Trump got stronger tonight, weeks of attacks from the left were just rendered moot. Good job Mr. President :eusa_clap:
Trump just nut kicked the entire dem party. It was beautiful to watch.

Yes he did, and they got nothing in return they can attack him on. Trump left them dazed and confused, the guy continues to discombobulate his opponents. :eusa_clap:
I hope he figures out your dupe facts and policies are crap...

What facts and policies? This should be entertaining :laugh:
Warren looked dazed and confused, Pelosi looked like locusts swooped down and ate her garden. Some Dem's with class stood and applauded the President.
when Warren was refused a job cause she wasnt a minority,,all she had to do was paint her face brown and claim that now she was a hispanic woman
If she had painted her face brown people would have thought she was a turd.

She is a turd.
well,,,she could of just gone home,,,dress up as ET,,go back to the job site and claim that she was an alien.
Trump hit a 15 run home run tonight, it was the best speech he's ever given, absolutely profound and Earth shattering
His campaign speech but on a teleprompter. Nothing new or helpful.
You're gonna have to get a job fatass...
I'm retired, stupid hater dupe. LOL. And I'm 6'4" 210. Don't you ever get tired of being so wrong? Enjoy the tax cut for the rich and the BS...
If you're 6'4" and 210 why is it every post you make screams 4'2" 80 pound guy with some gay tendencies?
Because you're a dumbass dupe. IDIOTS! You don't know shytte so believe all kinds of stupid stereotypes and bs. lol
Shit a 6'4" 210 man would never say. Even during transition.
Because lax gun laws allowed violent illegals to get ahold of guns ! How fucked up is that !?!

Really now how did they do that? another pile of shit out of the mouth of a liberal.

Because our gun laws suck!

Think about it . Some douche who has already been deported , and gets back in ( which is bullshit ) , has are record to boot , STILL can get a gun .

And you don't think there's an issue with our gun laws ??
Seeing how they werent citizens the gun he got was illegally bought probably out of a trunk of a car or just on the street in general. What would you want done that would stop that? Ban guns? Never gonna happen.

Have titles just like cars. Then people wouldn't sell
To criminals if the gun can be traced back to them.
THEY DO! ANY gun legally bought has to be registered or transferred when ownership changes!

No they don't. Private sellers can do whatever they want .
What has socialism ever cured?

All the winner countries are socialist leaning .

In other words socialism has never cured anything. Capitalism has created everything in this world that makes life worth living. What you call "winner countries" are far more capitalist than socialist.
No, they're democratic socialist countries. Germany, France, the U.K., Australia, Italy, dozens more. Here's a wiki for you, dear: List of democratic socialist parties which have governed - Wikipedia

What do they have in common? Thriving but REGULATED capitalism. What Democrats have been fighting for here (not always hard enough) since the 1930s.
After 8 years of Obama, most of those countries are more capitalist than the USA.

One thing that is true about all those countries if you are born poor you will die poor. In America, you can achieve anything if you have the desire, the talent and the inclination.

This is the just one unique aspect of the United States. The right of the individual to be as important as any concept. The fact that the history of the U.S includes fighting and beating the greatest power on earth to earn your independence. Right from the beginning, America was forged to be exceptional and it rewards those who strive to be.

Furthermore, you can look even further, Americans are more generous, giving a great deal more to charity than most countries, defenders of Faith and countries who are in peril.

Without America the world would be an entirely different and darker place in 2017, you can bet your right arm on that assertion.
BS, dupe! After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVER, and in the modern world!!

That's right, the EU, OZ, NZ have better upward mobility - SEE EDUCATION AND TRAINING.
Warren looked dazed and confused, Pelosi looked like locusts swooped down and ate her garden. Some Dem's with class stood and applauded the President.
when Warren was refused a job cause she wasnt a minority,,all she had to do was paint her face brown and claim that now she was a hispanic woman
If she had painted her face brown people would have thought she was a turd.

She is a turd.

