Stand with Trump; Fund the $355M Unjust Judgment


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Mr. Trump is a criminal defendant -- in other cases. So many, it's easy for good people to confuse it all. Jeb Bush was right:

Chaos candidate would be a chaos president. Now we're left with a Chaotic Cult Leader
We are not talking about other cases, we are talking about a civil case. No fraud no criminal.
This is a joke. A criminal joke and we all know it. If the NY Courts of Appeals doesn't overturn it, SCOTUS will. It's a joke. IMO, A criminal joke.

Trump will get this over-turned. There is no doubt about. Engoron and James will likely die in Prison. They are not safe. They are going down for this. Count on it.

But, more importantly... MUCH, MUCH more importantly..........

What kind of message is this sending to business people all over the world. Businesses and Businessmen are FLEEING New Yawk and now, it will accelerate rapidly. Elon Musk, the richest Man in the world, just told people that if they incorporate in Delaware, they're idiots. And that's a big deal to Delaware. They derive a LOT of money from that. Especially Credit Card companies.

The dimocrap scum Northern Atlantic Region is dying. Slowly. Painfully. Deservedly. And this ruling just exposed the corruption
This is a joke. A criminal joke and we all know it. If the NY Courts of Appeals doesn't overturn it, SCOTUS will. It's a joke. IMO, A criminal joke.

Trump will get this over-turned. There is no doubt about. Engoron and James will likely die in Prison. They are not safe. They are going down for this. Count on it.

But, more importantly... MUCH, MUCH more importantly..........

What kind of message is this sending to business people all over the world. Businesses and Businessmen are FLEEING New Yawk and now, it will accelerate rapidly. Elon Musk, the richest Man in the world, just told people that if they incorporate in Delaware, they're idiots. And that's a big deal to Delaware. They derive a LOT of money from that. Especially Credit Card companies.

The dimocrap scum Northern Atlantic Region is dying. Slowly. Painfully. Deservedly. And this ruling just exposed the corruption
Haha, this reads like a 7 year old making a wish list for Santa.
Kevin O'Leary, a pretty wealthy guy in his own right said, Trump used standard industry practices when negotiating loans. This is nothing but the NY commies making good on their promise to get Trump. If it stands, we're all in trouble.

If it stands NY is in trouble.
Remember when all the TDS loons talked all that shit about all the purple hair faggots with nose rings and neck tattoos and the hood negroes who donated to that scam called BLM because a filthy dead negro named George Floyd told them to?
hahahahaha…yeah, I don’t either and that’s how we know you wackos have ZERO credibility.
Yeah, I do remember that

And as usual the reprehensible right attempts to defend the indefensible.

Poor little commie, name one entity that lost a dime to this so called "fraud". What's indefensible is you commies use of the legal system to persecute your political opponents. Just remember commie, 2 can play the same fucking game. Watch and see how many times quid pro joe and his regime are sued for their damages to individuals and States. Remember, there is no sovereign immunity after they leave office.


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