starbucks fired woman cause she is white.

In all my years, including a big chunk working in DC with primarily Black co-workers, I’ve never encountered a fraction of all the Blacks-are-bad scenarios that seem to happen to you.
Lucky you.
The black guy was so threatening to me that one of the store’s employees raced over to protect me and the store let me take my groceries for free. He might have been Neely’s brother.
and thy think we dont have right to be afraid of them
For example, I was in the grocery store when a black man started harassing me. I complained to the manager, and she remarked that the guy has been harassing customers all day and refuses to leave the store. When I asked why they don’t just call the police, she said she was afraid they’d be accused of racism and get bad publicity.
Sounds like some bullshit. Now a black guy is just walking around a grocery store just harassing customers and they won't call the police because of being afraid to be labeled as racist. Yea that's bullshit.
The black guy was so threatening to me that one of the store’s employees raced over to protect me and the store let me take my groceries for free. He might have been Neely’s brother.
He was probably yours, and you guys put a scam together.
So why did you ask the dumbass question if you don't know.
Because you’re automatically playing the race card when for all you know she told half a dozen white customers that day that the bathroom is only for paying customers.

You really think white people don’t tell other white people stuff like that all the time? It’s not a conspiracy. It was company policy
Yap, yap, yap, that is all we hear. You run your mouth about it's company policy, but you can't show a damn company policy stating that.
So you’re saying that Starbucks had a policy allowing white people off the street to use their bathroom, but not blacks? Get a grip.

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