Sterling refuses to pay fine, plans to sue NBA

But he did. He put the NBA in a bad light by being caught on tape as a racist. That violates the bylaws. it doesnt say he has to make a notarized confession. He messed up in a couple of ways.

He signed a franchise contract with the NBA.
He got caught on tape being a racist.
He admitted it was him on the tape.
He gave an interview that made him look worse.
He violated the bylaws again by not paying the fine.
He has a history of discrimination against Blacks and Mexicans.

Not looking too good for Mr Retard Racist Sterling.

How much money has Mr BILLIONAIRE Retard Racist Sterling given to the NAACP?

I dont know. What does that have to do with it?

How many other billionaires are you aware of that are retards? Just curious.
How much money has Mr BILLIONAIRE Retard Racist Sterling given to the NAACP?

I dont know. What does that have to do with it?

How many other billionaires are you aware of that are retards? Just curious.

Just this one so far.

“What do you think? They are all going to walk off the team? Can any of us just stop working? We all have to work we all have to earn a living we all have bills,” Sterling said. “We may work for an employer we don’t love. I contend that they love me.”

Cooper pressed and asked Sterling again if he believes his players love him.

“Absolutely,” he said. ” They know I’m not a racist.

Pretty sure he is retarded. :lol:
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You want to get rid of Sterling? Let the NBA step back, tell him he is free to do what he wants as an owner. You let advertisers pull their advertising, you let him try to sign free agents and coaches that will go else where. Fans won't show up. His team will start to devalue and in a year a $750 million team will drop to $300 million and Sterling will keep losing money and will then voluntarily sell the team. No legal issues, no fines, no drama, just plain economics and a cheap bastard owner.
You want to get rid of Sterling? Let the NBA step back, tell him he is free to do what he wants as an owner. You let advertisers pull their advertising, you let him try to sign free agents and coaches that will go else where. Fans won't show up. His team will start to devalue and in a year a $750 million team will drop to $300 million and Sterling will keep losing money and will then voluntarily sell the team. No legal issues, no fines, no drama, just plain economics and a cheap bastard owner.

It could happen that way.

But it also could happen that, in a show of disgust with political correctness people and advertisers who really could give a rat's ass about basketball might START buying.
Assclapius is talking out of his ass cheeks again.

It is far from surprising that a guy like Sterling would "own" the team via the mechanism of a trust.

That doesn't change a fucking thing in the dispute between Sterling and the NBA over the ban, the fine and the directive to sell the team.

It is actually fairly straightforward.

Until and unless the NBA can point to the appropriate provision(s) in its own NBA Constitution and by-laws and regulations and contracts, for both the AUTHORITY to do what it seeks to do and for the GROUNDS which would justify that action, then they are in trouble. And as I have noted before, the NBA Constitution and by-laws do NOT appear to give the NBA (the owners and the Commissioner) valid authority to do what they have purported to do.

IF they have no valid ground and/or they failed to follow necessary procedures, then their ruling cannot be hidden behind the clause that says a team owner cannot take the issue to court. That would work only if they had followed the proper procedure and relied on a valid ground in the Constitution and by-laws, regulations or contracts.

So, guess what? It looks a LOT like Sterling CAN take this matter to Court. And with no valid basis for the Commissioner's edict, that "ruling" is unlikely to stand up.

This is why the matter SHOULD get resolved OUT of Court. For that to happen, the NBA is most certainly going to have a lot of yielding to do. Forget the "fine." Fuck the lifetime "ban." And possibly even forget the forced "sale." They are gonna have to give Sterling another way out that is much more satisfactory to him and his property interests.

Sterling may be a racist pig, but he still has rights. Welcome to America, Assclapius.

You're conveniently ignoring the fact that the other owners hold the nuclear option.

They can vote to contract the league by one team. Simple as that. And if they do, his billion dollar franchise isn't worth jack shit.

Sure they can.....:cuckoo:


Did you learn how to google yet you stupid ****? :lol:
Really what can they do to him if he refuses to pay?


they can cancel all games the Clippers are scheduled to play and declare forfeits.

They can withhold the Clipper's share of broadcast revenues.

There's actually a LOT that they can do to him.

The NBA will not cancel games, that hurts other teams as well and it hurts the players and the players union would jump in.

The can withhold the national broadcast revenue, however they are in a large market with their own broadcast revenue.

The courts are where this has to go the way it is presently set up. The NFL had to deal with Al Davis and they spent millions in court fees and litigation.

I think other tactics would work than this long drawn out affair that is just starting.

sigh--more tabloid fodder--CNN segment with Donald Sterling's pimp--who felt he needed to record the conversation, too. sickening. I saw parts of it the other night--nothing and why did CNN stoop to this?

This society is going to regret such decisions.

I just don't care---I have lived too long. The judging of others--whenever I have a chance--I try to opt out.

