Well in a world of capitalism , who wants to pay for some rare disease cure?

What has socialism ever cured?

All the winner countries are socialist leaning .

Oh yes, Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea....all winners there:eusa_think:

I said socailist leaning . Not commie or fascist.

But you tell me . What are your top 5 countries.?

You won't answer my question . Cause you are a coward bitch .

Top 5

1) US
2) Germany
3) Japan
4) Singapore
5) Switzerland

As you were....
All socialist and all happier and better upward mobility and rich poor gap than here, thanks GOP and the dupes...
That face makes me want to puke. Seriously. Reminds me of the Grinch.

It always amazes me how the different sides of the aisle react to the same speech and come away with diametrically different views and evaluation of the same exact words in the speech that were used.

However, objectively we must consider this. We are a nation with a huge debt; of that there should be no two ways about...

that stated, how does Trump call for MASSIVE tax cuts which contribute to the deficit, and then call for HUGE spending on the military, spending on a mostly useless wall, spending on the much needed infrastructure issue?........This CANNOT be done without additional and monstrous borrowed capital to add to our debt.

Trump IS a demagogue if you know the definition of that term......He appeals to the wants and prejudices of his loyal followers, basks in the applause and cares little about the promises that CANNOT be fulfilled.

To state, as he did for example, that he wants every child in America to be safe, attend the best schools and eventually get a great paying job, is empty rhetoric....EVERYONE WOULD LOVE THAT regardless of party....But it IS demagoguery and one wonders WHY a good chunk of our own population doesn't seem to mind (or doesn't seem to care) that they're being bullshitted by a clever demagogue.

Wake up and learn what a Pyrrhic victory really means....
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What has socialism ever cured?

All the winner countries are socialist leaning .

In other words socialism has never cured anything. Capitalism has created everything in this world that makes life worth living. What you call "winner countries" are far more capitalist than socialist.
No, they're democratic socialist countries. Germany, France, the U.K., Australia, Italy, dozens more. Here's a wiki for you, dear: List of democratic socialist parties which have governed - Wikipedia

What do they have in common? Thriving but REGULATED capitalism. What Democrats have been fighting for here (not always hard enough) since the 1930s.
After 8 years of Obama, most of those countries are more capitalist than the USA.
Donny's and Ivanka's products are still produced in other countries.
Buy American! Hire American!

If their brand sells at all, every consumer of it is a traitor to 45, no?

Oh and he's STILL hiring foreign nationals at Mar-a-Lago!
All the winner countries are socialist leaning .

Oh yes, Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea....all winners there:eusa_think:

I said socailist leaning . Not commie or fascist.

But you tell me . What are your top 5 countries.?

You won't answer my question . Cause you are a coward bitch .

Top 5

1) US
2) Germany
3) Japan
4) Singapore
5) Switzerland

As you were....
1- thank you for answering my question.

2- you listed a bunch of socialist countries .

Funny since that would imply the means of production are controlled by the state. Care to direct me to their respective collective councils so I can find out more...
''Controlled or regulated", stupid. "OWNED" is COMMUNIST. Ay caramba, dupes!
Nobody wants war. However to bury your head in the sand and pretend that evil does not exist is pound foolish. The Putin propaganda brigade is out in full force. You are a enemy of this country. McCain got more votes than Trump did in Arizona and crushed his primary opponent who was a Trump supporter.

'Nobody wants war?' Ha, you really believe that? I got news for ya, plenty of folks want war. How do you think we've gotten to this permanent state of war? But only the few Elites benefit from Permanent War. Average Citizens see no benefit. In fact, they even end up paying for the wars with their blood & treasure.

The Globalist Elites who start these wars, don't send their own children to die in them. They send the little peoples' children to die instead. You really do need to reconsider going all-in on Warmonger propaganda. These endless wars won't benefit you.

The Globalist Elites did not attack us on 9/11. The Global Elitists did not invade Crimea. The Global Elites did not back violent coups in Eastern Europe or create fictional separatists in Ukraine. This was done by terrorists and Putin. Fighting evil in the world is a necessity. You sound exactly like Bernie Sanders.
You are talking but saying nothing substantial...well, sorry you're accusing Putin with shit to promote the Globalist Elites agenda for war and for the U.S. to be involved in subduing Russia since Putin is not subordinating his country to the Global Elite... cool. The Global Elite wants war for another reason, making a lot of money on war...just imagine all the weapons manufactures making big bucks and the banks lending them money and the clothing industry, MRE fabricators making money and even a whole lot of undertakers. I hope Russia will nuke the fuck out of the world if anybody attacks her.
I can't say I hated everything he talked about tonight. A few things I liked.
1. 1 trillion dollars in infrastructure investment
2. Maintaining coverage for people with health problems....
3. Opening up the market nation wide could also drive down the cost.
4. talk of speeding up cures for diseases...It takes too damn long for cures and possible cures to make it to human trials or to the market.
5. A focus on cleaning up our cities...
What has socialism ever cured?

All the winner countries are socialist leaning .

Oh yes, Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea....all winners there:eusa_think:
Those are COMMUNIST, cold war dinosaur. Here are socialist countries:
Search Results
U.S. lags behind peer countries in mobility | Economic Policy Institute
Oct 10, 2012 - The notion that anyone in America who is willing and able to “pull themselves up by their bootstraps” can achieve significant upward mobility is ...
Economic Mobility -- United States Compared to Europe ...
Jul 6, 2015 - Does the U.S. Have Lower Economic Mobility than Other Countries? ... ends up in the middle fifth as an adult, that is upward relative mobility.
Is it easier to obtain the American Dream in Europe? | PunditFact
Dec 19, 2013 - But the United States is distinct from other countries, research shows, in having "less, not more, intergenerational mobility than do Canada and several European countries." Upward mobility is particularly uncommon for children who are born into families at the lowest income bracket.

