state by state results

See, this is one of the problems....

Cain and Gingrich sounded like morons--much like you do now--and most on the GOP side saw this and wouldn't go anywhere near them.

But keep spewing it. I'm sure it will catch on in the nursery.

We are looking at a vital core of the Republican Party. This is why they can't win national elections anymore

What happened is the Republican party shifted to Progressive Liberal numb nuts... Everyone is scrambling to find a fiscal conservative. Both candidates run 90% on being that candidate but both add to the deficit spending with record amounts.

Hmm, I predict another 2 years at least of reasons why the economy sucks about as bad is it was during 2009.

The once proud GOP has been taken over by many of the same kooks who are posting on this thread. They sabotaged McCains candidacy and are doing the same to Romney
Just looking at the state by state results, I noticed something that I think is interesting.
In states that are predominately either Republican or Democrat, Gary Johnson (Libertarian) captured higher percentages of votes than he did in states that are extremely close races.
Networks look like they are getting ready to call Florida for Obama
Exit polls show Obama way up in Iowa, Nevada.

"One man, one woman" marriage referendum losing in Minnesota.

Medical marijuana legalized in Massachusetts.

Democrats currently +2 in senate, with 6 close races left. (AZ-MT-ND-NV-VA-WI)

In this election and the preceeding one, Tea Partiers cost the Republicans senate seats in Missouri, Indiana, Colorado, Delaware and Nevada. 5 seats. That's the Democratic majority. Thanks Tea Party!
Just looking at the state by state results, I noticed something that I think is interesting.
In states that are predominately either Republican or Democrat, Gary Johnson (Libertarian) captured higher percentages of votes than he did in states that are extremely close races.

Doesn't suprise me. People in swing states feel like they "have" to vote either/or because it counts more.

Go Johnson! :)
Yes. Either we get rid of the kooks or they will destroy the GOP.

We are looking at a vital core of the Republican Party. This is why they can't win national elections anymore

What happened is the Republican party shifted to Progressive Liberal numb nuts... Everyone is scrambling to find a fiscal conservative. Both candidates run 90% on being that candidate but both add to the deficit spending with record amounts.

Hmm, I predict another 2 years at least of reasons why the economy sucks about as bad is it was during 2009.

The once proud GOP has been taken over by many of the same kooks who are posting on this thread. They sabotaged McCains candidacy and are doing the same to Romney
Just looking at the state by state results, I noticed something that I think is interesting.
In states that are predominately either Republican or Democrat, Gary Johnson (Libertarian) captured higher percentages of votes than he did in states that are extremely close races.
Good. Maybe the GOP will get back to a Goldwater GOP.
In states that are predominately either Republican or Democrat, Gary Johnson (Libertarian) captured higher percentages of votes than he did in states that are extremely close races.

Looks like a lot of people act intelligently, and only cast a vanity vote when it won't possibly have a negative effect.
Minnesota goes Obama

One more swing state for the President. That makes five
We are looking at a vital core of the Republican Party. This is why they can't win national elections anymore

What happened is the Republican party shifted to Progressive Liberal numb nuts... Everyone is scrambling to find a fiscal conservative. Both candidates run 90% on being that candidate but both add to the deficit spending with record amounts.

Hmm, I predict another 2 years at least of reasons why the economy sucks about as bad is it was during 2009.

The once proud GOP has been taken over by many of the same kooks who are posting on this thread. They sabotaged McCains candidacy and are doing the same to Romney

Dood... Try and unplug your ears for one moment in your lifetime. "Real" Conservatives and fiscal responsible liberal minded people can't stand Obama and can't stand Mitt, nor McCain...

You will in fact realize soon enough that the world is rejecting the Progressive movement that has been in power for well over 30 years.

I know you're all happy ballz that Obama might win here, but it won't chance the never ending recession we will be in with billions added to the deficit every single month. Mitt wouldn't have changed it and Obama made sure he didn't over the last 4 years.

In less than a week you will be back to blaming Republicans for why the economy sucks, then of course you will post threads claiming the economy is doing great... cuz you're an Obama-bot chitstick.
I hope every last moron gets to abort all their children. I don't give a damn anymore.

That's all anyone is asking of conservatives, Matthew... stop giving a damn about what the rest of us are doing and mind your own fucking business.

Now, try to take the pebble from my hand, Grasshopper....
2008 and 2012 prove your point? Really??

What happened is the Republican party shifted to Progressive Liberal numb nuts... Everyone is scrambling to find a fiscal conservative. Both candidates run 90% on being that candidate but both add to the deficit spending with record amounts.

Hmm, I predict another 2 years at least of reasons why the economy sucks about as bad is it was during 2009.

The once proud GOP has been taken over by many of the same kooks who are posting on this thread. They sabotaged McCains candidacy and are doing the same to Romney

Dood... Try and unplug your ears for one moment in your lifetime. "Real" Conservatives and fiscal responsible liberal minded people can't stand Obama and can't stand Mitt, nor McCain...

You will in fact realize soon enough that the world is rejecting the Progressive movement that has been in power for well over 30 years.

I know you're all happy ballz that Obama might win here, but it won't chance the never ending recession we will be in with billions added to the deficit every single month. Mitt wouldn't have changed it and Obama made sure he didn't over the last 4 years.

In less than a week you will be back to blaming Republicans for why the economy sucks, then of course you will post threads claiming the economy is doing great... cuz you're an Obama-bot chitstick.

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