State Dept: Palestinian Govt 'Making Every Effort' To Abide By U.S. Requirements


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Obama's state dept "technocratic government" no Hamas?...Unreal:cuckoo:

Obama, Kerry Deplore Killing of Israeli Teens; Silent on Hamas and 'Unity' Gov't

President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry both issued statements Monday condemning the killing of three Israeli teenagers, but neither mentioned Hamas or called on Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas to end his unity deal with the terrorist group, which Israel holds responsible for the murders.

Both statements also cautioned against any action that could “destabilize” the situation on the ground. While not explicitly stated, that advice was likely aimed at Israel, whose Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said a short while earlier, “Hamas is responsible, and Hamas will pay.”

“I also urge all parties to refrain from steps that could further destabilize the situation,” Obama said, while Kerry in his statement called on “all” to work towards the goal of bringing the perpetrators to justice, “without destabilizing the situation.”

The Israeli government said the bound and partly buried bodies of Naftali Fraenkel, 16, Gilad Shaar, 16, and Eyal Yifrach, 19, were found in a field near P.A.-administered Hebron, about 12 miles from where they went missing on their way home from school on June 12

Obama, Kerry Deplore Killing of Israeli Teens; Silent on Hamas and 'Unity' Gov't | CNS News
Of course there is no demand for the PA and Hamas thugs to account for the death of an American citizen from Obama and Kerry. Obama's foreign policy is a disaster and leading to widespread instability in several parts of the world.

He is simply incompetent, as one would expect from a political hack whose entire experience is in a corrupt political machine in one of the U.S.'s most corrupt and gang ridden cities. He is completely out of his element.
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Obama's state dept "technocratic government" no Hamas?...Unreal:cuckoo:
When are the Israeli's going to renounce violence?

Of course there is no demand for the PA and Hamas thugs to account for the death of an American citizen from Obama and Kerry. Obama's foreign policy is a disaster and leading to widespread instability in several parts of the world.

He is simply incompetent, as one would expect from a political hack whose entire experience is in a corrupt political machine in one of the U.S.'s most corrupt and gang ridden cities. He is completely out of his element.
They didn't say anything when Israeli commando's executed an American citizen on board the Mavi Marmara.

Nor did they do anything when the Israeli's murdered 18 American sailors on board the USS Liberty.
Of course there is no demand for the PA and Hamas thugs to account for the death of an American citizen from Obama and Kerry. Obama's foreign policy is a disaster and leading to widespread instability in several parts of the world.

He is simply incompetent, as one would expect from a political hack whose entire experience is in a corrupt political machine in one of the U.S.'s most corrupt and gang ridden cities. He is completely out of his element.
They didn't say anything when Israeli commando's executed an American citizen on board the Mavi Marmara.

Nor did they do anything when the Israeli's murdered 18 American sailors on board the USS Liberty.

Ah, so you don't have anything worth mentioning for comparisons, and hope throwing out BS memes will suffice? What's the comparisons here, exactly? Can you actually make one, or do you think those are scary topics or something?

What about the Mars Lander and Jennifer Lopez's new album? Nobody has said anything about them either! ...
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Of course there is no demand for the PA and Hamas thugs to account for the death of an American citizen from Obama and Kerry. Obama's foreign policy is a disaster and leading to widespread instability in several parts of the world.

He is simply incompetent, as one would expect from a political hack whose entire experience is in a corrupt political machine in one of the U.S.'s most corrupt and gang ridden cities. He is completely out of his element.
They didn't say anything when Israeli commando's executed an American citizen on board the Mavi Marmara.

Nor did they do anything when the Israeli's murdered 18 American sailors on board the USS Liberty.

By telling these ISLAMONAZI lies you prove that you are a RABID ANTI SEMITIC NAZI JEW HATER. They executed no one, the defended against violence coming from terrorists as shown by the wounds received by members of the Israeli boarding party.
By telling these ISLAMONAZI lies you prove that you are a RABID ANTI SEMITIC NAZI JEW HATER. They executed no one, the defended against violence coming from terrorists as shown by the wounds received by members of the Israeli boarding party.
Here's the video of his execution, shithead. Now fuck off!

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Ah, so you don't have anything worth mentioning for comparisons, and hope throwing out BS memes will suffice? What's the comparisons here, exactly? Can you actually make one, or do you think those are scary topics or something?

What about the Mars Lander and Jennifer Lopez's new album? Nobody has said anything about them either! ...
WTF are you talking about?

My point is the Israeli's are making a big deal about the deaths of these teenagers. One of them happens to be an American citizen. Why are they making a big deal out of the death of an American citizen, when they are guilty of deliberately murdering 19 others?

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