Steam can no longer be ignored.

You are really starting to sound like a certified "Lunatic".

You're Fading fast and have fell below your imbecile status.

This is the proper direction of blockhead operatives who try so hard to lead Americans astray.
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Wanna put that to a vote? ROFLMAO

I've never met a bigger tard than you.

You refute established scientific theory in the following areas:

Elementary Chemistry

As well as exhibiting an utter lack of understanding in the fields of:

Energy Production
Political Science

Now, shouldn't you be working on your homework? The 8th grade is so hard. I know you believe you know everything now, but trust me. You don't.

Not by a long shot.
Steam is an excellent software distribution platform, despite the early hiccups, yes.
Just as it was once said “all roads lead to Rome”.

“All America’s major problems lead to the Jews/Zionist”.

I point out a scientific law, and you counter with some nonsense conspiracy theory about zionism?

Hey dumbass, the "Zionists" didn't create the laws of thermodynamics. Interestingly enough, Carnot, a Frenchman, did while working with steam.

Let me explain this to you: you can never get more energy out of anything than it took to produce the items that give you that energy.

Our fossil fuels are the result of millions of years of solar energy and decay of carbon based lifeforms. Compared to what it took to create that energy source, we get a fraction of our worth out of them.

There is no magic bullet for the fuel crisis. We are tied to the laws of thermodynamics. You can point to steam, but it still takes more energy to create an energy source than the work you can get out of it.

Don't blame some phantom conspiracy for your own scientific illiteracy. Go enroll in a physics class at your nearest university.
It was an act of terrorism by the greedy international bankers at the core of the Federal Reserve that sank the titanic and blamed it on an iceberg.

That wicked act of terrorism derailed mostly all efforts at the development and engineering of steam powered ships, trucks, cars, but mainly steam powered electricity. Steam is the oldest, simplest, cheapest and most efficient form of energy how is it that everyone has seemed to forget about it?

The pursuit of Oil has been one of the most destructive paths the greedy exploitation bankers have hijacked this nation into following. It's very simple heat and water will produce steam which can bring back American industry. The Zionist gave away American industry to communist China, and shipped out gainful employment with our industrial base.

The high cost of energy was part of the reason that act of treason happened. Cheap energy is very possible and overlooked. Our politicians are a bunch of bribe accepting phonies that serve business exploitation rather than the common good.

Also with tornado alley running though the middle of this country power generated from wind has not been recognized as a source of electrical power. Mobile windmill systems on flatbed truck half a mile from tornadoes can produce a great abundance of electrical energy.

All that is needed is a method of storing the energy, and this is no real problem. The closer mobile windmills can get to storms the greater production of power. If storm chasers can do it so can mobile windmill systems.

In terms of stationary wind mill farms all that is needed is jet engines to provide wind when natural winds are not available. When we stop listening to the terrorist international wall street bankers American may have a chance at redemption....this is the change that is needed.

Are you trying to be funny?
Just as it was once said “all roads lead to Rome”.

“All America’s major problems lead to the Jews/Zionist”.

I point out a scientific law, and you counter with some nonsense conspiracy theory about zionism?

Hey dumbass, the "Zionists" didn't create the laws of thermodynamics. Interestingly enough, Carnot, a Frenchman, did while working with steam.

Let me explain this to you: you can never get more energy out of anything than it took to produce the items that give you that energy.

Our fossil fuels are the result of millions of years of solar energy and decay of carbon based lifeforms. Compared to what it took to create that energy source, we get a fraction of our worth out of them.

There is no magic bullet for the fuel crisis. We are tied to the laws of thermodynamics. You can point to steam, but it still takes more energy to create an energy source than the work you can get out of it.

Don't blame some phantom conspiracy for your own scientific illiteracy. Go enroll in a physics class at your nearest university.

What’s really abhorrent about you reprobates is how you lie unceasingly.

Everything about your life is based on lies and deception. You pathetic operatives are truly the children of Satan; and will indeed share in his fate.

