Stealth socialism


it doe not work even if tens of millions are slaughtered in order to make it work.

still doesn't.

What is socialist in America today and who were the tens of millions killed because of it?

there is no socialism in America YET.

there are steps to impose it.

So the public school system, which is run by government, funded by taxpayers, and provides the opportunity for a basic education to all American children regardless of their families' ability to pay,

that is not socialist?

If not, what would a socialist school system look like that would distinguish it from the above?
What's wrong with socialism?


it doe not work even if tens of millions are slaughtered in order to make it work.

still doesn't.

What is socialist in America today and who were the tens of millions killed because of it?
I think he is trying to claim that because Stalin or Mao were 'socialist' in name that makes all socialists the same. Funny that, by that same logic it would make all capitalists akin to Hitler; or all Catholics akin to crusaders, or inquisitors.
What is socialist in America today and who were the tens of millions killed because of it?

there is no socialism in America YET.

there are steps to impose it.

So the public school system, which is run by government, funded by taxpayers, and provides the opportunity for a basic education to all American children regardless of their families' ability to pay,

that is not socialist?

If not, what would a socialist school system look like that would distinguish it from the above?


it is social-democratism.

iif you want to learn what is socialism - start from the basics.
like here:Manifesto of the Communist Party

and find out ( FINALLY) what is the main feature of the socialist society and socialist economic model.

and stop pinning any government-run entity to socialism.
there is no socialism in America YET.

there are steps to impose it.

So the public school system, which is run by government, funded by taxpayers, and provides the opportunity for a basic education to all American children regardless of their families' ability to pay,

that is not socialist?

If not, what would a socialist school system look like that would distinguish it from the above?


it is social-democratism.

iif you want to learn what is socialism - start from the basics.
like here:Manifesto of the Communist Party

and find out ( FINALLY) what is the main feature of the socialist society and socialist economic model.

and stop pinning any government-run entity to socialism.
Social democracy is a political ideology that officially has as its goal the establishment of democratic socialism through reformist and gradualist methods.[1] Alternatively, social democracy is defined as a policy regime involving a universal welfare state and collective bargaining schemes within the framework of a capitalist economy. It is often used in this manner to refer to the social models and economic policies prominent in Western and Northern Europe during the later half of the 20th century.[2][3]
Social democracy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Democratic socialism is a variant of socialism that rejects centralized, elitist, or authoritarian methods of transitioning from capitalism to socialism in favor of grassroots-level movements aiming for the immediate creation of decentralized economic democracy. Most notably, democratic socialists reject the perceived authoritarian character of Vanguardism and similar ideas central to Leninism and Marxist-Leninist socialist movements.
Democratic socialism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Learn what socialism means mate, before you fall further into right-wing crazy land.
idiot sock with an "IQ in the mid-100" can't digest simple concepts and can't stand the truth :lol:

oh, well. leftard komsomol, stupid as always. can't even comprehend the written text :D
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there is no socialism in America YET.

there are steps to impose it.

So the public school system, which is run by government, funded by taxpayers, and provides the opportunity for a basic education to all American children regardless of their families' ability to pay,

that is not socialist?

If not, what would a socialist school system look like that would distinguish it from the above?


it is social-democratism.

iif you want to learn what is socialism - start from the basics.
like here:Manifesto of the Communist Party

and find out ( FINALLY) what is the main feature of the socialist society and socialist economic model.

and stop pinning any government-run entity to socialism.

So there's no such thing as, for example,

European socialism.

Socialized medicine in places like Canada or the UK.

Or put another way...

Sweden is not a socialist country.

Obamacare is not socialist. Obama himself is not a socialist.

??? You're calling a whole bunch of USMB rightwingers idiots, you know that, right?
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So the public school system, which is run by government, funded by taxpayers, and provides the opportunity for a basic education to all American children regardless of their families' ability to pay,

that is not socialist?

If not, what would a socialist school system look like that would distinguish it from the above?


it is social-democratism.

iif you want to learn what is socialism - start from the basics.
like here:Manifesto of the Communist Party

and find out ( FINALLY) what is the main feature of the socialist society and socialist economic model.

and stop pinning any government-run entity to socialism.

So there's no such thing as, for example,

European socialism.

Socialized medicine in places like Canada or the UK.

Or put another way...

Sweden is not a socialist country.

nope, there is no such thing. Americans confusing and substituting the correct terminology is absolutely disgusting - it does not matter where does it come from.

I am calling YOU guys to be idiots - all of you, who claim that the social policies are socialist immediately.

