Steaming pile...


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2015
Article detailing the 'hidden' fecal matter in the new budget bill. Both parties are prostitutes and it is a Huff Post article but who cares, read the damn thing. The facts in it have nothing to do with where it is posted. Find it somewhere else if you need to.

This is why I am an independent. This kind of shite makes me want both parties banned forever. And you people who have been clamoring for something different this should pour gasoline on that fire in no uncertain terms.

I also don't want a Trump, Bush, Clinton in the White House but out of the choices trump is the worst. Bush and Clinton are at least sane. I've been saying all along, my preference would be Sanders/Kasich or Kasich/Sanders.

I mean at some point one would think enough of the American public would say 'that's enough of this crap with these two parties'.

5 Horrible Things Congress Just Snuck Into Law
Jesus, wtf?

Seriously, I can understand the anger against this congress, but what ever we do we can't cut infrastructure, science, r&d and education. Why not agree that some of the bs should be cut first?

I'm not sure if you are responding to what is in the article?
Doesn't sound that bad to me. Corruption is to be expected these days.

Maybe the next regime will weed it out.
Jesus, wtf?

Seriously, I can understand the anger against this congress, but what ever we do we can't cut infrastructure, science, r&d and education. Why not agree that some of the bs should be cut first?

How about NO MORE SYRIANS, ILLEGAL LATINO CHILDREN, and $70 MILLION Hawaiian vacations for the Manchurian muslim and assorted family and friends!
There is a lot of crap in the bill that liberals and conservatives alike should not like. The lesson from this is that politicians value big business and banking more than anything else. They don't care about average Americans or the political philosophy they were elected to push. They care about money and power and nothing else. Your wishes are an afterthought although they may throw a few breadcrumbs from time to time.
Jesus, wtf?

Seriously, I can understand the anger against this congress, but what ever we do we can't cut infrastructure, science, r&d and education. Why not agree that some of the bs should be cut first?

How about NO MORE SYRIANS, ILLEGAL LATINO CHILDREN, and $70 MILLION Hawaiian vacations for the Manchurian muslim and assorted family and friends!

Believe it or not, i agree with you. There's a lot that could be removed before we touched a cent of our infrastructure, science, r&d or educational money. The little people shouldn't have to suffer for the idiocy of our government.
Article detailing the 'hidden' fecal matter in the new budget bill. Both parties are prostitutes and it is a Huff Post article but who cares, read the damn thing. The facts in it have nothing to do with where it is posted. Find it somewhere else if you need to.

This is why I am an independent. This kind of shite makes me want both parties banned forever. And you people who have been clamoring for something different this should pour gasoline on that fire in no uncertain terms.

I also don't want a Trump, Bush, Clinton in the White House but out of the choices trump is the worst. Bush and Clinton are at least sane. I've been saying all along, my preference would be Sanders/Kasich or Kasich/Sanders.

I mean at some point one would think enough of the American public would say 'that's enough of this crap with these two parties'.

5 Horrible Things Congress Just Snuck Into Law
Article detailing the 'hidden' fecal matter in the new budget bill. Both parties are prostitutes and it is a Huff Post article but who cares, read the damn thing. The facts in it have nothing to do with where it is posted. Find it somewhere else if you need to.

This is why I am an independent. This kind of shite makes me want both parties banned forever. And you people who have been clamoring for something different this should pour gasoline on that fire in no uncertain terms.

I also don't want a Trump, Bush, Clinton in the White House but out of the choices trump is the worst. Bush and Clinton are at least sane. I've been saying all along, my preference would be Sanders/Kasich or Kasich/Sanders.

I mean at some point one would think enough of the American public would say 'that's enough of this crap with these two parties'.

5 Horrible Things Congress Just Snuck Into Law
That could be happening in Europe.
Article detailing the 'hidden' fecal matter in the new budget bill. Both parties are prostitutes and it is a Huff Post article but who cares, read the damn thing. The facts in it have nothing to do with where it is posted. Find it somewhere else if you need to.

This is why I am an independent. This kind of shite makes me want both parties banned forever. And you people who have been clamoring for something different this should pour gasoline on that fire in no uncertain terms.

