Stephanies Trump Thread Reveals a Strange Truth

Stephanies thread about understanding Trump had a statement I found to be...well, interesting.

Just focus on these 2 statements made in the OP:

he is breaking all kinds of records and isn't going away that's for sure. Now he needs to get to what his platform and policies would be if he became President.

He's breaking all kinds of records without anyone knowing his platform.

He's winning a Presidential race and his supporters dont even know what he stands for.

Go ahead and try to tell me these are smart people and not being hyped by the media / celeb.

I mean seriously, people are literally supporting someone without knowing what they stand for. So what could they be supporting if not ideas and policies?
I've heard trump speak enough to think I know what kind of president he would be.

I don't trust him. He's a billionaire who chose the wrong party if he wants to represent the middle class.

1. How many of Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan's policies will he go along with?

2. What kind of Justice would he appoint?

To me trump is as arrogant as scalia.

And I don't want any Ryan McConnell bills getting passed.

Of course Democrats are going to take back the Senate so it won't be McConnell's senate
Stephanies thread about understanding Trump had a statement I found to be...well, interesting.

Just focus on these 2 statements made in the OP:

he is breaking all kinds of records and isn't going away that's for sure. Now he needs to get to what his platform and policies would be if he became President.

He's breaking all kinds of records without anyone knowing his platform.

He's winning a Presidential race and his supporters dont even know what he stands for.

Go ahead and try to tell me these are smart people and not being hyped by the media / celeb.

I mean seriously, people are literally supporting someone without knowing what they stand for. So what could they be supporting if not ideas and policies?

Hey......replaced "Trump" with "Obama" and the statements would be 100% the same in 2008. .

No they wouldnt, people knew what Obama stood for. Maybe you didnt, but thats no ones fault but your own.

Plus that isnt even a defense LOL....Because you have no defense :badgrin:
Most of what Obama campaigned on was a lie. You bought it.
Who knows? The GOP said no to everything he wanted to try.

Oh, and still 4% unemployment. Thanks obama
Stephanies thread about understanding Trump had a statement I found to be...well, interesting.

Just focus on these 2 statements made in the OP:

he is breaking all kinds of records and isn't going away that's for sure. Now he needs to get to what his platform and policies would be if he became President.

He's breaking all kinds of records without anyone knowing his platform.

He's winning a Presidential race and his supporters dont even know what he stands for.

Go ahead and try to tell me these are smart people and not being hyped by the media / celeb.

I mean seriously, people are literally supporting someone without knowing what they stand for. So what could they be supporting if not ideas and policies?

remind you of anyone, lib?
The support comes from the hate of Superpacs and the money that is running our country. People are not stupid,and the internet has been a good tool to really see.
Trump is using his own money which shows that he really wants to get America back on track as far as trade, immigration.

Huh, whaaa? I disagree. The people in this country are stupid, especially people you run across on the internet. And no, Trump is not using his own money.
Stephanies thread about understanding Trump had a statement I found to be...well, interesting.

Just focus on these 2 statements made in the OP:

he is breaking all kinds of records and isn't going away that's for sure. Now he needs to get to what his platform and policies would be if he became President.

He's breaking all kinds of records without anyone knowing his platform.

He's winning a Presidential race and his supporters dont even know what he stands for.

Go ahead and try to tell me these are smart people and not being hyped by the media / celeb.

I mean seriously, people are literally supporting someone without knowing what they stand for. So what could they be supporting if not ideas and policies?

remind you of anyone, lib?

Yeah, Trump
Stephanies thread about understanding Trump had a statement I found to be...well, interesting.

Just focus on these 2 statements made in the OP:

he is breaking all kinds of records and isn't going away that's for sure. Now he needs to get to what his platform and policies would be if he became President.

He's breaking all kinds of records without anyone knowing his platform.

He's winning a Presidential race and his supporters dont even know what he stands for.

Go ahead and try to tell me these are smart people and not being hyped by the media / celeb.

I mean seriously, people are literally supporting someone without knowing what they stand for. So what could they be supporting if not ideas and policies?

Hey......replaced "Trump" with "Obama" and the statements would be 100% the same in 2008. .

No they wouldnt, people knew what Obama stood for. Maybe you didnt, but thats no ones fault but your own.

