Steam can no longer be ignored.

Which catagory do you fall under?

It's mind control and delusional to be deceived by zionist misnomers.

I am quite aware of what The International Bankers have done to America and The World, but how the hell did they sink the Titanic bro? Wait a minute, I got it..... It was a remote controlled Ice berg right? Like The one James Bond jumped into. I can see it now, a group of Jews in some igloo controlling and directing the Ice berg into the Titanic's path, right?

:razz: ~BH

You speak as though hitting an iceberg is the only possible way to sink a ship. Then you go on to utter all these silly absurdities. As far as the label you have place upon yourself (BolshevikHunter) why don't get one of your communist buddies to shove it for you.

All you communist creeps are part of this modern day, ill-fated bolshevik agenda.

As far as I'm concern the mine the titanic hit was code-named "iceberg", and this does not rule out the strong possibility that a torpedo sank this steam driven vessel.

Acts of terrorism by the international bankers can always be verified and confirmed by the changes that take place in the aftermath of their murderous exploits.

The point was replacement of steam-generated power, for the use of oil. The success of the largest steam driven oceangoing vessel would have been highly lucrative, and debt would have been practically eradicated. The debt merchants/terrorist changed the course of history by this cruel calculated act of mass murder. They employ terrorism to get their way, and to push forward their evil, greedy, and satanic agenda.

Just as in simple mathematics in which the use of subtraction confirms whether the sum total of one’s addition is correct. The changes that happen after major acts of terrorism by the super rich, sub-human, beast confirms not only their total involvement, but also their agenda.

It’s just common sense that all vessels that float (especially large ones) would employ steam as their fuel source, and the sinking of the titanic was the terrorist act that changed the independence of steam generated power on land and water. They hijacked the industrial revolution from freedom and prosperity of the masses, to that of debt and exploitation.

The replacement of steam generated power, to that of diesel-powered engines along with doing away with the gold standard were very counterproductive, anti-American acts of treachery by you communist. All these types of major setbacks to America are always very beneficial to you Zionist. You want to state for the record it's all just a coincidence?

Just look at all the communist changes made to our rights, privacy, liberties, peace of mind, families, our health, our employment, and the list goes on and on. Might as well call most of the F.B.I. and the hijacked N.S.A. along with the so-called department of Homeland security... the new K.G.B.

It’s perfectly clear who actually carried out the attacks of 911.
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You speak as

I spoke nothing of the sort. I think you bumped your head bro.

though hitting an iceberg is the only possible way to sink a ship. Then you go on to utter all these silly absurdities. As far as the label you have place upon yourself (BolshevikHunter) why don't get one of your communist buddies to shove it for you.

What are you babbling about guy? You sure are one confused, weak minded divisionist if you actually think I run with them. You're simply talking out of your asshole now. Here is how we handle you frauds.


All you communist creeps are part of this modern day, ill-fated bolshevik agenda.

I am a communist now? You poor guy you. I guess if you repeat the same old bullcRAP over and over again a certain amount of dipsHITS might swallow it. Grab some cush bub, I know a creep when I see one.

As far as I'm concern the mine the titanic hit was code-named "iceberg", and this does not rule out the strong possibility that a torpedo sank this steam driven vessel.

Hey guy, That's fine if you got your theory on what happened, but maybe next time you might want to consider presenting it to us all in order to back it up.

Acts of terrorism by the international bankers can always be verified and confirmed by the changes that take place in the aftermath of their murderous exploits.

Has class started? I though I learned this 15 years ago.


The point was replacement of steam-generated power, for the use of oil. The success of the largest steam driven oceangoing vessel would have been highly lucrative, and debt would have been practically eradicated. The debt merchants/terrorist changed the course of history by this cruel calculated act of mass murder. They employ terrorism to get their way, and to push forward their evil, greedy, and satanic agenda.


Just as in simple mathematics in which the use of subtraction confirms whether the sum total of one’s addition is correct. The changes that happen after major acts of terrorism by the super rich, sub-human, beast confirms not only their total involvement, but also their agenda.


