Star Trek Day - 55 years

Where does the crew sleep, where is the mess hall and hospital?

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The mess halls and rec rooms were scattered about on the crew decks and elsewhere.

I read where they originally wanted to spend a ton of money on that episode and do it up right but the producers wouldn't let them.
It was the networks. Star Trek was the only show to shoot two pilots, and was way more expensive than other TV shows. Like the most expensive ever up to that point. Not only was their budget higher, but they routinely ran over that budget. They were trying to invent a whole new technology for space opticals, elaborate sets and things on the same budget as Bevery Hillbillies. That's why they tried to cancel the show three times. An average episode costs them $260,000, which today is like well over 2 million. Back then, there wasn't the budget yet for sci-fi shows like there is today. Today they have ten producers for a 30 minute sitcom. Star Trek did it with one producer and maybe 1-2 assistant producers.

NBC had no idea what it had because the idiots couldn't understand the show, they thought people were Petticoat Junction stupid, and relied on Neisen ratings which were highly inaccurate. The assholes tried to hide Spock's ears because they thought they would horrify and shock the audience.

Also, the city scenes were shot on the set used for the Andy Griffin Show during off hours.
That's right. City, Miri, Return of the Archons and others (including parts of Where No Man and Errand of Mercy) were shot on the same building set as where Andy Griffith, Gomer Pyle and a few other shows were filmed.
It was the networks. Star Trek was the only show to shoot two pilots, and was way more expensive than other TV shows. Like the most expensive ever up to that point. Not only was their budget higher, but they routinely ran over that budget. They were trying to invent a whole new technology for space opticals, elaborate sets and things on the same budget as Bevery Hillbillies. That's why they tried to cancel the show three times. An average episode costs them $260,000, which today is like well over 2 million. Back then, there wasn't the budget yet for sci-fi shows like there is today. Today they have ten producers for a 30 minute sitcom. Star Trek did it with one producer and maybe 1-2 assistant producers.

NBC had no idea what it had because the idiots couldn't understand the show, they thought people were Petticoat Junction stupid, and relied on Neisen ratings which were highly inaccurate. The assholes tried to hide Spock's ears because they thought they would horrify and shock the audience.

That's right. City, Miri, Return of the Archons and others (including parts of Where No Man and Errand of Mercy) were shot on the same building set as where Andy Griffith, Gomer Pyle and a few other shows were filmed.

Most of those Hollywood executives back then were sitcom silly.

Of course that brought in the advertising dollars so those guys could afford their mega mansions in Beverly Hills.

There were a few good shows but the great majority of them were trash.

Science fiction was a "B" genre until Star Wars came along but Star Trek paved the way. 2001 A Space Odyssey is the exception.
Rosalie Welcome to the board! I liked that episode and the Next Generation, but being old school my favorite episode is The Menagerie from the original series.
Thank you so much, you are very kind. I also LOVED the movies, Spock with a jogger headband in the 80s, he he BUT I wanted to be Deana Troy, you're the hottest alien in the fourth quadrant and you know everything people think! Cheers, laterz.
I read where they originally wanted to spend a ton of money on that episode and do it up right but the producers wouldn't let them. They ran over the budget a little bit but not to the extent they wanted to do it.

Also, the city scenes were shot on the set used for the Andy Griffin Show during off hours.
One of the editors was DC Fontana, also a writer. Gene Roddenberry wouldn't allow her real name "Dorothy" to be used claiming the public would never .accept a female writer.
He also never spoke to Gene again because Gene and Dorothy had to do a serious rewrite of Harlan's story to make it into a 'Star Trek' episode, and Ellison was furious. But you can buy and read how "City" originally went and it is even better than the TV show.
I read it when originally written. Despite being furious, Harlan accepted credit and the award based on the episode as shown.

This suggest at least three possible situations;
A) There Really is a Devil/Satan and one can make a Deal with such, which is how idiot and sock-puppet Biden became POTUS.
B) Assuming the election was legitimate and not "stolen" using false ballots, then the majority of USA voters are also idiots (like the POTUS they elected) and/or also have made deals with the Devil/Satan.
C) Both A) and B) above.

Star Trek: Discovery season 4: everything we know​

We have a stardate! Star Trek: Discovery season 4 will warp onto Paramount Plus on November 18, 2021. That was the big Discovery-shaped news to come out of the Star Trek Day panels of September 8, as a new trailer was (sadly) conspicuous by its absence.
With Michael Burnham now installed as the captain of the ship – the show's fourth commanding officer in as many years – Star Trek: Discovery season 4 will see the crew continuing to explore the distant future of the 32nd century. Having solved the mystery of the so-called “Burn” that had rendered warp travel impossible, and defeated the criminal empire of the Emerald Chain, attentions should now be turning to restoring the Federation to its former glories. Unfortunately, it sounds like a new antagonist is about to get in the way, in the form of a dangerous gravitational anomaly five light years across.
One of the editors was DC Fontana, also a writer. Gene Roddenberry wouldn't allow her real name "Dorothy" to be used claiming the public would never .accept a female writer.

That wasn't Gene, that was Dorthy's choice because it was such a male-dominated industry at the time. She wanted to get her work accepted and approved before they found out it was coming from a lady. Dorothy was actually Gene's secretary and she convinced him she could write and muscled her way into being a vital part of the ST franchise-- -- -- she pretty much in effect developed the whole thing with Spock and Vulcans.
Yeah, resurrecting an old one here. But it was mostly focused on the original.
The following link is a slide show (click bait) and it shows a variety of versions of the Enterprise. The original one is seen in slides 4 & 5.

Star Trek's Original USS Enterprise Model Emerges After 45 Years, Lawsuit Ensues​

BTW, Wife and I have been watching DVD of first season of Next Generation. Hasn't aged too bad, especially in comparison to the original series. Getting flash from the past off it.
So maybe make this the generic thread on Star Trek (?)

Star Trek: What Does NCC Stand For?​

Star Trek: What Does USS Actually Mean?​

Star Trek's Warp Drives: A Step Closer to Reality?​

New Discoveries Indicate Warp Drive Feasibility According to Current Physics: Highlights from ScienceAlert​

Star Trek's Most Obscure Starfleet Ships​

10 Best Star Trek Ships That Aren’t The Enterprise​

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The original phasers were actually salt shakers.

True story.
Prop people come up with amazing uses for odd objects to put together.
I assume you are speaking of the hand held pistol like phaser seen in the original series.
Prop people come up with amazing uses for odd objects to put together.
I assume you are speaking of the hand held pistol like phaser seen in the original series.
Prop people come up with amazing uses for odd objects to put together.
I assume you are speaking of the hand held pistol like phaser seen in the original series.
I read the book many years ago about the making of the original series authored (I recall) by Gene Roddenberry.

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