Steaming pile...

Article detailing the 'hidden' fecal matter in the new budget bill. Both parties are prostitutes and it is a Huff Post article but who cares, read the damn thing. The facts in it have nothing to do with where it is posted. Find it somewhere else if you need to.

This is why I am an independent. This kind of shite makes me want both parties banned forever. And you people who have been clamoring for something different this should pour gasoline on that fire in no uncertain terms.

I also don't want a Trump, Bush, Clinton in the White House but out of the choices trump is the worst. Bush and Clinton are at least sane. I've been saying all along, my preference would be Sanders/Kasich or Kasich/Sanders.

I mean at some point one would think enough of the American public would say 'that's enough of this crap with these two parties'.

5 Horrible Things Congress Just Snuck Into Law
If you think Bernie Sanders is "sane" then you're part of the problem.

I knew it wouldn't take long.

Your post demonstrates why this paradigm will not change. Everything YOU see and believe is first put through your 'our team' filter.

And that is just how both parties like it. They want TWO teams, not one people.
Translation: Yes, Im a steaming pile of shit with the brains to match.
Again, if you see Bernie Sanders as part of the solution you're part of the problem.

Sure there are people in the GOP who are turds. They are turds because they think making nice-nice with Democrats will get them something. It wont. It will only get them contempt from liberals and kicked out of their own party.

You are a partisan whiner.
Article detailing the 'hidden' fecal matter in the new budget bill. Both parties are prostitutes and it is a Huff Post article but who cares, read the damn thing. The facts in it have nothing to do with where it is posted. Find it somewhere else if you need to.

This is why I am an independent. This kind of shite makes me want both parties banned forever. And you people who have been clamoring for something different this should pour gasoline on that fire in no uncertain terms.

I also don't want a Trump, Bush, Clinton in the White House but out of the choices trump is the worst. Bush and Clinton are at least sane. I've been saying all along, my preference would be Sanders/Kasich or Kasich/Sanders.

I mean at some point one would think enough of the American public would say 'that's enough of this crap with these two parties'.

5 Horrible Things Congress Just Snuck Into Law
If you think Bernie Sanders is "sane" then you're part of the problem.

I knew it wouldn't take long.

Your post demonstrates why this paradigm will not change. Everything YOU see and believe is first put through your 'our team' filter.

And that is just how both parties like it. They want TWO teams, not one people.
Translation: Yes, Im a steaming pile of shit with the brains to match.
Again, if you see Bernie Sanders as part of the solution you're part of the problem.

Sure there are people in the GOP who are turds. They are turds because they think making nice-nice with Democrats will get them something. It wont. It will only get them contempt from liberals and kicked out of their own party.

You are a partisan whiner.
Yeah, go with that.
The truth is the Democrats compete between dumb and dumber. When was the last time a Democrat tried to reduce non defense spending? Reduce a gov't program?
Never. They double down on failure.

Hold parties responsible for funding and managing their own political beliefs and programs.
this will change the infrastructure by streamlining govt and returning it to just the Constitutional duties.
leaving social programs and financial management to groups to represent themselves.
instead of D fighting to do everything through govt and R fighting to remove everything from govt.
let each democratically manage their own members and leaders to develop and fund their own programs under their own policies.

Where parties agree, that can be public policy and funded under the appropriate branches and levels of govt.

Where people disagree due to differences in beliefs, then they separate and fund those programs separately.

This will reward areas of solutions and agreements. And leaders who can resolve conflicts and represent ALL citizens across the parties.

Anything people cannot agree on, gets funded in private, so all groups get their way equally.
So if you really don't agree how things are done, fund it yourself.
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Article detailing the 'hidden' fecal matter in the new budget bill. Both parties are prostitutes and it is a Huff Post article but who cares, read the damn thing. The facts in it have nothing to do with where it is posted. Find it somewhere else if you need to.

This is why I am an independent. This kind of shite makes me want both parties banned forever. And you people who have been clamoring for something different this should pour gasoline on that fire in no uncertain terms.

I also don't want a Trump, Bush, Clinton in the White House but out of the choices trump is the worst. Bush and Clinton are at least sane. I've been saying all along, my preference would be Sanders/Kasich or Kasich/Sanders.

I mean at some point one would think enough of the American public would say 'that's enough of this crap with these two parties'.

5 Horrible Things Congress Just Snuck Into Law
(fyi, the huffington post was recently bought by a conservative leaning/supporting corporation)

just in case you didn't know....

not to diminish the pork barrel spending....

Better then Cut this and abolish that all the fuck day long!!!

Abolish abolish, abolish, abolish, abolish, abolish, abolish, abolish, abolish abolish, abolish, abolish, abolish abolish, abolish, abolish, abolish, abolish, abolish, abolish, abolish abolish, abolish, abolish, abolish abolish, abolish, abolish, abolish, abolish, abolish, abolish, abolish abolish, abolish, abolish, abolish abolish, abolish, abolish, abolish, abolish, abolish, abolish, abolish abolish, abolish, abolish, abolish abolish, abolish, abolish, abolish, abolish, abolish, abolish, abolish abolish, abolish, abolish, abolish you republican loserterian fags scream!!!

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