that this is not an open ended command or passage? That it is a historical event written into the text of the Bible?

Counter that with this: “I will instill terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them.” (Quran 8:12)

Which I would call an open ended command.
THat was then this is now. The quran is always.
From the link;
“Frustrated with Islamophobes defaming the Prophet?” the event materials ask. “Fuming over extremists like ISIS who give a bad name to Islam? Remember the Danish cartoons defaming the Prophet? Or the anti-Islam film, ‘Innocence of Muslims’?”

“When real events warrant, like the Danish Cartoon controversy, Sharia ban, Quran burning, Boko Haram kidnappings. [Islamic State] brutality, etc., we articulate fresh talking points and content quickly, and in a timely manner, working with professionals to disseminate it through community spokespersons and our allies,” organizers state on their website.

Also, from their website;
Isn’t it time we invested in defending our faith? Otherwise, groups like ISIS and Boko Haram will only continue to increase the media’s ammunition to incriminate Muslims.

Immediately after 9/11, only 27% of Americans held a negative opinion of Islam. Today, that number is approaching 60%. Islamophobia is turning our neighbors against us, while confusing Muslim youth about their faith; 47% of college-going Muslims end up drinking alcohol.

1,250 anti-Muslim films are repeatedly aired on American television throughout the year, in addition to the likes of Fox TV, which routinely broadcasts anti-Muslim programs and commentary. The internet is littered with anti-Muslim information, images, and videos

The Impact of Negative Media is Enormous on the Lives of Muslims:

  1. Muslims are the least employed, according to a Gallup Poll.
  2. Young Muslims are developing self-hate and are moving away from Islam.
  3. 50% of Arab-Americans have clinical signs of depression, according to Yale University research.
  4. More of our neighbors now hold negative opinions of Islam and Muslims, as compared to immediately after 9/11.

What will Our "Strategic Communication Centre" do for the Muslim Community and Our Neighbors?
  1. Rapid Response & Crisis Communication: When real events warrant, like the Danish Cartoon controversy, Sharia ban, Quran burning, Boko Haram kidnappings. ISIS brutality, etc., we articulate fresh talking points and content quickly, and in a timely manner, working with professionals to disseminate it through community spokespersons and our allies.
  2. Do for Islam what Khan Academy has done for math and science: By producing short, seven to 10-minute lessons taught by master teachers about the basics of Islam for our children and for our neighbors.
  3. Coordinate & Serve as a Content Clearinghouse: Collect, reframe, and disseminate the existing wealth of content, and coordinate Muslim responses through Masjids, as well as regional and national organizations.
  4. Train & Build Capacity: Train 30 young Muslims a year to communicate Islamic points of view effectively.
Stand With the Prophet

It seems to me that they're wanting to present the Muslim perspective to current events.
They seem to recognise and reject the harm that extremists are doing to the perception of their faith.
Which is what people want them to do. But when they do it.....
From the link;
“Frustrated with Islamophobes defaming the Prophet?” the event materials ask. “Fuming over extremists like ISIS who give a bad name to Islam? Remember the Danish cartoons defaming the Prophet? Or the anti-Islam film, ‘Innocence of Muslims’?”

“When real events warrant, like the Danish Cartoon controversy, Sharia ban, Quran burning, Boko Haram kidnappings. [Islamic State] brutality, etc., we articulate fresh talking points and content quickly, and in a timely manner, working with professionals to disseminate it through community spokespersons and our allies,” organizers state on their website.

Also, from their website;
Isn’t it time we invested in defending our faith? Otherwise, groups like ISIS and Boko Haram will only continue to increase the media’s ammunition to incriminate Muslims.

Immediately after 9/11, only 27% of Americans held a negative opinion of Islam. Today, that number is approaching 60%. Islamophobia is turning our neighbors against us, while confusing Muslim youth about their faith; 47% of college-going Muslims end up drinking alcohol.

1,250 anti-Muslim films are repeatedly aired on American television throughout the year, in addition to the likes of Fox TV, which routinely broadcasts anti-Muslim programs and commentary. The internet is littered with anti-Muslim information, images, and videos

The Impact of Negative Media is Enormous on the Lives of Muslims:

  1. Muslims are the least employed, according to a Gallup Poll.
  2. Young Muslims are developing self-hate and are moving away from Islam.
  3. 50% of Arab-Americans have clinical signs of depression, according to Yale University research.
  4. More of our neighbors now hold negative opinions of Islam and Muslims, as compared to immediately after 9/11.

What will Our "Strategic Communication Centre" do for the Muslim Community and Our Neighbors?
  1. Rapid Response & Crisis Communication: When real events warrant, like the Danish Cartoon controversy, Sharia ban, Quran burning, Boko Haram kidnappings. ISIS brutality, etc., we articulate fresh talking points and content quickly, and in a timely manner, working with professionals to disseminate it through community spokespersons and our allies.
  2. Do for Islam what Khan Academy has done for math and science: By producing short, seven to 10-minute lessons taught by master teachers about the basics of Islam for our children and for our neighbors.
  3. Coordinate & Serve as a Content Clearinghouse: Collect, reframe, and disseminate the existing wealth of content, and coordinate Muslim responses through Masjids, as well as regional and national organizations.
  4. Train & Build Capacity: Train 30 young Muslims a year to communicate Islamic points of view effectively.
Stand With the Prophet

It seems to me that they're wanting to present the Muslim perspective to current events.
They seem to recognise and reject the harm that extremists are doing to the perception of their faith.
Which is what people want them to do. But when they do it.....

Reading through what you deemed important i do not see where they said a much of a word about extremists. One can conjecture that they are responding to the negitive press that the extremists produce but by the quotes you provided they did not reject anything.

Then there is this quote from what you provided: 1,250 anti-Muslim films are repeatedly aired on American television throughout the year,

What are they talking about? I guess what they are saying that if a detective show uses a Arab as the bad guy that is anti-Muslim. Which is interesting considering that predominately the bad guys are white males.

By what you provided in your post it seems to me they are more worried about their image then what is going on with radical Islam.

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