Star Wars VII Cast Unveiled


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
I have no idea who many of them are! But, here's the video and story @ ?Star Wars: Episode VII? cast unveiled | Las Vegas Review-Journal

At least Harrison,


and Carrie will be in it.

Brillant concept. I wonder if Ford was instrumental in building a bridge for Mark and Carrie to walk across to the real evil empire? If so, class act. Now they have several months to get physically in shape and look good. This may be fun, this may be good. I hope so.,
I think they are all a bit long in the tooth to be reprising these roles unless they are all grandparents to the new cast members.
And yes, the brain and fingers failed to connect.

It is definitely Star Wars where in an age long, long ago...
Well JJ Abrams will get to Star Trek VII soon. :D

he's out of the director's chair on that franchise.

I know i'm in something of a minority (beyond just trek nerds), but I enjoyed 'into darkness'
I just hope that they got the nostalgia out of their systems and go on to give us solid stories in the future. I mean I wouldn't mind a reference or two to Commander Kor or Harcourt Fenton Mudd, or even pulling inspiration from great episodes like "the Doomsday Machine" or "Balance of Terror" but i'd much rather see them tread new ground, or dare i say 'boldly go...'

(ugh. that was bad.)
and on topic for Star Wars ep VII, I'm excited. Good to have some of the continuity with the old cast, although clearly they aren't going to be able to play the roles as they did before and will need some new blood in there to keep things entertaining.

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