It’s just common sense that all vessels that float (especially large ones) would employ steam as their fuel source, and the sinking of the titanic was the terrorist act that changed the independence of steam generated power on land and water. They hijacked the industrial revolution from freedom and prosperity of the masses, to that of debt and exploitation.

The steam debate is an interesting one, but not really realistic today.

The replacement of steam generated power, to that of diesel-powered engines along with doing away this the gold standard were two most counterproductive, and anti-American acts of treachery for that time period.

Well, with that being said I do believe that The Federal Reserve should be audited.

Just look at all the changes made to our rights, privacy, liberties, peace of mind, families, our health, our employment, and the list goes on and on. It’s perfectly clear who actually carried out the attacks of 911.

The Patriot Act is Un-Constitution in my opinion. The events of 9/11 are open for debate. That is your right as an American. ~BH
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How is it you failed to mention the K.G.B.?

You bottom feeders are all the same. You try and ignore the facts, and put forth your lewd and depraved point of view, that never contains any trace of merit. It shows what you really are. Just as the records which came forth after the Soviet Unions fall made plain the types of things sub-human animals do to innocent human beings. The communist policy of cover-up for all the torture, internal spying, murder, fear, lawlessness, and war crimes is not "American", it's "communist".

It's so amazing how all well educated people from all best universities were trained, and not really taught to think for themselves. Tearing down the Berlin wall was not the end of communism. It unleashed this beastly system to the entire world; it's just been slightly modified and called the New/Communist world order. Germany stopped communism from taking over all of Europe, now it threatens the entire world. General Patton was murdered because he was a true American and understood America had fought on the wrong side of the conflict. He knew about the Zionist.

In the war of good and evil be very careful about what you support. The results and consequences of this conflict are tailor made for liars such as yourself, the hijacked news media, and all the other losers. You only see a tiny piece of the puzzle. Solve the riddle... You will find at the marriage that you have been spoken for by many. May all you hell bound reprobates find all the unimaginable pain, trouble, and torment you have rightfully earned…Forever.

The accountability will really blow your mind.

This is not some game.
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How is it you failed to mention the K.G.B.?

You bottom feeders are all the same. You try and ignore the facts, and put forth your lewd and depraved point of view, that never contains any trace of merit. It shows what you really are. Just as the records which came forth after the Soviet Unions fall made plain the types of things sub-human animals do to innocent human beings. The communist policy of cover-up for all the torture, internal spying, murder, fear, lawlessness, and war crimes is not "American", it's "communist".

It's so amazing how all well educated people from all best universities were trained, and not really taught to think for themselves. Tearing down the Berlin wall was not the end of communism. It unleashed this beastly system to the entire world; it's just been slightly modified and called the New/Communist world order. Germany stopped communism from taking over all of Europe, now it threatens the entire world. General Patton was murdered because he was a true American and understood America had fought on the wrong side of the conflict. He knew about the Zionist.

In the war of good and evil be very careful about what you support. The results and consequences of this conflict are tailor made for liars such as yourself, the hijacked news media, and all the other losers. You only see a tiny piece of the puzzle. Solve the riddle... You will find at the marriage that you have been spoken for by many. May all you hell bound reprobates find all the unimaginable pain, trouble, and torment you have rightfully earned…Forever.

The accountability will really blow your mind.

This is not some game.

You're so stupid that you don't even know what side you're even on, or what side anyone else is on for that matter. Let me just be blunt with yuh, You're a fucking idiot bro. ~BH
soviet..... zionists...?....

Okay, yer still nuts.

How does a 3% group of Americans (dual citizen amercans) print our currency, lends it back to the government with interest/usury, and no one seems to take notice of how "everyone" is being robbed by these people?

Millions losing their homes, Kissinger (Zionist) giving the whole industrial foundation of America to the "communist" Chinese, and no one seems to notice?

Does the Zionist media and propaganda machine have such a complete mind control grip on Americans that no one seems to understands that these people are robbing and destroying all that's America?

What's crazy is "again" turning the current Fed chairman loose on the American economy after a multi-billion dollar bail out that "never" should have happened! Now is the time to take control away from them before they destroy what's left of America.

