“Also, the privileges that come with legal recognition of marriage are not a right.”

You don't understand.

The protected liberty in these cases is the right to equal protection of (equal access to) the law, as guaranteed by the 14th Amendment.

That's why state measures seeking to deny gay Americans access to marriage contract law they're eligible to participate in are being invalidated by the courts.
Marriage is a union between a man and a women. Gays don't have the correct genitalia to qualify.

Marriage is whatever we say it is. We invented it. And as marriage is a right, if you're going to deny that right to gays and lesbians, you need a very good reason and a compelling state interest.

Opponents of gay marriage have neither. Which is why their record of failure in the federal judiciary is so nearly perfect.

No, you don't get to arbitrary define what marriage is. It's been around for millenium and has always had a specific purpose. allowing gays to marry doesn't facilitate that purpose. End of story.

Also, the privileges that come with legal recognition of marriage are not a right.
This is unsurprisingly ignorant.

Acknowledging the right gay Americans have to marry is not to 'define' what marriage is; marriage is the union of two consenting adult partners in a committed relationship recognized by the state – same- or opposite-sex.

See, you just changed the definition of marriage to fit your idiotic irrational PC notions

“Also, the privileges that come with legal recognition of marriage are not a right.”

You don't understand.

The protected liberty in these cases is the right to equal protection of (equal access to) the law, as guaranteed by the 14th Amendment.

That's why state measures seeking to deny gay Americans access to marriage contract law they're eligible to participate in are being invalidated by the courts.

Gays have the same access to marriage that men have to artificial insemination.

Your claim is pure horseshit. It's canned PC nonsense.
Really? Then answer my question. What gives society the moral authority to refuse an adult the right to buy a pistol?

I know you can't answer that, because it would make your entire line of reasoning void.
Because society grants you the rights in the first place, and is therefore allowed to curtail them as it deems necessary.

Never even read the Constitution, did you Dopey?
The Constitution, the government, are elements of your society. Your rights do not come from God, and all rights have limitations. Get used to it.

Get used to it, it's the way it is, it's absolutely brilliant how you work that to be your answer to every question on authoritarian leftism. We needn't discuss, it just is. How do you come up with that? It's amazing rhetoric, very convincing that we should just give up and stop discussing anything but what the Marxist Democratic party wants.

Even if there is no hope, I'm not giving up. So maybe you should stuff a sock in it and address an actual point once in a while instead of intoning the same mantra. Just a thought.
Maybe you should stop thinking like a child and deal with reality? Ayn Rand is not reality.

I'm not dealing with reality? I'm thinking like a child? Here's the 411 government loving sheep, we are free to disagree with the government. You may not do it, and you may want us to shut up, but we can go ahead and disagree with them. You are the one who needs to grow up. Both for blindly accepting whatever government tells you and whining to high heaven every time someone else doesn't.

Get it now? We can disagree with government. We have that right. You learn something every day, don't you?
With regard to measures seeking to deny same-sex couples access to marriage law, those measures are being invalidated by the courts because they lack a compelling governmental interest, they are not rationally based, they are devoid of objective, documented evidence in support, and they do not pursue a proper legislative end; indeed, they seek only to make gay Americans different from everyone else, something the 14th Amendment prohibits the states from doing (Romer v. Evans (1996)).

Government can restrict our rights as long as it's reasonable and it's in government's interest to restrict them. And government will decide what is reasonable and what's in their interest and inform us. And leftists will parrot what they said to the end of time without question.

Wow, great point. I'm convinced now.
Because society grants you the rights in the first place, and is therefore allowed to curtail them as it deems necessary.

Never even read the Constitution, did you Dopey?
The Constitution, the government, are elements of your society. Your rights do not come from God, and all rights have limitations. Get used to it.

Get used to it, it's the way it is, it's absolutely brilliant how you work that to be your answer to every question on authoritarian leftism. We needn't discuss, it just is. How do you come up with that? It's amazing rhetoric, very convincing that we should just give up and stop discussing anything but what the Marxist Democratic party wants.

Even if there is no hope, I'm not giving up. So maybe you should stuff a sock in it and address an actual point once in a while instead of intoning the same mantra. Just a thought.
Maybe you should stop thinking like a child and deal with reality? Ayn Rand is not reality.

I'm not dealing with reality? I'm thinking like a child? Here's the 411 government loving sheep, we are free to disagree with the government. You may not do it, and you may want us to shut up, but we can go ahead and disagree with them. You are the one who needs to grow up. Both for blindly accepting whatever government tells you and whining to high heaven every time someone else doesn't.

Get it now? We can disagree with government. We have that right. You learn something every day, don't you?
You don't disagree on the government, you disagree on reality. You don't get a vote on this and gay marriage and Public Accommodation laws are done deals. Suck it up and move on Ayn Rand's unusually stupid child.
Because society grants you the rights in the first place, and is therefore allowed to curtail them as it deems necessary.

