starbucks fired woman cause she is white.

Here’s an anology

We all remember the days when you would walk into a drugstore and ask for change for a dollar, only to be told that they only make change for customers. So what did we do? We bought a stick of gum. We certainly didn’t claim racism!
Here’s an anology

We all remember the days when you would walk into a drugstore and ask for change for a dollar, only to be told that they only make change for customers. So what did we do? We bought a stick of gum. We certainly didn’t claim racism!
You were on the giving end of racism, so how could you claim racism.
For example, I was in the grocery store when a black man started harassing me. I complained to the manager, and she remarked that the guy has been harassing customers all day and refuses to leave the store. When I asked why they don’t just call the police, she said she was afraid they’d be accused of racism and get bad publicity.
Fake news.
America had a lot to do with racism.
Yeah, but you just said that I was on the “giving” side of racism, as if I had something to do with it.

And before you lay the blame on my great-great grandparents, they were in little shtetls in Russia and Europe, trying to survive.
Yeah, but you just said that I was on the “giving” side of racism, as if I had something to do with it.

And before you lay the blame on my great-great grandparents, they were in little shtetls in Russia and Europe, trying to survive.
That is why I can't understand why you hate black folks so much, because it was my grandfather and his brothers who were fighting in Europe to liberate them.
That is why I can't understand why you hate black folks so much, because it was my grandfather and his brothers who were fighting in Europe to liberate them.
That’s the Democrat ploy that ain’t working anymore: that anyone who objects to the favoritism given blacks is a racist. People are fed up with everything being called “racist!” - the latest is that English is racist - and the carve-outs and focus on black people, who are only 14% of the population.

And what has happened as a result is this ENTITLEMENT among blacks that they deserve all the special treatment due to their skin color - and when they don’t get it, scream racism. That is what happened with the two black men. An exception wasn’t made for them to use the bathroom, so they scream racism, and the woke Starbucks panders to blacks by firing a white woman unrelated to the incident.

It’s starting to turn around, though, and the SCOTUS decision is the first sign that blacks will no longer get privileges over whites. The next time Biden declares that he will not consider whitey for a prestigious role - and only blacks are eligible - the case should be brought to the SCOTUS.
You wallow in racism, you are telling me what you believe.
And you love it dont you?

Your cryin’ towel is never dry

All those black guys has to do was buy one lousy cup of coffee.

But that was no fun, huh?
And you love it dont you?

Your cryin’ towel is never dry

All those black guys has to do was buy one lousy cup of coffee.

But that was no fun, huh?
You have already admitted that you go piss first and then come back and buy your coffee, so I am not sure why you are still babbling on and on.

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