Stealth socialism

What's wrong with socialism?
The righties think that people that disagree with them have low IQ's, last time they said it was 50 or so. That means that in real terms all intelligent liberals must be around 150 (give or take 20 points), if the average IQ is 110 or so. They disagree for the sake of being disagreeable, they hate socialism and don't even understand what the word means.

My question to them is straightforward:

Name the programs in our current system of government that can be considered socialist,

and then tell if you would eliminate them completely,

and if so, tell us why.

That doesn't even make sense.
What is socialist in America today and who were the tens of millions killed because of it?

there is no socialism in America YET.

there are steps to impose it.

So the public school system, which is run by government, funded by taxpayers, and provides the opportunity for a basic education to all American children regardless of their families' ability to pay,

that is not socialist?

If not, what would a socialist school system look like that would distinguish it from the above?

I hate to burst the nice little bubble that you built there, but public education is not socialism.
So the public school system, which is run by government, funded by taxpayers, and provides the opportunity for a basic education to all American children regardless of their families' ability to pay,

that is not socialist?

If not, what would a socialist school system look like that would distinguish it from the above?


it is social-democratism.

iif you want to learn what is socialism - start from the basics.
like here:Manifesto of the Communist Party

and find out ( FINALLY) what is the main feature of the socialist society and socialist economic model.

and stop pinning any government-run entity to socialism.

So there's no such thing as, for example,

European socialism.

Socialized medicine in places like Canada or the UK.

Or put another way...

Sweden is not a socialist country.

Obamacare is not socialist. Obama himself is not a socialist.

??? You're calling a whole bunch of USMB rightwingers idiots, you know that, right?

No, Sweden is not a socialist economy.
So there's no such thing as, for example,

European socialism.

Socialized medicine in places like Canada or the UK.

Or put another way...

Sweden is not a socialist country.

nope, there is no such thing. Americans confusing and substituting the correct terminology is absolutely disgusting - it does not matter where does it come from.

I am calling YOU guys to be idiots - all of you, who claim that the social policies are socialist immediately.

One idiot couldn't even comprehend what I have written and provided the links to wiki ( which is laughable, but nevertheless) to actually affirm what I was saying :lol:

But yet you think we're in danger of a socialist takeover,

which means you think the US is in danger of a totalitarian government takeover of all industry, business, and institutions,

and a total elimination of all capitalist free enterprise.

lol, you're nuts.

I think a good first step to a successful takeover of the government would be to convince people that it can't happen. Another one would be to get people to lie about what is, and is not, socialism, and then demand people explain why they don't oppose non socialist programs.

In other words, I think they should act exactly like you.
there is no socialism in America YET.

there are steps to impose it.

So the public school system, which is run by government, funded by taxpayers, and provides the opportunity for a basic education to all American children regardless of their families' ability to pay,

that is not socialist?

If not, what would a socialist school system look like that would distinguish it from the above?

I hate to burst the nice little bubble that you built there, but public education is not socialism.

our leftards either honestly do not know the difference or simply know and lie, lie and lie counting on the ignorance of the opponents.

it is social-democratism.

iif you want to learn what is socialism - start from the basics.
like here:Manifesto of the Communist Party

and find out ( FINALLY) what is the main feature of the socialist society and socialist economic model.

and stop pinning any government-run entity to socialism.

So there's no such thing as, for example,

European socialism.

Socialized medicine in places like Canada or the UK.

Or put another way...

Sweden is not a socialist country.

Obamacare is not socialist. Obama himself is not a socialist.

??? You're calling a whole bunch of USMB rightwingers idiots, you know that, right?

No, Sweden is not a socialist economy.

and never was
nope, there is no such thing. Americans confusing and substituting the correct terminology is absolutely disgusting - it does not matter where does it come from.

I am calling YOU guys to be idiots - all of you, who claim that the social policies are socialist immediately.

One idiot couldn't even comprehend what I have written and provided the links to wiki ( which is laughable, but nevertheless) to actually affirm what I was saying :lol:

But yet you think we're in danger of a socialist takeover,

which means you think the US is in danger of a totalitarian government takeover of all industry, business, and institutions,

and a total elimination of all capitalist free enterprise.

lol, you're nuts.