Never even read the Constitution, did you Dopey?
The Constitution, the government, are elements of your society. Your rights do not come from God, and all rights have limitations. Get used to it.

Get used to it, it's the way it is, it's absolutely brilliant how you work that to be your answer to every question on authoritarian leftism. We needn't discuss, it just is. How do you come up with that? It's amazing rhetoric, very convincing that we should just give up and stop discussing anything but what the Marxist Democratic party wants.

Even if there is no hope, I'm not giving up. So maybe you should stuff a sock in it and address an actual point once in a while instead of intoning the same mantra. Just a thought.
Maybe you should stop thinking like a child and deal with reality? Ayn Rand is not reality.

But smoking is heroic! And all the rich people are going to make a town in Colorado.


Is that supposed to be snarky and pointless? If it is, I believe you nailed it, well done.
Never even read the Constitution, did you Dopey?
The Constitution, the government, are elements of your society. Your rights do not come from God, and all rights have limitations. Get used to it.

Get used to it, it's the way it is, it's absolutely brilliant how you work that to be your answer to every question on authoritarian leftism. We needn't discuss, it just is. How do you come up with that? It's amazing rhetoric, very convincing that we should just give up and stop discussing anything but what the Marxist Democratic party wants.

Even if there is no hope, I'm not giving up. So maybe you should stuff a sock in it and address an actual point once in a while instead of intoning the same mantra. Just a thought.
Maybe you should stop thinking like a child and deal with reality? Ayn Rand is not reality.

I'm not dealing with reality? I'm thinking like a child? Here's the 411 government loving sheep, we are free to disagree with the government. You may not do it, and you may want us to shut up, but we can go ahead and disagree with them. You are the one who needs to grow up. Both for blindly accepting whatever government tells you and whining to high heaven every time someone else doesn't.

Get it now? We can disagree with government. We have that right. You learn something every day, don't you?
You don't disagree on the government, you disagree on reality. You don't get a vote on this and gay marriage and Public Accommodation laws are done deals. Suck it up and move on Ayn Rand's unusually stupid child.

Guess what, we can disagree with government. That's reality, deal with it. Do you feel me?
The Constitution, the government, are elements of your society. Your rights do not come from God, and all rights have limitations. Get used to it.

Get used to it, it's the way it is, it's absolutely brilliant how you work that to be your answer to every question on authoritarian leftism. We needn't discuss, it just is. How do you come up with that? It's amazing rhetoric, very convincing that we should just give up and stop discussing anything but what the Marxist Democratic party wants.

Even if there is no hope, I'm not giving up. So maybe you should stuff a sock in it and address an actual point once in a while instead of intoning the same mantra. Just a thought.
Maybe you should stop thinking like a child and deal with reality? Ayn Rand is not reality.

I'm not dealing with reality? I'm thinking like a child? Here's the 411 government loving sheep, we are free to disagree with the government. You may not do it, and you may want us to shut up, but we can go ahead and disagree with them. You are the one who needs to grow up. Both for blindly accepting whatever government tells you and whining to high heaven every time someone else doesn't.

Get it now? We can disagree with government. We have that right. You learn something every day, don't you?
You don't disagree on the government, you disagree on reality. You don't get a vote on this and gay marriage and Public Accommodation laws are done deals. Suck it up and move on Ayn Rand's unusually stupid child.

Guess what, we can disagree with government. That's reality, deal with it. Do you feel me?
So you disagree, big fucking deal. How about accepting reality and moving on? You aren't going to get your way on this, or most things, so just say I know what we have I just don't like it instead of trying to say how wrong decades old and well-established law is, which makes you sound like an utterly stupid fucking child.
Get used to it, it's the way it is, it's absolutely brilliant how you work that to be your answer to every question on authoritarian leftism. We needn't discuss, it just is. How do you come up with that? It's amazing rhetoric, very convincing that we should just give up and stop discussing anything but what the Marxist Democratic party wants.

Even if there is no hope, I'm not giving up. So maybe you should stuff a sock in it and address an actual point once in a while instead of intoning the same mantra. Just a thought.
Maybe you should stop thinking like a child and deal with reality? Ayn Rand is not reality.

I'm not dealing with reality? I'm thinking like a child? Here's the 411 government loving sheep, we are free to disagree with the government. You may not do it, and you may want us to shut up, but we can go ahead and disagree with them. You are the one who needs to grow up. Both for blindly accepting whatever government tells you and whining to high heaven every time someone else doesn't.

Get it now? We can disagree with government. We have that right. You learn something every day, don't you?
You don't disagree on the government, you disagree on reality. You don't get a vote on this and gay marriage and Public Accommodation laws are done deals. Suck it up and move on Ayn Rand's unusually stupid child.