Little missy, V. Stiviano needs some sort of help. If she has been living 'off the kindness of others' ? her entire life---wonder how things are going now. There was a mention that she had contacted book publishers. Guess she thinks people would be lining up to buy 'her story'. I doubt that.
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I dont know. What does that have to do with it?

How many other billionaires are you aware of that are retards? Just curious.

Just this one so far.

“What do you think? They are all going to walk off the team? Can any of us just stop working? We all have to work we all have to earn a living we all have bills,” Sterling said. “We may work for an employer we don’t love. I contend that they love me.”

Cooper pressed and asked Sterling again if he believes his players love him.

“Absolutely,” he said. ” They know I’m not a racist.

Pretty sure he is retarded. :lol:

The word 'retarded' to denigrate someone is only used by ignorant jerks.
How many other billionaires are you aware of that are retards? Just curious.

Just this one so far.

“What do you think? They are all going to walk off the team? Can any of us just stop working? We all have to work we all have to earn a living we all have bills,” Sterling said. “We may work for an employer we don’t love. I contend that they love me.”

Cooper pressed and asked Sterling again if he believes his players love him.

“Absolutely,” he said. ” They know I’m not a racist.

Pretty sure he is retarded. :lol:

The word 'retarded' to denigrate someone is only used by ignorant jerks.

Thats if you dont understand the context its being used in. That would make you ignorant and uneducated to call someone an ignorant jerk when you dont know the meaning.

less advanced in mental, physical, or social development than is usual for one's age.
very foolish or stupid.
"in retrospect, it was a totally retarded idea"

In this case Sterling fits both of the above definitions while you for sure fit the last one. BTW what did Sterling donations have to do with the subject?
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Article 35A
(c) Any person who gives, makes, issues, authorizes or endorses any statement having, or designed to have, an effect prejudicial or detrimental to the best interests of basketball or of the Association or of a Member or its Team, shall be liable to a fine not exceeding $1,000,000 to be imposed by the Commissioner.

(d) The Commissioner shall have the power to suspend for a definite or indefinite period, or to impose a fine not exceeding $1,000,000, or inflict both such suspension and fine upon any person who, in his opinion, shall have been guilty of conduct prejudicial or detrimental to the Association.

c) covers speech

d) covers action

:eusa_clap: rich old racist dude going to have fun in court :eusa_clap:
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Or maybe not enough to get his racism overlooked.

That sounds like an admission that the NAACP's silence can be bought.

The fact that he was getting an award from them after its been known he was a racist sounds like he has been paying hush money for the longest.

You never explained what his donations had to do with it. Was that a weak deflection?

According to you, all he had to do to get another award is pony up a larger donation.

Sounds like the NAACP not calling a white man a racist for money is a shakedown.
That sounds like an admission that the NAACP's silence can be bought.

The fact that he was getting an award from them after its been known he was a racist sounds like he has been paying hush money for the longest.

You never explained what his donations had to do with it. Was that a weak deflection?

According to you, all he had to do to get another award is pony up a larger donation.

Sounds like the NAACP not calling a white man a racist for money is a shakedown.

You should be able to quote where I said that.

I could very well be a shakedown. What do you plan to do about it?
So the white billionaire goes into the office of the Blackest of the Civil Rights Fronts.

He asks to see the head ******.

The receptionist gently chides him about using an obsolete pejorative.

He says he needs to see the head ******.

The receptionist, well spoken, well dressed, thoroughly professional again urges he speak in more politically correct terms.

He demands to see the head ******.

The receptionist is starting to lose her cool but keeps it together and tries once more.

The white billionaire is getting impatient.

"I want to see the head ****** and I want to see him now or I'll donate the million dollars to the zoo instead."

Receptionist: "Oooohhhh look, here come de black bastard now!"

Remember, libs, you set the bar for the use of pejorative and otherwise objectionable terms.
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Just this one so far.

Pretty sure he is retarded. :lol:

The word 'retarded' to denigrate someone is only used by ignorant jerks.

Thats if you dont understand the context its being used in. That would make you ignorant and uneducated to call someone an ignorant jerk when you dont know the meaning.

less advanced in mental, physical, or social development than is usual for one's age.
very foolish or stupid.
"in retrospect, it was a totally retarded idea"

In this case Sterling fits both of the above definitions while you for sure fit the last one. BTW what did Sterling donations have to do with the subject?

re·tard·ed adjective, \ri-ˈtär-dəd\
: slow or limited in intellectual or emotional development or academic progress.

Last question. How did this retarded person become a billionaire?
The fact that he was getting an award from them after its been known he was a racist sounds like he has been paying hush money for the longest.

You never explained what his donations had to do with it. Was that a weak deflection?

According to you, all he had to do to get another award is pony up a larger donation.

Sounds like the NAACP not calling a white man a racist for money is a shakedown.

You should be able to quote where I said that.

I could very well be a shakedown. What do you plan to do about it?

OK. The fact that he was getting an award from them after its been known he was a racist sounds like he has been paying hush money for the longest.

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