How dare you insult a white native American Caucasian majority minority. :laugh:
His campaign speech but on a teleprompter. Nothing new or helpful.
You're gonna have to get a job fatass...
I'm retired, stupid hater dupe. LOL. And I'm 6'4" 210. Don't you ever get tired of being so wrong? Enjoy the tax cut for the rich and the BS...
If you're 6'4" and 210 why is it every post you make screams 4'2" 80 pound guy with some gay tendencies?
Because you're a dumbass dupe. IDIOTS! You don't know shytte so believe all kinds of stupid stereotypes and bs. lol
Shit a 6'4" 210 man would never say. Even during transition.
WTF is wrong with you LOL? Lead diet? Talk Radio nutjob?
Republicans want Meaghan dead!

Take a Xanax and calm down boy.

Well in a world of capitalism , who wants to pay for some rare disease cure?

What has socialism ever cured?

All the winner countries are socialist leaning .

Oh yes, Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea....all winners there:eusa_think:
Warren looked dazed and confused, Pelosi looked like locusts swooped down and ate her garden. Some Dem's with class stood and applauded the President.
when Warren was refused a job cause she wasnt a minority,,all she had to do was paint her face brown and claim that now she was a hispanic woman
If she had painted her face brown people would have thought she was a turd.

She is a turd.
well,,,she could of just gone home,,,dress up as ET,,go back to the job site and claim that she was an alien.

If she came from space, did she cross a border illegally? :eusa_think:
Was I the only one who laughed when Trump kept calling it Obamacare?

I had coke snort OUT of my nose. That's the first time that has ever happened.

Do you wonder if Obama laughed at that too?

Did anyone notice the Blue dog they dug up to do the rebuttal? Good Lord, you know the socialists are licking their wounds when they trot out a blue dog preachers son who talked about cutting spending and not raising taxes.
You're gonna have to get a job fatass...
I'm retired, stupid hater dupe. LOL. And I'm 6'4" 210. Don't you ever get tired of being so wrong? Enjoy the tax cut for the rich and the BS...
If you're 6'4" and 210 why is it every post you make screams 4'2" 80 pound guy with some gay tendencies?
Because you're a dumbass dupe. IDIOTS! You don't know shytte so believe all kinds of stupid stereotypes and bs. lol
Shit a 6'4" 210 man would never say. Even during transition.
WTF is wrong with you LOL? Lead diet? Talk Radio nutjob?
Actually just entertaining myself with the nuttiest fucker on the board.
Trump extended the olive branch to Dem's, told them to work Republicans, do it for the people. Now if the Dem's don't play ball they will look like sour puss sore losers.

Horseshit. After 8 years of begging and pleading from Obama to get the Repugs to work with him, Democrats don't owe Repug's a damn thing -- especially after such an insincere speech.

Speaking of sore losers and people with a sour puss face, no matter its pretty clear some Dem's are eager to work with President Trump.
If he ever does anything he
Republicans want Meaghan dead!

Take a Xanax and calm down boy.

Well in a world of capitalism , who wants to pay for some rare disease cure?

What has socialism ever cured?

All the winner countries are socialist leaning .

Oh yes, Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea....all winners there:eusa_think:
Those are COMMUNIST, cold war dinosaur. Here are socialist countries:
Search Results
U.S. lags behind peer countries in mobility | Economic Policy Institute
Oct 10, 2012 - The notion that anyone in America who is willing and able to “pull themselves up by their bootstraps” can achieve significant upward mobility is ...
Economic Mobility -- United States Compared to Europe ...
Jul 6, 2015 - Does the U.S. Have Lower Economic Mobility than Other Countries? ... ends up in the middle fifth as an adult, that is upward relative mobility.
Is it easier to obtain the American Dream in Europe? | PunditFact
Dec 19, 2013 - But the United States is distinct from other countries, research shows, in having "less, not more, intergenerational mobility than do Canada and several European countries." Upward mobility is particularly uncommon for children who are born into families at the lowest income bracket.
Trump extended the olive branch to Dem's, told them to work Republicans, do it for the people. Now if the Dem's don't play ball they will look like sour puss sore losers.

Horseshit. After 8 years of begging and pleading from Obama to get the Repugs to work with him, Democrats don't owe Repug's a damn thing -- especially after such an insincere speech.

