Startup Org. to Out Seditious Civil Servants Who Might ‘Resist’ Trump

I guess you can look up all the cases on the DOJ website of your friends in prison. :abgg2q.jpg: Its weird that they are patriots but also FBI moles. :uhoh3:
You are admitting that they will not identify people they do not want to. What in your little fascist brain makes that fair or just?
By corrupt… you mean they are responsible people with no political motivation and are not slaves to the Trump cult

Of course
Oh, you mean like the 51 CIA agents who lied through their teeth about Hunter's laptop?

No political motivation my foot.

Good thing none believes your bald faced lies.
Oh, you mean like the 51 CIA agents who lied through their teeth about Hunter's laptop?

No political motivation my foot.

Good thing none believes your bald faced lies.
You have yet to show they lied. They were quite clear that this was their analysis not fact.
Bottom line...anyone that thinks civil servants are supposed to be loyal to the President totally miss the point of civil service.

Nothing in this about the president...

View attachment 967171
It is pretty scary that loyalty to Trump now trumps loyalty to the country or the Constitution. But it does.
Jan 6th footage proves you wrong, again. Some of them are very violent.

Big deal. Did they murder 24 people? Cause 2 billion dollars in property damage? Lock police into a burning building?

You don't even have a stump to stand on.

Hitler murdered his political opponents. The only President who routinely talks about getting away with murder or executing his opponents is Benedict Donald.


You're a liar
Horseshit. No one "analyzes" other people's laptops. What a load of steaming bullshit
They were analyzing what was known about the laptop at the time and giving their opinion and clearly stated it was their opinion. The steaming pile of bullshit is how you’ve morphed it into The Big Lie. It’s silly.
They were analyzing what was known about the laptop at the time and giving their opinion and clearly stated it was their opinion. The steaming pile of bullshit is how you’ve morphed it into The Big Lie. It’s silly.
The whole world knows why they did it.

My cousin's in Switzerland know why they did it. And they're not amused.

Having had experience with the like of Josef Goebbels.
It's not a fallacy.

Nazi propaganda is alive and well.

In the form of 51 CIA agents who are skilled at the art.
Goebels style Nazi propaganda over a stupid laptop at a time when it is known Russia likes to create chaos and do just this sort of stuff? We are in the Twilight Zone.

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