Does anyone truly realize that these Godless, lawless, ultra greedy individuals are at war with this nation?

The Zionist media directs people’s attention away from Stalin, Lenin, and all the Soviets were because it was a Jewish operation.

Awake; they steal and attempt to steal whole governments! History proves this. Don’t be tricked by privatization, posse commutatus, imminent domain, the invasion of dual purpose illegals, gun control, all the cuts/thefts of revenue, 9-11, war on terror, fear and suspicion. This Fabian style war is indeed war, and in a very underhanded and sneaky way America is under attack. The greed of the international bankers is the foundation of world-wide terrorism.

Get their deception out of your heads.
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You are no longer worth any serious response for you are insane.


Let's see how you call this a communist/zionist threat.
It was an act of terrorism by the greedy international bankers at the core of the Federal Reserve that sank the titanic and blamed it on an iceberg.

That wicked act of terrorism derailed mostly all efforts at the development and engineering of steam powered ships, trucks, cars, but mainly steam powered electricity. Steam is the oldest, simplest, cheapest and most efficient form of energy how is it that everyone has seemed to forget about it?

The pursuit of Oil has been one of the most destructive paths the greedy exploitation bankers have hijacked this nation into following. It's very simple heat and water will produce steam which can bring back American industry. The Zionist gave away American industry to communist China, and shipped out gainful employment with our industrial base.

The high cost of energy was part of the reason that act of treason happened. Cheap energy is very possible and overlooked. Our politicians are a bunch of bribe accepting phonies that serve business exploitation rather than the common good.

Also with tornado alley running though the middle of this country power generated from wind has not been recognized as a source of electrical power. Mobile windmill systems on flatbed truck half a mile from tornadoes can produce a great abundance of electrical energy.

All that is needed is a method of storing the energy, and this is no real problem. The closer mobile windmills can get to storms the greater production of power. If storm chasers can do it so can mobile windmill systems.

In terms of stationary wind mill farms all that is needed is jet engines to provide wind when natural winds are not available. When we stop listening to the terrorist international wall street bankers American may have a chance at redemption....this is the change that is needed.

The issue is that it takes energy to create steam. Nuclear power plants, as I understand it, use steam to power turbines to generate energy. They just use uranium to heat the water.

Other than that my submission is thus: "Thermodynamics. You can't win, and you can't break even."
And now, to break the cosmos and splinter realty while freezing hell over...

I give Geaux a positive rep.
It was an act of terrorism by the greedy international bankers at the core of the Federal Reserve that sank the titanic and blamed it on an iceberg.

That wicked act of terrorism derailed mostly all efforts at the development and engineering of steam powered ships, trucks, cars, but mainly steam powered electricity. Steam is the oldest, simplest, cheapest and most efficient form of energy how is it that everyone has seemed to forget about it?

The pursuit of Oil has been one of the most destructive paths the greedy exploitation bankers have hijacked this nation into following. It's very simple heat and water will produce steam which can bring back American industry. The Zionist gave away American industry to communist China, and shipped out gainful employment with our industrial base.

The high cost of energy was part of the reason that act of treason happened. Cheap energy is very possible and overlooked. Our politicians are a bunch of bribe accepting phonies that serve business exploitation rather than the common good.

Also with tornado alley running though the middle of this country power generated from wind has not been recognized as a source of electrical power. Mobile windmill systems on flatbed truck half a mile from tornadoes can produce a great abundance of electrical energy.

All that is needed is a method of storing the energy, and this is no real problem. The closer mobile windmills can get to storms the greater production of power. If storm chasers can do it so can mobile windmill systems.

In terms of stationary wind mill farms all that is needed is jet engines to provide wind when natural winds are not available. When we stop listening to the terrorist international wall street bankers American may have a chance at redemption....this is the change that is needed.

The issue is that it takes energy to create steam. Nuclear power plants, as I understand it, use steam to power turbines to generate energy. They just use uranium to heat the water.

Other than that my submission is thus: "Thermodynamics. You can't win, and you can't break even."

