Steam can no longer be ignored.

Ya don't know who Idi Amin or Ghandi are, do you?

You've failed basic scientific laws questions, why should I expect you to get history, I dunno?
Ya don't know who Idi Amin or Ghandi are, do you?

You've failed basic scientific laws questions, why should I expect you to get history, I dunno?

You are truly a certified Kook!

Stop trying to deceive Americans; everyone can clearly see you have serious personal issues that need immediate attention.

Don't allow yourself to be used by the debt merchants.

It may not be too late to get to get your priorities straight.

Good luck.
You speak as

I spoke nothing of the sort. I think you bumped your head bro.

though hitting an iceberg is the only possible way to sink a ship. Then you go on to utter all these silly absurdities. As far as the label you have place upon yourself (BolshevikHunter) why don't get one of your communist buddies to shove it for you.

What are you babbling about guy? You sure are one confused, weak minded divisionist if you actually think I run with them. You're simply talking out of your asshole now. Here is how we handle you frauds.


I am a communist now? You poor guy you. I guess if you repeat the same old bullcRAP over and over again a certain amount of dipsHITS might swallow it. Grab some cush bub, I know a creep when I see one.

Hey guy, That's fine if you got your theory on what happened, but maybe next time you might want to consider presenting it to us all in order to back it up.

Has class started? I though I learned this 15 years ago.




The steam debate is an interesting one, but not really realistic today.

The replacement of steam generated power, to that of diesel-powered engines along with doing away this the gold standard were two most counterproductive, and anti-American acts of treachery for that time period.

Well, with that being said I do believe that The Federal Reserve should be audited.

Just look at all the changes made to our rights, privacy, liberties, peace of mind, families, our health, our employment, and the list goes on and on. It’s perfectly clear who actually carried out the attacks of 911.

The Patriot Act is Un-Constitution in my opinion. The events of 9/11 are open for debate. That is your right as an American. ~BH

It's getting a bit disgusting how the people with no ideas, and make no contribution, but only try to obstruct progress are not only totally vilified, but tossed under the bus. You lying cult members here on the message board along with the communist lobbyist, republican party, and the George Wallace tea party are servants of Lucifer whether they understand with or not.

Money is the root of all evil, and those who love and do anything for money, or too ignorant to understand how the true enemies of America manipulates them need to consider the consequences of those on the wrong side of the war of good and evil.
Do you have anything relevant to post about anything, or can I just ban your ass now?

To a communist cult member only the dictates of the tyrannical Federal Reserve international bankers have any relevance. Those who print the money have corrupted almost everyone, and they have intentionally refused to protect our southern border knowingly, to engineer the same type of predictable problems that take place in Latin American countries.

As Americans how is it possible that so many people fail to recognize that much the same way the C.I.A has been used in Latin American and much of the world, they are now being used against the American government and people directed by the wicked communist bankers.

Big business and the bankers caused almost all the major problems by their greed and exploitation here and abroad. Their schemes have robbed the whole nation of the great bulk of family farms, and millions of homes are now confiscated by their economic treason.

We never needed the bankers or the large corporations. They welcomed in millions of invaders to replace the American work force, and now the only way out of this serious dilemma is the replace the corporations and spread to wealth among the people starting with food and energy.

Much of the corporate advertisement on T.V. theses days insults men, and they think we are too stupid to know we’re being insulted and will still buy their. They try to demoralized men and convert them into mama’s boys. The head of the household is made to look stupid far too many times, which is another one of the many media operations to destroy, and corrupt families.

Small but Productive Urban farms should be part and every community. Raising chickens, geese, and some crops should be part of every household. Steam generated electricity financed by small independent banks all throughout our neighborhoods is a very workable solution. Let the utilities company buy electricity from us. Steam and wind generated power have been stolen from the masses of people.

All the media bull sh** about “making life easier” and “keeping up with the Jones” was a wicked scheme of exploitation, to destroy our self-sufficiency, enslave, and rob every one of their labor and property through debt. Hunting and gathering was made to look primitive conditioning people to look to others for their food making them dependent, controllable, and vulnerable to subtle poisoning and siege.

Transferring funds away from tyrannical banking structure that has intentionally swindled the American people of homes and livelihood while working to destroy our constitution, really needs to be replaced starting with Goldman Sachs. Make no mistake the bankers are at war with the American government and people, and have not stopped being at war with America since the days of George Washington…the 4th of July is folly.