For the record: you can’t explain a damn thing to anybody, and are worst than an imbecile. The greedy satanic bastards you worship caused the fuel crisis.

Apparently it never entered your mind, that terrorism was used to stop production of the steam engine.

There is no mystery or confusion about what defines terrorism. Just take careful notice of the “changes” implemented after major acts of terrorism, and the purpose for the carnage becomes crystal clear.

Some examples would be “what happened after” the Primetime media enhanced murder of president Kennedy, as well as the false-flag media stunt called 9-11, or the sinking of the titanic.

In the aftermath of all these politically engineered acts of terrorism, the revelation of its purpose is seen. In terms the titanic, by the fabricated switch to oil dependency. By murder, the media, and bloodshed.

The diesel engine was no match for the efficiency of steam-generated power. The wars and bloodshed this nation and world is now experiencing is a direct result of the halt too further development of the steam engine. This was made possible by terrorism.

Checks and balances are needed in government and “business”. Before the separation of church and state at least “usury” was strictly prohibited. We will find in these very days the absence of a separation of business/corporation and state will be far worst. It may well be already too late, and the merging of big business and government has set in motion an unavoidable downhill path to world destruction.

Steam generated power is an excellent solution to the serious problems and worldwide exploitation that happens due to the fake oil dependency scheme.

It never had to be this way! They smelled profits…so they needed/created a cash cow for their proboscis just as any parasite. These human parasites (despite all the long term carnage) love debt, war, abortion, poverty, broken families, misery, and are responsible for much grief worldwide.

They wreck families, and get rich from war. Once they make a strong appeal to everything in human nature just the opposite of virtue, they make others as greedy as themselves, and the common good and the rule of law is forgotten about.

As you flirt with everlasting torture let me remind you of your quote and put it in the correct context:

"Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you."
- Friedrich Nietzsche

The demons that you serve are invisible to you now. In the times before the microscope was invented one would be laughed to scorn if they stated an enormous world of microscopic life exist within our world.

There is no invention to peer into the spiritual world, but it does indeed exist in a different dimension of our own world. This enormous spiritual world of life is very ancient, and unable to die. In that day when you understand what is spoken of here, you will also understand something about the abyss......Einstein.

You forgot to choose what you serve very carefully...
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When one's common sense has departed....I guess they may believe anything some kook writes up in a article. Who has the time to click on some goofy link when your true purpose is already quite apparent.

Why don't you explane to everyone what is the main element that makes clouds and rain?

It's dust, isn't it?
Just as it was once said “all roads lead to Rome”.

“All America’s major problems lead to the Jews/Zionist”.

I point out a scientific law, and you counter with some nonsense conspiracy theory about zionism?

Hey dumbass, the "Zionists" didn't create the laws of thermodynamics. Interestingly enough, Carnot, a Frenchman, did while working with steam.

Let me explain this to you: you can never get more energy out of anything than it took to produce the items that give you that energy.

Our fossil fuels are the result of millions of years of solar energy and decay of carbon based lifeforms. Compared to what it took to create that energy source, we get a fraction of our worth out of them.

There is no magic bullet for the fuel crisis. We are tied to the laws of thermodynamics. You can point to steam, but it still takes more energy to create an energy source than the work you can get out of it.

Don't blame some phantom conspiracy for your own scientific illiteracy. Go enroll in a physics class at your nearest university.

What’s really abhorrent about you reprobates is how you lie unceasingly.

Everything about your life is based on lies and deception. You pathetic operatives are truly the children of Satan; and will indeed share in his fate.

For the record: you can’t explain a damn thing to anybody, and are worst than an imbecile. The greedy satanic bastards you worship caused the fuel crisis.

Apparently it never entered your mind, that terrorism was used to stop production of the steam engine.

There is no mystery or confusion about what defines terrorism. Just take careful notice of the “changes” implemented after major acts of terrorism, and the purpose for the carnage becomes crystal clear.