There has never been a communist country ever in history. Don't believe me, read the ABC of Communism by Bukharin. Communism means the state has entirely withered away. The Soviet Union was socialist. Both Canada & Europe are liberal but they don't nationalize all industries like Cuba, Venezuela & North Korea do. The latter are clearly socialist.

I look at Canada as clearly socialist with a centralized government which directs the support of crony capitalism and near caste system of classes. All wrapped with a fancy name such as "constitutional monarchy", which is heavy on monarchy, light on constitution. The right of the individual doesn't really exist here.

I saw this vast difference the first few times I visited America, it was night and day. There is a particular expectation of freedom and expression that Americans posses that Canadians simply don't. In particular, Americans willingness to confront authority and investigate facts rather than accept the "state narrative".
BS. And give away to the greedy idiot GOP megarich. READ MY SIG PLEASE. Stay in Canada.
Nobody wants war. However to bury your head in the sand and pretend that evil does not exist is pound foolish. The Putin propaganda brigade is out in full force. You are a enemy of this country. McCain got more votes than Trump did in Arizona and crushed his primary opponent who was a Trump supporter.
Putin propaganda brigade? You have no idea about Crimea but parroting warmongering talking points from the Global elite. You are just an uneducated DNC imbecile.

The Putin propaganda brigade doesn't quit does it. The Crimea was invaded by Russia and it is as simple as that. You are a uneducated political hack. Yo also sound exactly like Bernie Sanders and he caucuses with the Democrats. You are a DNC hack

"The Crimea was invaded by Russia and it is as simple as that. You are a uneducated political hack."

You are just uneducated and ignorant in general sugar pants, please stop embarrassing yourself.

Russia didn't invade The Ukraine, Washington DC had CIA types with Victoria Nuland in tow orchestrated a coup to overthrow the democratically elected President Viktor Yanukovych because he wanted closer relations with Russia and wasn't in favour of The Ukraine joining NATO, which isn't what Washington DC wants due to the situation that Washington DC thinks they control the planet and that all nations should just become vassals and also members of NATO so that Russia can be surrounded.

The Ukraine is now a failed nation thanks to Obama and Co.

Russia also didn't "annex" Crimea, when the above coup happened, the first thing Washington DC's Puppet Rulers did was outlaw anything Russian in The Crimea and as most of Crimeans are Ethnic Russian they rightly freaked and decided to have a referendum, the question being did they want to return to Russia or did they want to stay with The Ukraine and they voted that they wanted to return to Russia.

Also the Russian Black Fleet founded by Prince Grigory Potemkin has been based in The Crimea since 1783 and this has been crucial throughout history to the defence of Russia.

The Crimea was Russian from 1783, until the Bolshevik POS came along and made it an autonomous republic and then later it was declared The Crimean Oblast and then in 1954 the Ukranian Nikita Khruschev gave The Crimea to The Ukraine.

Victoria Nuland a Neo-Conservative bitch married to a Neo-Conservative fat POS Robert Kagan.

Victoria Nuland - Wikipedia

Robert Kagan - Wikipedia
I can't say I hated everything he talked about tonight. A few things I liked.
1. 1 trillion dollars in infrastructure investment
2. Maintaining coverage for people with health problems....
3. Opening up the market nation wide could also drive down the cost.
4. talk of speeding up cures for diseases...It takes too damn long for cures and possible cures to make it to human trials or to the market.
5. A focus on cleaning up our cities...
GREAT. How? All his plans not so good. Infrastructure scam, bs, ok, BS-going to cut research, how? I still hope, but ??
I can't say I hated everything he talked about tonight. A few things I liked.
1. 1 trillion dollars in infrastructure investment
2. Maintaining coverage for people with health problems....
3. Opening up the market nation wide could also drive down the cost.
4. talk of speeding up cures for diseases...It takes too damn long for cures and possible cures to make it to human trials or to the market.
5. A focus on cleaning up our cities...

It kind of reminded me of a guy who was forced to give a "normal" sounding speech. Maybe our shadow government gave him a talking to and slapped him around a bit, and Trump got the message. It's time to act like a president.

I didn't believe ONE word he said. I don't particularly care about what he says, only what he does. His word is totally and completely meaningless.
So you sit around snorting coke and posting dumb shit on the internet? Who the fuck doesn't call it obamacare?
The American people just finished suffering under 8 years of a master demagogue who promised nothing but an illusionary vision of Hope & Change.

It's easy for the people to see that Trump has a solid realistic plan, and has the brains and energy to make it happen. ..... :thup:
Its also time to help me understand two of the biggest "mysteries" that right wing politicians like to spew.

1. The tax rate on businesses are too high......REALLY? How many of those huge companies actually pay that maximum rate?.........The reality is that businesses in this country are doing extremely well; the problem is that huge profit seldom "trickles down" to middle class workers.

2. Cutting taxes will increase employment and productivity.......REALLY??? Did or did not GWB enact huge tax cuts for businesses and we STILL had massive unemployment rates. Are we still stuck on that damn definition of insanity about doing the same exact thing and expecting a different outcome?

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