Stand with Trump; Fund the $355M Unjust Judgment

Can you imagine middle class people throwing their money away at a legal fund for a billionaire who was just caught engaging in fraud and still wanting him to be president, not to mention all of his legal issues and indiscretions he's facing.
Trump was never caught engaging in fraud. Only Biden dupes believe that.
And that is the moral of the story, no crime.
Maybe for a squealing cultist that is abjectly ignorant of this case.

Normal adults know that the judgment is that Trump did commit fraud for decades, and that this judgment was based on the evidence.
Trump is a billionaire he can afford his own crimes....I never crowd-funded for mine.
Actually poster Moonglow, Don Trump claims he is a "Ten" Billionaire. DiezBillions?
So maybe one needs to be a VienteBillionaire so NOT to hafta crowdfund?


Giving Trump a few bucks is a way of telling Letitia James that her monkey business won't stand.
I agree totally.
So do this: Sit down and write Don -the DiezBillionaire -- a check for, say, $500. More if you think he can really use it.
If one is a supporter, well the bloke.

Don't just whine about the unfairness of it all.
So do something.

Plus, you are really teaching Letitia James a good and solid lesson that she will hafta take to heart. Hell, make it a $1,000 check to really drive home to her how you really feel.

Be a Git-er-Done kinda cowboy!


It's fun watching Trump enrage the lunatic left
Well, mein freund, ...and trust me on this......but you ain't the only one who is having fun this weekend (starting about 3pm yesterday).
Life rocks!!

Definitely not a cult.
You are right. It is not.
It's a Squeaky Fromme Sisterhood. Like the Branch Davidians. Heaven's Gate. Or similar.


But if the Deep State sabotages his campaign there are others to take his place

True that!
Leading candidates for our local MAGA/QAnon'rs would be:

  • Alex Jones? (easy pick)
  • Pillow Boy Lindell? (after all, he is rich with pillow money)
  • Lauren Boebert? (good hands, and lipstick to boot)
  • Matt Gaetz? (underage girls can't be wrong, nor his rich Daddy)
  • George Santos (seems to be cut of similar cloth)?
  • Liz Cheney? (actually, Liz is the cream of that crop and far better than the fired guy)
So, it is sort of a U-Pick-Em.
Pick the right one from that crop. The nation is depending on you, poster M-7.
Good luck.


  • CALL: "I guess the economy isn't as bad as maga's say if they can afford to donate to the grifter."
  • RESPONSE: Lamest try I've ever seen.
Actually, it ain' that lame, PleaseQuit. In fact, it is perceptive. If the ne'er-do-well MAGA-QANON'rs here can contribute to a '10billionaire'......then our economy is crankin'. The tide has raised ALL boats.
It’s amusing when the left get themselves all worked up over who or what others donate THEIR money to. No one is being forced to donate and it’s not impacting your personal finances so I really don’t see what the big deal is.
None of that is re-litigable.
He will be forced to pay.
Kind of true, how much...that amount could change.

"None of us could find a case like this. Yet, the first one, you have this fortune that is being demanded by the court to be turned over. I think there are real problems here. I think that this is going to have the same impact on some appellate judges. There have to be some limits, including Constitutional limits on the size of penalties, this is confiscatory and in my view, just excessive."
You don't seem to be getting this AT ALL.
All of that was ALREADY LITIGATED. Trump doesn't get a "do-over". That is not how the courts work.
What I'm getting is that the NY commies are stealing Trump's net worth, just because they can.

"None of us could find a case like this. Yet, the first one, you have this fortune that is being demanded by the court to be turned over. I think there are real problems here. I think that this is going to have the same impact on some appellate judges. There have to be some limits, including Constitutional limits on the size of penalties, this is confiscatory and in my view, just excessive."
What I'm getting is that the NY commies are stealing Trump's net worth, just because they can.

"None of us could find a case like this. Yet, the first one, you have this fortune that is being demanded by the court to be turned over. I think there are real problems here. I think that this is going to have the same impact on some appellate judges. There have to be some limits, including Constitutional limits on the size of penalties, this is confiscatory and in my view, just excessive."
It seems like a lot to me as well even with Trump illegally doing all the fraudulent acts that he did for over a decade or his entire lifetime in business!

keep the person looking over them, keep Trump and kids out of the business in New York thingy and out of New York bank loans for a few years and maybe 100 million fine and not the $450 million is my ballpark cap for fairness....but what do I know? :dunno:

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