I think a good first step to a successful takeover of the government would be to convince people that it can't happen. Another one would be to get people to lie about what is, and is not, socialism, and then demand people explain why they don't oppose non socialist programs.

In other words, I think they should act exactly like you.

it's a bit more complicated. Nazi party came to power as a result of the democratic process, so it is one of the ways ( albeit not chosen by socialist radicals) to eventually overtake the country - when the electorate is all meek through dependency on the government handout - and nationalize everything and impose the main principle of socialism - no private property on the means of production.

Why do you think there is such a push to get the populace disarmed? yes, it is a very long shot, but that is the goal.
Unarmed dependent dumbed down populace can be forced to anything.

Including the dream of the left - equality in poverty in labor camps - for the masses, and the cushy lifestyle for the leadership "elite"

Nothing new under the sun.

all has been tried before.

Does not work anyway :D

it is social-democratism.

iif you want to learn what is socialism - start from the basics.
like here:Manifesto of the Communist Party

and find out ( FINALLY) what is the main feature of the socialist society and socialist economic model.

and stop pinning any government-run entity to socialism.

So there's no such thing as, for example,

European socialism.

Socialized medicine in places like Canada or the UK.

Or put another way...

Sweden is not a socialist country.

Obamacare is not socialist. Obama himself is not a socialist.

??? You're calling a whole bunch of USMB rightwingers idiots, you know that, right?

No, Sweden is not a socialist economy.

So you're calling all the people who call Obama a socialist idiots too.
So there's no such thing as, for example,

European socialism.

Socialized medicine in places like Canada or the UK.

Or put another way...

Sweden is not a socialist country.

Obamacare is not socialist. Obama himself is not a socialist.

??? You're calling a whole bunch of USMB rightwingers idiots, you know that, right?

No, Sweden is not a socialist economy.

So you're calling all the people who call Obama a socialist idiots too.

I am.
So there's no such thing as, for example,

European socialism.

Socialized medicine in places like Canada or the UK.

Or put another way...

Sweden is not a socialist country.

Obamacare is not socialist. Obama himself is not a socialist.

??? You're calling a whole bunch of USMB rightwingers idiots, you know that, right?

No, Sweden is not a socialist economy.

So you're calling all the people who call Obama a socialist idiots too.

Calling Obama a ‘socialist’ is indeed idiotic.
Socialism is awesome, better than corporatism in America by all accounts.

did you submit your American passport yet and applied for North Korean one?

if not - STFU
When you start giving a damn for people in poverty, and join the Democratic party. Socialism through Dirgisime was the best boom Europe ever had, whereas neo-liberalism caused a global recession. If you think 'socialism' is only Stalin or Mao, then your problem. Please note also that North Korea is not socialist, Kim Jong Il's father built his own ideology, just as Hitler or Pol Pot build their own.

Please submit just one example where a Democrat has done anything to benefit someone, anyone in poverty...
did you submit your American passport yet and applied for North Korean one?

if not - STFU
When you start giving a damn for people in poverty, and join the Democratic party. Socialism through Dirgisime was the best boom Europe ever had, whereas neo-liberalism caused a global recession. If you think 'socialism' is only Stalin or Mao, then your problem. Please note also that North Korea is not socialist, Kim Jong Il's father built his own ideology, just as Hitler or Pol Pot build their own.

Please submit just one example where a Democrat has done anything to benefit someone, anyone in poverty...

My s.o. gives stuff to the Salvation Army.
It's funny how some of the rightwingers will react around here once they find out they've painted themselves into a corner.

you have never been out of the corner :lol:

learn the correct terminology and the difference between socialism and social-democratism.

fakey is hopeless, but you have some signs that your cortex might be still working ;)
So there's no such thing as, for example,

European socialism.

Socialized medicine in places like Canada or the UK.

Or put another way...

Sweden is not a socialist country.

Obamacare is not socialist. Obama himself is not a socialist.

??? You're calling a whole bunch of USMB rightwingers idiots, you know that, right?

No, Sweden is not a socialist economy.

So you're calling all the people who call Obama a socialist idiots too.

No, I am calling you an idiot.

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