Sterling refuses to pay fine, plans to sue NBA

Imagine for a moment that this guy loses in a court of law and has to pay the fine, is banned from games and is forced to sell the team.

What does this do to the rest of the country?

If he loses in court and is forced to do anything, then there is no more law to protect you and me from anyone. I could put up a Christmas Tree in my house that can be seen from the road. A Muslim or Jew or atheist or anyone will walk or drive by and sue me for offending them.

Remember the Salem Witch Trials? People accused their neighbors of being witches, the accused would be arrested and all property taken from them. Then the accuser would buy the land dirt cheap. People were settling old scores and stealing land just by accusing someone of being a witch.

Of course, that was a long time ago and there is no way that could happen now, right?
Imagine for a moment that this guy loses in a court of law and has to pay the fine, is banned from games and is forced to sell the team.

What does this do to the rest of the country?

If he loses in court and is forced to do anything, then there is no more law to protect you and me from anyone. I could put up a Christmas Tree in my house that can be seen from the road. A Muslim or Jew or atheist or anyone will walk or drive by and sue me for offending them.

Remember the Salem Witch Trials? People accused their neighbors of being witches, the accused would be arrested and all property taken from them. Then the accuser would buy the land dirt cheap. People were settling old scores and stealing land just by accusing someone of being a witch.

Of course, that was a long time ago and there is no way that could happen now, right?

Calm down. Someone can sue you for no reason whatsoever anyway. They call it a frivolous lawsuit. No one is suing Sterling. They are ripping up his contract to be franchise owner with the NBA because he is hurting their brand. He signed a contract not to do this and now must deal with the consequences of his actions. In other words he has to take personal responsibility for being a racist.
Imagine for a moment that this guy loses in a court of law and has to pay the fine, is banned from games and is forced to sell the team.

What does this do to the rest of the country?

If he loses in court and is forced to do anything, then there is no more law to protect you and me from anyone. I could put up a Christmas Tree in my house that can be seen from the road. A Muslim or Jew or atheist or anyone will walk or drive by and sue me for offending them.

Remember the Salem Witch Trials? People accused their neighbors of being witches, the accused would be arrested and all property taken from them. Then the accuser would buy the land dirt cheap. People were settling old scores and stealing land just by accusing someone of being a witch.

Of course, that was a long time ago and there is no way that could happen now, right?

Calm down. Someone can sue you for no reason whatsoever anyway. They call it a frivolous lawsuit. No one is suing Sterling. They are ripping up his contract to be franchise owner with the NBA because he is hurting their brand. He signed a contract not to do this and now must deal with the consequences of his actions. In other words he has to take personal responsibility for being a racist.
Hurting the brand of a league whose players are thugs and rapists?! Hell, half of them would be dealing drugs or incarcerated if they couldn't play basketball.:cuckoo:
Imagine for a moment that this guy loses in a court of law and has to pay the fine, is banned from games and is forced to sell the team.

What does this do to the rest of the country?

If he loses in court and is forced to do anything, then there is no more law to protect you and me from anyone. I could put up a Christmas Tree in my house that can be seen from the road. A Muslim or Jew or atheist or anyone will walk or drive by and sue me for offending them.

Remember the Salem Witch Trials? People accused their neighbors of being witches, the accused would be arrested and all property taken from them. Then the accuser would buy the land dirt cheap. People were settling old scores and stealing land just by accusing someone of being a witch.

Of course, that was a long time ago and there is no way that could happen now, right?

Ah, the "slippery slope" argument.

Sorry, don't buy it.

Sterling runs a business where his professional talent was mostly African-American and most of his customer base is as well. HIs behavior on this tape, regardless of how it was obtained, destroys his ability to function within that industry.
Imagine for a moment that this guy loses in a court of law and has to pay the fine, is banned from games and is forced to sell the team.

What does this do to the rest of the country?

If he loses in court and is forced to do anything, then there is no more law to protect you and me from anyone. I could put up a Christmas Tree in my house that can be seen from the road. A Muslim or Jew or atheist or anyone will walk or drive by and sue me for offending them.

Remember the Salem Witch Trials? People accused their neighbors of being witches, the accused would be arrested and all property taken from them. Then the accuser would buy the land dirt cheap. People were settling old scores and stealing land just by accusing someone of being a witch.

Of course, that was a long time ago and there is no way that could happen now, right?

Ah, the "slippery slope" argument.

Sorry, don't buy it.

Sterling runs a business where his professional talent was mostly African-American and most of his customer base is as well. HIs behavior on this tape, regardless of how it was obtained, destroys his ability to function within that industry.

