States would decide on their own abortion laws. Really?

It's not a question of punishment, that's bullshit. It's a question of the right to live vs the right to end a life that you yourself irresponsibly created. People make mistakes; IMHO they should pay for them rather than passing it off to someone else. Which in this case is an unborn child.

Which should have precedence, the right to live or the right to kill for convenience sake?

And BTW, where's your empathy for the dead unborn baby? Mama gets to move on but the aborted baby doesn't.
I don't accept your premise of what a fertilized egg is. Being human, IMHO, is defined by our brains not our DNA.
The high court doesn't rule based on popularity, it rules based on the constitutionally of law. It was never meant to rule on popularity which is why we don't elect supreme court justices via the voting process.
We confirm them by a vote. That is why the last 2 nominees had to lie to get a seat on the court. If decisions were only based on the constitution why would a precedent ever be overturned?
My guess: no and no. First of all, IMHO the SC is not going to outlaw abortion, they're just going to say it ain't in the Constitution. Which leaves that question up to either the US Congress or the states, which I think is where it belongs. If that is the case, abortions will still be legal in some places but maybe not in others. More than likely we'll see abortions by mail, where women can get medications to abort a baby; at the moment I believe the limit for that is about 10 weeks, beyond that it gets a little hairy. Women would have to travel to an abortion state for the procedure or just have the baby.

Interesting to see if the US Congress can do anything about it, but it'll have to be bipartisan and I dunno about how likely that is.
Reasonable guess but history says desperate women without means will end up with back alley abortions. I hope I'm wrong but I fear I'm right.
We confirm them by a vote. That is why the last 2 nominees had to lie to get a seat on the court. If decisions were only based on the constitution why would a precedent ever be overturned?

Because different justices interpret the constitution different ways. You see the argument all the time when it comes to guns. The left claims that firearms are only protected if you are in a militia and the right claims it's a protection for all people.

As for the nomination of judges that is left to the President and Senate. They get to choose the nominee, not us. Our only control is who we vote for in the Senate and for President.
So something crossed my mind today: Let's assume the leak is genuine and next month Roe vs Wade is gone. Now (as everybody says) abortion will be left up to the states. Liberal states of course will keep abortion, conservative states make it illegal, and swing states may have abortion up to X amount of weeks. Fine.

My question is what happens if the country swings hard right on the federal level as in what is being setup now? Could our federal legislatures make it illegal for the entire country to have any kind of abortions? And if so, would the GOP risk losing leadership for decades down the road?

I can't see the court ruling that abortion be exclusively a states right. What part of the Constitution would allow them to rule that way? So the question is, could this decision actually lead to outlawing abortions on a national level?
'I can't see the court ruling that abortion be exclusively a states right. What part of the Constitution would allow them to rule that way? So the question is, could this decision actually lead to outlawing abortions on a national level?"

That was the situation pre-Roe. 4 States fully legalized abortion and about around 15 others "liberalized" their laws to allow women to have access to abortion.

In theory anyway, Fillibuster still applies to social legislation, so while it may constitutionally be possible to either nationally codify Roe or ban abortion entirely even for rape incest and health of the woman, I don't see that happening .... without eliminating the fillibuster. And imo that will happen as a result of Alitos opinion ... one way or the other.
'I can't see the court ruling that abortion be exclusively a states right. What part of the Constitution would allow them to rule that way? So the question is, could this decision actually lead to outlawing abortions on a national level?"

That was the situation pre-Roe. 4 States fully legalized abortion and about around 15 others "liberalized" their laws to allow women to have access to abortion.

In theory anyway, Fillibuster still applies to social legislation, so while it may constitutionally be possible to either nationally codify Roe or ban abortion entirely even for rape incest and health of the woman, I don't see that happening .... without eliminating the fillibuster. And imo that will happen as a result of Alitos opinion ... one way or the other.

Perhaps but technically, McConnell is correct. It could lead to a national law against abortion. Mind you I'm far from any McConnell fan.
Perhaps but technically, McConnell is correct. It could lead to a national law against abortion. Mind you I'm far from any McConnell fan.
Agreed, theoretically we could see national law banning abortion totally or with some exceptions. And some dems was a law making Roe the law in the US. I don't know what will happen.
Yes, really it is a good thing the states get to decided. The Federal Gov. Should have never been in it in the first place. It was used to kill and the black community is finally figuring it out. Get the dad out of the house pump out babies while getting more money. Do you see how they train people to rely on the system.
We confirm them by a vote. That is why the last 2 nominees had to lie to get a seat on the court. If decisions were only based on the constitution why would a precedent ever be overturned?

There is no litmus test, though you Nazis want one. No one lied - except you - both justices refused to take a loyalty oath to your Reich. You demanded that they swear allegiance to the most sacred and holy ritual infant sacrifice, they refused to kiss your ring.

You are astoundingly stupid.

I know you're trolling, but even so it's a profound level of stupid.
No I think you are for big government. In your bedroom. In your doctors office. On your TV. You just like local government. You don't want federal government to tell you what to do but locally and by state you give government great power. Authoritarian.

And let's be honest, if it's a Republican led federal government, you're no better than a Russian who supports Putin or a Nazi who supported Hitler.

We may be going back to Nazi days only it'll be called something different of course. And you'll deny it until after the election. After the next coup where your opponents will never win again even if we win the popular vote. And you will toss out democratic votes. You already do. Do you honestly think red state elections are not rigged?
Reasonable guess but history says desperate women without means will end up with back alley abortions. I hope I'm wrong but I fear I'm right.
Most will have the kids. Right now only 30% of inmates in prison get a yearly visit from a "loveone". That's a lot of unwanted people.

How many abortions do American women get every year? So by definition those will be unwanted children. Who will get about as much attention and love as the people we have in prison right now. Well, 70% of them.
No I think you are for big government. In your bedroom. In your doctors office. On your TV. You just like local government. You don't want federal government to tell you what to do but locally and by state you give government great power. Authoritarian.

And let's be honest, if it's a Republican led federal government, you're no better than a Russian who supports Putin or a Nazi who supported Hitler.

We may be going back to Nazi days only it'll be called something different of course. And you'll deny it until after the election. After the next coup where your opponents will never win again even if we win the popular vote. And you will toss out democratic votes. You already do. Do you honestly think red state elections are not rigged?

As I said, you're astoundingly stupid, and a troll.
As I said, you're astoundingly stupid, and a troll.
Soon, coming to a red state near you. No gay marriage, no gay butt sex, no trannies using the ladies rooms, no abortions, no even going to another state to get one, etc...what else?

You know what? I wish you guys would use states rights to opt out of Obamacare, Medicare and Social Security. Be gone with you.
Soon, coming to a red state near you. No gay marriage, no gay butt sex, no trannies using the ladies rooms, no abortions, no even going to another state to get one, etc...what else?

You know what? I wish you guys would use states rights to opt out of Obamacare, Medicare and Social Security. Be gone with you.

Heil Soros.

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