Some examples would be “what happened after” the Primetime media enhanced murder of president Kennedy, as well as the false-flag media stunt called 9-11, or the sinking of the titanic.

In the aftermath of all these politically engineered acts of terrorism, the revelation of its purpose is seen. In terms the titanic, by the fabricated switch to oil dependency. By murder, the media, and bloodshed.

The diesel engine was no match for the efficiency of steam-generated power. The wars and bloodshed this nation and world is now experiencing is a direct result of the halt too further development of the steam engine. This was made possible by terrorism.

Checks and balances are needed in government and “business”. Before the separation of church and state at least “usury” was strictly prohibited. We will find in these very days the absence of a separation of business/corporation and state will be far worst. It may well be already too late, and the merging of big business and government has set in motion an unavoidable downhill path to world destruction.

Steam generated power is an excellent solution to the serious problems and worldwide exploitation that happens due to the fake oil dependency scheme.

It never had to be this way! They smelled profits…so they needed/created a cash cow for their proboscis just as any parasite. These human parasites (despite all the long term carnage) love debt, war, abortion, poverty, broken families, misery, and are responsible for much grief worldwide.

They wreck families, and get rich from war. Once they make a strong appeal to everything in human nature just the opposite of virtue, they make others as greedy as themselves, and the common good and the rule of law is forgotten about.

As you flirt with everlasting torture let me remind you of your quote and put it in the correct context:

"Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you."
- Friedrich Nietzsche

The demons that you serve are invisible to you now. In the times before the microscope was invented one would be laughed to scorn if they stated an enormous world of microscopic life exist within our world.

There is no invention to peer into the spiritual world, but it does indeed exist in a different dimension of our own world. This enormous spiritual world of life is very ancient, and unable to die. In that day when you understand what is spoken of here, you will also understand something about the abyss......Einstein.

You forgot to choose what you serve very carefully...

Dude you REALLY need help.
I point out a scientific law, and you counter with some nonsense conspiracy theory about zionism?

Hey dumbass, the "Zionists" didn't create the laws of thermodynamics. Interestingly enough, Carnot, a Frenchman, did while working with steam.

Let me explain this to you: you can never get more energy out of anything than it took to produce the items that give you that energy.

Our fossil fuels are the result of millions of years of solar energy and decay of carbon based lifeforms. Compared to what it took to create that energy source, we get a fraction of our worth out of them.

There is no magic bullet for the fuel crisis. We are tied to the laws of thermodynamics. You can point to steam, but it still takes more energy to create an energy source than the work you can get out of it.

Don't blame some phantom conspiracy for your own scientific illiteracy. Go enroll in a physics class at your nearest university.

What’s really abhorrent about you reprobates is how you lie unceasingly.

Everything about your life is based on lies and deception. You pathetic operatives are truly the children of Satan; and will indeed share in his fate.

For the record: you can’t explain a damn thing to anybody, and are worst than an imbecile. The greedy satanic bastards you worship caused the fuel crisis.

Apparently it never entered your mind, that terrorism was used to stop production of the steam engine.

There is no mystery or confusion about what defines terrorism. Just take careful notice of the “changes” implemented after major acts of terrorism, and the purpose for the carnage becomes crystal clear.

Some examples would be “what happened after” the Primetime media enhanced murder of president Kennedy, as well as the false-flag media stunt called 9-11, or the sinking of the titanic.

In the aftermath of all these politically engineered acts of terrorism, the revelation of its purpose is seen. In terms the titanic, by the fabricated switch to oil dependency. By murder, the media, and bloodshed.

The diesel engine was no match for the efficiency of steam-generated power. The wars and bloodshed this nation and world is now experiencing is a direct result of the halt too further development of the steam engine. This was made possible by terrorism.

Checks and balances are needed in government and “business”. Before the separation of church and state at least “usury” was strictly prohibited. We will find in these very days the absence of a separation of business/corporation and state will be far worst. It may well be already too late, and the merging of big business and government has set in motion an unavoidable downhill path to world destruction.

