Sterling refuses to pay fine, plans to sue NBA

I don't understand why this guy is being treated so badly. I don't agree with his actions but this seems like massive PC overkill.
Revel in the fight! This is more excitement than he's had in 30 years. He's loving it. A good scrap will prolong his life.

I agree.

Racism--hope we can all 'grow up' someday.

What Paula Deen said was 'dumb'/petty---this style of racism goes much deeper.

I don't think I will ever understand his remarks about Magic Johnson---or really anything else he says.
Does it make sense and is it lawful to fine someone (government officials collect the fine at the point of a gun) for a socially offensive statement recorded in a private conversation? If it is we are all damned to an Orwellian society.
He paid 12 million for the team. I can guarantee he'll recoup his investment.....:lol:

Money. He won't be able to take it with him.

Legalities--that is one thing.

He didn't 'develop' as a human. I would be very clear if I talked to a child about this.
He's an old Jew. That's the way people from his generation talk. You folks just overreact to stuff. The dude was obviously pining for the hawt black girl and didn't want a posse of thugs coming over to do some ghetto shit on her. This is MSM/tabloid level nonsense that does nothing except divide the masses even further.
Does it make sense and is it lawful to fine someone (government officials collect the fine at the point of a gun) for a socially offensive statement recorded in a private conversation? If it is we are all damned to an Orwellian society.

What is said in your own home used to be your own business----if Clinton ( any of them ) would have said it you can be certain that it would be ignored as " private " .
He's an old Jew. That's the way people from his generation talk. You folks just overreact to stuff. The dude was obviously pining for the hawt black girl and didn't want a posse of thugs coming over to do some ghetto shit on her. This is MSM/tabloid level nonsense that does nothing except divide the masses even further.

he has been around for 8 decades---seems to have the maturity of a 12 year old boy.

shrug--in the eye of the beholder.

Take it to court--he is said to have a strong anti-trust case--maybe he will 'win'. He will still be a loser.
He's an old Jew. That's the way people from his generation talk. You folks just overreact to stuff. The dude was obviously pining for the hawt black girl and didn't want a posse of thugs coming over to do some ghetto shit on her. This is MSM/tabloid level nonsense that does nothing except divide the masses even further.

he has been around for 8 decades---seems to have the maturity of a 12 year old boy.

shrug--in the eye of the beholder.

Take it to court--he is said to have a strong anti-trust case--maybe he will 'win'. He will still be a loser.

then he definitely should not have any privacy in his own home---he's too old and immature to deserve privacy.
This crap is only important because it keeps the sheep's eyes from looking at other things like WWIII for example. This is some really unimportant shit.
He's an old Jew. That's the way people from his generation talk. You folks just overreact to stuff. The dude was obviously pining for the hawt black girl and didn't want a posse of thugs coming over to do some ghetto shit on her. This is MSM/tabloid level nonsense that does nothing except divide the masses even further.

he has been around for 8 decades---seems to have the maturity of a 12 year old boy.

shrug--in the eye of the beholder.

Take it to court--he is said to have a strong anti-trust case--maybe he will 'win'. He will still be a loser.

then he definitely should not have any privacy in his own home---he's too old and immature to deserve privacy.

I have no response to that.

When I think of 'extreme Left'--He would be a perfect example---no compunctions or concerns about morality---which you cannot legislate?

Have you heard the part where he describes how he was 'set up'?

She was 'Delilah'--he was powerless--swept away? Absolutely sickening.

on the other hand--I assume the extreme right would support him--strange as that may seem. Protect his business interests.

No sympathy from me.
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This crap is only important because it keeps the sheep's eyes from looking at other things like WWIII for example. This is some really unimportant shit.


Meanwhile---so many veteran's cannot get healthcare. Good, decent men and women.

and this pitiful example of a human needed his ego gratified. No excuse to waste further time on him.
This is like witch hunting... It's extremely pitiful that in 2014... The human race has yet still to grasp the concept of "sticks & stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me". We've forgotten it completely.

America has turned into a bunch of pussies.

If I had made a federal case out of every time some moron called me a ****** or porch monkey.... I'd be president instead of Obama.
This is like witch hunting... It's extremely pitiful that in 2014... The human race has yet still to grasp the concept of "sticks & stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me". We've forgotten it completely.

America has turned into a bunch of pussies.

If I had made a federal case out of every time some moron called me a ****** or porch monkey.... I'd be president instead of Obama.

From the beginning--I thought his tirade was mainly jealousy and bruised ego. He did 'use racism'. And here we are. I suppose we will never 'be told'--but I would wager his wonderful woman is just as shallow as he is--playing some sort of power game? I don't know.

Beyond that--if it matters--for years he discriminated against others in all kinds of vile ways.

He might as well just have said--'I feel impotent'. jmo. So he can revive himself---litigate. Get some satisfaction. Tired of having to hear about the sexual frustration of others.
Where are all the psychiatrists and mental health experts this time?

Avoiding potential lawsuits?

All sorts of angles to this fascinating case have been discussed---except for what I perceive to be the 'truth'.

2 'empty' people used each other and became vindictive.

Maybe they can appear on the Jerry Springer show.
Well except he never violated the bylaws or Constitution of the NBA.


I wouldn't understand 'his world'. The only common denominator seems to be 'if you do what you should not--you will hear what you would not'. Some kind of morality--whether it can be legislated or not.
I'd wager a king's ransom that all the Sterling apologists here don't watch basketball or follow the NBA in any way, shape or form.

Standing up for the right to privacy, and defending victims of blackmail, and not allowing thieves to steal property, is nothing to apologize for.

I don't like racism from anyone. Seeing a bunch of black people gang up on a white person is just as offensive.

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