Stealth socialism

Well that tells me one thing... your parents are every bit as nuts as are you.
If you think half of NZ is nuts go ahead, soon there will be a $18.40 minimum wage there, and eventually 3% unemployment. Meanwhile China is close to being the world's biggest economy, not to mention Australia and New Zealand hold to egalitarianism rather than crony capitalism Republican style.

Socialism is alive and well in the USA but it's socialism for the very wealthy and corporations. Look how the US military runs interference for our corporations overseas so they don't have to hire their own mercenaries to protect them such as "our" oil companies in the middle east. Our own CIA will help overthrow regimes not friendly to US corporations. Repubs don't know this because they're not taught this at fox university. Socialism for the rich but the repub working stiffs are programmed to worry themselves sick thinking some poor mom buying junk food with food stamps is destroying this country.

You will find this interesting...

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man: How the U.S. Uses Globalization to Cheat Poor Countries Out of Trillions

We speak with John Perkins, a former respected member of the international banking community. In his book Confessions of an Economic Hit Man he describes how as a highly paid professional, he helped the U.S. cheat poor countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars by lending them more money than they could possibly repay and then take over their economies. [includes rush transcript]

John Perkins describes himself as a former economic hit man–a highly paid professional who cheated countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars.

20 years ago Perkins began writing a book with the working title, "Conscience of an Economic Hit Men."

Perkins writes, "The book was to be dedicated to the presidents of two countries, men who had been his clients whom I respected and thought of as kindred spirits–Jaime Roldós, president of Ecuador, and Omar Torrijos, president of Panama. Both had just died in fiery crashes. Their deaths were not accidental. They were assassinated because they opposed that fraternity of corporate, government, and banking heads whose goal is global empire. We Economic Hit Men failed to bring Roldós and Torrijos around, and the other type of hit men, the CIA-sanctioned jackals who were always right behind us, stepped in.


JOHN PERKINS: Basically what we were trained to do and what our job is to do is to build up the American empire. To bring — to create situations where as many resources as possible flow into this country, to our corporations, and our government, and in fact we’ve been very successful. We’ve built the largest empire in the history of the world. It’s been done over the last 50 years since World War II with very little military might, actually. It’s only in rare instances like Iraq where the military comes in as a last resort. This empire, unlike any other in the history of the world, has been built primarily through economic manipulation, through cheating, through fraud, through seducing people into our way of life, through the economic hit men. I was very much a part of that.

AMY GOODMAN: How did you become one? Who did you work for?

JOHN PERKINS: Well, I was initially recruited while I was in business school back in the late sixties by the National Security Agency, the nation’s largest and least understood spy organization; but ultimately I worked for private corporations. The first real economic hit man was back in the early 1950’s, Kermit Roosevelt, the grandson of Teddy, who overthrew of government of Iran, a democratically elected government, Mossadegh’s government who was _Time_’s magazine person of the year; and he was so successful at doing this without any bloodshed — well, there was a little bloodshed, but no military intervention, just spending millions of dollars and replaced Mossadegh with the Shah of Iran. At that point, we understood that this idea of economic hit man was an extremely good one. We didn’t have to worry about the threat of war with Russia when we did it this way. The problem with that was that Roosevelt was a C.I.A. agent. He was a government employee. Had he been caught, we would have been in a lot of trouble. It would have been very embarrassing. So, at that point, the decision was made to use organizations like the C.I.A. and the N.S.A. to recruit potential economic hit men like me and then send us to work for private consulting companies, engineering firms, construction companies, so that if we were caught, there would be no connection with the government.
"Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power."
- Benito Mussolini

From the Fascist leader who coined the word, "Fascism".
If he has a degree in economics why is he ignoring it?

He's not. Grayson co-sponsored Ron Paul's audit the fed bill.

He is if he thinks socialism is a positive economic force.

By the way, if you seriously think Obama reached across the aisle for anything you need to check yourself into a mental hospital immediately.

Obama and the democrats have bent over backwards for the GOP terrorists and they still act like a bunch of babies.

"Compromise" in the minds of the right wingers means giving them everything they want and nothing else.
Well that tells me one thing... your parents are every bit as nuts as are you.
If you think half of NZ is nuts go ahead, soon there will be a $18.40 minimum wage there, and eventually 3% unemployment. Meanwhile China is close to being the world's biggest economy, not to mention Australia and New Zealand hold to egalitarianism rather than crony capitalism Republican style.

Dreams... the foundation of mental masturbation.

Whack on, you dumb dick squirt.
Really? New Zealand did it before, sucessive years of minimum wage increases and record low unemployment that at some point reached below 3%, and nine years of budget surplus. Australia didn't do too bad either, unlike the US it avoided recession - by doing everything the Republicans hate i.e. social welfare, infrastructure building, a $15 minimum wage, and big spending.

Or perhaps if you noticed, Iceland put all the bad bankers in prison, rather than rewarding them with bonuses. It is now better off than the UK, Greece, Spain and so on, they elected social democrats, democratic socialists, and Greens. Yet the pro austerity bunch are stuck with all the problems of the false-free marlet economy.