Just as it was once said “all roads lead to Rome”.

“All America’s major problems lead to the Jews/Zionist”.

All the evidence is so tremendously abundant just name the problem, and it’s almost elementary to follow the historical timeline that leads straight to the Zionist.

Let’s be clear; Nuclear power is a major cornerstone used by the Zionist in the downfall, and destruction of America and world civilization. I’ll say for the record some things are better left alone, and nuclear power is indeed of Satan himself.

Satan and “his children” have always merged what is evil with that which is good in an effort to disguise their extremely wicked agenda. Power generated from steam is a pure and simple way of supplying very economical energy, and an abundance of different fuel sources could produce steam-generated power.

Virtually anything that produces sustainable heat can be modified to also heat water for steam. Large municipal incinerators, furnaces, fireplaces, boilers, and a host of other methods will provide practically free electricity, and the Zionist fought tooth and nail to prevent this from happening.

Uranium is by far absolutely the worst way to produce power. Again the Zionist hijacked that which was very beneficial for the common good, for something complex and extremely deadly. The great expense to the government as well as the risk from nuclear power has enriched the Zionist, and is a fast track to the implementation of communism.

From the start the “secrecy” of Los Alamos in terms of the Manhattan project that has redirected this open society into one that now relies on “secrecy” to conceal the anti-America thrust toward a closed hybrid communist society. The whole notion that we needed to develop an atomic bomb to remain free was Israeli/Zionist paranoia, and a wicked scheme to rob governments by “creating fear” so that Debt and unneeded armaments are developed which enrich the Zionist.

Trillions of dollars were wasted to weapons corporations. The money would have been better spent working for the common good of society, and was redirected to the “Zionist (and peons) based on fear and deception. The cold war is the prime example. The whole Soviet Union was a Jewish operation, yet Americans were deceived by Albert Einstein, and other Zionist by following them into self-destruction.

Information that was classified is not being declassified in an open society, this tend has grown. They created dangers from nuclear technology and opened a new front for instituting closed society communist policies. It’s now so much classified information that the C.I.A. and other agencies that did work on behalf of the American government, now work for the Zionist agenda and big business. These people have turned the American government and military against itself.

No don’t try to link steam generated power to something as satanic as nuclear power! The occult links this world to such an evil dimension of reality that we common mortals have no clue of the severe consequences of opening such doors.

Once you open these wicked doors not only don’t you know what might come though, but also you know longer have the ability to close the door.

Few people (except those suffering from madness) would deny that the tremendous destructive force of nuclear bombs is entirely Satanic. Delving into this occult science is the definitive real world illustration of opening Pandora’s box. The Zionist were highly instrumental in opening this box, and now that this path to hell has been opened the world is becoming increasingly uncivilized and beastly.

The so-called war on terrorism is the next step to a closed, secretive, and communist society. 9-11 was a false-flag operation done in “Secret” reminiscent of Los Alamos, and treason is indeed found within all the secrecy; it has nothing to do with security.

Truth is priceless check LINK: The Secret History Of The Atomic Bomb by Eustace C. Mullins
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Water vapor is the worst greenhouse gas.

That's totally Absurd!
In three words, you destroy any glimmer of hope at a possibility, no matter how remote lottery odds in the quantum sweepstakes known as life it may be, for being taken as even a sentient being.

A simple search for "Water Vapor" and "Greenhouse Gas"

I suspect sooner or later, out of the nearly 750k of sites that matched, you'd find one you'd believe. But, I'm an optimist.
When one's common sense has departed....I guess they may believe anything some kook writes up in a article. Who has the time to click on some goofy link when your true purpose is already quite apparent.

Why don't you explane to everyone what is the main element that makes clouds and rain?
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When one's common sense has departed....I guess they may believe anything some kook writes up in a article. Who has the time to click on some goofy link when your true purpose is already quite apparent.

Why don't you explane to everyone what is the main element that makes clouds and rain?
ROFLMAO. I'm stunned.

Whuppa whuppa whuppa... black helicopters are gonna getcha.

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