So, as I said, disagree if you like, but don't bore us with your life is so unfair to me crap and start dealing with reality like a grownup.

Right, grownups don't question what they are told, they just fold like a cheap camera. I see what you're saying. You're a retard, but I see it.
You question life like you question why the sky is blue, which is a good question, but once I give you the answer you say, Well, I don't like and keep fucking blabbering on. Grow up and deal with life eh?

That is just stupid. No one wonders why government exerts ubiquitous power, moron, they want the power. We are objecting to it, we aren't asking why they do it. What is wrong with you?

Also, intellectual toddler, you are going to hear views you disagree with, and some of those will dispute your beloved government. You're just going to grow up and deal with it. All you post hundreds of times a day is, don't want to hear it, don't want to hear it, don't want to hear it. We got it, you don't want to hear it. Well, you are going to hear it. Grow up and deal with it. Or go sit in your cabin and turn off the internet. Those are your choices. Grow up and deal with it. Got it? Ready to grow up and deal with it?

Correct. If the SCOTUS ruled against gay marriage, "House" would be the last person to keep quiet.

And he knows it.


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