It’s really disgusting for a communist cult member to attempt to define for anybody what’s relevant. They hate freedom and want total censorship of any ideas but their own. With all the spying and everything else they have done since they financed 9-11 it all amounts to communism...general Patton was right.
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You greedy demonic communist losers have a very identifiable and unmistakable trait…you have this delusional backward mentality (symptoms of madness), and everything to you cult members is opposite of truth.

In the war of Good and evil you’ll find that there is a whole lot out here "walking among us" in the world you can’t see (at this point) and apparently know nothing about. Your temporarily filthy rich slave masters 1% at the top of the wicked pyramid are surely involved with the occult and know exactly what I’m speaking of here.

Understand it’s by Satan and his methods that has enabled all the thievery, murder, and corruption that has caused the great disparity in wealth. The devil and his demons has taught a very few the hi-tech lies, deception and sorcery which robs and destroys the great masses of people. It’s Satan’s nature to specialize in evil and its the root of evil that helps him lure and gather his harvest of souls/people who will join him in his new world order within the bowels of hell.

Whether you understand it or not, those involved in doing the evil works of Satan have by their actions entered into a covenant with him and will indeed share his fate. Of course this will never be revealed to the wicked. We mortals are caught between immortal combatants in the war of Good and evil and are being tested.
To be perfectly frank the purpose of our very lives amounts to determining what side of the conflict we will find ourselves on for eternity.

Be real careful about what you hope for and work toward…you may get it and keep getting it forever. You think you want evil… you deserve your fate.

Good prevails. Fido
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The merging of Wind and solar, and steam to produce economical energy is a very credible solution whether your "debt merchant" masters like it or not. Nothing you can say will change the "fact" about turbine engines ability to supplement or enhance wind generation.

Big Fits sounds like you're well familiar with the meds you speak of for very obvious reasons.

What a uneducated post, wind and solar have been addressed in the threads. The fact remains that wind and solar have a 100% fossil fuel back up which is used to produce 90% of the energy that a wind farm or solar farm is suppose to create.

The debt merchants love green energy, they get to loan more money to a more costly less effective electrical source, loans guaranteed by the government.
The merging of Wind and solar, and steam to produce economical energy is a very credible solution whether your "debt merchant" masters like it or not. Nothing you can say will change the "fact" about turbine engines ability to supplement or enhance wind generation.

Big Fits sounds like you're well familiar with the meds you speak of for very obvious reasons.

What a uneducated post, wind and solar have been addressed in the threads. The fact remains that wind and solar have a 100% fossil fuel back up which is used to produce 90% of the energy that a wind farm or solar farm is suppose to create.

The debt merchants love green energy, they get to loan more money to a more costly less effective electrical source, loans guaranteed by the government.

The wicked lies, and communist double talk you put forth is misleading and backward. The only true energy solution for this nation, and the world entails having 90% of our energy having little or nothing to do with crude oil. Any back-ups worth speaking of is for Americans to flip the script, and sell surplus electricity back to those which have exploited and destroyed American industry, home owners, and even the government itself a hair’s breadth away from total bankruptcy.

The wicked and murderous foreign policy of this nation (caused by the debt merchants), which hijacks and exploits the entire government and military in the pursuit of crude oil, confirms the lowest and most beastly sub-human nature within a small group of very greedy people (1%).

The vast majority of the people suffer while 1% exploits everyone…it’s insane to allow this to continue. This (1%) have no humanity, morality, or any hint of virtue are ruled by monsterous greed. In a very true sense the most dangerous animals on earth that are willing murderers of any who may obstruct their greed, to the extend that they will destroy the whole earth to try and save their own wicked and reprobate asses (so-called overpopulation).

They don’t care what type of animal behavior is carried out, or the tax payers expense in the pursue of crude oil, or the many millions of people killed and displaced by what amount to colossal theft of the natural resources of sovereign nations. In terms of small business the fact remains that money taken from the large banks and placed in small independent banks will financed all that’s needed for freedom and survival of the common good. Usury really needs to be outlawed…this is how they have stolen all the American homes, farms, businesses, and well-being.

More than 50% of all marriages fail because they steal everyone’s money.
One really needs to understand who were the communist that took over Russia!
If these international/communist bankers are allowed to continue the entire world is in very great danger.
No hablo "magic steam" aqui, Pancho.

Donde estas los "magic steam"?

Guys, we need to stop responding to this retard. I'm afraid it may be contagious. Read, but don't post. Just let it die.
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For someone renown for those colossal psychotic fits what delusions are you having telling you that you are anywhere close to being remotely capable of leading anyone other than those mentality challenged?

What kook deputized you to try and advise anyone? Big fits you are always wrong as two left shoes, un-American, and without any notion of humanity, the common good, or workable solutions. Your mission is to divert, misinform, and deceive.