I also don't want a Trump, Bush, Clinton in the White House but out of the choices trump is the worst. Bush and Clinton are at least sane. I've been saying all along, my preference would be Sanders/Kasich or Kasich/Sanders.

I mean at some point one would think enough of the American public would say 'that's enough of this crap with these two parties'.

5 Horrible Things Congress Just Snuck Into Law

Re: banning both parties forever IsaacNewton
(1) Why not hold a Constitutional conference with all the other parties saying the same thing.
Go through the D and R political platforms, point by point, and prove which principles they
are pushing as agenda through govt actually constitute political BELIEFS that others don't BELIEVE IN.
Then this is grounds for legislative action, ban, or reform. These parties should not be allowed
to "conspire to violate equal civil rights of others' by pushing their CREED through govt in ways that
exclude, penalize or discriminate against citizens of other parties with opposing CREEDS.
So both parties could be petitioned or sued to stop pushing those points. Beliefs can be practiced freely by members within their own groups, similar to religious exercise; but cannot be imposed through govt without public consent or it's pushing BELIEFS on people.

(2) restitution for past abuses
by citing and assessing case by case where candidates elected by these parties
committed abuses of taxpayer resources, these parties can be held financially responsible for paying that back. Either hold the officials and wrongdoers responsible, or team up and demand their parties pay the costs. If the parties got these people elected, who caused damages and debts, why not hold parties responsible? Similar to suing Toyota for negligence, or tobacco companies for "false advertising" claiming to be harmless, but promoting something harmful.

For example, the cost of illicit contracts and contested spending on the Iraq war and collateral damages to civilians, and now the cost of the unproven health care mandates and questioned funding, including trillions paid to insurance companies not to mention the 24 billion cost of the federal shutdown over the disputed constitutionality of the ACA mandates, could keep both parties busy raising funds to pay that back before they run any more candidates for office

if the other parties got smart, or desperate enough to team up, they could hold both D and R parties in check.
I hope this happens soon, the Greens and Libertarians are starting to put two and two together.
What about the Constitution party, the Christian Party, the Veterans Party. What if all the parties got together
and decided to sue to stop discrimination by creed and political belief equally as religious freedom under law?
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"banning both parties forever"

First you would need to amend the Constitution to repeal the First Amendment.

Good luck with that.

I meant it facetiously. I know it won't happen.

The point is the system we have is broken. And neither side wants to fix it because they do this 'pay no attention to that man behind the curtain' crap.

Is there anyone who doesn't think we need to fix ALL of our infrastructure? Why then isn't it getting done?

Because the American people don't demand it. 4 trillion on the Iraq debacle. I'm guessing we could have fixed most of our infrastructure by now.

Just a thread to let everyone know we ARE still one country and the 436 assholes we elect over and over are stuffing trillions into their own and their cronies pockets while average Americans die crossing a damn bridge on the way to work.
"banning both parties forever"

First you would need to amend the Constitution to repeal the First Amendment.

Good luck with that.
You misunderstand.
(1) I am trying to enforce the same concept Liberals tout as "separation of church and state"
by applying it consistently to beliefs equally as religious beliefs. Beliefs are beliefs.

(2) The parties can still practice but cannot abuse govt to establish BELIEFS against the beliefs of dissenting
public and especially cannot penalize taxpayers for dissenting beliefs. that is discrimination by creed.

This is like saying groups can still practice Christianity but are banned or barred
from imposing faith based legislation through govt by colluding through party to impose beliefs by majority rule

I'm curious why you think this is funny instead of sad
Can I ask you if you think it is funny when Christians try to use the Republican party
to push right to life beliefs and faith based arguments through govt?
Or when this collective party influence is abused to push the bans on marriage for gay couples?

Do you think the idea of banning beliefs like that from being pushed through govt to discriminate against people of other beliefs is funny or serious?

On some level, don't you think it is sad that Americans spend billions of dollars
on political bullying back and forth, while our environment and historical landmarks
are destroyed for lack of funds? that we have no money for health care, to the point we have to pass mandates forcing citizens to pay more money, but parties continue to collect
billions of dollars to battle back and forth in the media instead of investing directly in programs they promise? Isn't that tragic? Don't you think that is a serious problem we should address?
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Article detailing the 'hidden' fecal matter in the new budget bill. Both parties are prostitutes and it is a Huff Post article but who cares, read the damn thing. The facts in it have nothing to do with where it is posted. Find it somewhere else if you need to.