Guess what, we can disagree with government. That's reality, deal with it. Do you feel me?
So you disagree, big fucking deal. How about accepting reality and moving on? You aren't going to get your way on this, or most things, so just say I know what we have I just don't like it instead of trying to say how wrong decades old and well-established law is, which makes you sound like an utterly stupid fucking child.

Yes, only a "utterly stupid fucking child" questions what they are told, you mentioned that. We should all just praise government and not question it like you. To question government is a waste of time. Which ironically makes me think you are an "utterly stupid fucking child." Ironic, isn't it? Or in your native tongue, "baa."

Apparently the Founding Fathers didn't agree with you since they put free speech in the Constitution as the first Amendment in the bill of rights. Apparently they were stupid fucking children too, weren't they, Karl? But it's my right, I can disagree with government. Get it now? Capisce?
With regard to measures seeking to deny same-sex couples access to marriage law, those measures are being invalidated by the courts because they lack a compelling governmental interest, they are not rationally based, they are devoid of objective, documented evidence in support, and they do not pursue a proper legislative end; indeed, they seek only to make gay Americans different from everyone else, something the 14th Amendment prohibits the states from doing (Romer v. Evans (1996)).

Government can restrict our rights as long as it's reasonable and it's in government's interest to restrict them. And government will decide what is reasonable and what's in their interest and inform us. And leftists will parrot what they said to the end of time without question.

Wow, great point. I'm convinced now.

Where does the constitution say that government can restrict your rights for any reason?
The Constitution, the government, are elements of your society. Your rights do not come from God, and all rights have limitations. Get used to it.

Get used to it, it's the way it is, it's absolutely brilliant how you work that to be your answer to every question on authoritarian leftism. We needn't discuss, it just is. How do you come up with that? It's amazing rhetoric, very convincing that we should just give up and stop discussing anything but what the Marxist Democratic party wants.

Even if there is no hope, I'm not giving up. So maybe you should stuff a sock in it and address an actual point once in a while instead of intoning the same mantra. Just a thought.
Maybe you should stop thinking like a child and deal with reality? Ayn Rand is not reality.

I'm not dealing with reality? I'm thinking like a child? Here's the 411 government loving sheep, we are free to disagree with the government. You may not do it, and you may want us to shut up, but we can go ahead and disagree with them. You are the one who needs to grow up. Both for blindly accepting whatever government tells you and whining to high heaven every time someone else doesn't.

Get it now? We can disagree with government. We have that right. You learn something every day, don't you?
You don't disagree on the government, you disagree on reality. You don't get a vote on this and gay marriage and Public Accommodation laws are done deals. Suck it up and move on Ayn Rand's unusually stupid child.

Guess what, we can disagree with government. That's reality, deal with it. Do you feel me?

Dealing with PMH is like talking to a retarded child. Even the simplest concepts have to be explained to him in excruciating detail.

I feel your pain.
Maybe you should stop thinking like a child and deal with reality? Ayn Rand is not reality.

I'm not dealing with reality? I'm thinking like a child? Here's the 411 government loving sheep, we are free to disagree with the government. You may not do it, and you may want us to shut up, but we can go ahead and disagree with them. You are the one who needs to grow up. Both for blindly accepting whatever government tells you and whining to high heaven every time someone else doesn't.

Get it now? We can disagree with government. We have that right. You learn something every day, don't you?
You don't disagree on the government, you disagree on reality. You don't get a vote on this and gay marriage and Public Accommodation laws are done deals. Suck it up and move on Ayn Rand's unusually stupid child.

Guess what, we can disagree with government. That's reality, deal with it. Do you feel me?
So you disagree, big fucking deal. How about accepting reality and moving on? You aren't going to get your way on this, or most things, so just say I know what we have I just don't like it instead of trying to say how wrong decades old and well-established law is, which makes you sound like an utterly stupid fucking child.

Yes, only a "utterly stupid fucking child" questions what they are told, you mentioned that. We should all just praise government and not question it like you. To question government is a waste of time. Which ironically makes me think you are an "utterly stupid fucking child." Ironic, isn't it? Or in your native tongue, "baa."

Apparently the Founding Fathers didn't agree with you since they put free speech in the Constitution as the first Amendment in the bill of rights. Apparently they were stupid fucking children too, weren't they, Karl? But it's my right, I can disagree with government. Get it now? Capisce?
So, as I said, disagree if you like, but don't bore us with your life is so unfair to me crap and start dealing with reality like a grownup.
Get used to it, it's the way it is, it's absolutely brilliant how you work that to be your answer to every question on authoritarian leftism. We needn't discuss, it just is. How do you come up with that? It's amazing rhetoric, very convincing that we should just give up and stop discussing anything but what the Marxist Democratic party wants.