Crowds at NBA games are incredibly white.
Imagine for a moment that this guy loses in a court of law and has to pay the fine, is banned from games and is forced to sell the team.

What does this do to the rest of the country?

If he loses in court and is forced to do anything, then there is no more law to protect you and me from anyone. I could put up a Christmas Tree in my house that can be seen from the road. A Muslim or Jew or atheist or anyone will walk or drive by and sue me for offending them.

Remember the Salem Witch Trials? People accused their neighbors of being witches, the accused would be arrested and all property taken from them. Then the accuser would buy the land dirt cheap. People were settling old scores and stealing land just by accusing someone of being a witch.

Of course, that was a long time ago and there is no way that could happen now, right?

Calm down. Someone can sue you for no reason whatsoever anyway. They call it a frivolous lawsuit. No one is suing Sterling. They are ripping up his contract to be franchise owner with the NBA because he is hurting their brand. He signed a contract not to do this and now must deal with the consequences of his actions. In other words he has to take personal responsibility for being a racist.
Hurting the brand of a league whose players are thugs and rapists?! Hell, half of them would be dealing drugs or incarcerated if they couldn't play basketball.:cuckoo:

Yes. He hurt the brand image. Can you prove that half of them would be dealing drugs or incarcerated or is that just what the local KKK chapter has told you to say?
Imagine for a moment that this guy loses in a court of law and has to pay the fine, is banned from games and is forced to sell the team.

What does this do to the rest of the country?

If he loses in court and is forced to do anything, then there is no more law to protect you and me from anyone. I could put up a Christmas Tree in my house that can be seen from the road. A Muslim or Jew or atheist or anyone will walk or drive by and sue me for offending them.

Remember the Salem Witch Trials? People accused their neighbors of being witches, the accused would be arrested and all property taken from them. Then the accuser would buy the land dirt cheap. People were settling old scores and stealing land just by accusing someone of being a witch.

Of course, that was a long time ago and there is no way that could happen now, right?

Ah, the "slippery slope" argument.

Sorry, don't buy it.

Sterling runs a business where his professional talent was mostly African-American and most of his customer base is as well. HIs behavior on this tape, regardless of how it was obtained, destroys his ability to function within that industry.

Crowds at NBA games are incredibly white.

They wont be any more crowds if all the players were white.
Calm down. Someone can sue you for no reason whatsoever anyway. They call it a frivolous lawsuit. No one is suing Sterling. They are ripping up his contract to be franchise owner with the NBA because he is hurting their brand. He signed a contract not to do this and now must deal with the consequences of his actions. In other words he has to take personal responsibility for being a racist.
Hurting the brand of a league whose players are thugs and rapists?! Hell, half of them would be dealing drugs or incarcerated if they couldn't play basketball.:cuckoo:

Yes. He hurt the brand image. Can you prove that half of them would be dealing drugs or incarcerated or is that just what the local KKK chapter has told you to say?
Sorry, I forgot murdered.
Hurting the brand of a league whose players are thugs and rapists?! Hell, half of them would be dealing drugs or incarcerated if they couldn't play basketball.:cuckoo:

Yes. He hurt the brand image. Can you prove that half of them would be dealing drugs or incarcerated or is that just what the local KKK chapter has told you to say?
Sorry, I forgot murdered.

You must be naive to think that murdering someone is the only way to hurt the NBA's image.
He doesn't care and neither should you. It's his money, his life, and it's his TEAM.

Sterling's comments notwithstanding, the NBA is the real "retard" here. They shot their wad in 7 will never hold up in court. They have to prove damages. How will they do that?

I dont care. i hope he does lose everything in a protracted legal battle. That would be a best case scenario. I'm sure the law firms representing the NBA advised them of the best course of action. You must be silly to think otherwise.

The problem with advising the NBA of the best course of action is that it doesn't mean the lawyers think the NBA has a prayer. They just have to represent them and take their money. Even if those same lawyers told the NBA their chances of winning were poor, they'd still take the case. If the NBA somehow (there's no way they would) invalidated the player's contracts, those players would have enormous cases against the NBA themselves for tortious interference with contract.

The NBA is clearly wrong. They want to punish an owner for an opinion that his girlfriend shouldn't take her black boyfriends to games and post pictures of the event on the internet. That the opinion deserves punishment is a very difficult position to have.

It's a very racist opinion and when you own a team in a league with many African Americans, that's not acceptable. African Americans don't have to sit there and take it. They need players for the league to be successful. Why should they sit there and take the obvious racist abuse? Because you say so? If the players refuse to play, they don't have any revenue being generated.