This is why I am an independent. This kind of shite makes me want both parties banned forever. And you people who have been clamoring for something different this should pour gasoline on that fire in no uncertain terms.

I also don't want a Trump, Bush, Clinton in the White House but out of the choices trump is the worst. Bush and Clinton are at least sane. I've been saying all along, my preference would be Sanders/Kasich or Kasich/Sanders.

I mean at some point one would think enough of the American public would say 'that's enough of this crap with these two parties'.

5 Horrible Things Congress Just Snuck Into Law
If you think Bernie Sanders is "sane" then you're part of the problem.
Article detailing the 'hidden' fecal matter in the new budget bill. Both parties are prostitutes and it is a Huff Post article but who cares, read the damn thing. The facts in it have nothing to do with where it is posted. Find it somewhere else if you need to.

This is why I am an independent. This kind of shite makes me want both parties banned forever. And you people who have been clamoring for something different this should pour gasoline on that fire in no uncertain terms.

I also don't want a Trump, Bush, Clinton in the White House but out of the choices trump is the worst. Bush and Clinton are at least sane. I've been saying all along, my preference would be Sanders/Kasich or Kasich/Sanders.

I mean at some point one would think enough of the American public would say 'that's enough of this crap with these two parties'.

5 Horrible Things Congress Just Snuck Into Law
If you think Bernie Sanders is "sane" then you're part of the problem.

I knew it wouldn't take long.

Your post demonstrates why this paradigm will not change. Everything YOU see and believe is first put through your 'our team' filter.

And that is just how both parties like it. They want TWO teams, not one people.
Article detailing the 'hidden' fecal matter in the new budget bill. Both parties are prostitutes and it is a Huff Post article but who cares, read the damn thing. The facts in it have nothing to do with where it is posted. Find it somewhere else if you need to.

This is why I am an independent. This kind of shite makes me want both parties banned forever. And you people who have been clamoring for something different this should pour gasoline on that fire in no uncertain terms.

I also don't want a Trump, Bush, Clinton in the White House but out of the choices trump is the worst. Bush and Clinton are at least sane. I've been saying all along, my preference would be Sanders/Kasich or Kasich/Sanders.

I mean at some point one would think enough of the American public would say 'that's enough of this crap with these two parties'.

5 Horrible Things Congress Just Snuck Into Law
If you think Bernie Sanders is "sane" then you're part of the problem.

I knew it wouldn't take long.

Your post demonstrates why this paradigm will not change. Everything YOU see and believe is first put through your 'our team' filter.

And that is just how both parties like it. They want TWO teams, not one people.
Translation: Yes, Im a steaming pile of shit with the brains to match.
Again, if you see Bernie Sanders as part of the solution you're part of the problem.

Sure there are people in the GOP who are turds. They are turds because they think making nice-nice with Democrats will get them something. It wont. It will only get them contempt from liberals and kicked out of their own party.
Article detailing the 'hidden' fecal matter in the new budget bill. Both parties are prostitutes and it is a Huff Post article but who cares, read the damn thing. The facts in it have nothing to do with where it is posted. Find it somewhere else if you need to.

This is why I am an independent. This kind of shite makes me want both parties banned forever. And you people who have been clamoring for something different this should pour gasoline on that fire in no uncertain terms.

I also don't want a Trump, Bush, Clinton in the White House but out of the choices trump is the worst. Bush and Clinton are at least sane. I've been saying all along, my preference would be Sanders/Kasich or Kasich/Sanders.

I mean at some point one would think enough of the American public would say 'that's enough of this crap with these two parties'.

5 Horrible Things Congress Just Snuck Into Law
If you think Bernie Sanders is "sane" then you're part of the problem.

I knew it wouldn't take long.

Your post demonstrates why this paradigm will not change. Everything YOU see and believe is first put through your 'our team' filter.

And that is just how both parties like it. They want TWO teams, not one people.
What dya expect. He's still sore that his team lost in 1865.

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