Sterling refuses to pay fine, plans to sue NBA

Sure they can.....:cuckoo:


Of course they can.

Leagues have been contracted and expanded many times in the past.

Learn to fuck'n google, dipshit.

Legally they can. But they won't.

Sports Leagues contract when the teams or the league are losing money. The Clippers are not losing money, nor is the league.....You're dumb.

Now go eat a bag of dicks......

I wouldn't be too sure that they can do it legally in any event.

IF there is some economic reason to contract the league and the Clippers happened to be the money-losing-est team around, the contraction of the league falling on the Clippers would be justified. But if there's no legit economic reason to "contract," or if there were OTHER NBA teams which were more PRIME candidates for such an action, then to "randomly" select the CLippers would be CLEARLY a vindictive action.

It wouldn't be hard for Sterling's lawyers to come up with any number of bases to challenge the league "decision." Don't assume it would survive a court challenge.
Assclapius is busy pretending that the "league" can invoke that provision without the Constitutional and by-law requirements for such an action having first taken place.


What Assclapius knows about how these things actually work couldn't fill a dimple in a thimble.

You are right. I don't much about it. However it seems I have more knowledge than you clowns wishing it was not so have on the issue. Dont be angry about that. :lol:

I am indeed right. You don't know much about ANYTHING. And no. It doesn't seem like you have more knowledge than anybody. In fact, it is clear that you don't know shit.

HELL, you're neck and neck with tderpm in that department.

I am not angry in the slightest. So don't fret, Assclap. I enjoy mocking your desperately ignorant posts. :lol::lol:

One thing you should learn. Smart people hire professionals. You cant know everything and you would be stupid for trying to. I cant expect a worker bee such as yourself to understand things above your pay grade. You may have me beat when it comes to selling fries at Mcdonalds but thats not saying much. I pay people like you to take care of the stuff I dont know.

Of course they can.

Leagues have been contracted and expanded many times in the past.

Learn to fuck'n google, dipshit.

mani should reconsider just how silly he sounds when he takes note of the fact that Assclapius is the moron "thanking" his post.


Trying to shame someone via association is a weak sauce move. It reeks of desperation. You cant accept the fact you dont know what you are talking about.

Poor Assclapius. Of the two of us, I am the only one who DOES know what he's talking about. You are making shit up out of thin air. And I DO accept the fact that you are a loud-mouth ignorant assclown nitwit.

I enjoy pointing it out, in fact.

So, keep spouting your baseless bullshit, Assclapius! :lol::lol:

Of course they can.

Leagues have been contracted and expanded many times in the past.

Learn to fuck'n google, dipshit.

Legally they can. But they won't.

Sports Leagues contract when the teams or the league are losing money. The Clippers are not losing money, nor is the league.....You're dumb.

Now go eat a bag of dicks......

If they let Sterling retain ownership they'll start losing money in a hurry.

I'm not foolish enough to think the NBA gives a shit about having a racist owner, but they do give a shit about their brand and making money.

He'll sell. I'll bet you whatever you're willing to lose.
If you are correct, and I have no reason to doubt your analysis, won't dragging his heels and threatening to sue put pressure on the NBA and broker Sterling a higher price? Just askin'
mani should reconsider just how silly he sounds when he takes note of the fact that Assclapius is the moron "thanking" his post.


Trying to shame someone via association is a weak sauce move. It reeks of desperation. You cant accept the fact you dont know what you are talking about.

Poor Assclapius. Of the two of us, I am the only one who DOES know what he's talking about. You are making shit up out of thin air. And I DO accept the fact that you are a loud-mouth ignorant assclown nitwit.

I enjoy pointing it out, in fact.

So, keep spouting your baseless bullshit, Assclapius! :lol::lol:

You should try harder to convince me you know anything. Capitalizing your words only effects people that dont understand you are just displaying your stress. It will be OK. :lol:
You are right. I don't much about it. However it seems I have more knowledge than you clowns wishing it was not so have on the issue. Dont be angry about that. :lol:

I am indeed right. You don't know much about ANYTHING. And no. It doesn't seem like you have more knowledge than anybody. In fact, it is clear that you don't know shit.

HELL, you're neck and neck with tderpm in that department.

I am not angry in the slightest. So don't fret, Assclap. I enjoy mocking your desperately ignorant posts. :lol::lol:

One thing you should learn. Smart people hire professionals. You cant know everything and you would be stupid for trying to. I cant expect a worker bee such as yourself to understand things above your pay grade. You may have me beat when it comes to selling fries at Mcdonalds but thats not saying much. I pay people like you to take care of the stuff I dont know.

There are MANY things you should know. Sadly, you know none of them. I don't even pretend to know everything. I simply DO know more about this material than a simpleton hack like you is capable of ever learning.

People like you DO hire people like me to try to educate you on all the important things you couldn't possibly fathom. But since you are ineducable, the best we can do for an assclown like you is to try to protect you from the tragic consequences of your own abysmal ignorance.

He wont be after this is over. The retard is going to kill his families inheritance if someone doesnt stop him.

He doesn't care and neither should you. It's his money, his life, and it's his TEAM.

Sterling's comments notwithstanding, the NBA is the real "retard" here. They shot their wad in 7 will never hold up in court. They have to prove damages. How will they do that?

They don't have to prove damages. Did Sterling violate the NBA Constitution & Bylaws? If so, they can do exactly what they are doing.

I saw the argument and the constitution in question. It is highly unlikely he violated it.
I am indeed right. You don't know much about ANYTHING. And no. It doesn't seem like you have more knowledge than anybody. In fact, it is clear that you don't know shit.