Speaking of sore losers and people with a sour puss face, no matter its pretty clear some Dem's are eager to work with President Trump.
If he ever does anything he

He told you he would beat Hillary and become the next president, then did just that. Good job President Trump :eusa_clap:
Nobody wants war. However to bury your head in the sand and pretend that evil does not exist is pound foolish. The Putin propaganda brigade is out in full force. You are a enemy of this country. McCain got more votes than Trump did in Arizona and crushed his primary opponent who was a Trump supporter.
Trump extended the olive branch to Dem's, told them to work Republicans, do it for the people. Now if the Dem's don't play ball they will look like sour puss sore losers.

Horseshit. After 8 years of begging and pleading from Obama to get the Repugs to work with him, Democrats don't owe Repug's a damn thing -- especially after such an insincere speech.

What a fucking dipshit. Obama told Republicans to "talk to the hand"
What has socialism ever cured?

All the winner countries are socialist leaning .

In other words socialism has never cured anything. Capitalism has created everything in this world that makes life worth living. What you call "winner countries" are far more capitalist than socialist.
No, they're democratic socialist countries. Germany, France, the U.K., Australia, Italy, dozens more. Here's a wiki for you, dear: List of democratic socialist parties which have governed - Wikipedia

What do they have in common? Thriving but REGULATED capitalism. What Democrats have been fighting for here (not always hard enough) since the 1930s.
After 8 years of Obama, most of those countries are more capitalist than the USA.

One thing that is true about all those countries if you are born poor you will die poor. In America, you can achieve anything if you have the desire, the talent and the inclination.

This is the just one unique aspect of the United States. The right of the individual to be as important as any concept. The fact that the history of the U.S includes fighting and beating the greatest power on earth to earn your independence. Right from the beginning, America was forged to be exceptional and it rewards those who strive to be.

Furthermore, you can look even further, Americans are more generous, giving a great deal more to charity than most countries, defenders of Faith and countries who are in peril.

Without America the world would be an entirely different and darker place in 2017, you can bet your right arm on that assertion.
You're not much for keeping up with current affairs, are you? Just regurgitating the American Dream drivel they brainwash us with in public schools?

America fell behind the U.K. in upward mobility potential a while ago, friend. Consider that carefully; the highly stratified class system our founders escaped now provides more opportunity to social climb and better oneself economically than the United States of America.

Then explain to me why you ass kiss the GOP while they hand all of this country's wealth to kleptocrats.

Capital only exists due to the blood sweat & tears of labor; labor deserves bread AND FUCKING ROSES, TOO!

We will become a true democratic socialist nation eventually, because it is the only humane system on Earth and the people won't stand for oligarchy masquerading as democracy much longer.
All the winner countries are socialist leaning .

In other words socialism has never cured anything. Capitalism has created everything in this world that makes life worth living. What you call "winner countries" are far more capitalist than socialist.
No, they're democratic socialist countries. Germany, France, the U.K., Australia, Italy, dozens more. Here's a wiki for you, dear: List of democratic socialist parties which have governed - Wikipedia

What do they have in common? Thriving but REGULATED capitalism. What Democrats have been fighting for here (not always hard enough) since the 1930s.
After 8 years of Obama, most of those countries are more capitalist than the USA.

One thing that is true about all those countries if you are born poor you will die poor. In America, you can achieve anything if you have the desire, the talent and the inclination.

This is the just one unique aspect of the United States. The right of the individual to be as important as any concept. The fact that the history of the U.S includes fighting and beating the greatest power on earth to earn your independence. Right from the beginning, America was forged to be exceptional and it rewards those who strive to be.

Furthermore, you can look even further, Americans are more generous, giving a great deal more to charity than most countries, defenders of Faith and countries who are in peril.

Without America the world would be an entirely different and darker place in 2017, you can bet your right arm on that assertion.
BS, dupe! After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVER, and in the modern world!!

That's right, the EU, OZ, NZ have better upward mobility - SEE EDUCATION AND TRAINING.
Thanks, Obama!

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