Plus that isnt even a defense LOL....Because you have no defense :badgrin:
Most of what Obama campaigned on was a lie. You bought it.
Who knows? The GOP said no to everything he wanted to try.

Oh, and still 4% unemployment. Thanks obama
His first two years he had full control. Also the republicans gave him almost everything he wanted. If the economy is so great, we can cut welfare in half. Right?
Stephanies thread about understanding Trump had a statement I found to be...well, interesting.

Just focus on these 2 statements made in the OP:

he is breaking all kinds of records and isn't going away that's for sure. Now he needs to get to what his platform and policies would be if he became President.

He's breaking all kinds of records without anyone knowing his platform.

He's winning a Presidential race and his supporters dont even know what he stands for.

Go ahead and try to tell me these are smart people and not being hyped by the media / celeb.

I mean seriously, people are literally supporting someone without knowing what they stand for. So what could they be supporting if not ideas and policies?

Hey......replaced "Trump" with "Obama" and the statements would be 100% the same in 2008. .

No they wouldnt, people knew what Obama stood for. Maybe you didnt, but thats no ones fault but your own.

Plus that isnt even a defense LOL....Because you have no defense :badgrin:

Obama was for Hope and Change.....
That Hopey Changie thingie!
Stephanies thread about understanding Trump had a statement I found to be...well, interesting.

Just focus on these 2 statements made in the OP:

He's breaking all kinds of records without anyone knowing his platform.

He's winning a Presidential race and his supporters dont even know what he stands for.

Go ahead and try to tell me these are smart people and not being hyped by the media / celeb.

I mean seriously, people are literally supporting someone without knowing what they stand for. So what could they be supporting if not ideas and policies?

Hey......replaced "Trump" with "Obama" and the statements would be 100% the same in 2008. .

No they wouldnt, people knew what Obama stood for. Maybe you didnt, but thats no ones fault but your own.

Plus that isnt even a defense LOL....Because you have no defense :badgrin:
Most of what Obama campaigned on was a lie. You bought it.
Who knows? The GOP said no to everything he wanted to try.

Oh, and still 4% unemployment. Thanks obama
His first two years he had full control. Also the republicans gave him almost everything he wanted. If the economy is so great, we can cut welfare in half. Right?
No No & Yes
Stephanies thread about understanding Trump had a statement I found to be...well, interesting.

Just focus on these 2 statements made in the OP:

he is breaking all kinds of records and isn't going away that's for sure. Now he needs to get to what his platform and policies would be if he became President.

He's breaking all kinds of records without anyone knowing his platform.

He's winning a Presidential race and his supporters dont even know what he stands for.

Go ahead and try to tell me these are smart people and not being hyped by the media / celeb.

I mean seriously, people are literally supporting someone without knowing what they stand for. So what could they be supporting if not ideas and policies?

Get real. O'bama's been president going on 8 years and STILL nobody knows what (if anything) he stands for. You really think that's become a requirement?
You don't recall anything about a wall or muslim "refugees" or failed obamacare or jobs or trade or the economy or the military or veterans or the 2nd amendment?
Stephanies thread about understanding Trump had a statement I found to be...well, interesting.

Just focus on these 2 statements made in the OP:

he is breaking all kinds of records and isn't going away that's for sure. Now he needs to get to what his platform and policies would be if he became President.

He's breaking all kinds of records without anyone knowing his platform.

He's winning a Presidential race and his supporters dont even know what he stands for.

Go ahead and try to tell me these are smart people and not being hyped by the media / celeb.

I mean seriously, people are literally supporting someone without knowing what they stand for. So what could they be supporting if not ideas and policies?

Get real. O'bama's been president going on 8 years and STILL nobody knows what (if anything) he stands for. You really think that's become a requirement?
You don't recall anything about a wall or muslim "refugees" or failed obamacare or jobs or trade or the economy or the military or veterans or the 2nd amendment?

Thats not a defense and if you dont know what Obama stands for then you have no one but yourself to blame
Stephanies thread about understanding Trump had a statement I found to be...well, interesting.

Just focus on these 2 statements made in the OP:

he is breaking all kinds of records and isn't going away that's for sure. Now he needs to get to what his platform and policies would be if he became President.

He's breaking all kinds of records without anyone knowing his platform.

He's winning a Presidential race and his supporters dont even know what he stands for.