HELL, you're neck and neck with tderpm in that department.

I am not angry in the slightest. So don't fret, Assclap. I enjoy mocking your desperately ignorant posts. :lol::lol:

One thing you should learn. Smart people hire professionals. You cant know everything and you would be stupid for trying to. I cant expect a worker bee such as yourself to understand things above your pay grade. You may have me beat when it comes to selling fries at Mcdonalds but thats not saying much. I pay people like you to take care of the stuff I dont know.

There are MANY things you should know. Sadly, you know none of them. I don't even pretend to know everything. I simply DO know more about this material than a simpleton hack like you is capable of ever learning.

People like you DO hire people like me to try to educate you on all the important things you couldn't possibly fathom. But since you are ineducable, the best we can do for an assclown like you is to try to protect you from the tragic consequences of your own abysmal ignorance.


I already told you capitalizing your words only tells me how stressed you are. Thats what is called a tell. From your opinions on this issue its clear you dont know anything about this. You sound like you dropped out of law school after the first week. When I said I hire people like you, I literally meant to get me some fries at Mcdonalds. You obviously dont know much about this type of high finance legal stuff. To date I have not seen you post anything that would convince me you know more than my pet dog.
If wins then I would hope that no fans show up to watch his team. Perhaps the players would refuse to play for him. That would serve him right. Everything he said was totally wrong and frankly that he would actually believe any of what he said is warped. Perhaps the fans and players will have the last say. That would be great.
If wins then I would hope that no fans show up to watch his team. Perhaps the players would refuse to play for him. That would serve him right. Everything he said was totally wrong and frankly that he would actually believe any of what he said is warped. Perhaps the fans and players will have the last say. That would be great.

Someone theorized this would be settled--I agree.

It boggles my mind--bad enough with what was released originally and then he gave an interview with Anderson Cooper---his responses were all over the place.

I hope he is atypical of other owners.
If wins then I would hope that no fans show up to watch his team. Perhaps the players would refuse to play for him. That would serve him right. Everything he said was totally wrong and frankly that he would actually believe any of what he said is warped. Perhaps the fans and players will have the last say. That would be great.

Somehow I don't think much of your welfare check went to buy NBA tickets at all.....ever.
Lol! I find it quite amusing to see people treating your opinion like it's nothing. You and I don't agree on much...but you're being the reasonable one here. Don't let um see you sweat brother!
One thing you should learn. Smart people hire professionals. You cant know everything and you would be stupid for trying to. I cant expect a worker bee such as yourself to understand things above your pay grade. You may have me beat when it comes to selling fries at Mcdonalds but thats not saying much. I pay people like you to take care of the stuff I dont know.

There are MANY things you should know. Sadly, you know none of them. I don't even pretend to know everything. I simply DO know more about this material than a simpleton hack like you is capable of ever learning.

People like you DO hire people like me to try to educate you on all the important things you couldn't possibly fathom. But since you are ineducable, the best we can do for an assclown like you is to try to protect you from the tragic consequences of your own abysmal ignorance.


I already told you capitalizing your words only tells me how stressed you are. Thats what is called a tell. From your opinions on this issue its clear you dont know anything about this. You sound like you dropped out of law school after the first week. When I said I hire people like you, I literally meant to get me some fries at Mcdonalds. You obviously dont know much about this type of high finance legal stuff. To date I have not seen you post anything that would convince me you know more than my pet dog.
This guy has 2 things going for him....
Well maybe three...

He has a bucketful of money.
He will have access to the best attorneys that the bucketful of money can pay for.
And he doesn't seem to give a shit about how people feel about him...
Every dime Sterling spends is his. Every dime the NBA spends belongs to other owners and partners.
Never underestimate the power of crazy and the ability of a feeling of persecution to motivate. He has enough money to survive and he can make it hurt the league far more than the league can hurt him.

If he does, it will get ugly

He will have to give tickets away. He will not have a TV deal Players will start to boycott the team. Right now, players support the NBA because they banned Sterling. If he is still associated with the team next year, I would expect an NBA wide boycott with players refusing to take the court

That could be one possible scenario.

The longer Sterling waits, the less his team will be worth
If he does, it will get ugly

He will have to give tickets away. He will not have a TV deal Players will start to boycott the team. Right now, players support the NBA because they banned Sterling. If he is still associated with the team next year, I would expect an NBA wide boycott with players refusing to take the court

That could be one possible scenario.

The longer Sterling waits, the less his team will be worth

Especially if they keep losing.

Sterling has so much money he can afford to watch the house burn down and laugh about it.
Every dime Sterling spends is his. Every dime the NBA spends belongs to other owners and partners.

Straight from CNN--he is said to own more property in CA than anyone else and has never sold anything. Profits from the Clippers finance his real estate business.

They also said he would probably 'dig up' things on other owners. The example given was ' a cheerleader for ? Chicago said she heard the owner call a player N word'---that sounds feeble--probably a tape of that somewhere?

I guess he will revel in the fight. And if he wants a 'friend'--that can be arranged also.

What a life.
Revel in the fight! This is more excitement than he's had in 30 years. He's loving it. A good scrap will prolong his life.
He wont be after this is over. The retard is going to kill his families inheritance if someone doesnt stop him.

He doesn't care and neither should you. It's his money, his life, and it's his TEAM.

Sterling's comments notwithstanding, the NBA is the real "retard" here. They shot their wad in 7 will never hold up in court. They have to prove damages. How will they do that?

They don't have to prove damages. Did Sterling violate the NBA Constitution & Bylaws? If so, they can do exactly what they are doing.

yup this is all that matters, and then sterling can sue the EX for damages from her taping him.

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