Go ahead and tell everyone abysmal failure is written on your birth certificate.
No hablo "magic steam" aqui, Pancho.

Donde estas los "magic steam"?

Guys, we need to stop responding to this retard. I'm afraid it may be contagious. Read, but don't post. Just let it die. seems Octoldit kicked the asses of Big fitz/fits, and all his communist psych ward buddy's.
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Hey Octoldit, we seem to have gone off on a bunch of tangents. Could you just summarize the main points on how steam would solve our energy problems?
Actually I would like the "Dolt" to explain HOW we get steam without HEATING water. The FACT is that the energy needed to HEAT the water to produce STEAM has to come from SOMEWHERE and using JET ENGINES to turn wind TURBINES is about the MOST wastefull concept I have EVER heard of.
You and Super genius Cold Fusion38 Get your clipboards and paper and take notes while standing behind a jet engine. As the engine starts to operate you're understanding on this issue will become noticeably enhanced.
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If steam locomotives are still such the stuff, why did the railroads go to diesel-electrics?

I mean really...You can still boil water effectively with oil/gas technology, so why bother with the electric part?

"Terrorism" is what destroyed cheap debt-free energy. Just like "Terrorism" as in 9-11 is why communism disguised as security is used in supplanting our rights and freedom, working in conjunction with the vast "usury scheme" to take our property, and privatized the government. Privatization by the way is a Zionist code word for an economic coup. Government for the people, by the people in private hands is a coup without standing armies. (fabian style). One just has to understand the same people who stole Russia and created the communist Soviet Union are the same FED/communist bankers at war with American freedom. Communist hate freedom! N.S.A=K.G.B. for those who really understand what's going on.

The steam engine is practically a dynamo, and the greedy communist international terrorist bankers used terrorism to destroy this simple technology before steam engine was mass produced and made steam from electricity generated by motion. Coal would get the engine started, and a small portion of the horsepower used to haul freight would be used to generate steam from electricity reducing the coal input greatly.

The terrorism debt-merchants/FED was hell bent on preventing Americans from experiencing the tremendous blessing of a debt free society. General Patton was absolutely Right and they murdered him too.
You and Super genius Cold Fusion38 Get your clipboards and paper and take notes while standing behind a jet engine. As the engine starts to operate you're understanding on this issue will become noticeably enhanced.

I don't need to stand behind a jet engine to understand that it produces a lot of thrust, but that does seem to answer one of my two questions, that this is part of your solution. You haven't answered my other question though. What do you plan to accomplish using the jet engine / wind mill combination?
You and Super genius Cold Fusion38 Get your clipboards and paper and take notes while standing behind a jet engine. As the engine starts to operate you're understanding on this issue will become noticeably enhanced.

I don't need to stand behind a jet engine to understand that it produces a lot of thrust, but that does seem to answer one of my two questions, that this is part of your solution. You haven't answered my other question though. What do you plan to accomplish using the jet engine / wind mill combination?

The answers to your bogus questions have already been posted.

Retention is something you might want to work on, the mechanics of reading is worthless without it.

Learn to read, and get hooked on phonics.
It was an act of terrorism by the greedy international bankers at the core of the Federal Reserve that sank the titanic and blamed it on an iceberg.

That wicked act of terrorism derailed mostly all efforts at the development and engineering of steam powered ships, trucks, cars, but mainly steam powered electricity. Steam is the oldest, simplest, cheapest and most efficient form of energy how is it that everyone has seemed to forget about it?

The pursuit of Oil has been one of the most destructive paths the greedy exploitation bankers have hijacked this nation into following. It's very simple heat and water will produce steam which can bring back American industry. The Zionist gave away American industry to communist China, and shipped out gainful employment with our industrial base.

The high cost of energy was part of the reason that act of treason happened. Cheap energy is very possible and overlooked. Our politicians are a bunch of bribe accepting phonies that serve business exploitation rather than the common good.

Also with tornado alley running though the middle of this country power generated from wind has not been recognized as a source of electrical power. Mobile windmill systems on flatbed truck half a mile from tornadoes can produce a great abundance of electrical energy.

All that is needed is a method of storing the energy, and this is no real problem. The closer mobile windmills can get to storms the greater production of power. If storm chasers can do it so can mobile windmill systems.

In terms of stationary wind mill farms all that is needed is jet engines to provide wind when natural winds are not available. When we stop listening to the terrorist international wall street bankers American may have a chance at redemption....this is the change that is needed.

How is steam power good for the environment. Almost every form of Steam power. Relies on Fossil Fuels to Make the steam.


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