Steam generated power is an excellent solution to the serious problems and worldwide exploitation that happens due to the fake oil dependency scheme.

It never had to be this way! They smelled profits…so they needed/created a cash cow for their proboscis just as any parasite. These human parasites (despite all the long term carnage) love debt, war, abortion, poverty, broken families, misery, and are responsible for much grief worldwide.

They wreck families, and get rich from war. Once they make a strong appeal to everything in human nature just the opposite of virtue, they make others as greedy as themselves, and the common good and the rule of law is forgotten about.

As you flirt with everlasting torture let me remind you of your quote and put it in the correct context:

"Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you."
- Friedrich Nietzsche

The demons that you serve are invisible to you now. In the times before the microscope was invented one would be laughed to scorn if they stated an enormous world of microscopic life exist within our world.

There is no invention to peer into the spiritual world, but it does indeed exist in a different dimension of our own world. This enormous spiritual world of life is very ancient, and unable to die. In that day when you understand what is spoken of here, you will also understand something about the abyss......Einstein.

You forgot to choose what you serve very carefully...

Dude you REALLY need help.

The help I need is getting steam generated power working in behalf of the American people.
All we need is the ENDLESS steam comming out of your head to power a large city forever. How can you be SO FUCKING DUMB to ignore the LAWS OF PHYSICS!!!??? How is STEAM produced? By HEATING WATER. HOW do you heat water? With a HEAT source. WHAT do you use for that heat source?
All we need is the ENDLESS steam comming out of your head to power a large city forever. How can you be SO FUCKING DUMB to ignore the LAWS OF PHYSICS!!!??? How is STEAM produced? By HEATING WATER. HOW do you heat water? With a HEAT source. WHAT do you use for that heat source?

Sheeesh. Questions only a COMMUNIST!!! would ask.

This whole topic is amazing by the way. He gets an A for his troll effort.
All we need is the ENDLESS steam comming out of your head to power a large city forever. How can you be SO FUCKING DUMB to ignore the LAWS OF PHYSICS!!!??? How is STEAM produced? By HEATING WATER. HOW do you heat water? With a HEAT source. WHAT do you use for that heat source?

What laws of PHYSICS are you speaking of?

Put up or shut up…again; state for the record… “What laws of PHYSICS are you speaking of !!!???” You can’t answer the question, (this will be soon confirmed) which puts you squarely in the “Imbecile Hall of Fame”.

You whale patty operatives are mortal enemies to all that is good. You try to mislead and distract Americans from solutions! Because as quiet as it’s kept, it’s you people/operatives with your edomite co-workers and financiers that are responsible for the decline and destruction of American virtue, our economy, our Constitutional framework, our Christian values, morality, liberty, the family, and the wholesale looting of our treasury.

Before the separation of church and state at least “usury” was "not" legal, and now we have the theft of ours homes, farms, protection under law, employment, and peace within our families.

We need enforceable laws pertaining to the "separation of corporation/banking and state". As the Edomite bankers within the so-called Federal Reserve attempt to treat America and the world as they did Russia in the Bolshevik revolution... heaven can only help you (and it won’t) when we all suddenly arrived at the understanding of your treachery/treason.

In terms of the steam engine let it be stated for the record that the simplicity and versatility of this engine is far beyond and unraveled by any invention to date, except for the bloom box which has yet to be adequately proven, and tested for it’s durability.

The steam engine does not have to burn "anything" to produce steam for power. As we all know electricity and microwave technology can boil water for steam, and wind as well as solar energy can produce the electricity needed for steam production. Let this be very clear the steam engine does not have to "burn" anything to produce energy.

But the steam engines versatility does not end there, it can also burn alcohol (which was the first fuel for automobile) methane, hydrogen, Natural gas, bloom box energy, wood, manure/fertilizer, plastic WASTE PLASTIC TECHNOLOGY, , numerous biofuels, clean coal, cooking waste oil, garbage, and anything that burns is fuel for the steam engine.