Go ahead and try to tell me these are smart people and not being hyped by the media / celeb.

I mean seriously, people are literally supporting someone without knowing what they stand for. So what could they be supporting if not ideas and policies?

Yes.......just like all you lefties did when obama ran for office....and you knew he was actively hiding his real views because he refused to vote when he was in the Illinois Senate and in the Senate of the U.S...........

And we know that the obama people were dumb.....they voted for obama....

The people voting for Trump...know he has actually been a productive member of society, he has built an actual business empire and managed 10s of thousands of people, and dealt with government both here and over they at least understand he knows what he is doing and can get done what he says he will get done....

obama.....did nothing till he became a politician....
Stephanies thread about understanding Trump had a statement I found to be...well, interesting.

Just focus on these 2 statements made in the OP:

he is breaking all kinds of records and isn't going away that's for sure. Now he needs to get to what his platform and policies would be if he became President.

He's breaking all kinds of records without anyone knowing his platform.

He's winning a Presidential race and his supporters dont even know what he stands for.

Go ahead and try to tell me these are smart people and not being hyped by the media / celeb.

I mean seriously, people are literally supporting someone without knowing what they stand for. So what could they be supporting if not ideas and policies?

Get real. O'bama's been president going on 8 years and STILL nobody knows what (if anything) he stands for. You really think that's become a requirement?
You don't recall anything about a wall or muslim "refugees" or failed obamacare or jobs or trade or the economy or the military or veterans or the 2nd amendment?

Thats not a defense and if you dont know what Obama stands for then you have no one but yourself to blame

And if you think Trump needs my defense or that your silly BS matters you have no one to blame but yourself.
Stephanies thread about understanding Trump had a statement I found to be...well, interesting.

Just focus on these 2 statements made in the OP:

he is breaking all kinds of records and isn't going away that's for sure. Now he needs to get to what his platform and policies would be if he became President.

He's breaking all kinds of records without anyone knowing his platform.

He's winning a Presidential race and his supporters dont even know what he stands for.

Go ahead and try to tell me these are smart people and not being hyped by the media / celeb.

I mean seriously, people are literally supporting someone without knowing what they stand for. So what could they be supporting if not ideas and policies?

Get real. O'bama's been president going on 8 years and STILL nobody knows what (if anything) he stands for. You really think that's become a requirement?
You don't recall anything about a wall or muslim "refugees" or failed obamacare or jobs or trade or the economy or the military or veterans or the 2nd amendment?

Thats not a defense and if you dont know what Obama stands for then you have no one but yourself to blame

And if you think Trump needs my defense or that your silly BS matters you have no one to blame but yourself.

Trump doesnt need a defense because like I said, THERE IS NO DEFENSE. So the only thing you can do is deflect. We see you
Stephanies thread about understanding Trump had a statement I found to be...well, interesting.

Just focus on these 2 statements made in the OP:

he is breaking all kinds of records and isn't going away that's for sure. Now he needs to get to what his platform and policies would be if he became President.

He's breaking all kinds of records without anyone knowing his platform.

He's winning a Presidential race and his supporters dont even know what he stands for.

Go ahead and try to tell me these are smart people and not being hyped by the media / celeb.

I mean seriously, people are literally supporting someone without knowing what they stand for. So what could they be supporting if not ideas and policies?

Hey......replaced "Trump" with "Obama" and the statements would be 100% the same in 2008. .

No they wouldnt, people knew what Obama stood for. Maybe you didnt, but thats no ones fault but your own.

Plus that isnt even a defense LOL....Because you have no defense :badgrin:

Sorry fag. We have video. You morons thought Obama was gonna pay your gas bill and mortgage, thought he had a personal "stash" he was going to send you. All you morons knew was he was black and "hope and change". And you bought it.
Oh,bs. People voted for Obama in 2008 because they were sick of unending war, America's name being dragged through the mud because of torture prisons, and a second great Republican depression. Pretty easy choice when he was running against a war hawk who wanted to start another war against Iran, and had a loon for a running mate. That's the hope and change that I voted for.
Oh,bs. People voted for Obama in 2008 because they were sick of unending war, America's name being dragged through the mud because of torture prisons, and a second great Republican depression. Pretty easy choice when he was running against a war hawk who wanted to start another war against Iran, and had a loon for a running mate. That's the hope and change that I voted for