One idiot couldn't even comprehend what I have written and provided the links to wiki ( which is laughable, but nevertheless) to actually affirm what I was saying :lol:
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Ah, how many Americans can define socialism, fascism, communism or any of these types of terms? I mean really define them not give their idea of what they mean. I doubt if these political-economic terms are taught in most high schools, if so, we would see the furor on these boards, of schools now teaching communism. Few high schools would take that risk. These terms are used as political scare-words and have been so used for years, and it may be in one or both of America's political party's best interests to keep them undefined, and keep them as political scare-words?
Ah, how many Americans can define socialism, fascism, communism or any of these types of terms? I mean really define them not give their idea of what they mean. I doubt if these political-economic terms are taught in most high schools, if so, we would see the furor on these boards, of schools now teaching communism. Few high schools would take that risk. These terms are used as political scare-words and have been so used for years, and it may be in one or both of America's political party's best interests to keep them undefined, and keep them as political scare-words?
I usually don't bother, have my sociology dictionary, my history books, and all that comes with it (like a functioning brain); and leave it to others to educate, as I am not a teacher.

The US education system needs a lot of work, which is made worse by extreme political divisions and the politicization of education in the United States. Unfortunately you don't get objectivity much, which explains how just disagreeing (even mildly) with right wingers gets them hating you; even if you meet their key criteria of being 'rich', 'white', or 'Republican'.

Likewise if I wanted to have a discussion with some Democrats or Republicans on Anarcho-Capitalism, Anarchist-Communism,etc the moment I start suggesting that government should be abolished alongside corporations, it would get them on the usual lines of 'but without x the nation would collapse'. In Canada, Europe, Oceania, or Asia though people wouldn't even shrug shoulders over such a conversation.

As one documentary I saw once put it, 'you can have a better political discussion in Wellington [,New Zealand] than you could in Washington D.C. or New York'; because being globally minded and knowledgeable about the world is more important to smaller nations, who travel more and see more than someone in the US that has never even left their state (let alone the United States).
Socialism is awesome, better than corporatism in America by all accounts.

did you submit your American passport yet and applied for North Korean one?

if not - STFU
When you start giving a damn for people in poverty, and join the Democratic party. Socialism through Dirgisime was the best boom Europe ever had, whereas neo-liberalism caused a global recession. If you think 'socialism' is only Stalin or Mao, then your problem. Please note also that North Korea is not socialist, Kim Jong Il's father built his own ideology, just as Hitler or Pol Pot build their own.
yet, you don't give a damn about people in poverty. too funny.

it is social-democratism.

iif you want to learn what is socialism - start from the basics.
like here:Manifesto of the Communist Party

and find out ( FINALLY) what is the main feature of the socialist society and socialist economic model.

and stop pinning any government-run entity to socialism.

So there's no such thing as, for example,

European socialism.

Socialized medicine in places like Canada or the UK.

Or put another way...

Sweden is not a socialist country.

nope, there is no such thing. Americans confusing and substituting the correct terminology is absolutely disgusting - it does not matter where does it come from.

I am calling YOU guys to be idiots - all of you, who claim that the social policies are socialist immediately.

One idiot couldn't even comprehend what I have written and provided the links to wiki ( which is laughable, but nevertheless) to actually affirm what I was saying :lol:

But yet you think we're in danger of a socialist takeover,

which means you think the US is in danger of a totalitarian government takeover of all industry, business, and institutions,

and a total elimination of all capitalist free enterprise.

lol, you're nuts.
did you submit your American passport yet and applied for North Korean one?

if not - STFU
When you start giving a damn for people in poverty, and join the Democratic party. Socialism through Dirgisime was the best boom Europe ever had, whereas neo-liberalism caused a global recession. If you think 'socialism' is only Stalin or Mao, then your problem. Please note also that North Korea is not socialist, Kim Jong Il's father built his own ideology, just as Hitler or Pol Pot build their own.
yet, you don't give a damn about people in poverty. too funny.
I do, I donated to the red cross, pay my taxes, helped out new migrants/refugees, and I support higher wages (and less tax) on the lowest income earners.

But I guess you are going to do the usual right-wing thing and say 'if you don't give all your wealth away you aren't socialist', in which case you never got the point of socialism at all.

Socialism doesn't mean making everyone poor, it means making everyone equal (socially, economically, and politically) within reason. In modern day socialism, it is more about getting rid of as much poverty as possible and taking care of the hardest hit in society, rather than some communist revolution that takes all the money away from the rich or well to do.
So there's no such thing as, for example,

European socialism.

Socialized medicine in places like Canada or the UK.

Or put another way...

Sweden is not a socialist country.

nope, there is no such thing. Americans confusing and substituting the correct terminology is absolutely disgusting - it does not matter where does it come from.

I am calling YOU guys to be idiots - all of you, who claim that the social policies are socialist immediately.