You are no match for The Octoldit.

P.S The unbrella won't help...Beep Beep.
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Steam, 90% of all electricity in the USA comes from steam.

Give or take, I could look up the exact number but what for, bottom line steam is what we use to make electricity anyone who argues differently does not know there ass from a hole in the ground.
Steam, 90% of all electricity in the USA comes from steam.

Give or take, I could look up the exact number but what for, bottom line steam is what we use to make electricity anyone who argues differently does not know there ass from a hole in the ground.

At least with this thread we have a full confession of the wholesale robbery of the Government, every business, every adult individual, and all families has been fleeced by the electrical power monopoly.

The thus far unchallenged monopoly over electricity must end. The ease and simplicity of generating power from steam is possible for every individual town, city, county, neighborhood, business, and even single family home.

The huge Wall Street salaries and bonuses is money that is taken from the masses of the people and put into the hands of a few. This iniquity has gone on far too long. The revenue generated from D.J. utility companies in the hands of the common people will stimulate this economy. This take over entails starting local power companies, with the antiquity grid system as a back up.

If the common people have no money to spend capitalism won’t work, and communism, fascism and other schemes will start rearing their ugly heads to try and control the masses. Freedom must be utilized or lost. Small and mid scale steam generation is far more efficient and beneficial.

Having all our revenue stolen by the illegal federal tax on our labor should be going to building community steam power plants which is the proper use for tax money.

The unsustainable path of allowing the international bankers at the core of the Federal Reserve loot system to print money, lend it to the government with usury/interest, and steal taxes that goes to private individuals having a parasitic, and very corrupt relationship with the Government is the source of all America’s Major problems.

“They steal all the money” and everything is cut until there is nothing left. Right before the collapse of the Soviet Union we find Russia being robbed and exploited in a very similar way. When we stop to take time and realized who, and what the Soviet Union was everything becomes clear.

It has already been pointed out how an act of terrorism involving the Titanic, that outright murder and fear was used to beguile and coerce a grief stricken populace away from very economical steam generated power.

From the calculated act of terrorism the entire transportation industry was transformed, taking revenue out of the hands of “many”, and putting our money into the hands of a very “few”.

Is this not the very definition of terrorism? Once it’s understood what terrorism is used for by the international banking/corporations it becomes clear how they blame/label all those that resist their exploitation. The victims that stand up against exploitation are labeled terrorist, or potential terrorist.

Standing up for freedom and our Constitution also put the people against the closeted communist/bankers who desire to overthrow the Government by debt, privatization, and other very nefarious methods.

It’s almost an elementary discovery after one takes careful notice of the “changes” implemented “after an act of terrorism” that it’s clearly revealed to everyone not only the motive for all the terrorist carnage, but the criminals involved soon become apparent.

Those in the criminal cover-up are first to reveal their involvement this is mainly the “media”. Who controls the media? You want to understand the motives behind terrorism (as in 9-11) just notice all the changes, rights, liberties, and privacy taken from Americans “after” the false flag operation called 9-11. Notice who got paid as a result of the carnage.

Is not the hijacked N.S.A. now operating as the K.G.B.?

Your assertion was 90% of our electrical power comes from steam. I’ll state for the record our electrical power comes from “Hijacked” steam!!!

Nuclear power is satanic, a big rip-off, extremely dangerous, a million times more toxic and deadly than any source of power. Steam never needed anything nuclear to generate power! This is another wicked scheme to complicate the simple technology and steal control from the hands of common people/Americans so we could be exploited.

Just as steam generated power was taken from the entire transportation industry especially shipping, we find free energy/steam taken from all multiplicities, factories, homes, schools, electrical rail (el trains/subways), homes, and businesses.

The whole point is the freedom and independence derived from steam was removed from the people. The natural laws pertaining to “simplicity” is what characterizes steam-generated power. Accessible Steam generated power was stolen to pave the way for colossal exploitation.

The Anti-American operatives don’t want American people to realize, and act on this.
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