Well, you sure called that wrong, Obama has been one of the most pro-war Presidents we've ever had. He has never been anti-war; just anti-US military.
And now we have a world wide rep for being pussies and idiots thanks to Obama.
Oh,bs. People voted for Obama in 2008 because they were sick of unending war, America's name being dragged through the mud because of torture prisons, and a second great Republican depression. Pretty easy choice when he was running against a war hawk who wanted to start another war against Iran, and had a loon for a running mate. That's the hope and change that I voted for

Well, you sure called that wrong, Obama has been one of the most pro-war Presidents we've ever had. He has never been anti-war; just anti-US military.
And now we have a world wide rep for being pussies and idiots thanks to Obama.
Really? We aren't wasting billions each week in Iraq any more. Our troops aren't being decimated each day in Iraq any more. We aren't invading other countries who did nothing against us any more. We aren't dumping servicemen's remains in a landfill anymore. We have recovered pretty well economically from the Bush depression. The only people who think we are idiots and pussies are themselves idiots.
Oh,bs. People voted for Obama in 2008 because they were sick of unending war, America's name being dragged through the mud because of torture prisons, and a second great Republican depression. Pretty easy choice when he was running against a war hawk who wanted to start another war against Iran, and had a loon for a running mate. That's the hope and change that I voted for

Well, you sure called that wrong, Obama has been one of the most pro-war Presidents we've ever had. He has never been anti-war; just anti-US military.
And now we have a world wide rep for being pussies and idiots thanks to Obama.
Really? We aren't wasting billions each week in Iraq any more. Our troops aren't being decimated each day in Iraq any more. We aren't invading other countries who did nothing against us any more. We have recovered pretty well economically from the Bush depression. The only people who think we are idiots and pussies are themselves idiots.

Really? We aren't wasting billions each week in Iraq any more. Our troops aren't being decimated each day in Iraq any more. We aren't invading other countries who did nothing against us any more.

Well, yes, actually we are except now we are at war throughout most of the ME and elsewhere. Obama loves war; he just hates for us to win. And the US military. And for poor needy terrorists to be without weapons and supplies when they can be purchased by the US taxpayer. Thankfully he's been doing his level best to import all the terrorists here to this country so our boys won't have to travel so far to fight the War on Terror. Jet lag can be such a bitch. I imagine he got those folks from the State Dept. killed so the military wouldn't feel like they were being picked on.

We aren't dumping servicemen's remains in a landfill anymore.

Well, yes, actually we are except now we are at war throughout most of the ME and elsewhere.

Hey did you send a thank you card to Bush for his invasion of a country that didn't attack us and by destroying Iraq, Bush destabilized the entire ME?

Or is your intellect so weak you believe Obama created this mess all by himself?
Hey did you send a thank you card to Bush for his invasion of a country that didn't attack us and by destroying Iraq, Bush destabilized the entire ME?

Or is your intellect so weak you believe Obama created this mess all by himself?

Sending a squad to assassinate our President wasn't an attack? Overrunning an allied country wasn't an attack?
Honoring our treaties and alliances,not to mention our own self-interest in the area, and prosecuting the War on Terror wasn't the right thing to do?
Has Obama done anything except create messes?
Stephanies thread about understanding Trump had a statement I found to be...well, interesting.

Just focus on these 2 statements made in the OP:

he is breaking all kinds of records and isn't going away that's for sure. Now he needs to get to what his platform and policies would be if he became President.

He's breaking all kinds of records without anyone knowing his platform.

He's winning a Presidential race and his supporters dont even know what he stands for.

Go ahead and try to tell me these are smart people and not being hyped by the media / celeb.

I mean seriously, people are literally supporting someone without knowing what they stand for. So what could they be supporting if not ideas and policies?

Hey......replaced "Trump" with "Obama" and the statements would be 100% the same in 2008. .

No they wouldnt, people knew what Obama stood for. Maybe you didnt, but thats no ones fault but your own.

Plus that isnt even a defense LOL....Because you have no defense :badgrin:
Most of what Obama campaigned on was a lie. You bought it.
Who knows? The GOP said no to everything he wanted to try.

Oh, and still 4% unemployment. Thanks obama
What did he campaign on that they refused him? You everything he wanted to try, I'm curious as to what that really means to you.

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