Funny how you think the Republican party knows everything when you are so out of touch with economic reality, without socialism capitalism can't function to its full potential.
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He's not. Grayson co-sponsored Ron Paul's audit the fed bill.

He is if he thinks socialism is a positive economic force.

By the way, if you seriously think Obama reached across the aisle for anything you need to check yourself into a mental hospital immediately.

Obama and the democrats have bent over backwards for the GOP terrorists and they still act like a bunch of babies.

"Compromise" in the minds of the right wingers means giving them everything they want and nothing else.
Don't forget the kitchen sink, the Republicans want to rob us 'lefties' blind. ;)
Socialism is awesome, better than corporatism in America by all accounts.

did you submit your American passport yet and applied for North Korean one?

if not - STFU
When you start giving a damn for people in poverty, and join the Democratic party. Socialism through Dirgisime was the best boom Europe ever had, whereas neo-liberalism caused a global recession. If you think 'socialism' is only Stalin or Mao, then your problem. Please note also that North Korea is not socialist, Kim Jong Il's father built his own ideology, just as Hitler or Pol Pot build their own.

when are you moving to North Korea?

it is socialist, but I don't expect the sock with an IQ in "mid-100" to know that :lol:

Europe is not and has never been socialist. what you, ignorants, call "socialist" is a social-democratiscism, which is a humongous difference.

But I don't expect YOU to know that
did you submit your American passport yet and applied for North Korean one?

if not - STFU
When you start giving a damn for people in poverty, and join the Democratic party. Socialism through Dirgisime was the best boom Europe ever had, whereas neo-liberalism caused a global recession. If you think 'socialism' is only Stalin or Mao, then your problem. Please note also that North Korea is not socialist, Kim Jong Il's father built his own ideology, just as Hitler or Pol Pot build their own.

when are you moving to North Korea?

it is socialist, but I don't expect the sock with an IQ in "mid-100" to know that :lol:

Europe is not and has never been socialist. what you, ignorants, call "socialist" is a social-democratiscism, which is a humongous difference.

But I don't expect YOU to know that
Do you even know what the word socialist even means, or that the mid 100s is around 150. I doubt it.
That's the way america-hating pieces of shit like you think. Grayson is an american hero and the best politician in congress right now.

He's certainly one of the smartest. He has a law degree and economic degree and has worked in both those fields.. With a Grayson presidency he would have kicked republican ass. He wouldn't have bothered reaching across the aisle like Obama did, thinking he was dealing with normal human beings.

If he has a degree in economics why is he ignoring it?

a degree by itself does not mean anything. especially a degree "in economics".
given the leftwrd skew in the teaching of economics in our colleges.
One has to go to very selected schools in order to really learn economics.

A degree in law is nothing by itself - just a door to wide variety of options.
If he has chosen political career than he is not that smart, but extremely sleazy.
Which he is.
What's wrong with socialism?
The righties think that people that disagree with them have low IQ's, last time they said it was 50 or so. That means that in real terms all intelligent liberals must be around 150 (give or take 20 points), if the average IQ is 110 or so. They disagree for the sake of being disagreeable, they hate socialism and don't even understand what the word means.
What's wrong with socialism?
The righties think that people that disagree with them have low IQ's, last time they said it was 50 or so. That means that in real terms all intelligent liberals must be around 150 (give or take 20 points), if the average IQ is 110 or so. They disagree for the sake of being disagreeable, they hate socialism and don't even understand what the word means.

My question to them is straightforward:

Name the programs in our current system of government that can be considered socialist,

and then tell if you would eliminate them completely,

and if so, tell us why.
What's wrong with socialism?
The righties think that people that disagree with them have low IQ's, last time they said it was 50 or so. That means that in real terms all intelligent liberals must be around 150 (give or take 20 points), if the average IQ is 110 or so. They disagree for the sake of being disagreeable, they hate socialism and don't even understand what the word means.

My question to them is straightforward:

Name the programs in our current system of government that can be considered socialist,

and then tell if you would eliminate them completely,

and if so, tell us why.
*waits for some rant on Obamacare* :lol:
What's wrong with socialism?

Glenn Beck said it's scary and that we're not suppose to like it.

It's funny that most of the conservatives around here rant against socialism, but when you pin them down,

most of them don't want to get rid of the socialism that we already have in this country.

don't LIE. as usual.

nobody of the USMB conservatives ever opposed ending the corporate welfare.

it is the left which does not it ending and wants it extended and cemented.
The righties think that people that disagree with them have low IQ's, last time they said it was 50 or so. That means that in real terms all intelligent liberals must be around 150 (give or take 20 points), if the average IQ is 110 or so. They disagree for the sake of being disagreeable, they hate socialism and don't even understand what the word means.

My question to them is straightforward:

Name the programs in our current system of government that can be considered socialist,

and then tell if you would eliminate them completely,

and if so, tell us why.
*waits for some rant on Obamacare* :lol:

lol, that might be a problem for Vox because then he'll have to tell us who the millions were that were killed in order to make it law.

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