State of the Union, 53% “very positive”, 24% “somewhat positive"

Does it mean that the left can finally get off the campaign trail and stop attacking Fox and old GOP politicians like Sara Palin and the Tea Party? Does it mean that we will start to hear some uplifting posts from the left about the brave new world in the next four years? I doubt it.
Time for House Republicans to give back the check the rich gave them. Either that or Ryan and his posse can ride it all the way to the bottom. Dictators don't bend, they break.

By a better than 2- to-1 margin, viewers of President Barack Obama’s State of the Union speech rated it highly compared with those who didn’t like the address, a poll out late Tuesday night showed.

According to a CNN/ORC International poll, 53 percent of speech viewers had a “very positive” reaction, 24 percent said they had a “somewhat positive response” and 22 percent said they experienced a negative response.

Read more: Poll: Most liked Obama?s State of the Union speech - Katie Glueck -
All this means is that people swallow up bullshit they hear without actually thinking about what they're being told. What did Obama say last night he hasn't said before? It's like the same speech I've heard just about every year and pretty much nothing has changed.

The public, overall, is incredibly ignorant. They don't pay attention to what is going on unless it involves some big media event, like the SOTU or until every four years when it comes time to elect the president and then they sit there and "inform" themselves based on speeches full of empty platitudes and commercials with 30 second sound bites accusing political opponents of molesting puppies.

It is not a coincidence that our republic has slowly been collapsing as the people become more detached from it.
They only voted very positive because Obama gives them free stuff
I wonder what tool/s they are using to actually calculate all of that.

Intersting stuff.

Fox and Bing used a little voting button. The choices were "very negative", "negative", "neutral" "positive" and "very positive". You could vote as often as every 5 seconds. It also showed the total number of people voting but I really don't remember that number. And, there was a running commentary of tweets from both sides.

Someone posted the link in another thread last night, just as the address was starting.
they jsut want the minority of the minority party to be in control.

Its because they are so constitutiony

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