One idiot couldn't even comprehend what I have written and provided the links to wiki ( which is laughable, but nevertheless) to actually affirm what I was saying :lol:

But yet you think we're in danger of a socialist takeover,

which means you think the US is in danger of a totalitarian government takeover of all industry, business, and institutions,

and a total elimination of all capitalist free enterprise.

lol, you're nuts.

it is you who are NUTS if you don't see that the balance has been tipped too much to the left and the ship is in danger of turning upside down.
do I have to enlighten you what happens when everything is upside down and who will benefit as a result?
No, I know that you think YOU will be spared :lol:
you are not the first one fool under the sun who thinks that.
and not the last who is in danger to be taught a lesson - but it would be too late to change anything :D
Socialism doesn't mean making everyone poor, it means making everyone equal (socially, economically, and politically) within reason. In modern day socialism, it is more about getting rid of as much poverty as possible and taking care of the hardest hit in society, rather than some communist revolution that takes all the money away from the rich or well to do.

you idiot, we already have the political and social equality, and economic equality means exactly that - there is no economic equality except in the poverty behind the barbed wire of the labor camp.
There is no "modern day socialism" - if it is socialism - the only way it can exist is with tyrannical government enforcement.

and it will still not work.
Socialism doesn't mean making everyone poor, it means making everyone equal (socially, economically, and politically) within reason. In modern day socialism, it is more about getting rid of as much poverty as possible and taking care of the hardest hit in society, rather than some communist revolution that takes all the money away from the rich or well to do.

you idiot, we already have the political and social equality, and economic equality means exactly that - there is no economic equality except in the poverty behind the barbed wire of the labor camp.
There is no "modern day socialism" - if it is socialism - the only way it can exist is with tyrannical government enforcement.

and it will still not work.
Oh, really. :lol:
[ame=]US Socialism vs European Socialism - YouTube[/ame]
nope, there is no such thing. Americans confusing and substituting the correct terminology is absolutely disgusting - it does not matter where does it come from.

I am calling YOU guys to be idiots - all of you, who claim that the social policies are socialist immediately.

One idiot couldn't even comprehend what I have written and provided the links to wiki ( which is laughable, but nevertheless) to actually affirm what I was saying :lol:

But yet you think we're in danger of a socialist takeover,

which means you think the US is in danger of a totalitarian government takeover of all industry, business, and institutions,

and a total elimination of all capitalist free enterprise.

lol, you're nuts.

it is you who are NUTS if you don't see that the balance has been tipped too much to the left and the ship is in danger of turning upside down.
do I have to enlighten you what happens when everything is upside down and who will benefit as a result?
No, I know that you think YOU will be spared :lol:
you are not the first one fool under the sun who thinks that.
and not the last who is in danger to be taught a lesson - but it would be too late to change anything :D

You said there's no such thing as socialism unless it's total Marxism/communism or the like,

but you also said this:

"there is no socialism in America YET.

there are steps to impose it."

That can only mean that you think the US is in danger of becoming a full blown Marxist nation.

That makes you nuts, period. There's no other way to describe you.
Socialism doesn't mean making everyone poor, it means making everyone equal (socially, economically, and politically) within reason. In modern day socialism, it is more about getting rid of as much poverty as possible and taking care of the hardest hit in society, rather than some communist revolution that takes all the money away from the rich or well to do.

you idiot, we already have the political and social equality, and economic equality means exactly that - there is no economic equality except in the poverty behind the barbed wire of the labor camp.
There is no "modern day socialism" - if it is socialism - the only way it can exist is with tyrannical government enforcement.

and it will still not work.
Oh, really. :lol:
]US Socialism vs European Socialism - YouTube[/url]

putting maher to support one's view is like putting the white flag of surrender - fail, pete :lol:

it is NOT socialism in Europe, dumbo
But yet you think we're in danger of a socialist takeover,

which means you think the US is in danger of a totalitarian government takeover of all industry, business, and institutions,

and a total elimination of all capitalist free enterprise.

lol, you're nuts.

it is you who are NUTS if you don't see that the balance has been tipped too much to the left and the ship is in danger of turning upside down.
do I have to enlighten you what happens when everything is upside down and who will benefit as a result?
No, I know that you think YOU will be spared :lol:
you are not the first one fool under the sun who thinks that.
and not the last who is in danger to be taught a lesson - but it would be too late to change anything :D

You said there's no such thing as socialism unless it's total Marxism/communism or the like,

but you also said this:

"there is no socialism in America YET.

there are steps to impose it."

That can only mean that you think the US is in danger of becoming a full blown Marxist nation.

That makes you nuts, period. There's no other way to describe you.

if you have a reading comprehension disorder, that is not my problem, idiot.
try again
QWB and Vox have added nothing to this discussion except their visceral feelings.

There is no "stealth" socialism, and socialistic tendencies in government have existed since 1900.

Silly comments.
He's not. Grayson co-sponsored Ron Paul's audit the fed bill.

He is if he thinks socialism is a positive economic force.

By the way, if you seriously think Obama reached across the aisle for anything you need to check yourself into a mental hospital immediately.

Obama and the democrats have bent over backwards for the GOP terrorists and they still act like a bunch of babies.

"Compromise" in the minds of the right wingers means giving them everything they want and nothing else.

Sure they did.

By the way, do you own any guns? Because, if you do, I think you should tell your doctor.

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