Even if there is no hope, I'm not giving up. So maybe you should stuff a sock in it and address an actual point once in a while instead of intoning the same mantra. Just a thought.
Maybe you should stop thinking like a child and deal with reality? Ayn Rand is not reality.

I'm not dealing with reality? I'm thinking like a child? Here's the 411 government loving sheep, we are free to disagree with the government. You may not do it, and you may want us to shut up, but we can go ahead and disagree with them. You are the one who needs to grow up. Both for blindly accepting whatever government tells you and whining to high heaven every time someone else doesn't.

Get it now? We can disagree with government. We have that right. You learn something every day, don't you?
You don't disagree on the government, you disagree on reality. You don't get a vote on this and gay marriage and Public Accommodation laws are done deals. Suck it up and move on Ayn Rand's unusually stupid child.

Guess what, we can disagree with government. That's reality, deal with it. Do you feel me?

Dealing with PMH is like talking to a retarded child. Even the simplest concepts have to be explained to him in excruciating detail.

I feel your pain.
You have no clue on anything my little infant. You still think all Muslims are evil, society doesn't exist, and the Jews never slaughtered anyone.
So, as I said, disagree if you like, but don't bore us with your life is so unfair to me crap and start dealing with reality like a grownup.

Right, grownups don't question what they are told, they just fold like a cheap camera. I see what you're saying. You're a retard, but I see it.
So, as I said, disagree if you like, but don't bore us with your life is so unfair to me crap and start dealing with reality like a grownup.

Right, grownups don't question what they are told, they just fold like a cheap camera. I see what you're saying. You're a retard, but I see it.
You question life like you question why the sky is blue, which is a good question, but once I give you the answer you say, Well, I don't like and keep fucking blabbering on. Grow up and deal with life eh?
So, as I said, disagree if you like, but don't bore us with your life is so unfair to me crap and start dealing with reality like a grownup.

Right, grownups don't question what they are told, they just fold like a cheap camera. I see what you're saying. You're a retard, but I see it.
You question life like you question why the sky is blue, which is a good question, but once I give you the answer you say, Well, I don't like and keep fucking blabbering on. Grow up and deal with life eh?

That is just stupid. No one wonders why government exerts ubiquitous power, moron, they want the power. We are objecting to it, we aren't asking why they do it. What is wrong with you?

Also, intellectual toddler, you are going to hear views you disagree with, and some of those will dispute your beloved government. You're just going to grow up and deal with it. All you post hundreds of times a day is, don't want to hear it, don't want to hear it, don't want to hear it. We got it, you don't want to hear it. Well, you are going to hear it. Grow up and deal with it. Or go sit in your cabin and turn off the internet. Those are your choices. Grow up and deal with it. Got it? Ready to grow up and deal with it?
So, as I said, disagree if you like, but don't bore us with your life is so unfair to me crap and start dealing with reality like a grownup.

Right, grownups don't question what they are told, they just fold like a cheap camera. I see what you're saying. You're a retard, but I see it.
You question life like you question why the sky is blue, which is a good question, but once I give you the answer you say, Well, I don't like and keep fucking blabbering on. Grow up and deal with life eh?

We realize you never question authority, you dumb asshole, and you also don't want anyone else questioning authority. You're a good little servile boot-licking toad. The Third Reich was staffed by minions like you.
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I'm not dealing with reality? I'm thinking like a child? Here's the 411 government loving sheep, we are free to disagree with the government. You may not do it, and you may want us to shut up, but we can go ahead and disagree with them. You are the one who needs to grow up. Both for blindly accepting whatever government tells you and whining to high heaven every time someone else doesn't.

Get it now? We can disagree with government. We have that right. You learn something every day, don't you?
You don't disagree on the government, you disagree on reality. You don't get a vote on this and gay marriage and Public Accommodation laws are done deals. Suck it up and move on Ayn Rand's unusually stupid child.

Guess what, we can disagree with government. That's reality, deal with it. Do you feel me?
So you disagree, big fucking deal. How about accepting reality and moving on? You aren't going to get your way on this, or most things, so just say I know what we have I just don't like it instead of trying to say how wrong decades old and well-established law is, which makes you sound like an utterly stupid fucking child.

Yes, only a "utterly stupid fucking child" questions what they are told, you mentioned that. We should all just praise government and not question it like you. To question government is a waste of time. Which ironically makes me think you are an "utterly stupid fucking child." Ironic, isn't it? Or in your native tongue, "baa."

Apparently the Founding Fathers didn't agree with you since they put free speech in the Constitution as the first Amendment in the bill of rights. Apparently they were stupid fucking children too, weren't they, Karl? But it's my right, I can disagree with government. Get it now? Capisce?
So, as I said, disagree if you like, but don't bore us with your life is so unfair to me crap and start dealing with reality like a grownup.

Aren't you the same asshole who constantly whines about gays not being able to get married?

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