BTW, did a poster seriously say the NBA should fine people like Al Sharpton? You do know those people don't own an NBA team right?
Imagine for a moment that this guy loses in a court of law and has to pay the fine, is banned from games and is forced to sell the team.

What does this do to the rest of the country?

If he loses in court and is forced to do anything, then there is no more law to protect you and me from anyone. I could put up a Christmas Tree in my house that can be seen from the road. A Muslim or Jew or atheist or anyone will walk or drive by and sue me for offending them.

Remember the Salem Witch Trials? People accused their neighbors of being witches, the accused would be arrested and all property taken from them. Then the accuser would buy the land dirt cheap. People were settling old scores and stealing land just by accusing someone of being a witch.

Of course, that was a long time ago and there is no way that could happen now, right?

Calm down. Someone can sue you for no reason whatsoever anyway. They call it a frivolous lawsuit. No one is suing Sterling. They are ripping up his contract to be franchise owner with the NBA because he is hurting their brand. He signed a contract not to do this and now must deal with the consequences of his actions. In other words he has to take personal responsibility for being a racist.
Hurting the brand of a league whose players are thugs and rapists?! Hell, half of them would be dealing drugs or incarcerated if they couldn't play basketball.:cuckoo:

Yeah that isn't racist whatsoever. :cuckoo:
You have to be lying. Did you really think I couldn't tell? I too have volunteered for special needs children. They dont call them retarded. I save that description for you and others like Sterling

Because of bottom feeders like you, we most assuredly do use the term 'special needs' children instead of 'retarded' to describe them. Note how I emphasized 'retarded' in my initial post.

Dont try to pretend you really knew. You know you were talking about calling special needs kids retarded. If you really knew the correct term, you would not have gotten upset with me using the word retard you retard. :lol:

I don't use the word retarded to insult those I disagree with, you do. End of story.
the NBA is moving forward. citing 'membership' in the organization/responsibilities of--

scheduled to vote on June 3.

after the CNN interviews some owners with reservations about 'the slippery slope' angles said they felt validated in supporting the commissioner.

long, long court battle anticipated.
Because of bottom feeders like you, we most assuredly do use the term 'special needs' children instead of 'retarded' to describe them. Note how I emphasized 'retarded' in my initial post.

Dont try to pretend you really knew. You know you were talking about calling special needs kids retarded. If you really knew the correct term, you would not have gotten upset with me using the word retard you retard. :lol:

I don't use the word retarded to insult those I disagree with, you do. End of story.

I didn't use retarded to insult someone I disagreed with. I used retarded to describe the actions of Sterling and then you when you proved you did accept the definition I posted and continued to play Capt Save a Racist by protecting the retard Sterlings honor. BTW does he pay you to defend him or are you just his flunky?
Calm down. Someone can sue you for no reason whatsoever anyway. They call it a frivolous lawsuit. No one is suing Sterling. They are ripping up his contract to be franchise owner with the NBA because he is hurting their brand. He signed a contract not to do this and now must deal with the consequences of his actions. In other words he has to take personal responsibility for being a racist.
Hurting the brand of a league whose players are thugs and rapists?! Hell, half of them would be dealing drugs or incarcerated if they couldn't play basketball.:cuckoo:

Yeah that isn't racist whatsoever. :cuckoo:
I don't give a rat's ass because by and large it's true.
Dont try to pretend you really knew. You know you were talking about calling special needs kids retarded. If you really knew the correct term, you would not have gotten upset with me using the word retard you retard. :lol:

I don't use the word retarded to insult those I disagree with, you do. End of story.

I didn't use retarded to insult someone I disagreed with. I used retarded to describe the actions of Sterling and then you when you proved you did accept the definition I posted and continued to play Capt Save a Racist by protecting the retard Sterlings honor. BTW does he pay you to defend him or are you just his flunky?

I am not defending anyone dickweed, only pointing out that you disagreed with Sterling and called him retarded. Then you get real lame and holler context and now it was his actions. You lose.
I don't use the word retarded to insult those I disagree with, you do. End of story.

I didn't use retarded to insult someone I disagreed with. I used retarded to describe the actions of Sterling and then you when you proved you did accept the definition I posted and continued to play Capt Save a Racist by protecting the retard Sterlings honor. BTW does he pay you to defend him or are you just his flunky?

I am not defending anyone dickweed, only pointing out that you disagreed with Sterling and called him retarded. Then you get real lame and holler context and now it was his actions. You lose.

I didnt say I disagree with Sterling. I said he was a retarded racist. Are you claiming he is not? I lose what? My team? :lol:

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